Prices Van Eck Video Services (consumers prices), including 21% VAT Herastraat 43-04 5047 TX Tilburg The Netherlands Valid from 1-2-2021, price changes reserved tel: +31 13 5715148 For our current prices see our website: https://www.van-eck.net/ E-mail: [email protected] This price list does not include all formats. These are the most common. If you have another format please let us know! Algemeen MW-T1 Custom work hour € 48,60 D-PROEF Free sample scan - short fragment order € 0,00 Digitizing Films <120 min 121-480 min >481 min DF-I Set-up costs small film (1x per order) order € 12,50 DF-8-SD 8mm - standard definition (960 x 540) minute € 1,29 € 1,19 € 1,07 DF-8-HD 8mm - high definition (1920 x 1080) minute € 1,69 € 1,65 € 1,59 DF-8-4K 8mm - 4K (3840 x 2160) minute € 2,89 € 2,75 € 2,62 DF-9-HD 9,5mm Pathe - high definition (1920 x 1080) minute € 6,99 € 6,84 € 6,65 DF-9-4K 9,5mm Pathe - 4K (3840 x 2160) minute € 12,99 € 12,50 € 11,65 DF-16-SD 16mm - standard definition (960 x 540) minute € 3,40 € 2,86 € 2,59 DF-16-HD 16mm - high definition (1920 x 1080) minute € 4,99 € 4,48 € 4,21 DF-16-4K 16mm - 4K (3840 x 2160) minute € 5,99 € 5,48 € 5,21 DF-16-P 16mm - perfo tapes minute € 4,99 € 4,48 € 4,21 Surcharges DF-S Reel change normal reel € 2,00 DF-SP Reel change for polavision films reel € 4,50 DF-A Transferring sound minute € 0,35 DF-BC Image enhancements minute € 0,75 Pagina 1 DF-PCCoding files in professional codec minute € 0,25 (bijv AVI uncompressed, Prores HQ 422) DF-CL Fungus removal in film (using special cleaning machine) minute € 2,25 Transferring to media DM-USB Put on USB stick/ harddisk / internet free DM-DVD DVD (Video of Data) piece € 12,00 DM-BR Blu-ray piece € 20,00 Extra copies (prices include covers) 1-4 pieces5-24 pieces 25-199 pieces 200-499 pieces500 or more DM-C-DVD-B copy DVD piece € 9,25 € 7,20 € 5,90 € 4,80 4,55 DM-C-DVD-L copy Blu-ray piece € 12,25 € 10,20 € 8,90 € 7,80 7,55 Digitizing Video 1 tape 2-4 tapes 5-9 tapes 10-24 tapes 25+ tapes DV-T1Type1: Video-8, hi-8, (S) VHS, (S)VHS-C tape € 22,50 € 20,00 € 17,50 € 15,00 € 12,50 mini-DV, Digital 8 DV-T2Type 2: Video 2000/VCC, Betamax, MicroMV, tape € 33,75 € 30,00 € 26,25 € 22,50 € 18,75 HDV, Laserdisc, DV, DV CAM DV-T3 Type 3: U-matic, Betacam, Digibeta tape € 40,50 € 36,00 € 31,50 € 27,00 € 22,50 DV-T4 Type 4: VCR (Philips N1500, N1700) tape € 63,00 € 56,00 € 49,00 € 42,00 € 35,00 Surcharges DV-RT Repair of damaged or broken tape tape € 18,50 DV-SCH Removing mold from tape tape € 17,00 DV-ONT Loosening tape that has become self-adhesive tape € 46,00 DV-NV Surcharge NTSC, SECAM tapes tape € 8,50 DV-PCCoding files in professional codec tape € 5,00 (bijv AVI uncompressed, Prores HQ 422) Transferring to media DM-USB On USB stick / harddisk or internet free DM-DVD DVD (Video or Data) piece € 12,00 DM-DVD-L DVD with custom made menu piece € 25,00 Extra copies (prices include covers) 1-4 pieces5-24 pieces 25-199 pieces 200-499 pieces500 or more DM-C-DVD-B Extra copy DVD piece € 9,25 € 7,20 € 5,90 € 4,80 4,55 Photos / Negatives / Slides Pagina 2 DD-I Set-up costs Photos / Negatives / Slides (1x per order) € 7,50 DD-TIFF Surcharge TIFF files (instead of JPEG) photo € 0,09 Digitizing framed slides Framed, size of frame 5x5 cm DD-2000 35mm dia (24 x 36 mm) - 2000 DPI (6M pixel) piece € 0,46 € 0,40 € 0,34 DD-3000 35mm dia (24 x 36 mm) - 3000 DPI (12M pixel) piece € 0,54 € 0,48 € 0,42 DD-4000 35mm dia (24 x 36 mm) - 4000 DPI (22M pixel) piece € 0,91 € 0,81 € 0,75 Framed, size of frame 7x7 cm DD-M1200 slide (54x54 mm) - 1200 DPI (6M pixel) piece € 2,30 € 1,95 € 1,80 DD-M2000 slide(54x54 mm) - 2000 DPI (18M pixel) piece € 2,45 € 2,17 € 1,95 DD-M2400 slide (54x54 mm) - 2400 DPI (26M pixel) piece € 2,95 € 2,60 € 2,45 Other sizes slides – max. size 6x6 cm DD-A2000 Slides max 6x6 cm - 2000 DPI (2M pixel) piece € 0,89 € 0,79 € 0,69 DD-A3000 Slides max 6x6 cm - 3000 DPI (5M pixel) piece € 0,99 € 0,89 € 0,79 DD-A4000 Slides max 6x6 cm - 4000 DPI (20M pixel) piece € 1,49 € 1,39 € 1,29 Negatives on a strip / roll 1-199 pieces200-499 pieces500+ pieces Prices per photo, deliver on whole strips (minimum of 2 photos) Standaard negative 35mm film (24 x 36 mm) DN-2000 negative (24 x 36mm) - 2000 DPI (6M pixel) piece € 0,39 € 0,36 € 0,30 DN-3000 negative (24 x 36mm) - 3000 DPI (12M pixel) piece € 0,49 € 0,46 € 0,39 DN-4000 negative (24 x 36mm) - 4000 DPI (22M pixel) piece € 0,85 € 0,75 € 0,65 Half size negative (18 x 24 mm) DN-H2000 negative (18 x 24mm) - 2000 DPI (3M pixel) piece € 0,79 € 0,69 € 0,65 DN-H3000 negative (18 x 24mm) - 3000 DPI (6M pixel) piece € 0,89 € 0,79 € 0,73 DN-H4000 negative (18 x 24mm) - 4000 DPI (10M pixel) piece € 0,99 € 0,87 € 0,84 Pocket format negatives “110 film” (13x17 mm) DN-P-2400 negative (13x17mm) - 2400 DPI (2M pixel) piece € 0,89 € 0,79 € 0,69 DN-P-3000 negative (13x17mm) - 3000 DPI (3M pixel) piece € 0,99 € 0,89 € 0,79 Instamatic negatives “126 film” (28x28 mm) Pagina 3 DN-IM-2000 negative (28x28 mm) - 2000 DPI (5M pixel) piece € 0,89 € 0,79 € 0,69 DN-IM-2400 negative (28x28 mm) - 2400 DPI (7M pixel) piece € 0,99 € 0,89 € 0,79 surcharges DN-LN Digitizing a specific photo on strip or a single negatief piece € 0,39 negatives - medium formaat 1-199 pieces200-499 pieces500+ pieces Middenformaat negatives (6cm breed) DN-MF-1200 negative (6cm breed) - 1200 DPI (12M pixel) piece € 1,00 € 0,90 € 0,85 DN-MF-2000 negative (6cm breed) - 2000 DPI (34M pixel) piece € 1,25 € 1,15 € 1,10 DN-MF-2400 negative (6cm breed) - 2400 DPI (48M pixel) piece € 1,55 € 1,45 € 1,40 Glass negatives (13x9 cm) DN-GL-1200 Glass negative (13x9 cm) - 1200 DPI (26M pixel) piece € 2,93 € 2,76 € 2,38 DN-GL-2000 Glass negative (13x9 cm) - 2000 DPI (72M pixel) piece € 3,78 € 3,61 € 3,23 DN-GL-2400 Glass negative (13x9 cm) - 2400 DPI (104M pixel) piece € 5,48 € 5,31 € 4,93 APS negatives 1-4 5-19 20 APS negatives (16x30 mm) DN-A-1500 APS - 1500 DPI (3M pixel) rolletje € 10,00 € 8,00 € 7,00 DN-A-3000 APS - 3000 DPI (7M pixel) rolletje € 14,00 € 12,00 € 11,00 Remarks Price is per film rol in holder - alles photos are scanned - only deliveer in APS holder (do not take film out) Photos – individual which can be processed mechanically 1-199 pieces200-499 pieces500+ pieces Requirements: * Up to A4 * Photos provided in stacks of equal size * No (residu of) glue on the back of the photos DF-L-300D Individual photos up to A4 - 300 DPI photo € 0,41 € 0,35 € 0,32 DF-L-600D Individual photos up to A4 – 600 DPI photo € 0,48 € 0,43 € 0,38 Photos – individual / in an album / mixed 1-199 pieces200-499 pieces500+ pieces Photos that do not meet the requirements mentioned above Pagina 4 DF-B-300D Photo – up to A4 - 300 DPI scan € 0,69 € 0,58 € 0,52 DF-B-600D Photo – up to A4 - 600 DPI scan € 0,89 € 0,78 € 0,70 DF-B-1200D Photo – up to A4 - 1200 DPI scan € 1,45 € 1,30 € 1,19 Photos up to A3 or duplicating photo albums DF-B-A3-300D Photos up to A3 - 300 DPI scan € 1,50 € 1,35 € 1,29 DF-B-A3-600D Photos up to A3 - 600 DPI scan € 1,85 € 1,60 € 1,45 DF-UIT Surcharge cutting individual photos from page photo album photo € 0,39 Kodak Discs 1-3 4-15 16-30 31- DKD Digitizing Kodak Discs - 3000 DPI (1MP) disc € 28,00 € 24,00 € 22,00 € 20,00 Photo print (on photopaper) AF-I setup costs photo printing job € 2,00 AF-10x15 10x15 cm print € 0,25 AF-13x19 13x19 cm print € 0,66 AF-15x19 15x19 cm print € 0,87 AF-20x30 20 x 30 cm print € 2,14 Photo rolls 35mm Development roll € 5,20 Development and print 10x15 cm roll € 6,50 Development and print 10x15 cm + digitalisation on DVD roll € 14,29 Audio 1 tape2-5 tapes 6+ tapes Audio - tapes DA-T1Type 1: Audiocassette, microcassette, minidisc, piece € 25,00 € 20,00 € 15,00 mini cassette, Vinyl, Laquer discs, DAT, DCC, eight-track, 78 rpm disc (e.g. spoken letters) surcharges MW-T1Custom hourly rate (e.g. noise removal, hour € 48,60 make seperate tracks) 1/4 inch audio reels 1 reel 2-4 reels 5-9 reels 10-24 reels 25+ reels Pagina 5 DA-BR-8cm digitize 1/4 inch audio reel - 8cm reel reel € 30,00 € 25,00 € 21,00 € 17,00 € 15,00 DA-BR-9-15cmdigitize 1/4 inch audio reel 9 - 15 cm reel reel € 42,00 € 37,00 € 33,00 € 29,00 € 27,00 DA-BR-16-27cmdigitize 1/4 inch audio reel 16- 27 cm reel reel € 45,00 € 40,00 € 36,00 € 32,00 € 30,00 surcharges DV-RT Repair of damaged or broken tape tape € 18,50 DA-LPSCleaning vinyl discs, 78 rpm discs, (thoroughly with plaat € 3,95 fluids) PLEASE NOTE! Spoken letters can’t be cleaned with fluids MW-T1 Editing audio (e.g.
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