Salado alum named top coach in nation, page 9A Salado illageillage oiceoice VOL. XXXVII, NUMBER V15V THURSDAY, JULY 31, 2014 254/947-5321 FAX 254/947-9479VV SALADOviLLAGEVOICE.COM 50¢ Village set to call for bond Shootout BY TIM FLEISCHER tem, the ballot will carry the property tax on your for Education EDitOR-in-CHIEF the sticker price of $10.5 homestead is frozen at the million. “Nothing in the level in which you initially slated Aug. 2 Salado aldermen di- results of the election say filed for the exemption.” rected city manager Jim that we have to issue and Regardless of the fluc- Reed to prepare for them retire all of the bonds,” tuation in tax rates or at Solana Salado Education to call for a November Reed told aldermen in the taxable values in a mu- Foundation hosts its third 4 bond election totaling workshop session. You can nicipality for the over 65 annual Shootout for Edu- $10,549,825 for the con- choose to only fund the homestead and disabled cation skeet shoot Aug. 2 struction of a wastewater lines of A & H on the map homestead tax freezes, the at Solana Ranch. treatment plant and deliv- if those entities choose to property taxes will remain Entry is $50 per person ery system for a service participate.” the same “unless you sell and includes lunch and area that would include the Reed was directed to your homestead and move refreshment. Preliminary downtown business dis- bring additional informa- into another homestead in rounds begin immediately trict, the west side of I-35, tion to the board to make Salado.” after registration at 8 a.m. Salado schools and prop- a decision, including an Even if you sell and Prizes for the skeet erties off of Mill Creek Dr. estimate of the customers move somewhere else in shoot include Yeti coolers, at Salado Plaza. to be served and possible the state, the tax freeze shotguns and other out- The board must vote in operating costs estimates. ratio will follow you, Reed door and sporting goods. favor of calling an election At a town hall meeting explained. Ammunition is not pro- no later than Aug. 18 to go July 21, Reed presented If you have filed for the vided. on the ballot in Novem- the maps and alternatives over 65 homestead exemp- The event is sponsored ber. Because of difficulty that aldermen would take tion and freeze and sell by Keith’s Ace Hardware in having a quorum at into consideration in their your home, the new owner and Solana Ranch. the next regular meeting, decision to call for a No- will pay the property tax For more information, aldermen will hold that vember bond election. rate at the current rate, re- contact Josh Bratton at meeting at 6:30 p.m. Aug. The $10.5 million bond gardless of their age. 254-493-4651 or David 12 at the Municipal Build- could require a tax in- The homestead exemp- Preston at 254-718-0241. ing, during which they crease of as much as 34.5 tion does not apply to sec- will vote on calling for the cents on the property tax ond homes, undeveloped November election. rate if approved by voters. residential property or Midnight The proposal that al- “That is the worst-case commercial property. For dermen favored in a work- scenario,” Reed said when example, if a homeowner Madness shop discussion on July 24 he first unveiled the possi- over age 65 owns the lot would service Main Street, ble impacts on the tax rate. next to their home, then the west side of I-35, Sal- The tax impact on those that taxpayer would pay 5K fun run ado schools and proper- residents in Salado over the current tax rate on the ties off Mill Creek Dr. at age 65 who have filed for second lot. set Aug. 1 Salado Plaza for a cost of the homestead exemption The tax impact to other Salado Chamber of $10,549,825. Part of this and tax freeze? Zero. property owners could be Commerce will again host cost could be shouldered Reed affirmed this fact lowered by requiring tap the Midnight Madness by entities benefiting from with the audience at the fees for the property own- (PHOTO BY TIM FLEISCHER) 5K run, which will take the extended sewer lines regular board meeting July ers that will be served by A performance by Blue Lapis Light in Salado’s Pace runners and walkers for a (commercial property at 24 this after “doing some the sewer system. Reed Park drew 1,000 people here on July 25. Prior to the country run out Thomas Salado Plaza and the Sal- research on the matter and presented the numbers show, students from the Silver Spur Arts Academy Arnold. ado school district), Reed speaking to authorities at based on the assumption performed under the pavilion and showed a short film This race gathers for said, lowering that cost to the tax appraisal district that there would not be they made during the week-long arts camp in Salado. registration at 8 p.m. on a potential $9,614,825. and in the Texas Munici- tap or hook-up fees to the The performance was a gift to the community from Aug. 1 with the firing Regardless of whether pal League. If you are over properties served. “But the Public Arts League of Salado, along with support pistol starting the race at those other entities invest 65 and have filed for the SEE SEWER BOND, PAGE 7A of a grant from the Texas Commission on the Arts. 9 p.m. Aug. 1 at Johnny’s in the cost of the sewer sys- homestead exemptions, More photos can be found on page 10A. Outback. Backroads will begin playing at the Out- back at 8:30 p.m. and con- tinue until 11 p.m. at which Schools, Village lend support to Vision’s goals time the awards ceremony will take place. Admission Both the Salado ISD Infrastructure. Take current tax structure. tee supports the overhaul the top business goal. to the concert is included Board of Trustees and the proactive actions to create 3. Sidewalks and Paths: of the current set of regu- 2. Parks and recre- in the race fee, but others Village of Salado Board a first class infrastructure The committee supports lations which guide de- ation. The committee sup- can enjoy the concert for of Aldermen unanimously system. the development of a side- velopment in the Village. ports the development of just $5 per person. The voted in favor of writing 1. Sewer system: The walk and pathway program The Committee supports a formal parks plan for after-run party will end at letters of support of the Vision Committee sup- that includes requirements consideration of surveying the village that includes a midnight. top goals developed by the ports the phased con- for sidewalks in new devel- regional entities to deter- complete inventory of ex- The late entry fee for Salado Vision Committee. struction of a wastewater opments; pursuing grants mine if a shift away from isting parks, plans for con- the Midnight Madness 5K The Vision Committee treatment system which to retrofit school zones both the 2009 Internation- nectivity to infrastructure, is $40 per person, $30 for sent representatives back will initially focus on the and pedestrian areas with al Building Code and the plans for maintenance and students and military and to their respective boards business district and I-35 pleasant walk and path fa- agreement with Bureau integration of entities such late registrants may not re- (Salado ISD, Village of but will be scalable to cilities; development of a Veritas is appropriate. as Keep Salado Beautiful, ceive an event t-shirt. Salado, Salado Chamber add existing and proposed downtown sidewalk plan 3. Economic Develop- Public Arts League of Sal- You can find the appli- of Commerce, Salado His- residential areas. The first and enhancement of bicy- ment: The Committee sup- ado and other entities. cations online at www.sal- torical Society, Mill Creek phase will support the ex- cle lanes. ports the establishment of 3. Beautification: The ado.com or call the Salado Community Association pansion and revitalization Top Business Goal: To a joint Village/Communi- Committee understands Chamber of Commerce at and Salado Tourism Coun- of the business sector to provide a most laudable ty Economic Development the importance of support- 254-947-5040. cil) seeking their support increase sales tax revenues Business Environment: entity to develop and pro- ing beautification efforts. Again this year, a por- in pursuing goals in terms and reduce dependence 1. Communication, pro- vide guidance to entities The Committee supports tion of the proceeds from of infrastructure, business upon property taxes. motion and education: the wishing to do business in the development of a com- the Midnight Madness 5K climate and quality of life. 2. Roads: The commit- Committee supports the the Village. munity beautification plan will benefit the Sneakers The top goals of the Vi- tee supports the develop- development of a stream- Top Quality-of-Life that integrates the efforts for Students effort. sion Committee have three ment of a comprehensive lined communication Goal: Build up our com- of volunteer and com- Last year, the Chamber action items to achieve the road maintenance pro- strategy integrating city, munity to work in unity. munity groups to assure donated more than 100 top-line goals. gram to focus on a five- Chamber, community and 1. Events, entertain- a comprehensive pocket pairs of sneakers to lo- Following are the goals year rotation to resurface school efforts.
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