TILLINGHAM PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of Tillingham Parish Council held on Tuesday 16 February 2016 at 7.30pm at Tillingham Village Hall PRESENT: Cllr R Harvey, Cllr M Connolly, Cllr K Knight and Cllr A Pluckrose Members of the public: One Press: None CHAIRMAN: Cllr Harvey. 16/24 WELCOME to the Tillingham Parish Council Meeting of 16 February 2016 The Chairman advised the meeting of the following: Notice is hereby given that Tillingham Parish Council will be audio recording this meeting. Persons who object to being filmed, recorded, photographed or otherwise reported, and children and vulnerable adults now have an opportunity to declare their presence. 16/25 ONE PARISH COUNCILLOR VACANCY There still remains one Parish Councillor Vacancy. Applications are invited by letter. Applicants should refer to www.essexinfo.net/tillingham/Parish Councillor Vacancies or contact the Clerk for further details. 16/26 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Cllr Foulkes and Cllr way. 16/27 MEMBERS DECLARATION OF INTERESTS None. 16/28 DISPENSATIONS None. 16/29 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING RESOLVED: To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 19 January 2016. 16/30 PUBLIC FORUM Clint Tuckey raised concern over the contractors parking in South Street at the Southfields development. Cllr Knight agreed to contact the site foreman again and request the contractors to use the designated parking area in Grange Road. 16/31 PLANNING Applications received from Maldon District Council. To respond as a consultee. None. Decisions advised by Maldon District Council: FUL/MAL/15/01302 Remove part of the existing roof structure, increase height of envelope walls and install new roof structure over, form 2.No first floor offices with access route from ground floor, remove ground floor window unit. Adjust opening and install new fire exit door. Tillingham Medical Centre, 61 South Street, Tillingham. Approved. Appeal Decision Appeal Ref: APP/X1545/W/15/3029774 Land to the east of South Street, Tillingham, Southminster, Essex, CM0 7TJ Hearing held on 25 August 2015 Site visit made on 25 August 2015 Decision Date 5 February 2016 Appeal Dismissed Minutes Feb 2016 6 Notice of Appeal Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Appeal Under Section 78 Site Address; Land rear of the Corn Mill to 97 and south of 97 South Street Tillingham Essex. Proposal: Outline application for up to 85 dwellings with associated access, highways works, parking, landscape, open space, play space, drainage and infrastructure. Application Ref: OUT/MAL/15/00483 PP-04187175 Appellants Name: Gladman Developments Ltd. Appeal ref: APP/X1545/W/16/3142669 Appeal Start Date: 28 January 2016. Post Meeting Note: The appeal had been withdrawn. 16/32 FINANCE RESOLVED: To approve the following payments and transactions: £ £ £ Method Payee Purpose Gross PAYE Paid STO Salaries 102451/102452/102457 Month of February 658.13 36.00 622.13 Method Payee Purpose Net VAT Total DD A & J Lighting Solutions Street light maintenance 34.90 6.98 41.88 DD E-On Street light electricity supply 101.00 5.05 106.05 Debit cardPrinterland Toner cartridges 89.55 17.91 107.46 102450 Flower Shed Basket of flowers re Clerks recovery 34.50 34.50 102453 Cancelled (incorrect details) 102454 A J Wallis Toilet Block pipe lagging 40.00 40.00 102455 MDC Park Rangers January 60.02 12.00 72.02 102456 Wellers Law Group LLP Legal fees 480.00 96.00 576.00 102458 C8 Electrical Ltd Tractor & Flower Show shed 600.00 120.00 720.00 Receipts Tillingham Bowls Club annual rent invoiced. Transfers From Instant saver account to Community Account 5000.00 Balances £ Community Account 5757.22 Business Saver Account 1023.97 Business Saver Account Asset Reserve 5655.56 Business Saver Account Project Account 4.76 12441.51 National Savings Designated New Hall Reserve 28372.34 VAT accumulation 1260.72 Sports Club Rent Reviews RESOLVED: Following the West Field User Group Meeting of 12th January the Tillingham Hotspur Football Club and Tillingham Cricket Cub will be notified of the amendment to their rents as per the 2016/2017 precept budget. The rent will be increased from £365p.a. to £400p.a with effect from 2016. Cllr Foulkes to confirm that she has undertaken internal control to verify bank reconciliations produced by the RFO in accordance with Financial Regulation 2.2. Cllr Foulkes will report in March. 16/33 NOTICES, MEETINGS AND TRAINING COURSES. Notice: Moat Housing & The Dogs Trust ‘Responsible Dog Owners Day’. 4 March 2016 11am- 3.00pm at the West Field Tillingham. Free to the community. Notice: Dengie Bus Service Network Review Consultation February 2016. Consultation runs from February 15th to March 18th 2016. The proposal is that the D4 service will be withdrawn and replaced by an extension of route D1. The consultation is available through the ECC website or in hard copy, accessible from local libraries or by calling 03457 430 430. Customers are encouraged to access the consultation on line and the link is: https://surveys.essexinsight.org.uk/TakeSurvey.aspx?PageNumber=1&SurveyID=72KI5nl2&Preview=tr ue. The Clerk had already informed some bus users. Notice: Maldon and District Citizens Advice Bureau wish to reach out to more residents in Tillingham and Bradwell. They have received funding from Bradwell Wind Farm Community Fund to assist them with this project. The CAB offer free advice on Benefits, Debt & Money, Legal, Housing, Employment, Consumer Issues, Family & Relationships. Contact Tel: 01621 875774 or email: [email protected] for advice or to arrange an appointment locally. The Clerk has suggested to the CAB representative that they make contact with the School, the Wednesday Club, Medical Centre, the Pubs and Knightswood. Cllr Pluckrose volunteered to deliver a leaflet to every household. The Clerk will request the leaflets. Minutes Feb 2016 7 UK Power Networks- Priority service for residents with special needs. Residents are encouraged to register with UK Power Networks for emergency help in the event of a power cut. Cllr Pluckrose will obtain the leaflets and deliver to every household. Parish Clerks Forum Tuesday 15 March 2016 at the Blackwater Sailing Club, Heybridge. The Clerk hopes to attend. Tillingham Annual Parish Meeting Monday 21 March 2016 at 8.00pm in Tillingham Village Hall. Guest Speakers include Mr Robert Pike, Headteacher of St Nicholas Primary School Tillingham and Mrs Jane Bennett, Vice Principal of Ormiston Rivers Academy, Burnham on Crouch. Tillingham residents are invited to attend to hear about the achievements of our local schools and how Tillingham Parish Council has been working for your community. Essex Community Foundation re Bradwell Wind Farm Community Fund. Meeting on Monday 16 May 2016 at 5.30pm at St Cedds Primary School Bradwell. Invite to Chairman and Clerk to attend the meeting to discuss a future parish plan and grant funding. The Chairman and Clerk to attend if possible. 16/34 REPORTS FROM MEETINGS ATTENDED. Dengie Hundred Group of Parish Councils meeting 20 January. Cllr Pluckrose reported on the Policing availability in the area. 16/35 THE CHILDRENS PLAY AREA The pedestrian gate and fence panel. The Clerk is progressing this matter. 16/36 THE WEST FIELD Agreement between Tillingham Parish Council and Tillingham Cricket Club Agreement between Tillingham Parish Council and Tillingham Hotspur Football Club Licence between Tillingham Parish Council and Tillingham Flower Show re storage shed Renewal of the Pavilion Lease The Clerk will renew contact with the solicitor. Dog Fouling The Parish Council were disappointed with the new signs, and a letter would be sent to Keep Britain Tidy. Parking in Vicarage Lane A resident had raised concern over the parking of vehicles in Vicarage Lane on Saturday 6 February during an afternoon football match. Vehicles are causing an obstruction in the lane by failing to park close to the hedge, parking on the grass verges and failing to use the public car park in North Street, RESOLVED: To write to the Football Club to request them to steward car parking. Tillingham Tigers Tillingham Tigers request that they are allowed to install four football goal sockets in the ground. RESOLVED: That further information is required, e.g. a detailed plan. Other users of the West Field must also be consulted. Representatives of the club would be invited to attend the next Parish Council Meeting. 16/37 PARISH COUNCIL PROPERTY Members and the Clerk confirmed regular inspections had been carried out The West Field Car Park. Leaves require clearance. The Public Toilet Block. Satisfactory The Square. The first grass cut had been done. Birch Garden Green. Cllr Pluckrose reported a loose kerbstone. Marsh Road Allotments. The area is now tidy. Volunteers have strimmed overgrown plots and cut back some overgrowth on the boundary with Wessley Close properties. The Defibrillator. Checked. 16/38 HIGHWAYS Reporting matters to Essex County Council (ECC) Highways. Members of the public and Tillingham Parish Council members are encouraged to report highway defects online at www.essex.gov.uk. The Clerk had tracked the following reported items from September 2015: 2424488 Brook Road & Bradwell Road junction. No sign to St Lawrence and post rotten. Engineering team to schedule work. 2424489 Marsh Road. 30mph sign slipped. Engineering team to schedule work. 2424493 Wantz Corner. Finger post rotten and to the Marshes missing. Monitoring for deterioration. 2424660 Dengie Straight, west of White Horse Farm. Badgers for ¾ mile blown over. Reported again under reference 2447249 There is confusion at ECC because the road is signposted Southminster Road, but shows as Tillingham Road on their map! Minutes Feb 2016 8 2424661 Dengie Straight. East of Manor Road junction. Sign missing or slipped. Monitoring for deteroratition. 2424662 Dengie Straight. West of manor Road junction. Sign blown/knocked over.
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