2020 California Ballot Initiative Tracker PREPARED BY LUCAS PUBLIC AFFAIRS California Proposition Main Support Main Opposition Polling Summary Governor Marcy Darnovsky, -- Authorizes $5.5 billion in state general obligation bonds to fund Gavin Newsom; executive director grants from the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine Californians for of the Center for to educational, non-profit, and private entities for: (1) stem cell PROP Stem Cell Research, Genetics and Society Treatments & and other medical research, therapy development, and therapy Cures; University of delivery; (2) medical training; and (3) construction of research California Board of facilities. Dedicates $1.5 billion to fund research and therapy for Regents Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, stroke, epilepsy, and other brain and 14 central nervous system diseases and conditions. Limits bond Stem Cell issuance to $540 million annually. Appropriates money from Research General Fund to repay bond debt, but postpones repayment for Institute Bond first five years Initiative Governor Gavin Californians to Stop As of 10/26/20 Increases funding for K-12 public schools, community colleges, Newsom; State Higher Property Taxes; 49% are in and local governments by requiring that commercial and Superintendent California Business favor and 42% PROP industrial real property be taxed based on current market value. Tony Thurmond; Roundtable; California oppose Prop California Chamber of Commerce; 15 according to Exempts from this change: residential properties; agricultural Federation California Farm Bureau a poll from the properties; and owners of commercial and industrial properties of Teachers; Federation; California UC Berkeley with combined value of $3 million or less. Increased education California Teachers Taxpayers Association; Institute of funding will supplement existing school funding guarantees. Association; Howard Jarvis Governmental 15 Exempts small businesses from personal property tax; for other Tax on Senator Toni Atkins; Taxpayers Association; Studies. As Commercial League of Women Western Manufactured of 10/21/20 businesses, exempts $500,000 worth of personal property. Voters of California; Housing Communities 49% are in and Industrial California Association favor and 45% Properties Physicians Alliance; oppose Prop for Education Eric Garcetti; SEIU 15 according to and Local California; AFSCME a PPIC Poll. Government Funding Initiative Governor Sen. Melissa Melendez As of 10/26/20 Permits government decision-making policies to consider race, Gavin Newsom; (R-28); Sen. Ling 49% are in sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin to address diversity by Opportunity for All Ling Chang (R-29); favor and repealing article I, section 31, of the California Constitution, PROP Coalition; University American Civil Rights 38 percent of California Institute; Chinese oppose Prop which was added by Proposition 209 in 1996. Board of Regents; American Civic Action 16 according to Los Angeles Alliance a poll from the County Board of UC Berkeley Education; Asian Institute of 16 Pacific Islander; Governmental Repeal Legislative Caucus; Studies. As Proposition SEIU California; of 10/21/20 California Teachers 50% are in 209 Association; AFSCME favor and 37% Affirmative California; ACLU oppose Prop Action of California; Lt. 16 according to Governor Eleni a PPIC Poll. Amendment Kounalakis; Tony Thurmond; Anthony Rendon Governor Gavin Sen. Jim Nielsen (R- As of 9/29/20 Amends the state constitution to allow people with felonies who PROP Newsom; Free the 4); Election Integrity 55% are in are on parole to vote; therefore, the ballot measure would keep Vote Coalition; Project California; favor and 19% imprisonment as a disqualification for voting but remove parole ACLU of California; Republican Party of oppose Prop League of Women California 17 according status. Voters of California; to a poll from SEIU California; SurveyUSA. 17 California Voting Rights Democratic Party Restoration for Persons on Parole Amendment Governor Gavin Election Integrity -- Allows 17-year-olds who will be 18 at the time of the next general PROP Newsom; California Project California, Inc. election to vote in primary elections and special elections. Association of Student Councils; SEIU California; Alex Padilla; California 18 Democratic Party Primary Voting for 17-Year-Olds Amendment Governor Gavin Howard Jarvis As of 9/29/20 Permits homeowners who are over 55, severely disabled, Newsom; Fiona Taxpayers Association 56% are in or whose homes were destroyed by wildfire or disaster, to Ma; Toni Atkins; favor and PROP transfer their primary residence’s property tax base value to a AFSCME California; 10% Prop 19 California Nurses according to replacement residence of any value, anywhere in the state. Association; a poll from California NAACP; SurveyUSA. California Business 19 Roundtable; Property Tax California Transfers, Professional Exemptions, Firefighters; and Revenue California Association of for Wildfire Realtors; California Agencies Democratic Party and Counties Amendment Keep California Governor Gavin As of 9/29/20 Imposes restrictions on parole program for non-violent Safe; Asm. Jim Newsom; Gov. Jerry 35% are in offenders who have completed the full term for their primary Cooper (D-9); Brown (D); American favor and 22% offense. Expands list of offenses that disqualify an inmate from Asm. Vince Fong Civil Liberties Union oppose Prop PROP (R-34); Orange of Northern California; 20 according this parole program. Changes standards and requirements County Board SEIU California State to a poll from governing parole decisions under this program. Authorizes of Supervisors; Council; California SurveyUSA. felony charges for specified theft crimes currently chargeable Association for Democratic Party; only as misdemeanors, including some theft crimes where the Los Angeles California Teachers value is between $250 and $950. Requires persons convicted of Deputy Sheriffs; Association 20 Los Angeles specified misdemeanors to submit to collection of DNA samples Criminal Police Protective for state database. Sentencing, League; Peace Parole, and Officers Research Association DNA Collection of California; Initiative Republican Party of California; Albertson’s; Safeway California Governor Gavin As of 10/26/20 Amends state law to allow local governments to establish rent Democratic Party; Newsom; Republican 48 oppose control on residential properties over 15 years old. Allows rent Dolores Huerta; Party of California; and 37% are in PROP increases on rent-controlled properties of up to 15 percent over AFSCME California; California Apartment favor of Prop SEIU California; Association; California 21 according three years from previous tenant’s rent above any increase California Nurses Council for Affordable to a recent allowed by local ordinance. Exempts individuals who own Association; Housing; Bay Area poll from the no more than two homes from new rent-control policies. In Homeowners and Homeowners Network; UC Berkeley accordance with California law, provides that rent-control Tenants United; California State Institute of 21 policies may not violate landlords’ right to a fair financial return Local Rent AIDS Healthcare Conference of the Governmental Control Foundation NAACP; California Studies. on their property. Chamber of Commerce; Initiative California Taxpayers Association; Protect App-Based California Democratic As of 10/26/20 Establishes different criteria for determining whether app-based PROP Drivers & Services; Party; California Labor 46% are in transportation (rideshare) and delivery drivers are “employees” DoorDash; Instacart; Federation; California favor and 42% or “independent contractors.” Independent contractors Lyft; Postmates; Teachers Association; oppose Prop Uber; Republic SEIU California; 22 according are not entitled to certain state-law protections afforded Party of California; Former Vice President to a recent employees—including minimum wage, overtime, unemployment California NAACP; Joe Biden (D); U.S. Sen. poll from the insurance, and workers’ compensation. Instead, companies 22 California Chamber Kamala Harris (D); UC Berkeley with independent contractor drivers will be required to provide of Commerce; U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Institute of App-Based specified alternative benefits, including minimum compensation Drivers as California Warren (D-Mass.); Governmental Black Chamber Asm. Lorena Gonzalez; Studies. and healthcare subsidies based on engaged driving time, vehicle Contractors of Commerce; California Labor insurance, safety training, and sexual harassment policies. and Labor California Hispanic Federation; Transport Restricts local regulation of app-based drivers; criminalizes Policies Chamber of Workers Union of impersonation of such drivers; requires background checks. Initiative Commerce America California Republican Party of As of 9/29/20 Requires at least one licensed physician on site during treatment Democratic Party; California; California 49% are in at outpatient kidney dialysis clinics; authorizes Department of PROP Californians for Medical Association; favor and 23% Public Health to exempt clinics from this requirement due to Kidney Dialysis California NAACP; oppose Prop Patient Protection; American Legion 23 according shortages of qualified licensed physicians if at least one nurse SEIU-UHW West Department of to a poll from practitioner or physician assistant is on site. Requires clinics California; AMVETS SurveyUSA. to report dialysis-related infection data to state and federal Department of
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