FIDAY, Volume 85, Number 81$1.00 MOUNT PROSPECT JUNE 26, 2015 * ECRLOT 0013A**C071 MT PROSPECT PUBLIC LIBRARY 0000086 10 S EMERSON ST STE I MT PROSPECT, IL 60056-3295 JOURNAL 1.11..11..31..4.13..11.,..11,..131.1...1.1..1111 11.1 Bleak Outlook For D57 Finances Hear Five -Year Projections; Referendum Discussion Waits By RICHARD MAYER June 18 with five-year financial Assistant Managing Editor projections showing deficits of over $1 million through The largest elementary2020. school district in Mount Pros- The current fiscal year that pect -- Dist. 57 -- may be forcedends Tuesday, June 30 shows to make some tough financiala $350,016 surplus in the dis- decisions should projectionstrict's day-to-day operating stay on course. fund, but tacks on an additional Representatives from PMA,$1.47 million for capital im- the district's financial consul-provements including parking tant, presented board members (Continued on page 8A) Korvas Keen On Water Committee Chairmanship Prospect Heights Mayorwater committee. Nick Helmer announced the Korvas has been a Prospect Feasting On Pride appointment of Bob Korvas asHeights resident since 1984 The Italian Feast of the SS. Crocifisso procession makes way through Maryville Academy in Des rn the new chairman of the city (Continued on page 8A) Plaines. See more photos on page 5A. (Shawn Clisham/The Journal) Village: Fire Started In Kitchen; Northwest Blue Sox Beat MP 2A >> Sports,page :LB 3 Cats, 2 Turtles Survive >> News,page Bulldogs In Legion Play Page 2A I Friday, June 26, 2015 I The Journal www.journal-topics.com Unattended Cooking Fire Cause ---MP Residents In Building Displaced By RICHARD MAYER the roof. Assistant Managing Editor At the time of the fire, Lam- bel said 18 of the 24 units in Wednesday's apartment firethe building were occupied by on Mount Prospect's south sideresidents and everyone was that claimed a dog and cat wasevacuated safely. Black smoke rises quickly from Forest Cove Apartments in Mount Prospect where fire damaged two units caused by a resident leaving The fire department was Wednesday morning. the kitchen while the stove wasable to save three cats and on, fire investigators said. two turtles. significant damage, Lambel A short time after she left One Mount Prospect policesaid. One other unitsaw ex- the kitchen, the room wasofficer was taken to a nearby tensivewater damage. There engulfed in flames. Accordinghospital to treat smoke inha- wasminor smoke damage to Mount Prospect Deputy Firelation and two residents werethroughout the building. Chief Brian Lambel, crewstreated onscene,but released Due to electricity andgas arrived on scene at 1703-05a short time later. The officerbeing shut off and remaining Forest Cove Dr. south ofis at homerecovering. non-existent for some time to Algonquin Road and west The firewasbrought undercome, all residents from the Busse around 9 a.m. Theycontrol within 20 minutes.building were displaced, but found a second -story unit inCrewscontinued to work forrelocated to other vacant units the 24 -unit building engulfeda couple hours after. in the ForestCovecomplex, in flames extending out the The second -floor unit thataccording to Lambel. balcony and up the side to aendured the fire, along with Damagewasestimated at Firefighter works quickly to open up a hydrant as crews douse fire third -story unit and through the apartment above, sufferedapproximately $500,000. with flames. (Tom Wessell/Journal photos) Do You Have .1I Balance Problem? Tired of being off -balance, dizzy, fear of falling or limited mobility? 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MAUI ""As.JA.ka12011 ellIWAVIZARVI www.journal-topics.corn The Journal I Friday, June 26, 2015 I Page 3A 2 New Elmhurst Ramps Open Next Week Work is scheduled next weektraffic traveling to and from at the Elmhurst Road Inter-northbound Elmhurst and then t Oakton:Street change on the Jane Addams Me-all Elmhurst traffic will be morial Tollway (1-90) to move shifted onto the new southbound traffic traveling to and from thebridge. Hurntiton Roa east onto new ramps and shift Once all Elmhurst Road Elmhurst Road to ES I-90 Elmhurst Road traffic onto thebridge traffic is shifted and two Bridge Construction newly constructed southboundnew traffic signals are activated, bridge over 1-90. ramp traffic traveling to and Electronic message signs and from southbound Elmhurst will directional signs will be put inbe routed to the new ramps. place to alert drivers in advance When the traffic shiftis of the ramp closures and open-completed, there will be two ings and traffic shifts. southbound lanes and one The week of Monday, June 29, northbound lane open to traffic the new ramps on the east side ofon the bridge. Traffic north and the bridge carrying traffic to andsouth of the bridge on Elmhurst from the east will be opened toRoad will have two lanes in each traffic. The existing loop rampsdirection. The Elmhurst Road on the west side of the bridgeInterchange will remain in this will be permanently closed soconfiguration into the fall. Tat! Strew construction can begin to build The work is part of the $54 new ramps to provide access tomillion Elmhurst Road Inter- and from the west. change Project scheduled for Wash tf)93011 Street- At the same time, all trafficcompletion by the end of 2016. will be shifted onto the newThe Illinois Tollway is rebuild- Hoover Street southbound Elmhurst bridge ing the interchange ramps along Madison'Street over 1-90 so construction crewswith the Elmhurst Road Bridge can begin to remove and rebuildto accommodate a new, full - Diverging diamond inter-conventional interchanges, andconfiguration is being coordi- the northbound bridge. access diverging diamond in-changes are designed to elimi-traffic is controlled by signals. nated with the Illinois Dept. Work to shift traffic on theterchange at 1-90 and Elmhurstnate left turns in front of oncom- More than 20,000 vehicles aof Transportation (IDOT) and ramps and bridge will be done Road as part of the $3.4 billioning traffic, smooth traffic flow day travel through the ElmhurstCook County, as well as local during the day. Work will beginElgin O'Hare Western Accessand reduce congestion. RightRoad Interchange. Work on the municipalities and fire and po- by opening the new ramps to(EOWA) Project. turns work the same as they do at new interchange and trafficlice departments. Becauseyou deserve it. SI 2 00 Pe,.punch card cryil tyty fisintA tota., Pick A Star. Sandy Candy, Pick A Peat), Corn Stripping, Chicken To$s. Bow and Aglow, Panning for Gold. Ant Eater, Annual Percentage Yield Pig Puirte, 11 Month CD Dincts,aur Br tt.t aenerai nirdic ntiAventik Ask us how. Rattle. Bronco Riding. fate Painting, L dr ge Petting Zoo Lassos Jaii, Co to bylinebank.com PigROC CS. Wet *ewe the LiveT, Styx. 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We reserve the right to cancel or change the promotion at any time. www.littiebootsrodeo.org Page 4A I Friday, June 26, 2015 I The Journal www.journal-topics.com JOURNALDist. 62's Westerhold Named & Topics Newspapers Head Of State Association 622 Graceland Avenue Des Plaines, Illinois 60016 Phone: 847-299-5511 The superintendent of Destor and leader as a result ofyears and was chosen Illinoisand her Doctor of Education Fax: 847-298-8549 Speak Out: 847-299-1500 Plaines Elementary Schoolmy involvement in the IASA.Superintendent of the YearDegree from Loyola Univer- www.journal-topics.com News email: Dist.
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