to - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday. Aug 28, 1985 MANCHESTER FOCUS SPORTS WEATHER Union raps Pillowtex OA shows members Schoolboy gridders Rain possible tonight; REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITIES on bargaining method I how to control eating get going In earnest little change Friday ... page 3| ... page 11 ... page 15 ... page 2 REAL ESTATE THIS WEEK featuring: Thinking of a new home? NEW CARE - NERRON M n m h t B t n I r r a l b Gorgeous customized 7 room, IVi bath home built ' Call U&R first for your custom built home. by Behrman. Family room, fireplace, cedar exterior. _ ( t ( ! M ____ A|I4*1 Thursday, Aug. 29, 1985 — Single copy: 25« "WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSESI"...648-2482 Manchester, Conn. — A*City of Village Charm We have home sites available in Manchester and South Windsor. BOLTON LAKE ▼ 11 Space crew launches satellite, tracks Elena Whether you are interested in buying, selling, WATERFRONT building or just need to consult someone on See this gorgeous 7 room home with 105’ ol prime like that in a couple of days," Elena in the Gulf of Mexico where But 45 minutes after today’s above the equator. hackup system will slow down Ihe waterfront. Most rooms have a gorgeous view of the By William Harwood NASA was paid about $35 million operation ol Ihe space crane United Press International replied astronaut David Leestma a hurricane watch has been issued launch, mission controllers re­ lakei Aluminum siding, deck, 2 car garage and much ported the satellite’s solid rocket to ferry the new Syncom into orbit ”lt’s a imieh more involved your real estate needs, call us — we’re morel Offered at $149,900. See you Sunday! in mission control. for gulf coast states. 2 along with two other communica­ process.’’ Might director Bill Directions: Rt. 44'to Vernon Road (next to Lake CHFA APPROVED 11% MORTGAGE CAPE CANAVERAL, Flu. - "That’s what I’m looking at, ” "You cun see it looks like several had fired to begin the trip to the Reeves said Wednesday night House). Signs posted. Hurry and see this Immaculate 2 bedroom ranch In Discovery ’s crewmen successfully replied van Hoften, who will have circulatory patterns that are not proper orbit. tions satellites launched Tuesday always willing to assit you. town. Priced in the60's. Alum, sided, full basementi ’ You have to think two or three launched their third and final to manually grab the lifeless quite organized into one yet," Syncom 3’s failure was blamed after blastoff. Hughes Communi "WE GURANTEE OUR HOUSES! ”. 646-2482 "WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSESI" .646-2462 satellite today, a redesigned ver­ Syncom 3 satellite Saturday so he Engle said. ”11 they ever decide to on an aiilomatic timer that never cations Inc., owner ol the Navy- moves ahead” Reeves said mission managers sion of the lifeless relay station two and fellow spacewalker William join up il ought to be a good one engaged and left it dead in space. leased Syncom system, paid some “WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSES!” astronauts plan to "hot-wire" Fisher can attempt repairs. Thai’s a pretty good sized storm. ” Fisher and van Hoften plan to walk $10 million lor the repair effort. plan to spread Ihe spacewalk over U&R REALTY CO. during two weekend spacewalks. With the final satellite launch out Syncom 3 has been marooned in in space Saturday and Sunday to The astronauts originally two (lays, Saturday and Sunday, to The 7'/2-ton Sypeom 4 military of the way, commander Joe Engle, a useless orbit since launch from a install electronic gear to bypass planned to carry out the spacewalk allow more lime lor the repair il Blanchard & Rossetto €S> the spacecraft’s faulty timer so repair ol Syncom 3 on Saturday nece.ssary COMMtRflAL CREDIT communications satellite sailed co-pilol Richard Covey, John shuttle in April because ol eleclri- 643-?692 646-2482 Lounge, van Hoften and Fisher cal problems. ground crews can control the and then to land at Edwards Air That means Discovery’s Califor 9 RNANOAL NETWORK out of Discovery's payload bay at 0 Coran* Om<s Robert D. Murdock, Realtor REAL ESTATE 189 West Center St. corner of McKee St. Senior Citiiem Discounts 6:49 a m. EDT, spinning serenely turned their attention to the The control circuits of the new spacecralt. Force Base, Calif , on Labor Day Ilia landing would be delayed until away on its side like a giant upcoming Syncom 3 repair job. Syncom were redesigned following If the repair works, ground morning. Tuesday lielore sunrise It would drum-shaped Frisbee The target was abmit 3.600 miles the April failure of its predecessor controllers will fire up the salel- But Discovery’s spindly articu­ he only the second "night ” landing in the shullle iirograin’s '20 flights. "And Syncom’s away, Hous­ ahead of Discoy^y when its sister to ensure ground controllers would lite’s ICBM-type rocket motor in lated robot arm, crucial to the Lindsey Real Estat ton, " astronaut James "Ox " van satellite was^unched today. be able to fire the spacecraft’s October, after its frozen rocket fuel repair effort, sullered a power a u has thawed out, to send the craft to failure in its elbow joint Tuesday- Hoften said. But first. Engle aimed a televi- rocket motor even if its automatic Please turn to page to 519 Center Street sigir^'amera at tropical storm timer failed its operational altitude22.300 miles after blastoff and the remaining 7v.r V | Manchester, CT 06040 "You gel toWrestle with one just fT i 649-4000______ Panel GOP asks audit CUSTOM COLONIAL "For Nature Lovers and Golfer’s Alike” backs of operations at pay hike Bennet housing Manchester "Terrific Opporlunlty" $70^s on large 6 room Town House, 3 B R > 1V4 baths,large raised hearth, F.P., custom kitchen cabinets, gas heat - 2 zones, basement plus extra flue By Mark A. Dupuis United Press International lor wood stove, arid located near bus line and shoopingll By Alex GIrelll Aug, 1, 1984. and (lid get the Herald Reporter contract. HARTFORD — A stale commis­ He also held the contract for sion has informally agreed to SOUTH WINDSOR Republican town directors this temporary insurance (luring con- I New listing. Immaculate 8 room Contemporary Colonial 1 st floor family recommend pay hikes for Connec­ slruclion. There was no competi­ room, large dining room, eat-in kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 2'4 baths, sun- . in * ■ morning called for a cursory audit A ticut’s lop elected officials who Feel free to call us for a personal showing on this of the operations of the Bennet tive bidding for that contract. deck. above ground pool, large lot Excellent value at $165,(X)0 haven’t had a raise in more than move-in condition. 8'/i room, 4 bedroom, bath -Li- ] h.**-. Apartments, conducted under a Stevenson said such temporary two years. home, with 1st floor laundry room, large family partnership belween the town and conslruction insurance contracts Members of the Commission on room with cathedral ceiling and private deck. It Community Development Corp. of are often not bid competitively has many attractive custom features to offer the Compensation of Elected Officials Hartford The Republicans also raised a finest in comfortable living. and Judges agreed Wednesday question about the selection of The U&R REALTY CO. when asked by Chairman Joseph At a news conference in the Lawrence Associates by Commun­ Bolton "Executive Dreem Houee" $120*8 STRANO REAL ESTATE R. McCormick il raises are in office of Republican Minority ity Development Corp as the with exceptional style, grace and layout, 7 tastefully decorated rooms, order for Ihe governor and other Leader William J. Diana, the 643-2692 IV, r, CKN i rR Sr , M \NCflKSTKH, cl brick fireplace, cathedral celling, sky lights, family room. 2 car garage architect for the Bennet project. top elected officials. i Republican directors raised a U and nice country lotll Treat yourseltll They also asked why no money Robert D. Murdock, Realtor CALL TODAY - 647,SOLDrK "We leel that something should nurnber of questions about the has been paid to the town in lieu of ^TAmerica’s Number 1 Top Seller — Century ZV be done, we don’t know what, operation of the apartments for taxes "as agreed upon." Mercier however, it may be,” McCormick elderly and handicapped people. said she reviewed minutes of a said, noting that the top elected ■ N 211 MAIN Tf'f F- T • M A N C H f ‘J M i The three — Diana, Donna R. number of meetings of the Bennet officials haven't received a raise Mercier, and Thomas H. Et-rguson Non-Profit Housing Corp. and saw since their current terms began in — called for a simple audit by D.vy/.FiSH Vf RNfJN C m C l I • VI UNON nothing that indicated a deferral of 8 7 M 4 0 0 1983. Gerald Oxrant. the town's auditor. taxes. The agreement between the Under state law and the constitu­ They also said they have asked town and CDC calls for deferring tion, the Legislature cannot raise General Manager Robert B. Weiss G payment of the taxes until receipts salaries of its members or the to gel a report from the Bennet exceed expenditures. state’s lop elected officials during Non-Profit Housing Corp., an The Republicans placed blame the current terms of the office­ agency created by the town to for uncorrecled problems al the holders. oversee conversion of the forpter Bennet complex on CDC. saying Thus, the earliest salaries for Bennet Junior High School build­ the Bennet Non-Profit Housing ^ Real Estate members of the General Assembly ing to 45 apartments.
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