7 Average Daily Net Press Ron For the Week Ended Oetober ra. 1966 14,984 Manchester— City of VOUage Charm MANCHESTER, CONN,, MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1986 TOL. DXXXVI, NO. 20 (TWENTY-FOUR PA6BS—TWO SECTIONS) N Y Times Supports Gengras HARTFORD (AP)—The New York Times endorsed Republi­ can g^ubematoriaJ challenger Clayton (Jengras today lor elec­ tion in Connecticut Nov. 8, but backed most of the six incum­ bent Democrats in the congres­ sional races. The Times said "it is time for a change...” in calling for Gengras’ election over Gov. John Dempsey. The newspapers said Dempsey "simply Inherited the office When Abraham Rlbl- Chiefs of state attending the Manila conference coff resighed to enter the Cabinet” in 1961. took time out for lunch after the first working ses­ ’The paper said Dempsey “has sion. From left foreground, they include South Viet demonstrated that his chief Nam Prime Minister Ky, Prime Minister Holyoake talent la for offending no of New Zealand, South Vietnamese Chief of State one.” Oh patronage, "he has faithfully followed the recom­ (AP Photofax) mendations of John Bailey, the Democratic Party's shrewd "‘Rescue workers lift a body from the wreckage of a light plane ^at crashed in state boss.” Orange last night. Killed were Theodore Steller and his wife, Claire, of Mon­ The newspaper said the "crit­ Johnson roe. They were flying from Bridgeport to Ansonia when the crash occurred. ical contest” among the con­ gressional candidates is in the 4th District, where U.S. Rep. Donald J. Irwin "has shown -Plane Crash Kills Two; courage on foreign affairs and 4 civil liberties issues.” Also winning endorsement To Show were Congfresmen Elmllio Q. 6 in State Die on Roads Dadderio in the 1st District, William L. St. Onge in the 2nd The motor apparently quit,hour before the plane crash, a h a v e n (A P )— a man and woman were fatally and John S. Monagan in the 5th. since Frederick Hine, on whose In the eth District the ’Times man and his wife were farm the plane crashed, said Injured by a car at the inter­ ki^ed in a plane crash and section of Tolland and Elmer recommended the election of he heard no engine noise. Republican ’Thomas J. MeskiU War Far from Over traffic accidents claimed Streets. "All I heard was a thud," on the grounds that the record six lives, three of them said Hine. The victims were both resi­ of Rep. Bernard F. GrabowsW pedestrians in Connecticut The plane smashed qlmost dents of Chicopee, Mass., and “ remains undistinguished." Westmoreland Says during the weekend. vertically into the ground about were apparently visiting friends The ’Time's position in the 3rd in East Hartford. They were The bodies lifted from the BO yards from Hine’s house and District was not clear. MANILA (AP)—The U.S. commander in Viet Nam wreckage of the plane that about 200 yards from R oute 84, identified as Mrs. Mary Anto­ "Rep. Robert N. Gielmo, dived into a cowpasture in and Upped over on its back. nio, 38, and Theodoro Almedia, told the Manila summit conference today the war is whom we have endorsed in the “far from over” and he will need more troops in the Oiwge Sunday night were iden­ SteUer, who ran a rubble B«. past,” the paper said, “com­ tified a s *nieodore V . Steller, 40, collection firm in Monroe, The driver of the car, 21-year- piled a rather disappointing rere- days ahead, but President Johnson said % display pf Of. 'Monroe and his wife Claire, bought the plane recently, a old Lionel Boutin of East Hart­ TOrd in this Congress. We note unity by the allies here should provide new fuel for the 87. relaUve said. ford, was charged with particularly his vote against the cause of peace. ^ gj. Qen. Wtlliam C. West- The one-engine blue and white After the bodies were taken negligeth homicide and re­ administration’s home rule bUl "Let the bulMes of the wrld the U.S. oommaiider, emft was on its way from the to St. Raphael’s Hospital New leased under $1,000 bond. ^ for the District of Columbia, his know that when they do attack pg-g^ed to -the leaders that al- Bridgepoit Municipal Airport to Haven, police roped off the Other victims of weekend votes on both sides of the rent their neighbors, the friends of forces are increasingly, ef- Ansonia Airport, a distance of wreckage pending, an investiga- traffic accidents were: subsidy issue, and his opposi- their neighbors will be there to ^gg^yg battiihg. thie. Oommu- less than IS ndlM, when some­ Uon by state and federal avia- —Michael J. Elovecky, 17, of tion to a long-term foreign aid resist,” the President said in thing Went wrong shortly before Uon officials. Mbnroe, whose car veered - off authorization. His Republican this first day of. meetings ^ on g . Westinoreland s ^ troop-mfiSn 10'o‘dock. - - - In East Hartford, about an Jockey. Hollow Road in Monroe opponent is unimpressive.” . the leaden of nations fighting ale was Wgh. r - and hit a .tree Saturday night. The GOP candidate challeng- Communists In Viet Nam. “The troops are the finest —'Nine-year-old Lisa Larson ing Giaimo is Teli Stelio Sal- Johnson was the last speaker ever fielded; they understand of Branford, killed when a car monsL. of the day. His remarks came Ih ecoi^ ct and appreciate their^ State Politics driven by her mother, Mrs. complex role as hoih fighters Adele Larson, hit a utility pole and builders.” , . • ^ , oft Damascus Road in Bran­ The session In, which Wert- ford Saturday. moreland and President — Eight-year-old Jeannette Martha Rdye in Viet Nam Nixon Visit, Debate spoke was closed, to the public, Ghermero, hit by a car near but their remark? were given to her home on Whlnut Hill Road newsmen later by U.S. spokes­ Weekend Highlights ■In. Bethel Satiu^y. The driver Noted Comedienne men. White House press secre­ (See Page Sixteen) tary Bill P. Moyers gave the HARTFORD (AP) — A visit pared text, Nixon sajd that if account of Johnson’s remarks. by former vice jaresldent Rich­ another “Johnson Congress” is John^n summed up what he In Serious Role portrayed iis the four .main prln-, ard M. Nhcnn, anotiier debate elected, "there will be an Amer­ ica in which the majority of hgt.the gubernatorial candidates SAIGON, South Viet Nam dressed in Army fatigues and Americans—not just those vdio (See Page Six) fnd a "poor people’s conven­ (AP) — Comedienne Martha volunteering for duty. are poor—will have their rent tion” were highlights of Oon- Raye, a front41ne trouper for 24 "She worked all day — until B paid by the federal government; gecticut’B weekend political years, changed her routine last that night — doing everything in which all Americans will have Tanker Burning 6 cm e. week. She donned fatigues and she could,” one oorpsman said. a guaranteed income paid by Nixon made a speech in New worked for two days in an Army One of the first things she did (AP Sbotnfaz) the government, whether they was donate a j^ t of blood to a Out of Control LSnlon Saturday afternoon field dispensary, cleansing The rifle of a Manila policeman frames other ofiti- M ating local Republican can- work or not; in which decisions 'changing bandages and badly wounded sergeant. Then about what will be taught in Off .Louisiana cers and students stafirms an anti-Johnson d e i^ ^ dMates and perhaps his own comforting GIs wounded it was hour after hour of scrub- ^ our schools will be made in stration outside U.S.. embassy, in Manila. Antt- chides for the next presiden­ Mekcmg Delta battle. bing and preparing the wounded _ _ ^ _ Washing;ton; and in which cities tial nomination. The twangy-voiced brunette, for surgery, helping the sur- MORGAN CTTY, (^ ) Johnson placards are held nloft in the badq^round. will be planned, not by local who has gone from outpost to geons^haigiag bandages, and Castigating Congress as a communities, but by bureaucrats tiny outpost throughoutlOut VietViei Cheering up men awaiting evac- ^ milM^routh- "lapdog" instead of a “watch­ in Washington.” dog” , and blaming inflation on Nam to entertain _ Ameri^ SS^r SaSJ ^ west* of here today, forcing the President Johnson, Nixon got an Nixon said, “A vote for John­ Manila Police Rout en^uslastic reception from a son’s Congress in November is crowd of over 1,200 at Ocean a vote for an economic re­ aviation helicopter compa^^s on that night crewmen are mlssli« cession in 1867.” i|ij(ach P ark. stationed in the Mekong Delta she was ba<* at the Iw^tai to ™ town of Soc Trang her stained fatigues, helping the ’The Gulf Stag, a 672-foot ves- But the remark that brought The next morning, the chop- one doctor and eight corpsmen sel, was settling and believed dqwn the house was a re­ TELEVISED DEBATE hlANXLA (AP) -^Police fired to the main entrance to the Mia- per Plots'and their crews dellv- care for the patients. sinking at midmomlng. ference to State Sen. Peter P. On Sunday, Gengras and Gov. [fitots into the air tonight, in the nila Hotel. Johnson had re­ Med Vietnamese soldiers to the Shortly before noon, when the Another tanker, the Atl^Uc M &anl of Groton, onetime con- John Dempsey squared off in vicinity of the hotd where Pres­ turned to Ms suite tiien two paddy fields and marshlands of work eased. Miss Raye flew 80 prestige, picked up the G ^ fepder fqr the OOP guberna­ anotiier televifled interview-de­ ident Johnson is staying, ■ to hours earlier from the flrat sea- the delta to charge the en- miles north to VTnh Long and stag’s captain “and many of the torial nomination who made a break up about 2,000 students Sion of the summit conference bate, this time in the studios performed that night for anoth- crewmen.
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