TRADES DIRECTORY.] BEDFORDSHIRE. FAR 206 R~Jbinson H.Turvey haU,Turvuy,Tietlfrd Smith .Alexander, Stotrold, llaldock Thornton ".Arthur, l\Iorbanger, Sandy Bobinson Tbos. Gt. Hcuford, 1't. l\' et•ts R.S.O. (Herts) Timberlake Matt. Kensworth,Dllnstable Robinson Wallace, The Green, Knot- Smith Gabriel, Eyworth, Sandy Tingey Hy. H. Caldecote, Biggleswade ting, Sham brook S. 0 Smith G.:Melchbourne,Sharnhrook ~.0 Titmas F. Cranfield, Newport Pagnell Jlubinson Wm. Willington, Bedford Smith George, Wilden, BP.dford Titmas F. W. North field, Clophill, "Uobinson W. H. Stevington, Bedford Smith Henry, Dunton, Biggleswade .Ampthill Uuff Geo. Billington, Leighton Buzzrd Smith Jacob, Limbury, Luton Titmas J. Low. Gravenhurst,.Ampthill Bo~rs Wilham Henry, Castle mills, Smith John, Wilden, Bedford Tompkins Frank. Jobs farm, Woburn G·Jldington, Bedford Smith Thomas, 1-Vareing, Duck End, R.S.O GtlOk lioo. Old Warden, Bigglt>swade Stevington, Bedford Tompkins John, Renhold, Bedford Jlook William, Sharpenhoe, .Ampthill Smit.h William, Potton, Sandy Tongue William, Carlton, Bedford R•JS8 Bobert, BletSIJe, Bedford Smith William, Westoning, .Ampthill Topham Ernest, Carlton, Bedford Boss Thomas, Thnrleigh, Bedforrl Smith W.T.Houghton Regis,Dunstabl Topham Geo. H. Tempsford, Sandy R~>use Cecil, Turvey, Bedford Smoyth James, .Astwick, Stntfold Topham Mrs. P. Honeydon, St. Neots Bu..-o FrederiC"k, .Alma farm, Todding­ Smyth Thomas, Edwortb, Baldock Turner Richard, The Lynch, Kens- ton, Dunstable Smyth Thorr..as, Streatlcy, Dnnstable worth, Dunstable {l.1lffell George Henry ,l\Iayfield, Lower Spiers .A.Eggington, Leighton Buzzrd Turner Thomas, Thorn, Dunstable Stondon, Shefford lUl. 0 Spiers J.Olrbitt's hl.Leighton Buzzard Turner Thomas Wells, The Leasowes, R1lffell Henry, Shillington, R it-::hin Spring Mrs. A. Wood End, Westoning, Northill, Biggleswade Ru:!t lsaac, Shillington, Hitchin .Ampthill Turney Amos l\1. Stevington, Bedford Rutland Wm. Goldington, Berlfnrd Squire Herbert Edwd.Crosshall, Eaton Turney C. Heath rd.Leighton Buzzard Sale J.Stotfold,Baldock R.S.O. (Herts) Ford, St. Neots Turn~y William Edward, Husborne Sale John, Great Barford, St. Neots Squiri'll John, Upper Dean, St. Neots Crawley, Bletchley Salisbury Edward, Broad green, Cran- Stambridge Wm. WhipsnadP,Dunstabl Turvey Mrs. F. Totternhoe,Dunstable field, Newport Pagnell Stanbridge Henry & Chas. Ampthill Turvey Jas. 1-Yhipsnade, Dunstable Salsbury W.Little Staughton,St.Ncots Stanbridge .Alfred, Houghton Con- Turvey Joseph, Bidwell, Dunstable Samm Arthul', Caddington, Luton quest, .Ampthill Twelvetree J. Yelden, Higham J<'errers flamm Edward, Caddington, LutfJn Stanbridge Chas. Denel End, Flitwick, Twidell Wm. G. Totternhoe,Dunstable ~amm Lionel, Gaddington, Luton .Ampthill Tye Wm. Podin.gton, Wellingborough Fanders Arth. Wm. Odell, Bedford Stanbridge G. J. Kensworth,Dunstable Tye Wm. G. Podington, Wellingboro' Sanders George Walker, The Grange, Stanbridge ,Tas. Houghton Conquest, Underwood. Harry, SU.tton, Sandy . Shelton, St. Neots .Ampthill Underwood J. Coy, Morbanger,Sandy S:mders :Mrs. Harry, Odell, Bedhrd Stanbridge J. GI"een farm, Tilsworth, Underwood William, Booston, Sandy }landers I. Husborne Crawley ,Blet•.:hly L~ighton Buzzard Upt.<Jn Frederick, Maulden, .Ampt;hill Sanders John, Tempsford, Sandy Sbmhridg£" RIJbt. Houghton Conque~t, Valentine Joseph, "\Vamnack, Todding- ~nnders Jn. T. Chellington, Bedford .Ampthill ton, Dunstable Smnders Christopl:ier, :Marston Mor- Stnnbridge W.B.Kensworth, Dunst.able Vas-s Edward, Pulloxhill, AmpLhill teyne, .Amptbill Stanghon James, Tanner's End, Tod- Vincent E.East end,Flitwick, .Ampthill Saunders Geo. The Poplars, Stotfold, dington, Dunstable Wade-Gery Richd.Bushmead,St.Noot11 Baldock R.S.O. (Herts) Stantun .A. Souldrop, Sharnbrook S.O Wagstaff Thomas, Thurleigh, Bedford S.mnders J. N. Stotfuld lw. Baldock Stanton David, Thurleigh, Bedford Wagstaff William, Thurleigh, Bedford R.S.O. (Herts) Stanton Mrs. Eliza, Brook end, Key~ Waldock David, Riseley, Bedford f:aunders T. Up. Shelton, .Ampthill so~, St. Neots Walker G. TbeGrange,Keysoe,St.Neots 8aunderson John, Cardington, Bedird Stanton Frederick, Channel!! end, Walk~r George, Goldington, Bedford Saunderson J.Lit. Staughton,St.NPuts Culmworth, St. Neot~ Walker L. West end,Stagsden,Bedford Savage William & Charles, West End Stanton N. Souldrop, Sharnbrook S.O Wailer Harry S. Sbillington, Hitchin farm, Pavenham, Bedford Stanton Thomas, Backnoe end, Boln~ Wailer Mrs. Maria,Shillington,Hitchin Savage Charles, Riseley, Bedford burst, St. Nects . Wallis J. L. Souldrop,SharnbrookS.O Fcott John, Eaton Bray, Dunstabla Stapleton Thos. Thnr!eJgh, Bedford Waiters John Fl.itwick .Ampthill Scott William, Leagrave, Luton Staplet?n W. Brook end, Keysoe, Waiters W. Stcppingley' pk. Ampthill Scrivener E. & T. Pottesgrove, Wo­ St. Neots . Ward J. Stanford, Sout;bill, Shefford . bum R.S.O Stevens Jo~n FrederlCk, 'Heath &t W d J th Pull xhill Am thill Scrivener J.Hern, Toddingtn.Dun~tahle Reach, Le1ghton Buzzard ar ona 11n, o . • PWJJ.u Scroggs J.G.Houghton Regis,Dunstabl Stewart James, Swineshead,St. Neots Ward W: 9halton,Toddmgton,Dunstbl Scroggs J0sepb R. Sewell, Duustn ble Stimson Samuel, Cotton end, Bedford Ward William, Luton , 8croggs Wm. Puddlehill, Duustable Stacker Tom Wm. Staploe, St. Neot11 Wa.rre?' G. Meppershall, B~ggleswade Seabrook Samuel, Ampthill Stopp William, Woburn R.S.O Wan:ICk Amos, D~nton, B1ggleswad& Seabrook Saml. Steppingley, .Am1jthill Strang John Home farm Cardington Washington Jn. Olifton, B1ggleswade Sear John, Woburn R.S.O Bedford ' ' ' Waters Wm. Toddington, Dunstable :::ear Robert, TingritJ1, Wohurn R.S.O Stranaward William Manor house Watson John, Utcoate Grange, Wo- .Sears Edwa1·d, Dirt house, Crosshall, Nether"' Dean, St. Neots' ' burn R.S.O Eaton Ford, St. Neots Stratford Edwd. J. Oapham, Bedford Watts Amos, Eaton Sbcon, St. Neoh CO!eward Maydwell 0. Suttun, Sandy Street George, Maulden, Ampthill Watt& W~. Honeydon, St. Neots Seymour Jonathan Fruncis, Lutuu Street Thos. :Milton Ernest, Bedford Weedon & Sons, Leagrave, Luton Sharman Edrop Joseph, Keysoe fai·m, Stringer William P. Vicarage farm, Wells Benjamin, Ivy hall, Bourne end, Keysce, St. Neot~ Sharnbrook S.O Cranfield, Newport Pagnell Sharman Jabez H. Bolnhur.st,St.Neots Sturges Barnard C. Salford, Bletchlt>y W"eSt T. Box end,Kempston, Bedford Harpe F. Marston :Morteyne, Ampthill Surridge W. Radwell, Bedford Westley Mrs. Elizabetl!!., Hinwick, Wel- ~harpe John, Carlton, Bedbrd Swaffield Henry Richard James, Beck- lingborough . Sharratt J. Eat-Jn Bray, Dunsl,able erings park, .Ampthill W~stley S. Slackville lo.Ri<leley,Bedfrd ~haw George, Stopsley, Luton Swaffield Saml. Jn. Wootton, Bedford Wb.inn~tt F.Wingfield,Hockliffe R.S.O Shelton .Alfd.R.Toddington,Dunstable Swales Arthur, Wilden, Bedford Whinnett James, Hill farm, Wingfield, flhorley Herbert, Renhold, Bedford Swales Wm. ,Bolnhurst, St. Neots Hockliffe R.S.O. Simkins George, Shillingbam, Ritcbin Swales William, Wilden, Bedford Whinnett Jame~, Pond farm,Wingfield, Simmons William, Billington, Leigh- Sykes William, Thurleigh, Bedforll Hockliffe RI. S.O ton Buzzard Symes W ..Dillington, Leighton Buzzrd Whinnett Thomas, Wingfield, Hock- t3imms Arthur, Haynes, Bedford Syratt .Arthur, Church end, Eversbolt, liffe R.S.O Simms Hy. Wilshamstead, r.edford Woburn R.S.O Whinnett W.Tebworth,HockliffeR.S.O Simms J oseph, Haynes, BedffJl'd Tacchi John, Ridgmont, Bletchley White John, S'ilsoe, Ampthill S1mms Thomas, Haynes, Bedford Talbutt G. A. Podington, Wellingboro' White Lewis, Goldington, Bedford Simms Waiter, Cotton End, P.Pdfcrd Teasrlale John, Stevington, Bedford Whitehead Wm. Shelton hall,St.Neots Eimons Amos, Meppershall, BiggleswJ Teasdale Thomas, Steppingley,Ampthl Whiteman Jas.Langford, Biggleswade 8imons W.Snail's grn.Wilden,DedforJ Templeton Wm. "\Vhitsundoles faim, Whiteman R.Higham Gobion, AmpthiU ~unpson John, Cotton Enrl, Bedford Salford, Bletchley Whitlock Thomas, Keysoe, St. Neots ~impson Thoma8, Haynes, Bedford Thody Samuel, Cotton end, Bedford Whitmee Tbos. B. Stagsden, Bedford ~impson Thomas, Pavenham, J)pdford Thomas John, Felmersham, Bedford Whittington J. Pertenball, St. Noots Rinfield James, Whipsnade, Dunst·3ble Thompson Mrs. E. Harrowden,Bedfrd Whitworth Lewi.s, Marsh leys, Ketnp- Siret John, Totternhoe, Dunstable Thompson Henry, Stopsley, Lnton ston, Bedford Skevington Edward, Bromham, Bedfrd Thompson James, Thurleigh, Bedford Whitworth Robt. Biddenbam, Bedford Skevington T. T ~ Souldrop, Sl!am- Tbompson William, .Arlesey, Hitchin Wilding .Alfred, Tu:rvey, Bedford \mek 8 ..0 Thorne Obed, Watergate, Hocklifie, Wildma.n Peter, Riseley, Bedford 'Smith !bbott, Wilden, Bedford Leighton Buzzard Wilkersou Jas. Wyboston, St. Neots ' .
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