Tuesda , December 9, 1997 llsed book debate continues MSU student arrested in Missoula shooting MISSOULA (AP) - The man shot and killed at a Missoula residence was identified Sunday as 28-year-old Joseph Marvin Fogel of Vic tor. Police arrested Fogel's acquaintance and fe ll ow National Guardsman Eric Dunn, 27. at the scene of the shooting Saturday morning. Dunn was charged later Saturday with negligent homi­ cide and is free on bad. Missoula County Deputy Coroner Don Morman said Fogel. a veteran of the Gulf War. worked for Rall Logging in Victor and served with the guard in Missoula Missoula City Police said the shooting happened at uhout 5 a.m. Saturdaj. Two other people were present at the time of the shooting. Police seized a 40-caliber handgun the> belie\e \\as used 10 shoot Fogel. LL Jim Neumayer ~aid Dunn. a fcrmer Missoula resident who attends Montana State University in Bozeman, was in town for National Guard training. He also ~aid investigators don't bc­ lie\e Dunn planned to shoot Fogel, but stopped short of calling the shooting an accident Poll: Adults rank drugs as biggest problem facing kids WASHINGTON (CNN) kids, day care among kids. - Adults continue to rank drug smoking. alcohol." abuse as the most troubling ln the survc). 1.500 adults problem facing children \\en: asked Lo name the mo~t se­ in America, according to rious problems facing Amcrkan a new survey. Crime emerged children today. The results: 56 as the second biggest percent named drugs or drug worry, followed by family abuse, 24 percent said crime, 17 breakdown. percent said poor quality or But experts were con­ educauon, and 16 6 percent said cerned that respondents to the breakdown of home life. day, the second round in the fight for students' rights in book purchases was fought. At an open forum, s urvey comm1ss1oned by the The new su rvey re\ealed •ents and faculty alike voiced their opinions on the policy. Harvard School of Public that many families who qualify Health and the Robert Wood for government-sponsored Johnson Foundation did not health insurance for their chil­ ra nk poverty, child care a nd dren don' 1 know that such in­ ookstore controversy health care among the is ues surance exists. facing children. ··we have what is called "Three issues domi nate an historic piece of legislation ntinues in open session the public's concern about the LO try to cover 11 million unin­ future o f children in this coun­ sured children," Blendon said. Maus JoHNSON all disciplines, only 40 percent used of the cornrnitee by Linda Sexton of try - drugs. crime and home "That's the good news. The bad ·i'Writer books. The policy also allows for a the History department that the in­ life breakdown," said Harvard news is we have a nation that student to special order any new tent of the current policy was to fill University's Robert Blendon, does not know that we've en­ The second of two public fo­ book. the order with at least 20 percent new who directed the s tudy. acted this legislation." s to discuss the "used vs. General manager ofthe book­ books and not to cap it at 20 percent " Whal isn ' t on the list, The Social Security Act " book policy was held store, Mark Frisby, stated''[A student] This policy also addresses a nd this is very important in was amended last August lo in­ lday at 5:00. can purchase a used book and when workbooks and study guides. The terms of politics (and) commu­ clude $24 billion over five All members of the Bookstore [their new] text book anives they bookstore does not buy back work­ nity service, is poverty among sec Poll pa)!c 6 ICil, including students and fac­ have the ability to refund in full the books or study guides if they contain kids, health care a mong except Rob Spector, Vice Presi­ used text book." more than five pages of writing. of Administration and Finance, A few students, especially Unlike the attempt to buy 100 per­ ~present as well as the textbook those studying the hwnanities, voiced cent used textbooks, the bookstore INSIDE THIS ISSUE ager David Knickerbocker. This their concern abouuhis policy. They only allempts to fill the workbook and "ling was limited to the discussion claimed that after a special order has study guide orders with 50 percent Classifieds ............ pg.14 BOND, JAMES B OND, IN l!Xtbook ordering, which was been placed, they have had 10 wait used supplies. Comics ............... pg.15 T OMORROW NEVER DIES, PG. I 0. ~ly one sided by the students in up to five weeks to receive their new Many faculty opposed the Comments .............. pg. 2 •or of the current policy. book, causing them lo fall behind in stereotype that all professors want Features ................ pg. 7 The current policy, in place their studies. the bookstore to only sell used Movies ................ pg. 3 "! 1991 , states that if a professor Also in the current policy, if a books. Rather, they stressed that Sports ................. pg.11 "not specify the use ofonly new professor requests only new books they want the current policy rede­ <s the bookstore will allempt to to fill their orders, the bookstore will fined . The history department em- Upcoming .............. pg. 6 he order with 100 percent used attempt to fill the order up to 20 per­ Your Tu rn ............... pg. 3 <s. The bookstore averages, over cent It was brought to the allention sec Bookstore paAc 5 Textbook buyback pricing pullout in this issue And I re~at- ... We nave never had a~ ~io lo-Bica! w~pons in Irac:v. I-t- is an American I re !l l The Exponent Student laziness responsible for poor coverage, student sa1.. is currently accepting I am writing to you about a ate with three separate cases, all is important to assign the 1 letters to the editor. It's not problem that I see within the Ex­ from the Exponent. to others, instead just of ponent. I did not , however, start The first case. in response "'the democrat on camp a perfect world. this article of my own volition, to the query of the aforemen­ working to get some of th but because a dear friend of mine tioned friend, is about unbiased money back into the univc t expressed her concern over a reporting. On October 3 1, an ar­ This sounds vindictive, ye · Write about it! problem with the reporting tech­ ticle dubbed ·conservative Wave a reporter implies that he niques within the Exponent. Takes MSU' was published by the is blaming a series of eve While she is a much better writer Exponent. While the article was one isolated occurrence, it :I Tue Exponent is published most Editor than I am. she was loo shy to laced with political ideology, the ignorance of what object Tuesdays & Fridays of the Marcus Hibdon • 994-2455 porting entails. academic year and is affiliated Managing Editor write the article and thus it fell to article was a fairly straight for- with the Associated Students of Thomas Anderson • 994-2224 me. This problem A second instance. I • Montana State University. News Editor troduced to only re, William Cuullo • 994-255 I also bothers me and Editonal Policy Fearures Editor because of it I gener- concern the lack Jessica Dyrland-Mecklcnburg Unsigned editorials represent the all y tend to discount search It concer opution of the Exponent editorial 994-3840 board: signed ed1tonal columns Sports Editor any truth within an proposed bill d Pete Faggen • 994-5482 Guest Editorial by represent the opinion of the article cxpres::.ed in '' ith used hook author Opiruons expressed in letter; Senior Photographer Roger De) • 9'14-2233 'When I fir ·1 read and adveru;ments do not necessanl) this manner. The Ben Pollington Photographer reflect the v1e"'s of staff members. t1cle 1n the E.tpo1 Zach T armer • 9<14-223 3 problem ts Art Duector unobjcct i\ c report- was furwus that ar Letters Policy Jc[ Williams • 994-2614 The Exponent welcomes letters, ing. also knO\~ n as professor \\Ould h. Grnpluc Dc;i gnc"' 300 - 350 word> m length, 10 the audacit) tn die t~ Sara llvm • 994-2614 "ycl lo\v journalism."' The best ward aCCL)Uflt of the rise of the ednor from aU readers. The Exponent Enuly Conley • 994-2614 books I coulJ purchase retains the right to edll letters for definition I have found for yellow ·'right .. in Montanan colleges. Paste-up course of trying lt1 recruit content and space Or rCJCCt material Jodie Deignan journalism is defined as .. a style ·College Democrats at MSU' \\US submitted. The editor decides whether Sales Manager to attend the forum. 1 f\ matenal should be run as a guest or writing in \.\ hich either !he \\'rittcn Ill rcspon e to this article. Melodie Burgess • 994-2206 of J opinion. Subnus.1ons should include Sa.Jes Rcprcsenrnu,·es facts arc nnl pursued in a thor­ Yet in_ tead of Cl)n1ras1rng Demo­ little piece inforrnatil the author's name, ) car in school Bnan Hauer• 994-2206 ough fa sh ton tH \\hen such facts cratic' s. Republican gro\\ th. the great!\ Ji!>turbcd me . .\c and maJor Anonymou. Cl3.<SJfied Manager to one sou rec \ trs. Snso n submission~ "'ill nut be at..:cepted l\an \"anDcWcgc • 994-1590 arc c\prcsscu 1n a manner that art1ele moHJ tnlo the sligll!I\ Busine3' Man.1ger colors thl facts \Vilh 1he \Hiier-. mess) arena <)f muJ sit nging'used to the hcaJ of lh~ l 'l'd Ro I Contnbuung Wnter> Pam Hodg,on • 994-45'l0 partmcnt.
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