i f . - .--V - - ■Vti'upp.i..,v v s , ^ - THE WEATHER . ■ ' ■ NETT PtlfiSS RUN ■ i-,- i hy tr, is»r‘Ave»fit#rT<»f'wiifi-“| , • ’ S i t W llpV€B■ AVERAGE DArLY CtRCULATIOX t • ' - • . • ‘.‘T.- '' *‘- •• . for the month of November, 1928 “.V vFair toplgbt;.i Thursfilhj'• cJo:idj ' an’d' fomewhat warmer, ijocgibly 5,237 rt»lr». Member of the Audit Buronn of •, 4 . Clrculntlonn V PRICE THREE C E N m JHANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1928. ' (P.^ Oi so. .Mancb^ste'rt^CjoijJjO VOL. XLIII., NO. 50. (EIGHTIilEN PAGES) , ’ ■ .'■ ' ,;wv •• • •■ • ‘v***'^*'I'i.'■■• •■■ • • -------------- ;--------------------- ------------rrr-^— T" GUARDING HOOVER PRESDENT.IN I? / ' EECH, LAUDS AGAINST RED PLOT ■ K Chicago. Dec. 12.— Machine guns,fed t;a; a ‘.police hospital, Vie.^ negro THE WRIGHTS tear bombs, repeating- rifles, shot­ identified asfEi'Dest WhirerUst, 18, Police Find Room Full of guns. 4>istols and fire hpses today was fbund to have'thiTty-fhf'e bullet j FORGETS GEMS poured Incessant, streams of lead wounds. Although a spark of life! Ptfisonous Fluid Drained and water into a thr^e-atory brick remained when the youth arrived atj Opens Aeronautics Confer-H-I w a l e s : f a v o r i t e . P H O T O Bombs and a Map Show­ house in which a lone .pegro defend-1 the hospital, he soon died, er battled more than two hundred ' The,.battle- started, when two de- | ence in Washington; Dele-|^ from Right Lung— fur- WORTH MHU0N policemen during the night before tectives went to'a fruit store where j I ing Route Taken by Amer­ he was finally shot down when a a negro was reported to hav.e huri-j squad finally crashed through the I a bricll: through’^the window, gates Present from All ther Drainage Necessary, IN H O TE R O O M doorway. Arresting four negro youths as - - t* ican Good Will Party. Six policemen received painful i suspects, the- boys told the police- but not serious waunds as the! man where the ybuth they isought Parts of World. Says Late BuDetin; Prince ; negro, believed to be demented. cQuld be found. The men rang the| ■Vi- Buenos Aires, Dec. 12.— As the . ruslied from windpw to window of front doorbell and from ah tipper | Reporter Finds Heirlooms Pays Second Visit to ■ result of the confisculion of a room i the house firing a shotghn wildly at window, Whirerust called to them, ji Washington, Dec. 12.— A closer; \ detectives and firemen who had "We're policemen,’’ tlve detec-' full of bombs and other explosives bond of amity and understanding 1 and Notifies Lady Heath, i hiddeh behind buildings ahd. in ai- tives shouted. Immediately Whire­ Father’s Bedside Today. on the eve of the visit of President- i leyways for the long seige. rust fired two shots ahd the police among the nations of the werld will; Elect Herbert Hoover to Buenos ! Had 85 Wounds. retreated pending the arrival of re- be welded through the medium of Famous English Aviatrix I When finally captured and rush- ,serves. Aires, the greatest precautions ever j the ever-spreading wings of avia­ •Imndbn. Dec! 12.--'A' slight oper­ taken here to insure the safety o f ! tion, President Coolidge predicted ation was performed tymn King a distinguished foreign visitor were Who Claims Them. tod^y in formally opening the In­ George today to drain the poiaen- ternational Civic Aeronautics C>Tn- under way today. THINGS ARE PRETTY GOOD ous fluid from the right lung. The Hoover good will party is ^ ference, assembled here to discus.? The following bulleiin tras issued du-; here from Mendoza, on the i Chicago, Dec. 12.— Recovery of more intensive development of aerl-j Argentine-Chilean frontier, tomor- j jewelry and family heirlooms val­ at Buckingham Palace early In the row afternoon upon a special train j al commerce. 1 ued at $1,000,000 and owned by ON BOWERY THIS YEAR afternoon. guarded by 30 picked.soldiers. They | "All nations are looking forward I^ady Heath', England’s foremort "The slight improvement in the were selected from tlie San Marvin to the day of extensive, regular and King’s condition noticed this morn- grenadier guards, the crack regi- aviatrix. w-as announced here today reasonably safe intercontinental has been maintained. Some puru­ ment of the Argentine army. j by A1 Dunlap, president of the' Barometer of Country's La- PRESTON ELECTED and interoceanic transportation by Thousands of police, secret ser- i Press Club of Chicago. ; airplane and airship.’’ the President lent fluid roun-d the base of_the vice agents and soldiers will l>e on | declared. “ Whaf the future holds j right lung ' was removed by punc­ The jewels were left here in a I duty whe.i the train arrives and a | bor Conditions Shows out even the imagination may be; ture this morning. Further drain­ specia body guard will protect .Mr. hotel room dressing table drawer, MASONIC MASTER age Is necessary.’’ ;■ by Lady Heath when she departed i i inadequate to grasp. We may bej Hoover when lie appears in public. I sure, however, that the perfection The bulietin was signed by Sir Deplore Incident hurriedly for Washington Monday. That There Is No Pros-| _ — j and extension of air transport Stanley Hewitt, DL L, E. H. Whit­ • Argentine cfBcials deeply deplore Dunlap discovered the heirlooms ' by. Sir-El:. Farquhar Buzzard, Sir the incident which is attributed to in the drawer when he w’ent to the. i throiigliout the world will be of thp Manchester Lodge Holds An­ i utmost significance to civilization. Hiimphery RolleStoii and Lrord anarchists. Officials, froui President room to obtain an autographed pect of "Bread Line ” Dawson of Penn. photograph of Lady Heath, proin- While the primary aim of this in­ 0^ Irigoyen down regret that it should dustry is and will he imineasurablv The fact that the physicians were have taken clace or. Argentine soil. ised him by the famous aviatrix. able', to perform the- “ puncture nual Session-^Five Trus­ advanced by it. indirectly, but no Ho'”ever. ’ there is gratification Notified of their recovery, Ladv New’ York, Dec. 12.—Down in operation” was accepted as proof Heath in Washington today in less surely, will the nations, be that his general strength had im­ over the discovery of the “ arsenal" the Bowery, a barometer of the drawn more closely togethei m ] before the conspirators could use striicted Dunlap to insure them for tees Are Named. proved somewhat. Ilrevioualy. the country’s labor conditions, times bonds of amit.v aud understanding." i any of the explosives. $1,000,000 and send them to her. I King was said to be loo weak to pea Very \aluable are pretty good. That is to say, the Only 25 Years Old. ] riiit such treatment. in addition to the bombs tlie Mr Coolidge reviewed for the con- j police found a detailed railway map Lady Heath, ovm- the long dis-j floaters, bums and jobless is ! It was generally* believed in un- tauce teleplione to Dunlap and oth-, ^ ,____ _________ -.s i Harold L. Preston, of 21 Lilley ference (he consistent leadershipj with the route of Mr. Hoover s ers ill Chicago today, said she did l^ss than is customary on the et e o- ; gtreet, an executive in the producHj the.United States has exerted in the I official circles that today’s opera­ special train marked off in pencil. tion on the King was purposely not care to have it known that tlie winter. There is no ‘ nimediate | Cheney field of aviation from the *:me. just I postponed until after j^he Prince A youth .vho was arrested in the jewels were worth such a sum. prospect of a “ bread line” such as' j 2.6 years ago, when Wilbur and Or 'f of Wales had arrived in London ■be­ house V here the explosives were Brothers, Wan last uigl^t elected I vjlle Wright acconipli.shed the first discovered is being grilled by the Aside from tlipir actual value, they evidence last Christmas, cause of fear that the King’s heart are extremely valuable to her be- . ^ , e , a Worshipful Master of Manchester ! flight ever made by man in a; police. It 1. understood that the of their being family heir- Urbian i^edoux, the hobo s fr,end might riot withstand the 'extr.a cause i lodge of Mi jons. The annual meet- j power-driven heavie.r-tlian-air ma- strain imposed upon it. police expect to make further ar- looms and that w’as why she asked who is widely' known as “ Mr. Zero," i . 1 n ^ of the lodge was held in the . chine, to the present da.v. wliio’.i r, sts. they be Insured for $1,000,000. She j jg (joing business at the same old ' ' I finds the continent liter.ally criss- Plans were made to send detec­ las. night and was attended EARLY BULLETINS told Dunlap, the latter stated, that " „ , j crossed with commercial airways I Loudon,! Dec.! 12.— -An officj[al tives to meet the Hoover special she would tell friends, the gems | ^tand-a food and^rest emponurn : ! tonchin.g into every se'dion. He paid , some miles west of Bueros Aires. were worth only a small sum by ' falle^-the ‘ I^ickeLG I^ome. There , —, ; ■ ■ I bulletin which indicated that King 1 narticular tribute to the Wriaht, 1 George may ye.t win his gallant bal- The railw'ay tracks w'ill be comparison, $10,000, or some'simI-| lie gives free breakfastst' to -llie i ! Brothers, the survivor of whom has| patrolled and searched as the j tie—with death wiis issued by the rain , lar amount.
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