Version 2.1 11/11/19 Notes: This template may require adjustments by individual Add photo operators to meet specific reporting requirements as defined in the site Permit(s) Annual Performance Report 2019 Permit EPR/BV8067IL Newhaven Energy Recovery Facility Veolia ES South Downs Ltd Year: 2019 Address: North Quay Road, East Sussex, BN9 0AB Tel: 08453 550 550 Email: Prepared by:Naomi Gronn Position: Environmental Technician Approved by:Paul McMullen Position: Facility Manager Version: 1 Issue Date: January 2020 Annual Performance Report 2019 Newhaven Energy Recovery Facility Contents Notes: Section Subject Page Section references and Page nos. to be inserted Facility Information Sections and Subjects may require Operational Summary adjustment by individual operators to meet Operational Data specific reporting requirements as defined in Performance Form 1 the sites Permit(s) Energy Form 1 Permit Compliance Improvements Public Liaison Residue Quality - Optional Emissions to Water Emissions to Air (periodically monitored) Emissions to Air (continuously monitored) Hydrogen Chloride emissions Sulphur Dioxide emissions Oxides of Nitrogen emissions Total Organic Carbon emissions Particulate Matter emissions Carbon Monoxide emissions Ammonia emissions Version Control Section Information Date Distribution Copy Name, Role No. This report is required under the Industrial Emissions Directive Article 55(2) requirements on reporting and public information on waste incineration plants and co-incineration plants, which require the operator to produce an annual report on the functioning and monitoring of the plant and make it available to the public. Page 2 Annual Performance Report 2019 Newhaven Energy Recovery Facility Plant Description and Design Notes: The Newhaven Energy Recovery Facility processes about half the household waste in the South Downs Include summary of plant design, area. That’s approximately 210,000 tonnes of waste per year. The facility converts waste unsuitable for design capacity, no. of combustion recycling into over 19. megawatts of electrical energy - enough power to supply 25,000 homes The lines, electrical and heat capacity electricity produced is then supplied to the National Grid. The Energy Recovery Facility is the first facility and any other general information of its kind to be built in the South Downs area and is designed to make it a cleaner and greener place to live. that describes the facility, its location and purpose Summary of Operational Processes and Procedures Technical details of the plant: Include summary of key processes and procedures such as (but not Maximum Permitted Refuse throughput – 242,000 tonnes per annum, with approximately 14 tonnes per limited to); waste reception, control hour burning capacity per stream rooms, grate, bed and boiler, energy Storage capacity – four days full plant capacity Number of tipping bays – 8 & heat generation, cooling Steam output – 86 tonnes of steam per hour at 400*C and 49 bar systems, residue management, Flue gas treatment – dry lime scrubber followed by high performance bag filters, discharging into a 65 emission controls, health and safety metre high chimney systems, maintenance Energy produced – maximum generating capacity 19MW The ERF is regulated by the Environment Agency and is certified in compliance with: ISO 9001 : 2008 ISO 14001 : 2004, and OHAS 18001 : 2007 Page 3 Annual Performance Report 2019 Newhaven Energy Recovery Facility Operational Data Plant Size 242,000 tonnes pa MWth 19 MWe No. of combustion lines 2 No. of Turbines: 1 Waste types received Unit Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Total % Household / Local Authority 55,789 54,378 48,791 55,307 214,266 96.2% Commercial & Industrial 2,078 2,189 2,050 2,074 8,391 3.8% Hazardous - - Clinical - - Waste wood (biomass) - - Refuse derived fuel - - Solid recovered fuel - - Other [Please specify] tonnes - - Other [Please specify] Other [Please specify] Total waste received 57,868 56,567 50,841 57,381 222,657 100.0% Rejected Waste - - Waste transferred out - - Energy Usage / Export Unit Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Total KWh/te Power Generated 39,130 37,172 31,306 31,933 139,541 627 Power Exported 34,098 32,389 27,151 27,852 121,490 546 Power Used on siteMWh 5,032 4,783 4,155 4,081 18,051 81 Power Imported 1 11 254 722 988 4 Parasitic Load % 12.9% 12.9% 14.0% 14.7% 13.5% Thermal Energy Produced - - Thermal Energy Exported GWh - - R1 value Design / Operational / n/a Waste Disposal & Recovery Unit Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Total % inputs APC Residues - produced 1,747 1,672 1,427 1,601 6,447 2.9% IBA - produced 10,061 10,389 9,488 9,410 39,348 17.7% Metals recycling 1,037 994 927 969 3,927 1.8% Other - - - - - - tonnes Other - - - - - - Other - - - - - - Raw Material Usage Unit Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Total kg or Ltr /te Mains Water m3 11,342 11,194 10,572 8,998 42,106 189.11 Other Water m3 - - Ammonia / Urea kgs 47,000 48,000 40,000 41,000 176,000 0.79 Activated Carbon kgs 9,230 9,700 7,970 5,540 32,440 0.15 Lime / hydrated lime kgs 599 621 522 525 2,267 0.01 Fuel oil ltrs 11,516 76,960 53,553 89,463 231,492 1.04 Gas cf - - - - - - Other - - - - - - Summary of Hours Line/Unit Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Total Hours of waste combustion, total 1 2,157 2,130 1,794 2,123 8,204 93.7% Hours of waste combustion, total 2 2,152 2,115 1,947 2,022 8,236 94.0% Hours of waste combustion, total 3 - x % Hours of waste combustion, total 4 - x % Hours of waste combustion, total 5 - x % Hours of turbine operations, total 1 2,160 2,181 1,941 1,801 8,083 92.3% Hours of turbine operations, total 2 - x % Hours of heat / steam export - - - - - n/a Abnormal Events qty. - - - - - no Abnormal operation hours - - - - 0.00% Permit Breaches qty. - - - - - no Page 4 Annual Performance Report 2019 Newhaven Energy Recovery Facility Summary of Plant Operations and Maintenance during the reporting year Notes: Plant outage period from 13th September through to 3rd October 2019. During this period planned Include summary of key operational preventative maintenance takes place, whereby components are assessed and replaced / repaired as and/or maintenance activity required undertaken in the year, such as any major component upgrades and/or There were no major component upgrades or replacements in 2019 and any maintenance was a-typical of the normal running of a waste incineration unit replacements Summary of Residue Handling for the reporting year The Incinerator Bottom Ash (IBA) is transported via railway to Day Group Ltd Aggregate Processing Facility Include in here a summary of residue situated in Brentford. The IBA is reprocessed into a number of different graded aggregates, ferrous and non handling regimes and destinations ferrous metal products, which are then utilised in the construction and metal industry. Ferrous metals removed during on site processing of IBA are forwarded to SSSI Metals situated in London. The metals are separated into individual fractions, and are sent on for utilisation in the metal industry. The fine particulate matter, known as Air Pollution Control Residue (APCr), is removed from the process by a fabric filter. The APCr is sent to Empire, another Veolia site located in Aldridge, West Midlands where it is used to neutralise spent acid wastes before final disposal. Summary of any other improvements made to the plant or planned to be made and a summary of the resulting environmental benefits Every practicable opportunity to use the heat rejected at the steam condensers for beneficial local use is investigated. To date no cost effective or practicable options have become available. The site will continue to identify all possible opportunities, and investigate the practicalities of its installation. All viable developments will be implemented at the earliest opportunity. Page 5 2019 Annual Reporting Performance Form 1 Permit EPR/BV8067IL Operator: Veolia South Downs Ltd Facility: Newhaven Energy Recovery Facility Form: Performance 1 Reporting Period from: 1/1/2019to: 31/12/2019 2019 Annual Reporting of Waste Disposal and Recovery % / tonne of waste Waste Description Disposal Route(s) Disposal Tonnes Recovery Tonnes incinerated 1) Hazardous Wastes APC Residues D9 6,446.0 2.9% IBA - - - Total Hazardous Waste 6,446.0 0.0 2.9% 2) Non-Hazardous Wastes IBA R5 39,347.0 17.7% Ferrous Metal R4 3,927.0 1.8% Process Water - - - Total Non-Hazardous Waste 0.0 43,274.0 19.4% TOTAL WASTE 6,446.0 43,274.0 22.3% Operator’s comments : The APC residue is utilised at a specialist hazardous waste treatment facility where it is re-used to neutralise acid wastes before final disposal 2019 Annual Reporting of Water and Other Raw Material Usage Raw Material Usage UnitSpecific Usage Unit Mains Water 42,106 m3 0.19 m3/te Total Water 42,106 m3 0.19 m3/te Urea / Ammonia 176,000 kg0.79 kg/te Activated Carbon 32,440 kg0.15 kg/te Lime / hydrated lime / Sodium Bicarb. 2,267 kg0.01 kg/te Operator’s comments : 2019 Annual Reporting of other performance indicators Parameter Results by Line A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Turbine 1 Turbine 2 Operating hours for 8204 8236 the year, hours 8083 Number of periods of abnormal operation, 0 0 qty. Cumulative hours of abnormal operation 0 0 for this year, hours Operator’s comments : Signed: Date: 24th January 2020 Page 6 2019 Annual Reporting of Energy Usage/Export Permit EPR/BV8067IL Operator: Veolia South Downs Ltd Facility: Newhaven Energy Recovery Facility Form: Energy 1 Reporting Period from: 1/1/2019to: 31/12/2019 Energy Source Energy UsageUnit Specific Usage KWh / tonne of Electricity Produced 139,541 waste incinerated 627 KWh / tonne of Electricity Imported 988
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