JAN UARY, rgo6. VoL. 3, 1 o. 28. Registered at the G.P.O., Perth, for transmission by Post as a Newspaper. Price, 3d. \;9 0 ~ r~ (/) :c 10 :E · :-Indian Game Hen.--.. Property of • . SCOTTISH-AMERICAN POULTRY CO. 2 THE AUSTRALIAN POULTRY KEEPER. January, rgo6. TN~ MAN AND NIS M~TNODS Has more to do with the Poultry Business than everything else put to­ gether. Mr. John Robertson, being a practical Poultry man, of great ex­ perience, ensures your getting better value for your money. He exercises great care in the selection of Stock. Here is what some of his a~ecent customers say: Sons of GwaJia, 20th J nne, Kalgoorlie, 2oth August, 1905. The 1905. Mr. Robertson. Scottish American John Robertson, Esq. Dear Sir Dear Sir, ' I received the birds all-right and Poultry Co. I received the bird all-right, and two of them have laid since their arrival. it is a nice one, very pleased with it. Yom'S, I like them very much.- Yours faithfully, Have FOR SALE the following lines etc.,-E.J.P. ++ A.D. of high-class Stock at Bargain ++ Prices, to make room for young Kanowna, 26th June, 1905. birds:- Dear Sir, Boulder, 22nd August, 1905. £ s. I have received Brown Leghorn Mr. Robertson. Pen Golden Wyandottes, three Cockerel safely, and am very much pleased Dear Sir, pullets and cockerel with him. Yours, J.S. I received birds in safe condition 3 3 and am very well pleased with same. They , \iVhite Leghorns two pul­ ++ were looking well when they arrived here thanks to your careful management. Again lets and cockerel 5 5 Waeel, 1st July, 1905. thanking you.-I remain, yom·s, etc., R.T. J. Robertson, Esq., , Minorcas two pullets and Dear Sir, cockerel The birds arrived safely I am ++ 5 5 very much pleased with them, in fact the , Ditto 2 2 " people around here, since seeing them, are Leonora, 31st .A:ugust, 1905. all talking of going in for Wyandottes. A resident wants to know what you can do J. Robertson, Esq. , White \iVyandottes two a M. Cockerel for. Thanking you for the Dear Sir, pullets and cock 2 2 trouble. I will recommend you to anyone The birds arrived all-right, and who wants any fowls.- Yom·s, etc., T.G. the least I can say is that I am well satis­ fied 'vith them, and intend to do any fmther , Silver \tVyandottes three ++ business I may have in this line with you. pullets and cockerel 4 4 I am, Sir, yom·s, etc., G.S. Kookynie, 17th July, 1905. , Brown Leghorns two pul­ lets and cockerel 2 2 I received the Wyandottes all right, ++ and I must thank you for sending such good , Partridge Wyandottes 2 10 birds. I enclose £-in this letter· for two Laverton, 2nd September, 1905. more Silver pullets. I had a lot of visitors yesterday to see them, and everyone was John Robertson, Esq. , Langshans (four birds) 2 IO pleased.- Yom·s, etc., S.P. Dear Sir, 'l'he birds arrived safely. They , B uffOrpingtons(fourbirds) 2 10 ++ seem to be a very good lot, especially the cockerel. I hope I shall have good luck, as , Ditto, from Cook & Son, Capel, lOth July, 1905. I am well pleased with them.- Y om·s, etc., J A. England ... 6 6 Mr. J. Robertson, Poultry Expert. ++ Dear Sir , Black Orpingtons, (four 'Glad I have received the Cockerel Doodlakine, Hth Oct., 1905. birds) 6 6 all-right, and am very satisfied with him, as I consider he is a real beauty. I expect Mr. J. Robertson. 2 0 to sell a few sittings this season. \Vishing Dear Sir, Three Jubilee CJrpington Hens you every success.-Y om·s, etc., R.B. I received the Cockerel quite safe and am well pleased with it. It is a , Pekin Ducks 2 10 ++ real good bird.-Yours, etc:, J.O. , Rouen Ducks 2 0 Kookynie, 21st July, 1905. ++ Dear Sir, Pen Indian Runner Ducks, Boulder Block, 29th October, 1905. The Minorca cock arrived safely, Woodward's, Victoria, and I am quite satisfied with him. Thanking Mr. J. Robertson. you for your prompt attention.- Yours, etc., Dear Sir, (four birds) 6 6 J.M. The Cockerel is a splendid bird, ++ n,nd the hens are lovely. I have 20 chicks Pair Indian Runners I 10 by him and sold £4 lOs. worth of eggs. Boulder City, 27th July, 1905. That shows 30s. of profit already, rather , Light Brahmas I 10 Dear Sir, good business I think.-Yours etc., J.A.F. I got the cockerel. He arrived ++ , Buff Orpington Drake, all-right, and am very well pleased 'vith him. from Sydney 2 2 Should I want any more fowls at any time, Burracoppin, 28th Nov., 1905. will send to you, and should I see anyone Pair Large Black Muscovy's wanting poultry, I will recommend them to John Robertson, Esq. you, as I am sure you will give them satis­ Dear Sir, faction. I had Mr. B-down to see him, I had very good luck with set­ All the above are offered at half and when I told him the price, he said I had ting. Got 10 chicks from 12 eggs. I was their cost, and we pay railage to any a good bird cheap. Yom·s, etc., F.C.B. very well satisfied, and the chicks are now very fine large strong birds.- Yours, etc., railway station in \iV.A., and what is ++ W.O.McP. more, we send 0 APPROVAL. ++ The majority of these birds are Brookton Siding, 16th Aug., 1905. I Collie, 4th DecPmber, 1905. prize winners, and the cards will be Mr. John Robertson. M J R b t sent with them. Dear Sir, r . o er son. Full particulars from the Manager, I received the Minorca rooster I Received bird quite safe. He is quite safe, and I am well pleased with him. a fine bird. Anytime I want anything I JoHN RoBERTso,, He is a fine bird.- Yours, etc., G.S. / will let you know.-.-Yours, etc., F .P. Saunders Street, Perth. January, I go6. THE AUSTRALIAN POULTRY KEEPER. 3 The Feeding and Rearing three weeks old, they will by that used up, and that he has no cause at time be sufficiently strong to with­ present to feel hungry. The next day of Chickens. stand a good deal of bad weather. At or the day after will tell a different BY E. CoBB, F.Z.S. the same time, we should a! ways tale. choose nice weather in which to make SECOND AND THIRD DAY's the change, for if they are removed FEEDING. Two FoRMS oF LEG WEAKNEss. from such comfortable quarters direct Vv e by no means ad vocate too free into damp and cold places they will a use of egg and breadcrumbs, and 'vVe, however, account for this undoubtedly suffer considerably. SeL phenomenon in the following way:­ prefer to start the second clay by ect a bright, dry day for the purpose feeding them on the same general Those chickens that are confined on of shifting, and when the weather meals that '~ e recommend for adult boards have always to place their feet appears li kely to continue fine for a in exactly the same position, there is stock-viz., on c: -third each of barley few days anyhow, and by that time meal, middlings, and ground oats, no unevenness of surface to compel the youngsters will have become ac­ the toes to now be pointed slightly the latter prepared in exactly the customed to their new surroundings same way as we advise in our upwards, now downwards, and anon and conditions of living, aud the bet­ in a clinging position. But, mstead, chapters on fattening fowls . It is, ter prepared to withstand any climate however, necessary, as a rule, to sift they are always flat ly spread out on changes that may follow. the hard, smooth surface of the flat the barley meal through a sieve in boards and in this way the muscles CooPED IN THE OPEN. order to extract the husks that are of the iegs are not brought into their Exceptin g, however, during damp often to be found therein. For if p roperacti ve use, and muscular cramp weather, it is infinitely better, as a these are not removed, many cases of is the result, and that when such birds general rule to coop the chickens in crop bound will undoubtedly occur, a re turned out upon the uneven sur­ the open fields, for although the dry as these husks col lect in the crop, and face of the ground, muscles that have ground of the shed referred to is cer­ effectually block the passage to the lona remained dormant for a consider tain] y preferable in rainy seasons, it gizzard, and although one can easily ab l ~ time are then brought into play, is impossible to keep the ground in remove any accumulatiou from the and th e bird recovers its accustomed them as untainted as that which can crop of a grown fowl, it is impossible activity. \Vben, however, a bird gets be found in the fields; and, again to do so from little chickens. Between lea weakness from being reared on when the chicks are reared in the open nine and ten o'clock another feed of d;mp soil , it is a different kind of they not only obtain a large amount these meals may be giYen, and at c ramp altogether; in both cases the of animal life, but the active exercise mid-day a feed of egg again.
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