Tailgate Party at 6 p.m. at Eagle Field Sept. 13 Salado illageillage oiceoice VOL. XXXVI, NUMBER 21VV THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2013 254/947-5321 FAX 254/947-9479VV SALADOviLLAGEVOICE.COM 50¢ Foundation raising Salado Smiles $25,000 for sign An artist’s rendering of the Gateway Sign They didn’t get much Plant sculpture created by that will be placed at the southern en- offers free notice, but the Salado local artists from Coyoe trance to Salado. The sign will feature a Community Foundation Glass and Salado Glass- 12-foot tall sculpture of metal and glass services is in the process of raising works. of a century plant. The Salado Community $25,000 for the construc- The base of the Cen- Foundation is in the process of raising tion of artistic gateway tury Plant will be sculpted funds for the placement of the artistic sign on Sept. 20 to welcome travelers to Salado. sign for the southern en- metal measuring six feet More than 100 million trance to Salado. in diameter. The stalk will Americans have no dental Tourism Department reach 12 feet in height insurance and inadequate chairman Debbie Char- with branches that feature dental treatments. bonneau learned that TX- lighted glass globes as the To combat that in cen- DOT will begin work on floral buds of the century tral Texas, Dr. Howard the gateway signs in either plant. Lufburrow and the staff of October or November. Charbonneau showed a Salado Smiles will present In that time, she is mock up of the proposed their first annual “Den- spearheading the effort sign to Salado Rotary, tistry from the Heart” for by the Salado Community which committed $500 to patients in need. Foundation to raise the ad- each sign over two years. “It’s a way to give back ditional $25,000 needed With this donation, the to our wonderful commu- for the artistic work on the Salado Community Foun- nity and to help those in sign. dation has raised almost need of dental care who The basic sign, which half of the funds necessary can’t afford it,” said Dr. will be 30 feet long and to pay for the southern Lufburrow of the event in six feet high and have the sign. To date, the Founda- which patients will be seen engraved words “Welcome tion has secured more than on a first come/first serve to Salado,” has been fund- $11,000 in donations from basis and may choose from ed by the Village of Salado organizations, individuals one of the following ser- for $10,000. The Village and businesses, including vices: cleaning, filling, or also agreed to fund the these: Ladies Auxiliary, extraction. Those in need northern sign for $10,000 Tourism Council, Salado Hulda Horton, Drayton Jim and Carol Walls, Cen- If you would like to are encouraged to arrive as well. Rotary Club, Lauren and and Amy McLane III, Mi- tury 21 Bill Bartlett, Char- make a tax-deductible early, registration begins The sign will be embel- Debbie Charbonneau, chael and Laura Novotny, lotte’s of Salado, Horizon contribution to this effort, SEE DEntiSTRY, PAGE 3A lished with light features Dale and Charlotte Doug- Dick and Tommye Prater, Bank and Salado Village contact Charbonneau at and a 12-foot tall Century lass, Bryan and Eve Fritch, Gene and Susan Terry, Voice. 254-947-8634. Bloomer joins The Duke in fight against cancer Bloomer Trailers, the more lives. The winner Bloomer Trailers, http:// touches people’s lives in leading manufacturer of of the new Bloomer horse bloomertrailers.com. You our industry,” said Randy custom horse trailers, will trailer will use it to live may also purchase tickets Bloomer, CEO/President join the John Wayne Can- the western lifestyle, and in person at selective par- of Bloomer Trailers. “We cer Foundation, to fight that would put a smile on ticipating Bloomer Trailer are a western-based indus- against cancer through the my dad’s face. The John dealerships, by calling try and no one signifies “Duke It Out” trailer cam- Wayne themed trailer will BTM offices 800-390- a truer western attitude paign. increase cancer awareness 6377, at Bloomer booths of giving than the Duke, As a part of the “Duke and inspire everyone who during shows and at the Mr. John Wayne. He was It Out” campaign, Bloomer sees it to join John Wayne Bloomer Trailer booth at a man’s man, family man Trailers will build and do- in the fight against cancer. the 2013 Wrangler Na- and he is the ultimate cow- nate a one-of-a-kind cus- When my dad talked about tional Finals Rodeo Cow- boy. He is the definition tom wrapped John Wayne Randy Bloomer (left) and Anita Swift, grand daughter cancer he said he wanted boy Christmas located at of courage and strength. theme trailer, valued at an of John Wayne, announce the Duke It Out trailer cam- to help and give hope, and the Las Vegas Convention It is an honor to be able to estimated $43,000 to one paign to raise funds to fight cancer. that is what this Bloomer Center and also the new represent the John Wayne lucky John Wayne Fan, Rodeo. pleased to be the benefi- Trailers event will do.” home of Bloomer Trailers Cancer Foundation by on December 13 at MGM Ethan Wayne, son of ciary of the “Duke It Out” Tickets are $50 each corporate booth. All of the donating one of our trail- Grand Lobby, Las Vegas John Wayne and CEO/ Trailer fundraising event. and are available now. proceeds will go to John ers to raise money for this Nevada at 4 p.m. Pacific President of John Wayne The donation from the Sales will cease Dec. 13 Wayne Cancer Founda- great cause.” time. The trailer will be Cancer Foundation and event will make it possible at 3 p.m. Pacific time. tion. For more information on display in the lobby of John Wayne Enterprises for us to expand our work Fans will have several op- “We strive to do some- on this fundraising event the MGM the entire 10 said, “The John Wayne in cancer science and care portunities to enter via thing each year to bring visit http://bloomertrailers. days of the National Finals Cancer Foundation is so we can save and enrich the Official Website of awareness to a cause that com. They answer the call, now it is our turn BY TIM FLEISCHER Volunteer Fire Department ten the first on the scene Sneakers half-marathon on with 1,000 gallon capac- sis, local firefighters built EDitOR-in-CHIEF are asking us to help them of highway accidents and Oct. 12. ity; two tankers, one with the second station over to answer those calls. The emergency 911 calls. Because of support 2,300 gallon capacity and a two year period. When the call comes, SVFD will hold its annual The firefighters have from locals and grants the other with 4,000 gal- The fire department they answer it. Fish Fry at Salado Inter- been able to maintain from the state Forestry ser- lon capacity; three rescue funds its $100,000 per year Doesn’t matter if it is mediate School 5-8 p.m. one of the best fleets for vice, the SVFD maintains trucks and two command budget in several ways: during Sunday school, Sept. 14 with Chief Shane a small-town volunteer the following fleet of ve- trucks. $30,000 from a contract dinner time with the fam- Berrier and other firefight- department through dona- hicles: The vehicles are housed with the Village of Salado ily, the middle of a Little ers cooking and serving the tions mailed in each year, Four booster trucks with at two stations: Station for emergency services, League baseball game or fish to raise funds to help fundraisers like the fish fry, 300-500 gallon tanks for #1 is on Stagecoach Rd., $30,000 from county runs, the middle of the night. purchase equipment and an annual contract with the brush and grass fires; a 5 which was recently made $8,000 from county EMS When the emergency pay for the training of the Village of Salado and the ton brush truck with 1,200 one-way for the expan- pay, reimbursements from comes, they answer it. local first responders. annual Smokin’ Spokes. gallon capacity; two en- sion/construction of I-35 private insurance for EMS And now the two dozen In addition to fires, the This year, the firefight- gine trucks, one with 750 through Salado. and fire calls and donations members of the Salado firefighters are very of- ers are adding a Smokin’ gallon capacity, the other On a pay-as-you-go ba- and grants. Salamander is one in long series of fights, Carter says BY TIM FLEISCHER been published in the Fed- many cases, that science is species. that flow has remained into the aquifer itself,” he EDitOR-in-CHIEF eral Register to go on the one-sided and, according “It’s not just about the above 2.2 cubic feet per said. endangered species list. to Rep. Carter, flawed. salamander,” Brown said. second, according to Dirk Aaron and Brown Some considered the The next one in this area is The local stakeholder “It’s about protecting an Aaron, executive director agree. They have said six month extension by a freshwater mussel. group began an effort last important asset,” adding of the CUWCD. that during the historic the US Fish & Wildlife Rep. Carter said that year to gather data about that Saladoans get their “We are doing our part droughts, the salamander Service (FWS) in listing fringe environmentalists the Edwards aquifer, the water from the aquifer.
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