OFFICIAL JOURNAL SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 77— BY SENATORS GALLOT AND ADLEY AND REPRESENTATIVES OF THE FANNIN AND JEFFERSON A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION SENATE To recognize the annual Bonnie & Clyde Festival being held on May OF THE 17-18, 2013, in Gibsland, Louisiana, and its historical significance. STATE OF LOUISIANA _______ Reported without amendments. TWENTIETH DAY'S PROCEEDINGS _______ SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 79— BY SENATOR LONG AND REPRESENTATIVES BROWN, COX AND Thirty-Ninth Regular Session of the Legislature HOWARD Under the Adoption of the A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Constitution of 1974 To commend and congratulate Natchitoches Fire Chief Dennie C. _______ Boyt upon his retirement. Senate Chamber State Capitol Reported without amendments. Baton Rouge, Louisiana SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 80— Wednesday, May 15, 2013 BY SENATORS LONG, GALLOT, KOSTELKA AND RISER AND REPRESENTATIVES COX, DIXON, HARRIS, HAZEL, HILL AND HOWARD The Senate was called to order at 4:15 o'clock P.M. by Hon. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION John A. Alario Jr., President of the Senate. To commend and congratulate RoyOMartin on its 90th anniversary. Morning Hour Reported without amendments. CONVENING ROLL CALL SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 83— BY SENATORS GARY SMITH AND BROWN AND REPRESENTATIVES GAINES, MILLER AND WILLMOTT The roll being called, the following members answered to their A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION names: To commend the L'Observateur for earning top honors at the Louisiana Press Association annual convention. PRESENT Reported without amendments. Mr. President Erdey Peacock Allain Guillory Perry SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 84— Amedee Heitmeier Peterson BY SENATOR GARY SMITH AND REPRESENTATIVE MILLER Appel Johns Riser A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Broome Kostelka Smith, G. To commend the St. Charles Herald-Guide for being named Brown LaFleur Thompson Newspaper of the Year in Division 4 by the Louisiana Press Buffington Long Walsworth Association at its annual convention. Chabert Martiny Ward Claitor Mills White Reported without amendments. Cortez Morrish Donahue Murray SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 86— Total - 31 BY SENATOR CROWE ABSENT A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To commend Joshua R. Ashley and Ian Frichter on their participation Adley Gallot Smith, J. in the Ford/AAA Automotive State Competition at Northshore Crowe Morrell Tarver Technical Community College. Dorsey-Colomb Nevers Total - 8 Reported without amendments. The President of the Senate announced there were 31 Senators Respectfully submitted, present and a quorum. ALFRED W. SPEER Clerk of the House of Representatives Prayer Privilege Report of the The prayer was offered by Sister Martha Abshire, following Legislative Bureau which the Senate joined in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. May 15, 2013 Reading of the Journal To the President and Members of the Senate: On motion of Senator Allain, the reading of the Journal was I am directed by your Legislative Bureau to submit the dispensed with and the Journal of May 14, 2013, was adopted. following report: Message from the House The following bills are approved as to construction and duplication. We advise and suggest the following amendments to the CONCURRING IN engrossed resolution and bills. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 2— BY REPRESENTATIVE HARRISON May 15, 2013 A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To suspend until July 1, 2014, the provisions of Chapter 7 of Subtitle To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: II of Title 11 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, comprised of R.S. 11:1399.1 through 1399.7, providing for a I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of Cash Balance Plan in certain state retirement systems. Representatives has finally concurred in the following Senate Concurrent Resolutions: Reported without amendments. 469 Page 2 SENATE 20th DAY'S PROCEEDINGS May 15, 2013 HOUSE BILL NO. 36— Introduction of Senate Resolutions BY REPRESENTATIVE DANAHAY AN ACT SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 110— To amend and reenact R.S. 11:2174.2, relative to the Sheriffs' BY SENATOR GUILLORY Pension and Relief Fund; to provide relative to the transfer of A RESOLUTION service credit into the system; and to provide for related matters. To recognize Thursday, May 16, 2013, as Pro-Life Day at the Louisiana State Capitol and to commend the state's pregnancy Reported without amendments. resource centers, adoption agencies, and maternity homes. HOUSE BILL NO. 37— The resolution was read by title and placed on the Calendar for BY REPRESENTATIVE NANCY LANDRY AN ACT a second reading. To enact R.S. 11:2093(C), relative to the Registrars of Voters Employees' Retirement System; to provide relative to the Introduction of powers and duties of the board relative to system's actuarial Senate Concurrent Resolutions assumptions; and to provide for related matters. Senator Alario asked for and obtained a suspension of the rules Reported without amendments. to read Senate Concurrent Resolutions a first and second time. HOUSE BILL NO. 38— SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 91— BY REPRESENTATIVE GREENE BY SENATOR ALLAIN AN ACT A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To amend and reenact R.S. 11:62(13) and 2132(B), relative to To memorialize the Congress of the United States to prevent employee contributions in the Registrars of Voters Employees' unnecessary and unintended harm to coastal communities, Retirement System; to establish a range for employee individuals, and businesses by immediately amending the contributions; to provide for establishment of a rate within that Biggert-Waters Act and mandating revision of Federal range; and to provide for related matters. Emergency Management Agency flood-risk maps. Reported without amendments. The resolution was read by title and placed on the Calendar for a second reading. HOUSE BILL NO. 39— BY REPRESENTATIVE STUART BISHOP SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 92— AN ACT BY SENATOR GUILLORY To amend and reenact R.S. 11:1421 and 1422(B) and to enact R.S. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 11:1422(C), relative to the Louisiana Assessors' Retirement To commend the Westminster Christian Academy Crusaders for Life Fund; to provide relative to retirement eligibility and benefits on being the first student-led, pro-life group on campus. for new members; and to provide for related matters. The resolution was read by title and placed on the Calendar for Reported with amendments. a second reading. LEGISLATIVE BUREAU AMENDMENTS SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 93— BY SENATOR ALARIO AND REPRESENTATIVES KLECKLEY AND LEGER Amendments proposed by Legislative Bureau to Engrossed House A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Bill No. 39 by Representative Stuart Bishop To commend and congratulate Rachel Elizabeth Schultz on her reign AMENDMENT NO. 1 as the seventy-sixth Greater New Orleans Floral Trail Queen for On page 2, line 4, following "in" and before "benefits" insert "the" 2012-2013. HOUSE BILL NO. 274— The concurrent resolution was read by title. Senator Alario BY REPRESENTATIVE TALBOT moved to adopt the Senate Concurrent Resolution. AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 47:2132(A), relative to ad valorem ROLL CALL property tax; to provide with respect to refunds of taxes erroneously paid; to provide for the time period in which a The roll was called with the following result: homestead exemption may be claimed under certain circumstances; and to provide for related matters. YEAS Reported without amendments. Mr. President Erdey Murray Adley Gallot Nevers Respectfully submitted, Allain Guillory Peacock DANIEL R. MARTINY Amedee Heitmeier Perry Chairman Appel Johns Peterson Broome Kostelka Riser Adoption of Legislative Bureau Report Brown LaFleur Smith, G. Buffington Long Tarver On motion of Senator Martiny, the Legislative Bureau Chabert Martiny Thompson amendments were adopted and the Bills and Concurrent Resolutions Claitor Mills Walsworth were read by title and passed to a third reading. Cortez Morrell Ward Donahue Morrish White Total - 36 NAYS Total - 0 470 20th DAY'S PROCEEDINGS Page 3 SENATE May 15, 2013 ABSENT Allain Guillory Perry Amedee Heitmeier Peterson Crowe Dorsey-Colomb Smith, J. Appel Johns Riser Total - 3 Broome Kostelka Smith, G. Brown LaFleur Tarver The Chair declared the Senate adopted the Senate Concurrent Buffington Long Thompson Resolution and ordered it sent to the House. Chabert Martiny Walsworth Claitor Mills Ward Senate Resolutions on Cortez Morrell White Donahue Morrish Second Reading Dorsey-Colomb Murray SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 107— Total - 37 BY SENATOR BROOME NAYS A RESOLUTION To commend the LSU gymnastics team and their coaches on its Total - 0 outstanding 2013 season and for making it to the Super Six ABSENT competition for the third time in the last six years. Crowe Smith, J. On motion of Senator Broome the resolution was read by title Total - 2 and adopted. The Chair declared the Senate adopted the Senate Concurrent SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 108— Resolution and ordered it sent to the House. BY SENATOR BROOME A RESOLUTION SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 90— To commend Rheagan Courville, Llomincia Hall, and Jessica Savona BY SENATOR WHITE of the LSU gymnastics team for their outstanding A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION accomplishments during the 2013 season. To commend the St. Thomas Aquinas Regional Catholic High School boys basketball team upon being the Louisiana High On motion of Senator Broome the resolution was read by title School Athletic Association Class 2A State Runner-up. and adopted. The concurrent resolution was read by title. Senator White SENATE RESOLUTION
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