0270.6474/65/0512-3111$02.00/0 The Journal of Neuroscience Copyright 0 Soctety for Neuroscience Vol. 5, No. 12, pp. 3111-3123 Prlnted in U.S.A. December 1985 The Neuronal Endomembrane System I. Direct Links between Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum and the cis Element of the Golgi Apparatus’ JAMES D. LINDSEY* AND MARK H. ELLISMAN Department of Neurosciences, University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine, La Jolla, California 92093 Abstract This is the first of three papers describing new components formed confluent bridges between the cis element and RER. and structural relationships within the neuronal endomem- In addition, the varicose tubules were found to bridge widely brane system. This system includes: the nuclear envelope, separated elements of RER. Finally, numerous examples of rough endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, lyso- varicose and smooth tubules were seen to extend from RER somes, axoplasmic reticulum, and discrete cytoplasmic com- and from cis elements to eventually form blind endings. partments such as vesicles, multivesicular bodies, and so These findings raise the possibility that the tubules form on. Previous high voltage electron microscope studies of highly dynamic transitory connections between RER and the osmium-impregnated Golgi apparatus have shown that small Golgi apparatus as well as between separated elements of varicose tubules often arise from the cis element. In bullfrog RER. Those between RER and Golgi apparatus are ideally spinal ganglia, these tubules have been seen to extend into positioned to play a major role in the transfer of protein or cytoplasmic domains occupied by rough endoplasmic retic- lipid components first assembled in RER to the Golgi appa- ulum (RER). This study was undertaken to determine whether ratus for terminal synthetic modification. varicose tubules form direct connections with RER and to measure cytoplasmic density of varicose tubules. Spinal gan- glia from Rana catesbeiana were fixed by osmium impreg- This is the first in a series of three papers that describe new nation and, in some cases, were then stained en bloc with findings within the structural organization of the neuronal endomem- lead aspartate. Sixty- to 3000-nm-thick sections of this tis- brane system of spinal ganglion neurons. This endomembrane sue, as well as of ganglia prepared by conventional protocol, system includes: the nuclear envelope; the rough endoplasmic were studied using standard and high voltage electron mi- reticulum (RER); the Golgi apparatus; discrete elements such as croscopy. Quantitative analysis revealed that 9% of the var- vesicles, multivesicular bodies, and so on; and several different icose tubules connected with the Golgi cis element. To de- types of membranous cytoplasmic tubules. These structures have termine whether continuities existed between RER and any been strongly implicated as the subcellular compartments within of these tubules, more than 50 tubules were fully recon- many molecules that are essential for neurotransmission and are structed from images of serial sections. The “ends” of these first synthesized and then transported by fast axonal transport to reconstructed tubules were then studied by high magnifica- their functional locations (Grafstein and Forman, 1980; Ellisman and tion stereoscopy. This was facilitated by the en bloc lead Lindsey, 1982). Although much is known about synthetic events staining which allowed visualization of unimpregnated RER occurring within RER and the Golgi apparatus, comparatively little is elements along with the impregnated tubules. Small varicose known about how partially assembled macromolecules are trans- tubules as well as larger smooth tubules were found to have ferred from the RER to the Golgi apparatus, through the stack of cisternae that constitute the Golgi apparatus, or from the Golgi Received May 14, 1984; Revised May 16, 1985; apparatus to the membranous compartments that are likely to carry Accepted May 23, 1985 Golgi apparatus products to their functional sites within neuronal processes. These papers provide new morphological evidence on ’ This work was supported by grants from the National lnstttutes of Health the structure and relationship of endomembrane components that (NS14718), the Muscular Dystrophy Assoclatlon, the National Multiple address all three of these issues. The present paper described a Sclerosis Society; and the Epilepsy Foundation of America to M. H. E. group of membranous tubules that may be involved in transporting J. D. L. was supported by a Natlonal Science Foundation predoctoral cell products between RER and the Golgi apparatus. The second fellowship during a portion of this work. We wish to thank Dolores Taitano paper (Lindsey and Ellisman, 1985a) describes a variation in the for word processing, Thomas Deerinck and Derek Leong for technical three-dimensional architecture of the Golgi apparatus cis element assistance, Dr. Stephen Young for valuable assistance during the computer that may be cyclical in nature. The third paper (Lindsey and Ellisman, reconstructlons;Dr. Philip Groves for use of his computing facilities, and the 19&b) addresses the origin of and the relationship between discrete University of Colorado for use of the Natlonal High Voltage Electron Micro- membranous elements found within the axoplasm and the axo- scope Resource Facility (P41 -RR00592). plasmic reticulum. 2 Current address: Retinal Degeneration Center, Wilmer Ophthalmological In many cell types, including neurons, it is well established that Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 600 North Wolfe most cell surface or secretory proteins are assembled first in RER Street, Baltimore, MD 21205. and subsequently travel through the Golgi apparatus before reaching 3 To whom correspondence should be addressed. their final destination. This was originally confirmed in neurons by 3111 3112 Lindsey and Ellisman Vol. 5, No. 12, Dec. 1985 autoradiography (Droz, 1967; Droz and Koenig, 1970). Usrng a temperatures of 0, 4, 22, and 37°C were tested to optrmize preservation and pharmacological approach, it was confirmed for spinal ganglion efficiency of impregnation. All material analyzed in this study IS from ganglia neurons in particular (Hammerschlag et al., 1982). This transfer of Initially fixed at 4°C. Tissues fixed at 4°C were best preserved, although RER products to the Golgi apparatus has recently been shown in preservatron at all temperatures were adequate. Subsequently the tissue was impregnated In the same solution for 35 to 44 hr at 37°C wrth one change Chinese hamster ovary cells to be initially to just one side of the of the solution at 16 hr. Length of thus second incubation influenced the Golgi stack (Bergmann and Singer, 1983). This is followed by a extensiveness of the impregnation, with 36 hr being optimal. FolIowIng the rapid spread of transferred material through the Golgi stack. Although Impregnation, the ganglia were briefly washed in distilled water and some the metabolic requirements of this event have been known for well cases were subsequently stained en bloc with lead aspartate (Walton, 1977) over a decade (see Jamieson and Palade, 1968a, b), the anatomical for 1 hr. Other sprnal ganglia were initially fixed in 1 .O% glutaraldehyde, 1 .O% mechanism of this transfer step remains highly uncertain. Further- paraformaldehyde In 0.12 M cacodylate buffer, rinsed in buffer, and then more, recent studies also suggest that, in addition to the orthograde postfixed in buffered 1% OsO., for 1 hr. All ganglia were dehydrated in a transfer of cell products from RER to the Golgi apparatus, there may graded ethanol series and then gradually transferred into acetone before be a selective retrograde transfer of material from the Golgi appa- embedding in Epon/Araldite. Thin sections were grid stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate before ratus to RER (Rothman, 1982). If retrograde transfer is supported by examinatron at 80 KeV on a JEM 1OOCX microscope equipped with a further studies, then the transfer machinery between RER and the gonrometric stage. Thicker sections up to 250 nm thick were sometimes grid Golgi apparatus is likely to prove quite sophisticated. In light of this stained and always carbon stabilized before examination at 100 KeV wrth it becomes of major importance to obtain a thorough understanding the Instrument mentioned above. Thrck sections (1 .O, 2.0, and 3.0 brn) were of the ultrastructural relationships between RER and the Golgi ap- examined at 1 MeV with the JEM 1000 HVEM at Boulder, Colorado. Thick- paratus. nesses of sections thinner than 200 nm were estimated based on interference Direct membranous connections between RER and the Golgi color reflectrons. apparatus have been reported by several authors (Novikoff et al., Analysis of serial sections to determme definitively whether connections 1966; Flickinger, 1969; Claude, 1970; Maul and Brinkley, 1970; between organelles exist. Serial secttons (120 and 170 nm thick) from tissue stained en bloc with Walton’s lead aspartate (Walton, 1977) were collected Holtzman, 1971; Franke and Kartenbeck, 1976; Broadwell and on Formvar-coated slot grids, carbon stabilized, and examrned at 100 KeV. Cataldo, 1983). These exceptions aside, such connections are Initially, Golgi apparatus images were collected at low magnificatron (instru- usually not found in conventionally prepared thin-sectioned material ment magnification x 6600) and enlarged to 20 X 25 cm prints. These prints (reviewed in Morre and Ovtracht, 1977; Holtzman
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