USTPUBLIGHED, a n d r<4ady for Sale at J the C o u r ie r O f f ic e ,—TttE INDIAN CALENDAR, for t h e year 1840; sbow ingthe T a r i o u s m odes o f reckoning ' time, among the HINDOOS, PA KS EES, ( M AHOM li P U B L I S H E B t w i c e A - W E E K .— e v e r y TUESDAY, AND SATURDAY MORNING. D A N S , and MALABARIANS|. Alshalist PRICE 14 ROPBES PER QUARTER OR, IF PAlX) IN ADVANCE, FOR A WHOLE YEAR 40 RUPEES—FOR HALF A YEAR 22 RUPEES— of such holidays as are allowed} by Govern­ (to jMhrnrrtnw bm roeoived &« in Advmnc«, uniMt the amount be ectiiallypaid or remitted, before or within the firet week of the querter or.*; ment during the year, p r i n t e d on Europe pa­ or of the first month of the year, for which the Subscription is proposed per. —P r ic k R u p e e s T w o. j ^ -------------------------------------^ VOL. XLII. SATURDAY, 21 DECEMBER, 1839. o r s a l e —N o. XXX VI, br the Q u a r ­ CALCUTTA «1 ’AN” F t e r l y A r m y L ist, correct^.d up to the T 31st October; Printed on Euroipe paper.— BOMBAY GENERAL LIBRARY. I SALE BY AUCTION, ALE BY AUCTION.—On Saturday h e unebersigned. havii P r i c e , R u p e e s Three.— Courier OtHce, 2 1st o t i c e is hereby given, that the Annual I \N Tuesday next tlie 24th Instant S next the 28th instant Messrs. Dennett T Agents to the above* December 1839. Meeting of the Members appointed for V_>r B l a c k w k l l C u h s e t j e e & f'o.— Will a n d C o, will submit to Public Auction ai Society, are prepared to ^ Nthe 2Ist Instant, is postponed till Monday, sell at their Rooms at the usual hour, the re- their Rooms, an Invoice of Hosiery, consistr Goods payable in L ondon auiT ON TH E Is- OF J.A.NUAUY 1840, the 23rd Instant, at } past 6 o’colek p. m . mainsofanj[nvoiceofGrocery,Pieces|ofiileach- ing of 8ilk, Cotton and Wollen Stockings) W ' M . B o o t e W I L L B E p u b l i s h e u Tiie Library Committee beg to intimate to ed and unbleached M.idapollans, Reams of Co- Socks, Gloves, &c. and a quantity o f piece, Maulmain 2d Sept. 1839, A T T H E COURIER OFFICE, those Members who have withdrawn from the lored Paper, an Invoice of Imitation Jewelry, goods, viz. Swiss Mulls, Maddapolams, Longl FlRS f UALi UTl’A LOTT, Institution, that a proposition will be made consisting of Necklaces, Hracelets, Ear Rings, Cloths, several pairs of superfine Witney OP 184«. h e b o .m b .w c a l e .v d a r and at the Meeting for materially altering the Brooches, Buckles, l.ockets. Sec. also at the Blankets of Sizes, and several dozens of few Tickets and Sliares warranted T ALM.AN.ACK.— with an I ndian C a - constitution of the Library, and they invite same time will be disposed of the effects of a Fancy XV^alking Sticks, Europe Paint Brush­ A“1first day’s drawinst, in the above LENDAR for 1840— The Army', ( with a grada- them to attend the Meeting and vote on the Gentleman recently deceased, consisting of es, and “ Burtons” line Gunpowder in be had atllyiiAM jEE N asskhwanire the Office of Messrs. D ik o m CARraa an' bon List, not hitherto given) Civil and Indian liich, by the rules of Institution they WearingW earing apparel, apparel, a asmall small quantity quantity of I’late, flat Carinisters, together witli the remains of following prices : ---- 1 ^ t • A. !• Í T T T At CIICL.I11.A» ICTIJ IC/ lACF, k/lA rejoiningJ asCl» Members, ATA C 111 1./«^ 1 »,a Compass,aa * ».»lac ».:*, Sextant,* . a...a ., c a a a i A, ..agun H'“* in Ct ase, **a * I’air an Invoice of Hardware, coiiijirizing. Com­ Whole Ticket Rupees.. .. 96 each possibledate,—and th» List of H H. the Nj- Lnd paying their Subscriptions for the pre- of Pistols in case, Maps, Charts, Books ikc. mon Knives, Scissors &c. &c. also a lot of| H a l f .............d o . , , ...................48 azm 8 Army to the !5th ut D ecem ber-l t will I ^ proposed Rules Also a quantity of rejected Bottled Fruits, Household Furniture and Cooking utensils, i Quarter.. d o ....„ ................. 24 O ne E ighth d o .. ........................ 12 likewise contain laldes of lime -Table of .„-ymay bebe seen seen bv by oresent present and and former former Members Members Household Furniture and Sundries. — Bom- belonging to a gentleman proceeding to i Term.«—Cash. Annuities—Income Table Wages Tables- at the Library R<lo o m s. bay, 21st. December 1839. E urope. A few shares in a club on 9 ticket.s of t Jtoyai Family o f England— Contemporary So­ F . R o v o ET, S e c r e ta r y . AT 1 p . M . above Lottery are also for sale at the vereign«— Kings and Queens ofEngland — 21st Dee. 1839. M c C A B E ’S w a t c h e s . One Second hand Britchka, one second of hs. 12 per each share. The Term Club HtMises of London— Bill of Mortality of LACK WELL CURSETJEE AND hand Buggy , with liorse and harness com­ conditions are already publishe«! in the t London— Home Dejiartments—Statistics of LL persons who are in any way indebt- J B—^ *Have received for Sale On plete. bay Courier of 17th December and i! the VVorlif — A rea o f In d ia— C bronological A ed to the late Pollenjce Dunjee are Commission a small Invoice or Gold and AI.SO, Times of 18th Ditto. The drawing account of the Connection lietween lingland hereby requested to pay the amount of such Silver \Vatehes by the above celebrated ma- One Ship iron tank 3 feet Square and 18 second day took place on Ibth instant. ^»•nd India— French Establishments in Imlia— debts to Coxort'ijee JJhunJee, Executor of the ker. Priced moderately to ensure a speedy feet long, now lying at the Custom house List of Native Princes— List of Native Prin­ THE f IRST CAH UTTA LOTTERY OF 181 late Pollenjee Dhunjee. sale. Bombaj,21st Dec. 1839. Bunder.—No. 5 Forbes Street, 21st De­ FEW Tickets, and shares warran| ces in the receipt of Pensions— Gold, Silver cember, 1839. ^ OV^ASJEE ^3 r 17^<JEEa ^ /-v c? a t a i ii a * p t t * undrawn in the first day's drawinjj and Copper Coins of India— Ordersof Knight­ r> k ttaz . -r\ I,_ loofi I K biVLiK.— A lar^j^e collection of Hima- A Bombay ilth December iod9. |-i , a ^ i .i_ i - i tlie above Lottery, are for sale at IVithuldi hood &c. &c. &c. The whole ivill be print­ ^ ____ I JL layan Pheasants and other birds of those O Jl SALE ON COMMISSION— Bhoychnnd and Co. opposite to the (.«enei; ed on English Paper— Price 6 Rupees.— X TO TIC E is hereby given, that the Busi- mountainous regions, stuffed, and in a high - Messrs. Hennett and Co. have exposed F P o s t Office at following prices viz. :— Courier Oriice, 30th November 1839. IN ness formerly conducted by the late state of preservation,consisting of between 3 for Sale at their Rooms, a quantity of Sa- Pollenjee Dhunjee \i\ Rom bay, will continue and 400 sp e cim en s.............................P rice Rs. 500. penor Table linen, consisting of iieal Da­ Whole Ticket at Rupees 96 each. Half ,, ,, „ 48 do. te be carried on in the same premises hvP ol-' ripply to B lackw ell C u r setjee..........and C o . I mask Table Cloths, Napkins, Tatde covers, and UPREME COURT.— Application having to I Quarter ,, ,, ,, 24 d o. been made, to the Supreme Court of lenjeeteniee Dhunjee’sOhuniee'.s Sons,Son.c. and iimieeL.imjee Eduljee,EdulieeA j Bombay, 2Ist D ec. 1839. some dozens of Handsome worked ladies S ( am briek pochet llanderchiefs, together with One eighth,, ,, ,, 12 d o. Judicature at Bombay, that Letters of Admi-under the name and Firm of P o lle n je e T eem s, C ash . nistrution of all and Singular, the Goods and Dhunjee's Sons and Co. the new part­ F O R S A L E . an Invoice of Superior London made Sad­ G hattels, R ights Slid C redits, o f James Keith, nership to have retrospective effect from h e undermentioned property belonging dlery, t arriage and Buggy Harness, Buggy', to an Officer recently embarked for l‘hi- a n d C arrriage AVhijis &c. &c. A CLUB OFFIVE TICKETS IN THEFIRST CAI)( late a Major and Deputy Adjutant General in the 7th day of November last. P o l ­ T CU'l’T.A LOTTERY OF 1840 the Military Service of the tlon’ble the East lenjee Dhunjee's Sons and Co. solicit a contin­ rope. R s- A LSO, IT3ULUASS BUOI lC H U N D , a m India Company, on their Bombay Establish­ uance of the patronage and kind support A very handsome Silver Breakfast Several new London built Buggies and W‘ CO.
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