'Mil- LONDON GAZETTE, 24 DECEMBEK, 191 * 12879 THOMAS HARGRAVE-SILK, heretofore known mally declared and evidenced by a deed poll under I, by the name of Thomas Silk, of " Curd worth," the hand and seal of the said Constance Ellen Merston Styvechale-avenue, Coventry, in the county of dated the 15th day of December, 1915, and duly Warwick, Farmer, and born of British parents, in enrolled in the Central Office of the Supreme Court of England, hereby give public notice, that on the 13th Judicature on the 21st day of December, 1915.—Dated day of December, 1915, I formally determined to this 22nd day of December, 1915. assume and take from that date and thenceforth to COWARD AND HAWKSLEY, SONS and use the surname of " Hargrave " in addition to the CHANCE, 30, Mincing-lane, London, E.G., surname of "Silk" and as a "prefix thereto; and I 036 Solicitors for the said Constance Ellen Merston. give further notice, that by a deed poll dated the 13th day of December, 1915, duly executed and attested and enrolled in the Central Office of the OTICE is hereby given, that CHARLES JAMES Supreme Court on the 15th day of December, 1915, N MERSTON, of 51, Finchley-road, Hampstead, I formally declared that I should at all times there- in the county of London, Esquire, a natural .born after and on all occasions whatsoever use the surname British subject, lias assumed and intends henceforth of "Hargrave" in addition to the said surname of upon all occasions and at all times to sign and use "Silk " and as a prefix thereto, and to be thereafter and be called and known by the said surname of designated and described by the surname of " Har- Merston, in lieu of and in substitution for his former grave-Silk."—Dated the 20th day of December, 1915. surname of Meyerstein, and that such change or THOMAS HARGRAVE-SILK, late Thomas Silk. assumption of name is formally declared and evidenced*' 032 by a deed poll under the hand and seal of the said Charles James Merston, dated the 15th day of Decem- ber, 1915, and duly enrolled in the Central Office of the undersigned, SARAH -BRYANT, formerly the Supreme Court of Judicature, on the 21st day of I, known as Sarah Bernstein, of No. 14, Lyncroft- December, 1915.—Dated this 22nd day of December, gardens, West Hampstead, N.W., a British born sub- 1915. ject, do hereby give notice, that by a deed poll, bear- COWARD AND HAWKSLEY, SONS and ing even date herewith, duly enrolled in the Central CHANCE, 30, Mincing-lane, London, E.G., Office of the Supreme Court of Judicature, I have 054 Solicitors for the said Charles James Merston. assumed and taken the surname of Bryant in lieu of my previous surname of Bernstein; and that I shall henceforth use the surname of Bryant in lieu of the surname of Bernstein.—Dated this 18th day of Decem- In the High Court of Justice.—Chancery Division. ber, 1915. Mr. Justice Eve. 042 SARAH BRYANT. 1911, P. 1165. Notice of Change of Name. PHILLIPS v. PHILLIPS. r OTICE is hereby given, that by a deed poll, |'0 be sold, pursuant to an Order of the High Court N dated the 1st day of December, 1915, under the 1 of Justice, Chancery Division, with the appro- hand and seal of FRANK VICTOR BENTON, lately bation of Mr. Justice Eve, by Mr. W. J. Graver, called Frank Victor Blumenthal, of St. Andrew's the person appointed by the said Judge, at the Godol- House, 139, Gray's Inn-road, London, W.C., a natural phin Hotel, Marazion, Cornwall, at 3 o'clock in the born British subject of British parents, such deed afternoon, on Friday, the 28th day of January, 1916, being duly enrolled in the Enrolment Department of the following freehold properties, viz. :—With pos- the Central Office of the Supreme Court of Judicature, session, Marazion and Breage, Cornwall, situate prin- on the 2nd day of December, 1915, the said Frank cipally on the main road from Penzance to Helston, Victor Benton thereby wholly, absolutely and utterly comprising about 108 acres, in 8 lots, of farms, resi- renounced, relinquished and abandoned the use of his dential properties, market gardens and small hold- said former surname of Blumenthal, and assumed, ings, building and accommodation lands and cottages. adopted and determined to take and use, from the In the Parish of Marazion. day of the date thereof, the surname of Benton in a. r. p. lieu of and in substitution for his said former surname Lot 1. Glenleigh House and Outbuildings 28 of Blumenthal; and he thereby expressly authorized Lot 2. Trenow Farm or Small Holding - 24 2 3 and required all and every person and persons whom- Lot 3. Wheal Down Field - - - 4 0 37 soever at all times to designate, describe and address Lot 4. Tolvaddon Field - - . - - 2 3 20 <him and his heirs lawfully begotten by such 'adopted Lot 5. Wheal Pages Fields - - - 3 3 39 surname of Benton accordingly.—Dated this 21st day Lot 6. Tregurtha Field - - - - 2 3 4 of December, 1915. Lot 7. Cottages (4), Phillip's Court. J. N. MASON and CO., 32, Gresham-street, In the Parish of Breage. London, E.G., Solicitors for the said Frank oiS Victor Benton. Lot 8. Higher Kenneggy Farm - - 69 3 29 and also market garden growing crops in and upon the premises. OTICE is hereby given, that ETHEL GLADYS Plans, particulars and conditions of sale may be N MERSTON, of 51, Finchley-road, Hampstead, obtained of Messrs. Bond and Pearce, 16, Princess in the county of London, Spinster, a natural born square, Plymouth, Solicitors; of Messrs. Law and British subject, has assumed and intends henceforth Worssam, 65A, Holborn-viaduct, London, E.G., Soli- upon all occasions and at all times to sign and use citors; of Messrs. H. Gwynne Parry and Levy, of and be called and known by the said name of Merston Cambrian Chambers, 51, Broad-street, in the city of in lieu of and in substitution for her former surname Bristol, Solicitors; of Messrs. Vallance and Vallance, of Meyer stein, and that such change or assumption of 20, Essex-street Strand, London, Solicitors; ot of name is formally declared and evidenced by a deed Messrs. Daniell and Thomas, of Camborne, in the poll under the hand and seal of the said Ethel Gladys county of Cornwall, Solicitors; of Mr. Walter «). Merston dated the 15th day of December, 1915, and Payne, of Portland House, 73, Basinghall-street, in duly enrolled in the Central Office of the Supreme the city of London, Solicitor; of Mr. Robert Brom- Court of Judicature on the 21st day of December. head, of 11, Princess-square, Plymouth aforesaid, 1915.—Dated this 22nd day of December, 1915. Chartered Accountant; of the Auctioneer at the COWARD AND HAWKSLEY, SONS and Auction and Estate Offices, Bude, in the county of CHANCE, 30, Mincing-lane, London, B.C.. Cornwall, and at the place of sale.—Dated the 23rd <>55 Solicitors for the said Ethel Gladys Merston. day of December, 1915. 063 STEWART JO.BSON, Master. OTICE is hereby given, that CONSTANCE N ELLEN MERSTON (nee Leon), of 51, Finchley- road, Hampstead, in the county of London, the Wife of Charles James Merston, a natural born British URSUANT to an Order of the Chancery Divi- subject, has discontinued to write and use the P sion of the High Court of Justice, made in the Christian name of Maria and has assumed and intends Matter of SARAH HAYNES, deceased, and in an henceforth upon all occasions and at all times to sign action Sealy and Others against Ward, 1915, and use and be called and known by the said names H No. 1708, the creditors of Sarah Haynes, late of 130, of Constance Ellen Merston in lieu of and in substitu- Warwick-street, Pimlico, in the county of London, tion for her former names of Constance Ellen Maria Spinster (who died on the 6th day of March, 1915), Meyerstein, and that such discontinuance of Christian are, on or before the 27th day of January, 1916, to, name and change or assumption of surname is for- send by post, prepaid, to Mr. W. J. A. Drake, of.
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