Charvin Extra Fine Acrylics Acrylique Extra Fines FABRIQUE EN FRANCE · MADE IN FRANCE CharvinAcryl2012.indd 1 27/09/12 09:25 Artists that use Charvin for the Les artistes qui utilisent Charvin fi rst time are amazed not only in pour le premiere fois sont étonnés the quality of the color but the pass eulement par la qualité de la fl uidity they can achieve while couleur mais aussi par la fluidité painting. The paint does not qu’elle apporte au travail de l’artiste. have to fused over and the colors Les couleurs ne s’opposent pas et have all the emotion to match révèlent toute l’émotion qu’il a what is inside their own heart dans son cœur et son esprit. French Riviera and mind. The history of this color line The history of this color line goes Heritage goes back to 1830 and much of back to 1830 and much of the the impressionist movement can impressionist movement can be traced be traced to the company. They to the company. They supplied the likes supplied the likes of Cezanne, of Cezanne, Bonnard, Ambrogiani Bonnard, Ambrogiani and and started a color Renaissance started a color Renaissance that that changed the art world. changed the art world. Bruno Charvin is not just a paint Bruno Charvin is not just a maker he is an artist intimately paint maker he is an artist involved with his colors and their intimately involved with his ability to be loved and cherished colors and their ability to by the painter. He only makes be loved and cherished by classically sound colors with maximum the painter. He only makes concentrations of the world’s finest classically sound colors with pigments. He is constantly looking maximum concentrations of the to improve the colors and make the world’s fi nest pigments. He is life of the painter more rewarding. constantly looking to improve He uses only the best binders and the colors and make the life of slowly and carefully grinds colors the painter more rewarding. He to rich perfection on Swiss Buhler uses only the best binders and mills which are the same used for the slowly and carefully grinds colors most expensive brands of cosmetics. to rich perfection on Swiss This milling creates a paint of such Buhler mills which are the same richness that artists around the world used for the most expensive recognize the paint even blindfolded brands of cosmetics. This as they can feel the way the color milling creates a paint of such moves and reacts to their touch. richness that artists around the world recognize the paint even L’Héritage blindfolded as they can feel the way the color moves and reacts to de la Côte d’Azur their touch. CharvinAcryl2012.indd 2-3 27/09/12 09:26 UnU e tot utu e noouvvelllele Acrylic Experience exexperir enncec de l’l acacryylil quq e • Balanced Consistency For Quick ••Ni NiNi trotroroppep epe aissaaiaisisssss enieen nini trorroopple leegeregeggerere , Haut de gamme & Spontaneous Painting Elite Quality lalaac c onsonsioonn stenststentetenncece i dealdeadedeaealaleepo pop urrur u nene & savoir-faire peinpeipeiinnturetutururerer raprrapideididdee etet s pontpponontonontntanéeanénnééée • Greater Surface Coverage & Savoir-Faire Then Heavy Body Paints • UnUn poupopo voirvoivovoirr coucoc uvranvrvranranant plp usus Durant plusieurs années Charvin intententntensenssee queququeue celucecelcelueluiide dedesscosc coc uleuuleu eueursrs • Maintains Brush Stokes and ne s’est pas réellement interessé For many years Charvin stayed acryaccrycrryliquliqliiiququess é paispaipapaisissesssees Work Well With Painting Knives à la fabrication de l’acrylique away from making acrylics as MEDIUM WOODEN BOX ••L LeLessco coupsupppss dede p incencenceauxauxx sontsonsos Like Heavy Body Paints 11 TUBES 60 ml • 76015 car les couleurs à l’huile lui oil colors offer more choices visivisvisiisisiblesblbblelesleless etet lele travravaavavaavaillal auuco cocouteauteut au • All Delicate Colors Of Nature offrait plus de possibilities and compliment more styles estessstt sembsemembe blabllabablabableeà à celucelue uiiavia avavecec At Your Fingertips! que l’acrylique, et ce malgré than acrylics. However his leseses acryacryryliquliquiqququesesé é paispaipaaisaissesseses la pression des professionnels • The First Acrylics That Allow For legions of professionals were ••La LaL delddeelicaticacatcacatatesseeesssesse desdedeses coucocououleureureueurssde dede incitant leurs éléves a utiliser Beautiful “Plein Air” Painting under great pressure as their laaan naturatuatatuurureeauea auau boubobououttde dede vosvovosos doidod gtsggtttss les acryliques. Alors Bruno • Rich Creaminess Due To Hand students put pressure on them • LeLesspr prpremièemmmièi resess acryacrycrcrryyliquliqliiquqquueses Charvin a voulu créer une Aided Milling & The Finest to paint with acrylics. The quiququuii permpeperpermeermetteettet entntdt de peinture acrylique parfaite. Color Mills In The World acrylics on the market required SMALL WOODEN BOX 8 TUBES 60ML • 76008 peinpeipepeineiei dreddrrere ennnp pleineeinn airaiair aveavavevec Issue d’une intense recherche sur • Maximum Pigment Level For intense amount of mixing and ununnr r enduenendenndndudu inénéégalagalgag bleblblee Unbelievable Richness In Every le liant, la fluidité et la texture de reworking to duplicate the ••Te TeTexturxtuturtu eer rir chechchee grâcgrârâcrârâ eeà à uneunene Color From The Most Subtle la peinture, la gamme acrylique Charvin Oil Color experience. préppréprépépéparataraarara iononon artiartarartrtitisanasaanaanalee Tones To Most Brilliant offre une large palette de nuances So with this Bruno set out to soigsoissooigo gnéenéeée etet u nnbr brbroyagoyaoyyagyagge par douces et delicates mais aussi des create the perfect acrylic paint. lesleeses trictrtricr cylinylyliylilindresddrerees leseses pluppll s teintes éclatantes et vives. La In essence the fi nal product is his study and his intense perfperpeerfrformaormorormrmantesnntetest aua mondmommonnde peinture est douce, et glisse sur la research as to the body and fl uidity of the paint, the binders ••Un•U UnUneeteet teteneurneneuneueuruur enen pigmpigpig entene BONJOUR IMPRESSIONIST SET surface avec aisance, et pourtant that were available and the painting nature of acrylics. 9 TUBES 20ml • 77760 maximaxmamaxa imummmuumum pourpououourouru uneunune incncncroyaroyoyayyaablebl The result is a an acrylic paint line which has a wide palette richricrriiciichcchhesseessesessesse dede tonstonttoononns desdes plululus sa texture permet l’empatement of soft and delicate tones as well as rich and vibrant ones. subtsusubsuubb ilsilsls auxauuxux plusplup usu lumumumineuineineuneneuux au pinceau et au couteau dans A color that is smooth and moves across the painting une parfaite precision. surface with ease but has the body to retain brush strokes Ainsi conforté par l’aboutissement and allows the palette knife to caress its mass and move de sa recherché,Bruno Charvin a it around in even layers showing perfect defi nition. permis a l’acrylique de s’éloigner de ses fondements plastiques qui Finally Bruno was very sure his acrylics had to vary SALUTATION SET greatly from the basic foundation of the nature of 8 TUBES 60 ml • 60983 est si loin du monde naturel. Sa acrylics. For after all they are a derivative of plastic and composition — qui est un secret this is so unlike the natural world. So the composition de fabrication Charvin — confère (which is Charvin’s secret) makes the paint less like a a la peintures un aspect moins plastic and more like a color similar to oil colors. plastique pour un rendu proche The result is an experience you won’t de celui des couleurs à l’huile. believe an acrylic can deliver! Le resultat est une experience BONJOUR PRIMARY SET que vous n’auriez jamais cru 9 TUBES 20 ml • 77753 possible avec unhe acrylique ! CharvinAcryl2012.indd 4-5 27/09/12 09:26 Extra Fine Acrylic Color Chart Due to the printing process, there may be variations in colour between this color chart and the actual colors. This color chart is not contractually binding. Nuancier Acrylique Extra Fine 118 EXTRA FINE COLORS Le procédé d’impression de ce document peut causer une différence de rendu entre ce nuancier et les couleurs réelles. Ce nuancier n’est pas contractuel. 200 299 201 282 202 203 204 205 206 207 245 286246 287 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 BLANC DE TITANE BLANC ZINC BLANC CASSÉ JAUNE ST REMY JAUNE DE NAPLES JAUNE DE NAPLES FONCÉ OCRE DE CHAIR HALE ROSE DES ANTILLES ROSE JULIA BLEU AZUR BLEU PROVENCE FLEUR DE LIN BLEU ROYAL BLEU ALEXANDRE CENDRE BLEU VERT DE VESSIE VERT OLIVE VERT DE PROVENCE VERT MOYEN TITANIUM WHITE ZINC WHITE UNBLEACHED TITANIUM ST REMY YELLOW NAPLES YELLOW NAPLES YELLOW DEEP FLESH OCHRE TANNED CARIBBEAN PINK JULIA’S PINK AZURE BLUE PROVENCE BLUE LINEN FLOWER ROYAL BLUE ALEXANDER’S BLUE ASH BLUE SAP GREEN OLIVE GREEN GREEN OF PROVENCE MEDIUM BRIGHT GREEN PW6 PW4 PW6/PY42 PW6/PY111 PW6/PY42/PY74 PW6/PY42/PY74 PW6/PY42/PR101/P013 PW6/PR101 PW6/PR101 PW6/PR22 PW6/PB15 PW6/PB15:1/PV23RS PW6/PB15:1 PW6/PB29/PB15:3 PW6/PB29/PBK11 PG7/PY83/PBK7 PW6/PY83/PG7/PB15/PV23 PW6/PY74/PB29 PW6/PY83/PG7 O*** SERIE 1 T/O*** SERIE 1 O*** SERIE 2 O*** SERIE 2 O*** SERIE 2 O*** SERIE 2 O*** SERIE 2 O*** SERIE 2 O*** SERIE 2 O*** SERIE 2 O*** SERIE 2 O*** SERIE 2 O*** SERIE 2 O*** SERIE 2 O*** SERIE 2 O*** SERIE 2 T** SERIE 2 T/O** SERIE 2 T/O** SERIE 2 O*** SERIE 2 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 302 216 288 253 290 254 255 289 256 257 307 292 ROSE EVA JAUNE DE CAD CLAIR VERIT JAUNE DE CAD CLAIR IMIT JAUNE PRIMAIRE JAUNE CITRON JAUNE DE CAD CITRON VERIT JAUNE DE CAD FONCÉ VERIT JAUNE DE CAD FONCÉ IMIT JAUNE BRILLANT DORÉ JAUNE DORÉ
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