ENVIRONMENT AND PROTECTIVE SERVICES COMMITTEE: 3 SEPTEMBER 2013 13/00335/PPD – HOUSING DEVELOMENT, KENNEDY VIEW, LEURBOST, LOCHS, ISLE OF LEWIS. APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION TO ERECT 4 DWELLING HOUSES. WORKS INCLUDE CONNECTION TO EXISTING SERVICES, INSTALLATION OF 4 AIR SOURCE HEAT PUMPS AND FORMING OF ACCESS AND CAR PARKING AREA. Report by Director of Development PURPOSE OF REPORT Since the Comhairle has an interest, as landowner, in the land to which the application relates and the application has received six or more letters of representation, the planning application cannot be dealt with under delegated powers and is presented to Committee for a decision. COMPETENCE 1.1 There are no legal, financial or other constraints to the recommendation being implemented. SUMMARY 2.1 This is a planning application by CalMax Construction Ltd, 1 Blackwater, Newmarket, Isle of Lewis, for the erection of 4 dwelling houses (in two semi-detached blocks), including connection to existing services, installation of air source heat pumps, and the formation of an access and car parking area at Kennedy View, Leurbost, Lochs, Isle of Lewis. 2.2 The site comprises part of the site of a former school, redeveloped as six serviced house plots following receipt of planning consent in 2005. The site is identified for housing within the Outer Hebrides Local Development Plan (Proposal Site H1i). The site is within the settlement and not within an area of natural heritage designation. 2.3 Six representations have been received regarding the proposal. The representations cite potential amenity impacts from overlooking and overshadowing; inappropriate design; noise impacts; potential adverse impact on the public sewer and surface water drainage; unsafe access on to the public road; overdevelopment and setting an undesirable precedent, social housing is not appropriate in this location, the plots were originally created for private sale; the development will lead to more social housing in the area and may affect the security of local residents; and the potential impact on house values. 2.4 The Comhairle is required to determine planning applications in accordance with the provisions of its Development Plan unless material planning considerations indicate otherwise. The assessment against the Development Plan has determined that the proposal is in accordance with its provisions. An assessment of the material planning considerations, including the issues raised in representation, has not identified any matter that carries such weight that it indicates that the Development Plan should not be accorded priority. The proposal is therefore recommended for approval subject to the application of conditions. RECOMMENDATION 3.1 It is recommended that the application be APPROVED, subject to the conditions in Appendix 1 to the Report. Contact Officer Eric Wojchik Telephone: 01851 822690 Email: [email protected] Appendix 1 Schedule of Proposed Conditions 2 Location/Site and Elevation/Floor Plans Background Papers None DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL 4.1 This is a planning application for the construction of 4 dwelling houses (in two semi- detached blocks) including connection to existing services, and installation of air source heat pumps, at Kennedy View, Leurbost, Lochs, Isle of Lewis. 4.2 The site is an irregular shape and 1830 sq metres in area and comprises part of the site of a former school redeveloped as six serviced house plots following receipt of planning consent in 2005. The site is approximately 10 metres to the north of the public road, located within a residential area, rises slightly from the public road and is fairly level. 4.3 The proposed site consists of two of the formerly serviced plots and an existing hammerhead turning area linked via an existing access road to the Leurbost to Crossbost public road. The proposal includes provision of car parking and turning, surface water drainage, connection to the public sewer and public water supply and the installation of 5kw Ecodan air source heat pumps sited to the south elevation of each of the 4 houses. 4.4 The houses consist of one semi-detached unit comprised of two 2-bedroom dwellings (western plot) and one semi-detached unit comprised of two 1-bedroom dwellings (eastern plot). Both semi-detached units are single storey bungalows, with pitched roofs and porch entrances facing north. The proposed semi-detached unit sited in the western plot measures 5 metres high, 17.7 metres long, and 8.8 metres wide. The proposed semi-detached unit sited in the eastern plot measures 4.9 metres high, 15.3 metres long, and 7.7 metres wide. It is proposed to erect rylock fencing to the boundaries. 4.5 The two blocks of buildings are to be sited in the two southernmost plots located within the cul de sac. Eight parking bays will be created within the site area. All parking bays are located in the north portion of the site, adjacent to the existing hammerhead turning area. 4.6 The site is not within an area of natural heritage designation. 4.7 The proposed development will be served by mains electricity, public water and the public sewer. An existing SuDS system for surface water drainage is located within each plot and piped to the south of the site, in order to provide water attenuation (via a rubble soakaway) prior to drainage to an existing watercourse. 4.8 The proposal is within the class of Local Development within the Planning Hierarchy. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSES 5.1 The planning application by CalMax Construction Ltd, 1 Blackwater, Newmarket, Isle of Lewis HS2 0EE was registered on 28 June 2013. 5.2 The planning application was advertised for public comment in the public notices section of the Stornoway Gazette in the publication dated 04 July 2013, as required by Regulations. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (SCOTLAND) REGULATIONS 2011 6.1 The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 are not applicable to the proposal. PREVIOUS PLANNING DECISIONS RELATING TO THE SITE 7.1 The site received planning permission via consent 04/00570, which provided permission for the formation of an access road and creation of six serviced housing plots. These works were implemented and completed. 7.2 The site is identified for housing within the Outer Hebrides Local Development Plan (Proposal Site H1i). RESPONSES TO CONSULTATION 8.1 The full terms of the responses to statutory and other consultation by the Planning Authority can be read on file at the Development Department. The following is a summary of those relevant to the determination of the application. TECHNICAL SERVICES (ROADS) 8.2 ‘Provide 2 parking bays at each property within the site boundary. The first 3m of this parking bay should be bound with either bitmac, concrete or lockblock. Dropped kerbs to be installed in accordance with drawing 13/00335.’ SCOTTISH WATER 8.3 ‘The water network that serves the proposed development may be able to supply the new demand. North Lochs Water Treatment Works - has limited capacity available for new demand. The Developer should discuss their development directly with Scottish Water. Crossbost Wastewater Treatment Works - at present there is limited capacity to serve this new demand. The Developer should discuss their development directly with Scottish Water. In some circumstances it may be necessary for the Developer to fund works on existing infrastructure to enable their development to connect. Should we become aware of any issues such as flooding, low pressure, etc the Developer will be required to fund works to mitigate the effect of the development on existing customers. Scottish Water can make a contribution to these costs through Reasonable Cost funding rules. A totally separate drainage system will be required with the surface water discharging to a suitable outlet. Scottish Water requires a sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS) as detailed in Sewers for Scotland 2 if the system is to be considered for adoption. If the connection to public sewer and/or water main requires to be laid through land out- with public ownership, the developer must provide evidence of formal approval from the affected landowner(s). This should be done through a deed of servitude. It is possible this proposed development may involve building over or obstruct access to existing Scottish Water infrastructure. On receipt of an application Scottish Water will provide advice that advice that will require to be implemented by the developer to protect our existing apparatus.’ BUILDING STANDARDS 8.4 ‘The surface water soak-away will need to be positioned at least 5 metres from any boundary. A wayleave will be required for connection to the existing watercourse, which is positioned outwith the site boundaries.’ MINISTRY OF DEFENCE 8.5 ‘The MOD has no safeguarding objections to this proposal.’ HIGHLANDS AND ISLANDS AIRPORTS LTD 8.6 No response from this consultee at the time of writing. CLEANSING 8.7 No response from this consultee at the time of writing. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 8.8 ‘Noise from the air source heat pump shall not give rise to a noise level within any dwelling or noise sensitive premises in excess of that equivalent to Noise Rating Curve 25 between 2300 and 0700 and Noise Rating Curve 35 at all other times. The noise measurements shall be taken with the windows open at least 50mm. Noise from the air source heat pump shall not exceed 50 dB(A) Leq(1hr) as measured within the external amenity space of any noise sensitive premises.’ REPRESENTATIONS 9.1 Representations have been received from the following: Mr Iain Macaskill, 2 Kennedy View, Leurbost, Lochs, Isle of Lewis HS2 9NG; Mr Trevor Bailey and Ms Sandra Duke, 80 Leurbost, Lochs, Isle of Lewis HS2 9NS; Mr Alan Boyd and Mrs Joan Boyd, 36A Leurbost, Lochs, Isle of Lewis HS2 9NU; Mr William Macleod, 34B Leurbost, Lochs, Isle of Lewis HS2 9NU; M.D.
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