Dct«0aR FABRIC & WOOL O'CONNELL STREET, JHORNIBROOKS DUNGARVAN ^Qi t-'SMORE NEW SELECTION OF— Dungarvan Header SPRING/SUMMER m&r and SOUTHERN DEMOCRAT FOR MATERIALS Circulating throughout the County and City of Waterford, South Tipperary and South-East Cork NOW IN STOCK REGISTERED AT THE GENERAL „ __ TOYOTA Vol. 49. No. 2523. FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1987 POST OFFICE AS A NEWSPAPER PRICE 25p (inc. VAT) PENSMAN TAKES YOU Glass Workers Defer Holidays To The Waterford Glass plants in WEDDING BELLS Dungarvan and Waterford were due for a 3-week shut-down for annual summer holidays on Complete "Rush Order" July 24 but skeleton workforces agreed to a management, re- quest to postpone their holiday Impossible tc meet the deadline holiday period to fulfil an ex- seek worker co-operation in this break so as to complete a spe- date for what has been describ- port order. "However," he ad- manner shows the importance SUMMER HOLIDAYS search, published a report last cial order which could, i-n time, ed as a "showcase order" for ded, "if it enhances future pros- they attach to the Japanese month under the title "Water open u,p lucrative new markets a major Japanese firm. pects and is in the best inter- order which it is hoped will in- ests of the company than we We are at present passing Quality In Ireland —The Cur- for the company. One of the workers involved troduce Waterford Glass to a are ha-ppy to co-operate." new major outlet. through the peak summer holi- 1 at, the Dungarvan plant com- rent Position." The general con- The decision to work through The management decision to day 'period of 1987- and by clusion of the report is that the holiday period was an en- mented that it might be seen as tirely voluntary one and display- ironic at a time- when the com- comparison witih the past two while serious pollution in the pany was seeking to make 750 years the weather has been rivers surveyed is on the de- ed a level of worker-co-opera- COMMUNITY SCHOOL tion without which the company workers redundant that they quite good. As a result, holiday- crease, the incidence of slight would have found it well nigh had to work right through the makers everywhere are out and to moderate pollution in our about in their summer clothes, rivers and streams is on the Cappoquin Controversy looking relaxed, happy and increase. tanned as they enjoy their summer break. Under the sub-heading "Low Rages On But why, oh why must we Level of Nitrate," the report points out that many countries SCHOOL PROPOSAL Jim Joe Landers A message oi continue to be so careless about AGAIN REJECTED good wishes and pledging con- our environment by covering are now concerned at the in- As was predictable the very tinued support, was read to the our streets, roads, beaches and creased levels of nitrate in sur- meeting from John and Eileen face waters because of the well attended public meeting countryside with litter. It is called by the concerned P'arents O'Driseoll, Knockaun East, who potentially adverse effects on Association at the Boathous-e on were- unable to be present, and absolutely appalling that we received with acclamation. are all, young and old, big. little human health. In Ireland the Monday -night again came up with a total rejection of the There was a lengthy discus- and small, so -neglectful and so present usage of artificial nitro- sion on the serious problem fac- genous fertiliser, it states, is on j Minister for Education's propo- lacking in civic spirit where this sal for a Community School in ing the Cappoquin Community average relatively low when i Lismore Again the message was and constructive proposals for very important subject is future courses of action did concerned. compared to other EEC coun-1 clear — Cappoquin was entitled to keep a school it had had for come from the floor and these tries. As a result, the report | the chairman undertook to have Last Monday—the Bank Holi- almost, fifty years and would do says that the concentrations of so. Mr. Jim Wall. Chairman of acted upon. day—the Square in Dungarvan nitrate in our surface waters Concerned Parents outlined all and the adjoining streets re- were well below the limit re-1 the recent developments in the sembled a dump with a profu- commended for public supply Ions; running saga and the Min- sion of wrappers, ta-ke-awav ister's letter was read to the The Editor. sources. meeting by the Secretary. Mr. containers and papers of all de- Dungarvan Leader. Setting out the causes of the THEY REJECT COMMUNITY scriptions littering the area. SCHOOL IN LISMORE Several parts of Abbeyside pollution that does exist the were no better. Why must wc report says that available evi- Dear Sir, destroy our towns and our dence woula appear to indicate With reference to the ir.em that the greater part of pollu- KNOCKANORE in the Lismore Notes of your countryside in this disgusing p-aper dated Juiy 24th regarding manner. Foreign tourists can tion in all categories is attribut- the announcement of a Com- hardly be impressed, nor indeed able to wastes discharged from CHILD'S munity School for Lismor:-. I can they be blamed for assess- towns and industries. There ,s. wish to repudiate the state- however, it adds, and this ment that the news was greeted ing us as the dirty Irish! w.'itn ju Dilation by ail the cannot be without its own COMPENSATION parents in West waterford who Is there any solution to this significance, some probability are sincerely interested in problem which is growing more thiat the influence of indirect CASE DEFERRED their children's future eduoa- acute with each passing month inputs, particularly from agri- t.on. A four-year-old child had de- .1 am extremely interested in with the proliferation of pack- cultural land is underestimated. veloped speech difficulties after aged items coming from the my children's education and I the car in which he was a back- don't believe that their needs various retail outlets. Is it a This latter point brings me to seat passenger was involved in. a collision with another vehicle. will be best served in -a school Mr. John Galvin, "Ben Edair," Blackroek Road, Cork and futile, useless appeal to ask a discussion which I had last of 700 pupils in Di&more or even week with a medical doctor Judge Sean MacD. F-awsitt Miss Eileen Wyley, 17 O'Connell Street, Dungarvan who were people to show a little civic heard at Youghal Circuit court 50-0 pupils which would be a pricta e.«\4 . VjiK-Uino Litler -from Dungarvan about the Tast week. more re-alistic figure. Any sen- married in St. Mary's Parish Church, Dungarvan recently. sible parent knows that their around at random? Let us hope use of certain types Judge Fawsitt said he believ- children are better OS in not. e<i it v. too early yet to de- fertilisers are creating. He termrn'e t fir iimoum or com.,:,,,,^ smalle' f"H ltTr units,11>TT~, i j providin(illfii txn^ig bette>jr- spoke especially about the BRIDGING THE GAP sation the child is entitled to pline. it has been argued that methods used for "forcing" the and he adjourned the further more non-academic suojects will The final stage in the con- growth of potatoes, vegetables consideration of the case to the be available in a- larger school. November Circuit Court sittings struction of the new bridge and greens such as lettuce. Married recently at St Augustine's Church, Abbeyside were As all the .teachers in the three Miss Patricia Power, 23 McCarthyvillc, Abbeyside and Mr. in Cork. schools, Christian Brothers and across the river Colligan on the Pointing out that nitrates and The court had been asked to Patrick Kiely, Knockeylan Upper, Dungarvan. (Photo: Slearn) Presentation Convent in Lis- Dungarvan By-Pass Road has phosphates were the main approve a settlement of £6,000 more and St. Anne's, Gappo- now been reached and when sources from which these health and costs in favour of the child, q-uin are guaranteed perman- Francis O'Callaghan, Carngl'ass. ency in the proposed Commun- the remaining 12 metre centre hazards sprang, he produced a Knockanore, co. Waterford. He span in the 3-span bridge was ity School there will be a-pprox. leaf from a- head of lettuce sold DUNGARVAN GOLF NOTES sued, through his father, Pat- l'O teachers over quota. Where being joined up on Thursday locally in Dungarvan but "im- rick O'Ca'llaghan, the owner of do the exiflra teachers for tihe July 30. quite a few spectators ported" from Dublin, let me the car involved in the two-car sought after extra subjects fit crash on May 6 last. Pauline in? watched the operation from add, and by a simple test O'Connell, Ballybroher, Bally- vantage points. method showed that it con- cotton, Co. Cork. The vast majority of parents in the Cappoquin area are tained a high concentration of The firsit of the 26 four ton totally opposed to losing their nitrate. 12 metre long reinforced con- school and having their child- ren re-located in Lismore. We crete beams used to close up The doctor then explained CYCLING intend to re-tain our own the centre span was gingerly that the regular consumption of identity and It's a pity that lifted into position by a giant agricultural produce with such birds of passage like Brother crane shortly after 12 o'clock Barry seek to impose their a high nitrate content could JOHN HEARN 3-DAY misguided ideas on people who (noon).
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