AIR QUALITY ACTION PLAN GOSPORT ROAD AND PORTLAND STREET FAREHAM 2008 - 2 - CONTENTS Section Page Title page 1 Contents 2 Executive Summary 6 1.0 Introduction 8 2.0 The Borough of Fareham 9 3.0 Air Quality Review and Assessment 9 4.0 Gosport Road Air Quality Management Area 12 4.1 Source Apportionment 12 4.2 Required NOx reduction 13 5.0 Transport and air quality issues in the Borough 14 of Fareham 6.0 Nitrogen dioxide emissions and abatement methods 15 for vehicles 6.1 Nitrogen dioxide 19 6.2 Abatement technology 16 6.2.1 Diesel vehicles 16 Exhaust gas recirculation 16 Selective catalytic reduction 16 Lean NOx catalysts 16 NOx adsorber 17 6.2.2 Petrol vehicles 17 6.3 Advanced vehicle technology and alternative fuels 17 6.3.1 Advanced vehicle technology 17 Clean diesel vehicles 17 Compressed natural gas vehicles 17 Hybrid electric vehicles 17 6.3.2 Alternative fuels 17 Methanol 17 Ethanol 18 Natural gas 18 Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) 18 Biofuel 18 6.4 European emission standards 18 7.0 Strategies and policies affecting transport and air 19 quality within Fareham Borough Council 7.1 Fareham Borough Council – A prosperous safe and 19 attractive place to live 7.2 Hampshire County Council Local Transport Plan 2 19 7.3 Fareham Borough Council Local Plan Review 20 7.4 Local Development Framework 20 7.5 Parking Strategy 20 7.6 Cycle Strategy 21 - 3 - 7.7 Walking to health 21 7.8 Decriminalised parking 22 7.9 Environmental Sustainability Strategy 22 7.10 Sustainable Community Strategy 22 7.11 Transportation in Fareham 2004-11 28 7.12 Corporate priority – improving environmental 23 monitoring 7.13 Fareham town centre 23 7.14 Taxi licensing strategy 23 7.15 Sustainable work travel plan 23 7.16 Vision for West Street 23 7.17 Hampshire Action Teams 24 7.18 South East Plan/Regional Spatial Strategy 24 7.19 PUSH 24 7.20 Gosport Commuter study 25 8.0 Future developments and influences on air quality 25 8.1 Strategic Development Area (SDA) 25 8.2 Redevelopment at the Quay Street roundabout 26 8.3 New performance framework for local government 26 8.4 Gosport development/HMS Daedalus 27 8.5 Crawler lanes on the M27 27 8.6 Yew Tree Drive bus link 27 8.7 Alternative to the light rapid transit link 28 8.8 Vision for West Street Fareham 28 8.9 Fareham Town Access Plan/Fareham Town Centre Area 28 Action Plan 9.0 Air quality action plan 28 9.1 Introduction 28 9.2 Cost/benefit analysis 29 9.2.1 Cost effectiveness 29 9.2.2 Air quality impact 29 9.2.3 Non-air quality impact 30 9.3 Indicators, targets and monitoring 30 10.0 Discussion of action plan measures 31 10.1 Reducing vehicle emissions 31 10.1.1 Fareham Borough Council fleet 31 10.1.2 Bus fleet 32 10.1.3 Taxi licensing 36 10.1.4 Sustainable work travel plan group 37 10.1.5 Vehicle emission testing in the AQMA 38 10.1.6 Targeting smoky vehicles 39 10.1.7 Idling engines and stationary vehicles 39 10.1.8 Signage on the A32 40 10.1.9 Gosport Commuter Study/Gosport Partnership 40 10.2 Road Network Alterations 41 10.2.1 Hampshire County Council Local Transport 41 Plan 2006 - 11 Gosport Peninsula Schemes 43 Bus strategy 45 Fareham rail – bus interchange facility 46 - 4 - Alternative to the light rapid transit system 47 Stubbington bypass 47 Yew Tree Drive bus link 47 Haslar 47 Solent Transport Strategy 47 Funding 49 10.2.2 Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) 50 10.2.3 Quay Street Roundabout Improvements 52 10.2.4 Climbing Lanes M27 53 10.3 Public Transport Improvements 53 10.3.1 Fareham – Gosport Quality Bus Partnership(QBP) 53 10.3.2 Fareham Bus-Rail Interchange 53 10.3.3 Alternative to the light rapid transit system 54 10.3.4 Real time bus information 56 10.3.5 Bus priority measures on West Street Fareham 56 10.3.6 Yew Tree Drive bus link 56 10.3.7 Concessionary travel 57 10.4 Alternative Transport Improvements 57 10.4.1 Cycle use and provision of cycle routes and 57 facilities for cyclists Fareham Cycle Strategy 58 10.4.2 Gosport Ferry 60 10.4.3 Work Travel Plans 61 10.4.4 School Travel Plans 62 10.4.5 Town Centre Access Plan 63 10.5 Statutory functions 64 10.5.1 Environmental Permit inspections 64 10.5.2 Fareham Borough Council- Planning and 65 Transportation Development control 65 Local Development Framework 65 Core strategy and reducing the need to travel 65 Site allocations DPD and reducing the need to travel 68 Fareham Town Centre Area Action Plan and reducing 68 the need to travel Sustainability appraisal 69 Solent Transport Strategy 69 Vision for West Street Fareham 70 Transportation in Fareham 2004 – 11 70 Fareham Town Centre Parking Strategy 70 Decriminalised parking 72 Fareham Environment and Transport partnership 73 10.5.3 Local Air Quality Management 74 10.5.4 Statutory Nuisance 75 10.5.5 National Performance Indicators 75 10.6 Promotion and publicity 76 10.6.1 Air quality information 76 10.6.2 Working with the PCT 76 10.6.3 Energy efficiency 77 - 5 - 10.7 Improvements in the quality of life and health 78 10.7.1 Smarter travel choices 78 10.7.2 Sustainability Strategy – Fareham Borough Council 81 11.0 Consultation 86 12.0 Monitoring and evaluation of the action plan 87 13.0 Conclusion 88 Appendix 1 General map of roads in Fareham and AQMAs Appendix 2 AQMA Order for Gosport Road Fareham Appendix 3 Map of AQMA Gosport Road Fareham Appendix 4 AQMA Order for Portland Street Fareham Appendix 5 Map of AQMA Portland Street Fareham Appendix 6 Fareham Borough Council Air Quality Action Plan Appendix 7 Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs consultation response Appendix 8 General consultation responses References and Bibliography Table Page 1. Source apportionment of NOx concentrations at specific receptors 12 in the AQMA 2. Traffic flow – vehicle apportionment at specific receptors in the AQMA 13 3. Worst case NOx and NO2 reduction required in AQMA 13 4. Congestion – Key issues in the LTP2 42 5. Air Quality – Key issues in the LTP2 43 6. Fareham Cycle Strategy Action Plan 59 7. Fareham Town Centre opinion survey 2007 68 8. Targets for Hampshire‟s Smarter Travel Choices Strategy 79 9. Environmental Sustainability Strategy Action Plan 83 - 6 - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Fareham Borough Council has produced this Air Quality Action Plan as part of its duties under the Environment Act 1995. Air quality monitoring and computer modelling has indicated that the current mean annual objective set by the Government for the air pollutant, nitrogen dioxide, is being exceeded in two areas of the Borough, namely, a section of the Gosport Road Fareham and Portland Street Fareham. The main source of this pollutant in the Borough of Fareham is traffic exhaust emissions and in these residential areas, regular and high levels of traffic congestion are the main cause of the pollution problems. These areas have now both been declared an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) and the Council is now under a statutory obligation to produce Air Quality Action Plans to provide a range of cost effective and feasible options for improving air quality in these areas. As these two areas are located in close proximity, a joint Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) has been developed. The AQAP provides information relating to the air quality review and assessment process that the Council has undertaken since 1999 including air quality monitoring, the compilation of mandatory reports, consultation and source apportionment work. It also describes various Fareham Borough Council (FBC) and Hampshire County Council (HCC) policies and strategies that are relevant to improving air quality. It provides information relating to nitrogen dioxide abatement techniques in vehicles. Finally, it provides a written description of the various improvement options and a commitment by the Council to continue to monitor air pollution in the Borough and to monitor the outcomes of the AQAP. It is recognised in Hampshire County Council‟s Local Transport Plan 2006 – 11 (LTP2) that the Fareham -Gosport peninsula‟s access problems are such that no single scheme will overcome them and it is not possible to create free flow conditions on the two strategic access routes, that is, the A32 and the B3334. Consequently, a broad range of measures will be developed and implemented to help reduce traffic congestion and improve access to the Fareham-Gosport peninsula. Measures under consideration include an alternative to the light rapid transit system that is no longer feasible due to the withdrawal of additional Government funding; improving the interchange provision between bus and rail services at Fareham rail station; localised junction improvements at identified congestion points; Intelligent Transport System (ITS) measures to optimise the road network; promoting bus use through Quality Bus Partnerships (QBPs); infrastructure improvements and better travel information, including real-time information at bus stops and other locations; improving accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists in Fareham town centre and Smarter Choice options such as travel planning.
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