»> 4 < Eeettig I8$nd CJjAr will , - JaS^iester haiVe King David L od ^ of Ofli^leel. Robert ^dt, Jrii son of Mn evening With .Imt^sum pt'$i0.41 T h a ^ lU > r? " andid Mr(k'wb<Mr«k"ttbhert A r^ d t . Of v2l. h iie® Detachment, Maritw Iowa MVlll have > K m ecto^ tomor-^ llxabe'Ui"Pa!rtier,Hull of 1176 of the worn of -Ifght fiMir liKMqptMpd^ji^sg tg.*^ row evenlng,4rtr'7!30;Iir odd , Fel» Newjsihn street is hoinfcv on a , - ' l l Xaane, haa recelved jja^ furiougb. He recelyeftjOT'ba- Oakland street' A, abort busineaa MV Society For Celpjdea Iowa halU^The d^gfw maatera are meetlng'WUl bc^frillowed by a card for which the lockP^com- Andiwon-flhea requeatM UpT^pOrt jurOmptly'^^' 'sic trainlng\wlth the S «a »«a at V J 'W . l t i t and Aiwlllaiy./to at- ^ llllamaburg. Vs^He party" with Mrti. Henry Usduc to la oceply grate^.'^ U !■ wf'^tting.^' ' Camp Pearl, Wlllla hoped thoae who haw^Eaater aeala ^ s U inatallatlon of lU was then trankiiferfw to the' ship charge. , ■ _____ la aoQlUattt»»floath & c Hayy ■' at the^ at their homea aa"yet unaemed Mason StfppUe6re^F«i«tj'-*H«^ jMm Saturday evening at the Young People*#"^ Singing Repair u n t t ^ ^ , C„__-------- Britlah-Amertcan clu h h oi^'^ on Boston Na<^ Yard for a 16-week Advertlsement- /or, will gjttend to this matter . : PRICE r iM J E E ^ N T S ^ Company of the Salvation Army '-within tbe'week, ao that the bofdfi / BalsiHii WooVJWittlatfon AdvartMag «) M AN cp^inR ,' cqi^;/s a t v J ^ a Y, A # R n ^ , ' »>clock. tte v .M . luaph Kaple atreet. course."Me la at-preaent stationed VertllUer 12 L etfid W.35 per 100 SiQHviNo.m will have a special trehearaal tlfia at''i;he Navy Frontier base. Staten niay be closed for thia year'a^drive. evening at «:45. Every member la pouhde. Lawp' _ ■asa seed, .36c per m t a iu A ^ An impprtant--lfrnergency meeV- Island, N, Y. Manchceter IHilML Cbailw Knona urged to be preaent. ,pouna.\^England'e, 6f all Retr Croaa day eupervie- Ojreen.-'l^qpe 34 Si. COKE Dm m . M t« Caroline Advertlaement- • H - chairman of the re- US'umor0\i night" eppervleora and repre-; Aviatlolh Cadet Robert, B, Turk-^ Dawn Riiopeiis^BoMgainviMe Battle. ht eomralttee. aenUtivea of aU aewlng groups, Ington has traded . the aldw-b»it* DQ NOT WAIT 2 Main St. ’ ^ will take place Monday morning at HANSEWR Waffles are , crisp, libers B la^ sure primary t r y in g plane of the !>-*■ 10 O’clock In the?Red Croea Pr(^ crunchy with a golden brown crust duction Center in Center Church Army Air FoKsea tor a more that melU in your mouth. Served ^ Monfb speedy baalc trainer. He Is the t a l l O E D A M Hona^ with Pure Vermont Maple Syrup. son of Mrs. aa ra Turklngton, 76 Hansen’s Milk Bar-Restaurant. Scarborough road. Passing hla S tT o n g h o l NeXt to the Armory. Fpr Yo|ir Radio! first test In his training to become Again Today; BINGO a (lying officer, he graduated from Bring It To/ TOMORROW\mGHT Have Voi^ 6aby, the 61st Flying Training DeUch- a t S O'CLOCK ment. AAFCPS (P). Lodwlck RANGE AND. ROBERT C. BRlTTOji OF YOUR TIRES! Kdhiibai Al/ea Yourself p t Your AviaUon Military Academy, a pri­ Laurel Pia«' I O R A m E H A U mary flying school at Avon Park FUEL OIL X llere's How to Make Them Last linger r Pliotographed Florida. Attention- PrUiiipt, Efficient "Seryice. 2S REGULAR GAMfes AT 90 Day Guarantee! ' 1. Stay within 35 milch [British Sure $S«00 A GAME EOR 25ci ii^‘ Your Own Home. The ntionthly meeting of the James A. Woods Hoi^ Owners Ldvancing into Hills Manchester Chapter. American M ,C ............ per hour. 381 Center St Tel. 6566 ForceV Nearing 1,000 7 SPECIAL GARffiS ^ Phone 3971 Red Cross, will be held In the espert carpenters Southeast of Base; O f Stopp ing Chapter office St 4 p. m., Tuesday, \2. Keep tlfes inflated at ■ 7. Have tires inspected ^rInans See Britain Hits • SWEEPSTAKES for Appointment. > now available for any recommended p r e Lllied Plants Strike Deals^ Seventh Dav- May 2. Now Is The' T ^ e To fegularly.'v 15.00 WEEKLY PRIZ^lc ind all types of home re­ sures. , - Imlirove The Appearance lard at Both Kohima Assam Drive light Blow to Clinla'Y $25 WAR BOND q e o r g e d e w pairs and alterations. \ P ou iidin g Record High Estimates cheerfully Of Your Property . 3. Avoid hitl^g holes, 8. Get immediate/re­ id Imphal Areas. 15th Straight Day of MONTHLY PRIZE l^tofrapher^ ' curbs and stmes'. pair of cuts. \ T » Be Given April ZSth given. / Get A Beautiful Colorado Commanders Confident In Aircraft Allied Offensive Bnild- BLUE SPRUCE 4. Start,” stop and round j Southeast Asia 'Head^uar- As Invasion! 9. Recap before tires Of Allied Ability to ing Up to Invasion ' IV, to S Feet High. corners slowly^ , wear ioo far. ^ |rs, Kandy, Ceylon, April 29, 1,600 Trees To Pick From. 3)— Allied' troops smash- Of Europe; Industrial A.cld.al sod lad.aally CoBpaay Wm. F. 5. Keep w-h eels and Blunt Offensive and Action Seen Starting Three Days* Production \ Your Choice: > Ig against the Japanese in axles properly 10. Don’t drive' Throw Invaders Back. Week Ago When Re­ Could Supply Suf­ Plants .\re Targets. / Johnson $1.00 to $1.30 Each. unnecessarily. le Kphima sector of eastern INSURANCE Broad Street Dug As Too Pick Them. 'aligned.. [dia are liquidating remain­ \ 4 * s ‘ Bring Box. serve Grews TKrown ficient Planet for Air­ London, April 29.— (/P)' , -DURKE © TELEPHONE 7426 WHEN YOU t^ET NEW TIRES, GET ARMSTRONGS! ing enemy strongpoints, New Delhi, April 29—(>P)— Ben­ Or Call Arthur Ayera gal Gov. R. O. Caaey told a press Into Aerial Adsaylts. lines fo r Five Years. A force appfoacliing l,09i 5 | j 'i/unikail'TKrrnt CHEF OSANO Iquarters announced to- Dawn sending long shafls/of light toto the Jungle of the Empresa'Ai«ii*ta bav Sfctlon of BaiigalA- American bombers dealt Ber­ A rtlw Knoflo CoVeBtry — Tel. 88KMW4 166 OAK STREET conference today th »f British vllle island, reopens the Ame^Hn mop-up of Japanese who during toe pighttoefore had Infiltrat^ clow ^y. A communique yester- Bulletin! lin its seventh daylight blow 875 MainW Tef 5440 iy aald U»at the Allle* had exp­ comcnandera were fully confident to U. S. positions. Wliile/our meXAt right conie out of their f)^h“ es v.lth rifle* ready, another (in Vancouver, B. C., April Yfi.— an exposed position. Man directl/behlnd tank changes his position In Htockholm, April 29.— — today to climaX' the 15th Sweet Potatoes Woodbridge’a Ngtlm ; Ask y W Neighbor" SERVICE ired a number of atrongpoipta of Allied ability to blunt'the pres­ background) crawls--------------- --------- -* - ‘ (Canadian. Press)—The British V *t .0? the mlle-talgb town. ent Japanese drive on Assam, and "its protection. This U. S'. Army Signal Corpa photo. The Helsinki newspaper 8ano- aircraft Industry to<lay could- turtt straight day of the all-out A l­ Rareripes ,, mat said today without disclos­ y \ Potafoi^s peck 59c ContlniilBg to ' Ad^mncc eventually to throw the Invaders out enough planes in three days.to lied air offensive building up Peppers IXhe imlletln t « ^ y reported that ing the source ot Its Informa­ /• back beyond points whence the last ail the world's commercial td the invasion of Europe. Iceberg Lettuce A Good Supply of Itlah and' Indian troops Were tion that the Allied Invasion of Europe Is alread.v under- airliiKS for five years. Sir Rich­ Although there was no offi­ Celery HERE’S THE ENAMEL Intlmilng to advance into the campaign against India was Yellow Onions •outh^aat of Kohima and In- Foreign Policy a p way, according to a dlsiwtch ard Faireyy director-general of cial announcement on the compar­ Watercress THE SHERMAN launched. to the Stockholm AJtqpbIndct. the British Air commission at ative strength of the raid, thia MOTOR OILS 427 HARTFORD ROAD TELEPHONE 3866 cated that the Japaneae ahow- tie said he had conferred at Spinach Now (PIotMa) ■' IN BULK — ALL SAE NUMBERS For aOOR and PORCH Iwn attempt for a monsoon bate "I.nndings probably are In pro­ Washington,. D. C., declared to­ was, toy every sign, perhaps ’ the length with both Lord Louis y Become gress at several 'places now,” day. ' ■ greatert daylight assault ot the Fresh Peas hia going badly. Mountbatten, supreme Alhed com­ Potatoes 4 lbs. 29c RESTAURA PRICES PER GALLON IN 5 GAL. LOTS OR OVER HU A lAilted planes struck bard at the the Helsinki newspaper said tt Sir Richard, also head of the war anff-one in which the tJermani Green Beans mander in Southeast Asia, and Air had “ learned.” (There was Fairey Aircraft Corporation, told capital caqght up to 2,5(00 tons ot with your container 80c apanaaa in the Kohima. area aa Gen. Sir ■ George Glffard,\ com­ Carrots lATge BuboImo Onllfonte ^ Invites the People of VALVOLINE eU aa in the Imphal sector to the no' Information from any a Board of Trade meeting that the' bursting arid flaming steel. SUSSUKE mander of the Eleventh Arriiy ^l^ajor Issue • Beets ' luth, the bulletin eaid, and Allied Allied source substantiating British airciraft industry last PowerfuK Escorting Fleet TIP TOP .
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