15th AI\'N/l'fRSAR}' , o,"~ crn''S MORNING Nfl'.'SPAPf' Clinton gains crucial sup o fo b ..... ~ ...... Jim luther tnm delici by $496 billion ° r fi Associated Press -rhia bill oill m an jobe, and overall J thin it', a positive thine (or th country and for WASHINGTON - Pre ident Clinton on th economy: laid the la malter, ho crucial turnabout support for his budget oppoeed th bill rli r in th year. Wednesday from a Democratic eDator Hia announ m nt offi t last w It nd'. who e vote could deliver the tax increue. defection of Sen David Bo n, o.okla., wbo Inside and 8pending curbs the White HOUM wants. bad voted for th measure h D it cl &red The adminiBtration made a lut-minute con­ the nate arli r thiJ year by a 50-49 mar· cession to wealthy taxpayers. gin. Barring snoth r d fedion, D on iru'. Sen. Dennis DeConcini, the object of decieion a sur 60 SeDat vot (or th inten8e White Houee lobbying, announc d plan. with Vice Id nt AI Go avail I. he would vote for tbe measure de igned to to break a tJ if n~IIoIl.I'Y . IAII. TERM ONU' 2 .J/2 .7A1l . Officer e od ey Dr. Jack Kevorkian assisted in the suicide of a 30-year-old man with lou Gehrig's disease Wednesday. See story Page 5. d ,I . NewsBriefs LOCAL Mayflower residents may now retrieve belongings Summer residents of Mayflower Residence Hall will be allowed to retrieve their belong­ ings and check out today and Friday, Aug. 5 and 6, from 9:30 a.m. until 6 p.m. Residents will be transported to the residence hall by a shuttle ser­ vice leaving from Hancher Auditorium. People with personal cars should park in the Hancher f North lot. For those without cars, , I a shuttle service will also be avail- e , • able between Rienow and a Hancher. Before leaving Mayflower, all II • j residents must officially check out Friends still hop 1 and turn in keys for their room and the front door. Fai lure to return keys will result in a $50 charge to rekey the room. for VI ju ·or' re m Those with vehicles parked behind Mayflower will be able to pick them up within the week. UI Residence Services Director George Droll warned that there is no elevator service, no air condi­ tioning, no safe drinking water, no telephone service and no restroO(T1 facilities in Mayflower. j Residents with questions may call 335-9732. NATIONAL Senate passes $5.8 billion Dnld Crftdy I The in flood relief WASHINGTON (AP) - The Pumping up Senate approved a $5.8 billion Barry disaster bill for Midwestern flood While the immediate flood waters have subsided, Plant employee Lodridge spent his eight­ victims Wednesday night after the the high level of the Iowa River, visible in the hour shift manning the pumps outside the Clinton administration agreed to metal tube, is still flooding the basements of the ceramics area of the Art Building Wednesday mOre help for farmers. Art Building and the Art Museum. UI Physical afternoon. The voice vote brought the three-week journey of the emer­ IIOOOINC; mAMf gency aid bill nearer to an end. The measure had grown by nearly Five good $3 .3 billion since President Clinton proposed the measure Regents deny.funding for Inany VI programs July 14 during a visit to flood­ lesley Kennedy Relations Ann Rhod added that reasons not' stricken Des Moines. Most of the The Daily Iowan it is not unusual for programs to i'icrease has been at the adminis­ receive no funding at this point in UI administrators may have to tl'iltion 's request to meet the the budgeting process. to squeal find alternate ways to fund acade­ growin aster. "We can make preaentaboDi and mic activities such as minority explain our priorities at the Dert • recruitment, improvement of meeting: she aaid. '"l'he board may ..... ,... ,e DIII1 OUt&w uDdergraduate education, then allocate more money for thete your tires as of9p.m. Wednesday increased acce8S to higher educa­ programs.- 'ThoIMs WaMl tion and strengthening of graduate The regent&' office warned regent The Daily towan education and research during the institution8 in its recommenda­ If it'. not one it'a uuaJ,; 1994-95 school year. thine, tions that budgets will again be 17 another - but for a couple Funds totaling nearly $3.8 mil­ tight due to th.iB 8ummer's Oooding ManoD men who were puU ... lion were reque8ted,for these pro­ and the recent Supreme Court state iD a poeition where there ia that thiI iI only a pnlimina., bud­ 0ft1' Tuesday nilht, it ended gram8, but no money wu allocated decision that federal pensions are not going to be extra moaey; navia get. laid. '"Ibia iI a baI'e-bone budget.. "We haft to wait to see what the bein, one thin., aDd aDot.her. in the Iowa state Board of Regents not tuable by states. and aoot.her. Features ..... .. .. ......................... ... 2 preliminary budget recommenda­ • According to the report, the Rhod .. said the 800clinc bas put Legialature doee: he aaid. "We everyone in a very conaeoative won't really know where the bud­ Chri. W. Roberta. 19, and Metro & Iowa ............................. tions for fiacal year 1995. impact of the disaster is not fully 3 let ata.nda util they make aome Anthony Liurel Sr., 21, both 01 "This i8 not a closed issue: UI known, as it is not yet ended, and mood. Marion, were pulled over in a Arts & Entertainment .................. 4 -rile fIoodinc is goiDg to caue a clecUiODL A lot of the funding will A88i8tant to the Prov08t Leodie it i8 clear that FY '95 appropriation routiDe b'afJic .top after Uttnl Nation & World ......................... 5 lot ofimpac:t. on the state economy," depend on the 600cl sitlJAtion. So Davis said. "It will be discUBSed at needs acroe8 the 8tate will ~ bia and failed to Calendar / News of Record ......... 6 abe said. "Thia is ,oina to make much is atill up in the air_- w. the September and October board undoubtedly exceed current Ole s tum aipaJ. Movies ... .................. .. ............ .... 6 everyone very cautioue about. tee­ The bud.et report atatu that Iowa City Police Department meetings. We are hopeful that a receipts. one of the top priorities i.e Comics / Cro sword ....... .. ........... 6 ommeDding fundin4r increaaes." regen,... Capt. Patrick Harney opJ.aineG number of our requests will be "The board office aaid that the Regeats PreaideDL Marvin providing additicmal funds to meet Classifieds .. .... ............................ 8 reinstated." Hooding, suffering and 1088 of mOD­ See ItHD ANOTHO. P.J8I! S Beren.t.ein laid it muat be Doted See fUNDINC. P. 5 Sports ....................................... 10 UI Vice President for Univeraity ey, farms and homee haa put the 2 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Thursday, August 5, 1993 Features HEY YOU, DAILY IOWAN READER. Donlt like usl Think you can do any better? Need a job? Wl'lI, hl'H.· ... )uur th.mH·. Dive in and get your hands di Cruising the Ie way: over and over for one of the top college dailies in the country. .. now accepting applications for Metro Reporters, Dave Strahan .... ",..... 0:: Writers, Editorial Writers, Copy Editors, freelance The Daily Iowan & Entertainment Writers, and Photographers. -. Chances are you see them each If you're interested, drop by 201 N Communications Center weekend - tires screeching, tunes for an application. Then prove you can meet a deadline by blaring, engines roaring - cruising the downtown loop, again and OQt1·jno it completed and turned in by Friday, Aug. 27. Any again and again. estions should be directed to Loren at 335-6030. If you're like me, you may have Go for it. wondered - what are these people doing? Indeed, you, too, may scream "get a life' w whenever jacked-up Chevy Novas blasting • AO I DC's "Highway to Hell- nearly • run you down. Despite the contempt I harbor for people who have tried to kill Sell Back Your me, I've found it increasingly diffi­ cult to ignore the numbers of cruis­ • ers on downtown treets. After all, • on any given weekend night, the U$ED loop is ab olutely filled with cars .. circling like buzzards. The weird thing is, the cruisers don't look bored. They look excited. And hap­ py, BOOK$ Frankly, this struck me 88 strange, and to get the whole story, reporter Jon Yates, photographer David Guttenfelder and I hopped In a brown, hole·ridden, mean· sounding, 1974 Oldsmobile Cutlass CA$ Supreme and hit the streets. But first we hit Quik Trip. It was aboul 11 p.m. We had to buy • beer jerky, Marlboros, and 16 oz. bottties of Mountain Dew. When in Ro,me ... After the first couple laps I understood what should have heen Photographer David Guttenfelder and reporter atop their 1974 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme with obvious. Simply, people cruise Jon Yate and David Strahan (from left) pose here smokes and Dew, basically copping an attitude. btU:ause it's fun - it's a looking game. Cruising is an · us" and parked in the lot. This evening's ing and hanging out. the wall. "them" sort of thing. When on foot, fellow cruisers weren't too friendly. "We stay here until the cops kick "All it would take is a normal J consider people in cars the ene· "Getting bored ?~ one kid asked. No, us out," said an older kid. "Then we screwdriver," he slurred. "You don't my' When I'm cruising, however, we weren't even close. move to another parking lot.
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