REPUBLIC OF GHANA NATIONAL AFRICAN PEER REVIEW MECHANISM GOVERNING COUNCIL SECOND ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2007 PROGRESS IN IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NATIONAL PROGRAMME OF ACTION NAPRM-GC PMB 13, KANDA ACCRA, GHANA DECEMBER 2007 NOTE VERBALE With reference to the reporting obligations of the APRM, Ghana hereby submits its National Report on Progress in the Implementation of the National Programme of Action. The National APRM Governing Council agrees to the publication of the entire report on the APRM website. 3 CONTENTS Abbreviations Foreword PART A Executive Summary PART B Chapter 1 Overall Assessment of the Implementation Process Chapter 2 Methodology Chapter 3 Democracy and Good Political Governance Chapter 4 Economic Governance and Management Chapter 5 Corporate Governance Chapter 6 Socio-Economic Development Appendices Appendix 1: Matrix on progress of implementation Appendix 2: Participants’ List to Zonal and national Validation Workshops 4 ABBREVIATIONS ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution APR Annual Progress Report APRM African Peer Review Mechanism AU African Union BECE Basic Education Certificate Education CAGD Controller and Accountant General’s Department CAS Catholic Action for Street Children CDD Centre for Democratic Development – Ghana CEPA Centre for Policy Analysis CEPS Customs, Excise and Preventive Service CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women CG Consultative Group CHRAJ Commission for Human Rights and Administrative Justice CHRI Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative CSDU Central System Development Unit CSOs Civil Society Organisations CSR Corporate Social Responsibility CWIQ Core Welfare Indicator Questionnaire DA District Assembly DACF District Assembly Common Fund DCEs District Chief Executives DISCAP District Capacity Building Project DISEC District Security Council DOVVSU Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit DSW Department of Social Welfare DTCs District Tender Committees DTRBs District Tender Review Boards DVLA Driver Vehicle and Licensing Authority EC Electoral Commission ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States FCUBE Free, Compulsory, Universal Basic Education FDB Food and Drugs Board FGM Female Genital Mutilation GAC Government Assurances Committee GACC Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition GAF Ghana Armed Forces GAWU Ghana Agricultural Workers Union GBA Ghana Bar Association GCAA Ghana Civil Aviation Authority GIABA Inter-Governmental Action Group against Money Laundering in West Africa GIPC Ghana Investment Promotion Centre 5 GoG Government of Ghana GPRS Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy GSB Ghana Standards Board GSS Ghana Statistical Service GPHA Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority HIPC Highly Indebted Poor Countries ICT Information and Communication Technology IoD Institute of Directors IRS Internal Revenue Service ISD Information Services Department JSRP Judicial Sector Reform Programme KIA Kotoka International Airport LAP Land Administration Project MDAs Ministries, Departments and Agencies MDGs Millennium Development Goals MESS Ministry of Education, Science and Sports MMDA Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assembly MOFA Ministry of Food and Agriculture MOFEP Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning MOH Ministry of Health MOJ Ministry of Justice MOTI/PSD/PSI Ministry of Trade and Industry/Private Sector Development/President’s Special Initiative MOWAC Ministry of Women and Children Affairs MMYE Ministry of Manpower, Youth and Employment MSMEs Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises MTTU Motor Transport and Transportation Unit NACOB Narcotics Control Board NCCE National Commission for Civic Education NDPC National Development Planning Commission NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development NIA National Identification Authority NIC National Insurance Commission NSC National Security Council PM&E Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation NPoA National Programme of Action OAU Organisation of African Union OoA Office of Accountability OSS One Stop-Shop PAC Public Accounts Committee RAGB Revenue Agencies Governing Board REGSEC Regional Security Council RGD Registrar-General’s Department SFO Serious Fraud Office SNEP Strategic National Energy Plan SSNIT Social Security and National Insurance Trust TIN Tax Identification Number TSSP Trade Sector Support Programme 6 TUC Trades Union Congress WAJU Women and Juvenile Unit VAT Value Added Tax 7 FOREWORD In fulfillment of the reporting requirements of the African Peer Review Mechansim (APRM), the National African Peer Review Mechanism – Governing Council has been submitting bi-annual progress reports to the APR Secretariat. This is the fourth report submitted to the Secretariat. The 2007 Annual Progress Report is a review of the status of the implementation of activities outlined in the National Programme of Action (NPoA) during the year, 2007. The Governing Council during the year intensified its education and sensitization activities to make the APRM a by-word in Ghanaian communities. To deepen the populace involvement and promote ownership of the process, the Council kick- started the concept of District Oversight Committees. These are representatives of the populace who serve as the “eyes”, the “ears” and the “mouth” of the Council at the district level. Their core functions are to educate and sensitize their constituents on the APRM and to monitor the implementation of the National Programme of Action at the district level, through the collection, collation, analysis of data and its validation before the community. The APRM Continental Conference held in Accra, Ghana The year marked the passage of the Domestic Violence Bill into law and an assertion of the oversight responsibilities of Parliament through the public hearings of the Public Accounts Committee. In pursuing the decentralization programme, the number of district assemblies was increased from 138 to 166, in order to create smaller, manageable units of local government administration. 8 Government’s thrust in the fight against corruption has been to strengthen institutions that fight against corruption. To this end Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies were charged to set up functional Internal Audits. The year also witnessed the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards by Ghana. Improvements were recorded in the country’s infrastructural setup – roads, rails, harbours, ports and telecommunications. The tax burden on companies was reduced with reductions in corporate tax and withholding tax. Respondents indicated an improvement in access to education, health, water, sanitation and ICT services. Stakeholders also welcomed the increasing role that civil society play in the formulation of national policies. Overall, there has been steady improvement in the implementation of the National Programme of Action. A number of challenges, however, remain. The country has not domesticated key international conventions such as the Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Government’s inability to fully implement an Affirmative Action Policy to provide at least 30 percent women representation in decision-making and executive positions at all levels of government is not appreciated by most feminist organizations. While welcoming the passage of the Disability Act, the Disability Council has not been set up. Equally, Persons with Disability are unable to access the 2 percent District Assembly Common Fund (DACF) allocated to them by a Legislative Instrument. The spate of armed robberies, small arms smuggling and car stealing syndicates is also a cause for concern. It is the hope of the Governing Council that as we continue to strengthen governance institutions and build a positive national image, we shall overcome the challenges that face us and create a prosperous nation for all of us. Rev. Prof. S. K. Adjepong Chairman NAPRM-GC 9 PART A 10 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 This report presents findings of the participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PM&E) undertaken during the preparation of the Second Annual Progress Report on the implementation of Ghana’s National Programme of Action. 1.2 The report is in fulfillment of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) reporting requirements that oblige countries that have successfully undergone the review process to submit bi-annual progress reports to the African Peer Review (APR) Secretariat in South Africa. 1.3 The progress reports provide a basis for assessing the implementation of programmes and policies aimed at addressing the recommendations made in the Country Review Report and National Programme of Action (NPoA). The PM&E affords the citizenry an opportunity to be part of the assessment of the progress of implementation of the NPoA. 2.0 MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS 2.1 Democracy and Good Political Governance 2.1.1 Some key Conventions have been ratified. These include: Amendments to the Constitutive Act of the AU, 2003 and the AU Non-Aggression and Common Defense Pact, 2005, the AU Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption, 2003 and the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights on the Rights of Women. 2.1.2 A Ministry of Chieftaincy and Culture has been established to deal with chieftaincy issues. 2.1.3 The Local Government Service Secretariat has been operationalised. All District Planning Coordinating Units (DCPUs) have been trained in composite budgeting to enable them prepare their budgets using the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF). 2.1.4 Alternative Dispute Resolution
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