* TODAY: LACK OF LABOUR LAW CAUSING SUFFERING ~ ASSEMBLY UPDAT:E * Bringing, Africa South Vol.2 No.284 50c (GST Inc.) Thursday March, 14 ALVIS IS OUR- PORT PROTEST. A section of the massive crowd that took to the streets at Walvis Bay yesterday to demand that South Africa give back the port to its rightful owners. Photograph: Tyappa Nmutewa WE PAY CASH .~ : . \ , FOR ALL GOLD AND I/ '----' RINGS!' \1 .. Mass demo over R20,OO - DIAMOND JEWELLERY. R4(XJ.lXI BRING YOUR RINGS , status of p-ort CHAINS, BANGLES & & A FARMER and former captain in the South African GOLD WATCHES Defence Force will appear in the Grootfontein Magis­ TYAPPA NAMUTEWA at Walvis Bay trate's Court today after large quantities of unlicensed rifles and ammuniton were found at his farm house at THE MESSAGE was clear when a crowd esti­ Toevlugsoord. mated at up to 10 000 took to the streets of this Namibian Police Commissioner Siggi Eimbeck yester ­ day confirmed that Francois Burger was arrested by harbour town yesterday to protest South African police near Mangetti foUowing a tip-off. occupation of the port: W ALYIS BAY BELONGS Nampa reports that according to sources in the area TO NAMIBIA. ~ .20. CHAINS & NECKLACES d.~ Burger threatened one of his farm labourers with a The demonstration took place township of Kuisebmund, but I ":~ ' , R20,00 - R1 000,00 ~:. ;:/" \. on the eve of negotiations be­ could not go to the WalvisBay 'tf' ';,... ,. , -?,/... \ firearm for requesting food. i:........... · .. __ '~"': The farmer allegedly fired at the labourer twice before tweenNamibia and South Africa hridge as originally planned as ~ . ...... :-.... _.;",;:---- \. \ his wife intervened, allowing the man to run away. on the future of the port, which they were stopped by mem­ or . J -~ : , The worker later told witnesses that Burger had served start in Cape Town today. bers of the South African Po­ as a captain in the SADF, and that there were large The massive singing, chant­ lice. ing and placard-waving crowd Ki::·" ' . : ' quantities of firearms and explosives hidden in the farm Heavily-anned policemen in . /.. ) .,,"', ~': ~ thronged the streets for two Casspirs and other armoured -.y- .~~ CITY GoLD house. hours to express their feelings vehicles blockaded the road When the police were informed of the incident, Bur­ DIAMOND OID MUTUAL ARCADE on the matter. leading to the bridge. 1bey were BROOCHES" WINDHOEK ger's premises were searched and a large amount of The jubilant demonstrators RSO.m - RIIXKI.m TEL: (061) 31114 ammunition and other military equipment seized. snaked their way through the continued on page 2 porter Gitta Stoldt and camer­ man Stephen Kotze were de­ tained briefly by police and Countdown in Cape Town asked to supply their personal armed with shotguns, teargas slogans to back up their de­ details and identity documents. canrusters, .rifle grenades and mand that the South African They were then permitted to dogs. (See photographs, page Government hand over W al vis Gurirab hopes for speedy solution on Walvis conti.nue reporting en the man:h. 3) Bay as soon as possible. NBC news controller Joe Putz Residents said the police Although the Walvis Bay THE 32-strong delegation led . Namibia's Foreign Minister The SA Government's atti· said the Corporation had in­ possibly feared. that the pro­ Magistrate granted union lead­ by N amibian Foreign Affairs said Namibia would like to tude has been that the territo· formed the Ministry of For­ cession would move into the ers official permission to call Minister Theo-Ben Gurirab close the present chapter, one ries are part of the RSA 's ter· eign Affairs of the incident. predominantly white tmwnship. for the two-hour march, it was arrived at DF Malan airport in that had included war, suffer­ ritorial sovereignty but that il However, the procession, le­ later reported there had also Cape Town yesterday after­ ing and enmity. " And by sign­ was willing to negotiate with gally arranged, was remarka­ been a call for a general stay­ * JOHANNESBURG: Threat­ noon for talks with the SA ing an agreement sooner hope­ Namibia. bly peaceful and there was no away. ened work stoppages in the Government on the Wat vis and fully than later open a new The Nrunibian Constitution confrontation with the police. The march started and ended transport sector to show sup­ Penguin Islands issue. chapter that will bring co-op­ states that Walvis Bay and the Many observers said yester­ with a prayer in the Roman port for Namibia in negotia­ They were welcomed by eration in all fields of human offshore islands are part of day's protest could be regarded Catholic Church. tions with South Africa over South African Foreign Affairs endeavour," Gurirab said. Namibia. as one of the largest demon­ Chairperson of the Walvis the future of Walvis Bay had Minister Pik Botha, and Direc­ strations ever held in the port, Bay Chamber of Commerce, minimal effect, Transnet said tor-General Niel van Heerden. and people see it as sending a Stefan Hrywniak, said most yesterday. The delegation, which in­ Thanks to the life-savers ... clear signal to South Africa to employers had given their staff The SA Railways and Har­ cludes observers of the Tan­ end it's occupation of Walvis time off to take part in the bour Workers' Union, which zanaian and Ghanaian govern­ Bay. march. arranged the work stoppages, ments, will meet with a top THE Blood Transfusion Service of Namibia says a big thank you One worker told The Na­ " It is hard to say how many could not be reached for com­ South African Government to everyone who responded so well to the recent 'Give Blood' mibian: "I see an independent people have not come back to ment. Transnet media liaison negotiating team. appeal. The donor-drive took place over the last two months after Namibia as useless without the work, but the general feeling officer Marco Roodt said a few Before leaving for South blood stocks had'teached a low point in December and January. port of Walvis Bay." is, because it is not a legal workers had taken part in a Africa, Gurirab told Sapa: " We According to the transfusion service, the high road accident rate Placards carried by the port strike, those who have not re­ work stoppage at Jan Smuts are going to Cape Town to during the holiday season severely depleted reserves and kept the protesters read: 'Give over the turned should not get paid," Airport, but servics had not discuss what would be the fi­ organisation on its toes in the search for new donors. port to the rightful owners', he told Sapa later yesterday. been affected. nal chapter in the colonial re­ "The unselfishhumanitartian attitude of a part of our community No reports had been received of , We are N amibians and not * While some observers lationship between Nanubia and to voluntarily donate their blood is probably one of the most any effective disruption at rail South Africans', 'SA out, out, the crowd at up to 10 honourable contributions anyone can make," says the Service. e ~ tirnated depots, he said. TAI1snet would South Africa. out of Walvis Bay now' and 000, the police at Walvis Bay follow a policy of no work, no pay, "We would like to believe It hopes similar shortages can be combated again in the future, 'De Klerk stop the passport said between 4 000 and 5 000 with possible disciplinary action at that, like us, South Africa would and that those who have previously been unable to give blood will nonsense now'. demonstrators took part. the discretion of the transport like to see a speedy end to this decide to join the life-saving community service. People sang and chanted Sapa reports that NBC re- giant's labour managers. - Sapa long-standing dispute. " For further information, please call (061) 225851/2 National P~triotic Front of Namibia Nasionale Patriotiese Front van Namibie NPF PUBLIC MEETING " THE NPF IS HOLDING A PUBLIC MEETING TO WHICH THE PUBLIC OF REHOBOTH AND ALL THOSE IN THE VICINITY ARE WELCOME DATE: 16 March 1991 THE RoSSING FOUNDATION TIME: 14H30 LIBRARY OFFICER r . 'VENUE: Herman van \/Wk Gedenksaal The Rassing Foundation has a vacancy for a Library Officer at the Library at the SPEAKERS: THEME Education Centre Khomasdal. This per­ son will report to the Senior Librarian. 1) M K KATJIUONGUA The ideal candidate should be able to (a) What has been achieved since independence? communicate in English, be in posses­ (b) What could have been achieved? sion of a Senior Certificate and have 2 years experience in Library work. 2) S C SIMASIKU (a) The process of national integration, and, (b) The politics of reconciliation Duties will involve: (c) The role of the masses in a democratic society. *Shelving of books *Issuing and processing of books 3) A Z SHIPANGA (a) Namibia's national interest and the handling of *Cataloguing foreign policy by the SWAPO Government The Rassing Foundation offers a com­ petitive remuneration package, which in­ CHAIRMAN: Tje Ngaringombe cludes pension, medical aid and bonus. Applications should be addressed to: The Assistant Director: Finance and Administration PO Box 20746 Windhoek 9000 or telephone: Mr N Louis (061) 211721 Mr L Le Roux (061) 211721 DEVELOPMENT Closing date: 15 March 1991 r The Rossing Foundation THE NAMIBIAN Thursday March '14 1991 '3 as workers suffer KA TE BURLlNG FOR each week the Government drags its feet on the new labour law, more workers from the most vulnerable section of the workforce are subject to harsh decisions by employers taking advantage of the presently lopsided legislation. .' Spokesperson for the Metal and Allied Namibian Workers Union Ernst Lichtenstrasser said yesterday that old people, contract workers and women were at the receiving end of many Above and right: A FA­ unfair decisions, over which the union's hands were effectively MILIAR SIGHT FOR tied.
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