- DIRECTORY.J BERKSHIRE. TIDMARSH. 165 Reynolds Frederick, painter & glazier Taylor Richard, corn dealer Maillard Major John Francis Drake Rickarby Richard, draper & clothier Thatcham Gas Co.Lim.(EdwardMecey, Osmond Mrs Rippon & Son, saddlers sec.; Charles Copas, lessee) Pargiter William Rogers Henry, King's Head P.H. seeds- Wallin Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer COMMERCIAL. man & plant grower Wheeler Charles p'Irs.), blacksmith Adnams James, farmer,Cold A'3h farm Rosier John, baker & grocer 'Wheeler Edward, whitesmith Butler Charles, beer retailer Scriven William, farmer, Crown street White Joseph, corn merchant, Clay hill Cold Ash Home for Waifs & Strays (Miss Shaw Kilns Co. Limited (Joseph Willmott William, beer retailer t'ummerson, matron; Rev. W. S. White, manager), brick makers Wilton George, farmer, Foxholds Grindle, hon. sec.), Hill house Shepherd John, wheelwright, Newtown Wise Jane (Mrs.), pork butcher Drinkwater George, grocer & provision Shepherd Silvanus, farmer. Park farm Witts Charles, boot & shoe maker merchant, Post office Sheppard Joseph, taIlor Woodbridge John, brick ma-ker & shop- Goddard ~orman, farmer Smith Henry, miller (water), Chambar- keeper, Ashmore green Hamblin Samuel, seed measure maker house mill Law Robert, farmer, Holden's end Smith Martha (Miss), fancy repository, Cold Ash. Marshall William, beer retailer Park lane Bacon Rev.John Mackenzie :M.A. [curate Matthews Isaac, farmer,Hatchgate frm Staniford In. Robt.farmer,Ashmore grn of ShawJ, Sunnyside Rivers James, shoe maker Stonham Charles, grocer Bowditch Miss, The Cottage Stroud James, baker & grocer StrawsOn & Co.artificial manure manu- Grindle Rev. Waiter Smith T.A.K.C.L. Taylor Daniel, carpenter facturers, Ham Bridge mills fvicarJ, Vicarage WaLlin William, Castle P.H THEALE is a hamlet and ecclesiastical parish formed in register dates from the year 1832. The living is a rectory, 1832 out of the parish of Tilehurst, with a station on the tithe rent-charge £450, net yearly value £5°0. with resi­ Great Western railway, 41 miles from London and 5 west dence, in the gift of Magdalen College, Oxford. There are from Reading, in the Southern division of the county, hun- two chapels, one Congregational, the other is connected with dred of Theale, union of Bradfield, petty sessional division the Primitive Methodists, erected in the year 1868. John and county court district of Reading, rural deanery of Brad- Henry Blagrave esq. D.L., J.P. of Calcot Park, is lord of the field, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of Oxford; the vil- manor and principal landowner. The soil is light; subsoil, lage forms one street, situated on the road from Reading to gravel and clay. The chief crops are wheat and barley. ~ewbury, and is now lighted by gas. The river Rennet The area is 1,000 acres; the population in 1881 was 892. bounds the parish on the south. The church of the Holy Parish Clerk, Richard Hill. Trinity, erected in 1832, at the sole expense of the late Mrs. POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savmgs Sheppard, of Amport, Hants, and her brother, Dr. Routh, Bank.-John Buckeridge, receiver. Letters arrive from the late venerable president of Magdalen College, Oxford, is Reading at 5.5 & 11.45 a.m. ; dispatched at 9.5 a.m. & a building of freestone in the Early English style, from the 0 0 designs of the late Mr.E.W.Garbett, and consists of chancel, 7.20 p.m nave and a fine western tower, with pinnacles, containing a WALL Box cleared at 9· IS a.m. & 7.10 p.m. ; sundays, 7_p·m clock and 3 bells: the west front is a much reduced copy of INSURANCE AGENTS :- that of Salisbnry cathedral and the tower is to some extent Liverpool & London & Globe, W. H. & }<'. match reproduced from the old bell tower formerly in Salisbury Phcenix Fire, M. A. Harrison Close: the interior is lofty, the roofs being groined, and National School, built in 1833, for 175 children; average at- delicately coloured: an ancient chantry of Perpendicular tendance, ISO; with an endowment of £30, from the late date, removed from Magdalen College Chapel, Oxford, has Mrs. Sheppard; William Hawley, master; Mrs. Mary been re-erected on the north side of the chancel and two Hawley, sewing mistress; Miss :Hary Hill, infants' mistrs doorways from the same building have also been inserted in the walls: on the south side of the chancel is a low canopied Railway Station, Timothy Johns, station master tomb, a modern copy of an abbot's tomb of the thirteenth CARRIERS '1'0 READING.-Pearce, sat. ; Hawkins, tues.thurs. century in Tewkesbury Abbey: many of the windows are & sat. ; Johnson, daily; Wise, mono wed. & sat. ; Davis, stained: there are 250 sittings, all of which are free. The wed. & sat.; GircUer, mono wed. & sat Cotterel George I Cope Thomas, ladies' & gentlemen's I Harrison & Co. wholesale cart, cab & Cox Richard M.D boot & shoe maker; an assortment of patent collar & harness makers, rope Coombe Miss ready made kept in stock line, twine, tarpaulin, tent & rick Duckett Mrs Cox Richard l\I.D. physician & surgeon cloth makers, on sale or for hire King Francis & medical officer & public vaccinator Hayward William, White Hart P.ll Pither Miss No. I district Bradfield union & Holmden Frank, butcher Richards Mrs. The Chestnuts medical officer to workhouse Hunt Henry, Bull P.D • Snelling Thomas Cumber William, butcher Johnson John Haward, draper COMMERCIAL. Davies D. l\L coal merchant LukeI' Ann (Mrs.), ladies' school Allen Eli, tinman Davies Ebenezer, agricultural engineer, )losdell George, shoe maker Badnell George, tailor ploughs, threshing machines & all Mountford William, Crown P.H Black ~Iary (Mrs.), coffee house kinds of machinery ~ailer Edwin St. Albans, boot maker Blatch William Henry & Frank,brewers Davis David, blacksmith Oliver William, plumber & painter Bradley William, blacksmith Duckett Charles Gl'orge, Falcon P.R Pullinger James, beer retailer Bunce William Robert, relieving &vac- Duffin William Henry, grocer & draper Sparvell Henry, baker cination officer No. I district & in- }<'lowers William, grocer Theale Gas Light & Coke Co. Lim. (S. spector of nuisances to the Bradfield Fromow William John, grocer Bunce, sec) union rural sanitary authority Goswell William, wheelwright Walden Daniel Edwin, grocer Chester George, grocer GraceThos.farm bailiff to R.Benyonesq Wallin John M.R.C.v.s.veterinary surgn Chivel'S George, wheelwright Gregory Henry, Castle inn White Edwin, Temperance hotel Colyer Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer IHolloway Richard Walker, coal mer- White William, greengrocer Cooper Jesse, beer retailer chant, Railway station Young John Matthew, chemist TIDMARSH is a village and parish I mile south-south- the top is a flat semi-circular projection, the latter bearing west from Pangbourne raIlway station and 7 miles west from a rude carving of a human face; the peculiar feature of this Reading, in the Southern division of the county, hundred of church is its octagonal apse, a very rare, perhaps unique ex­ Theale. Bradfield union. petty sessional division and county ample in England; the triple thirteenth-centnry west win­ court district of Reading, rural deanery of Bradtield, arch- dow is also a remarkable and unfrequent design; the font deaconry of Berks and diocese of Oxford. The church of St. appears to be of the same date as the church; the pulpit is Lawrence is a small building of flint and stone in the Early of the fift,eenth century: there are brasses of a knight in English style, and consists of apsidal chancel, nave and south armour, c. 1530, and of ~Iargaret, wife of Thomas Wode, porch, a western belfry of wood, with spire, and contain- appointed one of the Justices of the King's Bench in 1499 and ing 3 bells: the chancel and nave appear to date from about Chief Justice in 1501 : there are 130 sittings, all of which are 1230, the former having a semi-octa~f)nal apse with a small I free. The register of baptisms and burials dates from the lancet window in each face; the vaulting is a modern resto- I year 1730; marriages 1731. The living is a rec~ry, gross ration, carefully executed; the Norman doorway belongs to yearly value from tithe rent-charge and glebe £23°, with a period fifty years earlier than the rest of the west of the residence, in the gift of Robert John Hopkins esq. and held thurch and is richly carved with bands of chevron ornament, since 1880 by the Rev. Henry David Morgan D. A. of J esns interlaced work and SCrolls of foliage: 'on either side and at College, Oxford. There are charities of £18 yearly, for dis-.
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