january 2017 portland art dealerswith association museums academic + nonprofit galleries Victoria Adams Lucere, 2016, oil on linen, 36 x 36" Elizabeth Leach Gallery Urban Hike of Manhattan Rory ONeal January 3-28 First Thursday, January 5, 6-9 pm Artist Talk + Book Signing, Saturday, January 14, 1 pm Shaping Emerging Artists: An Inquiry Panel Discussion, Saturday, January 21, 2 pm Part of the PADA Art Conversations series Back Room: Chris Knutson Rory ONeal, Urban Hike of Manhattan #5, 2015, Acrylic, charcoal, and collage on paper, 50” x 45” winter group exhibition Carl Morris DECADES Migrant Lights, 1957, oil on canvas, 38 x 42 inches Alex Hirsch ONCE ASUNDER Dangle, 2015, watercolor on paper, 10 x 14 inches We present the January version of our winter group exhibition in which we feature recent works by Butters Gallery artists including Jeff Fontaine (pictured above). JANUARY 5 - 28 Please join us for First Thursday January 5th and/or First Friday January 6th both evenings 6 - 8 PM January 5–28, 2017 Above: Jeff Fontaine A70 LX 2016 Mixed media on steel panels 36” x 36” OPENING RECEPTION January 5, 5–8 pm ARTIST TALK with ALEX HIRSCH January 14, 11 am B U T T E R S G A L L E R Y L T D 157 NE Grand Ave. Portland Oregon 97232 503-248-9378 ButtersGallery.com 805 NW 21ST AVENUE PORTLAND OREGON 97209 RUSSOLEEGALLERY.COM 503.226.2754 Hours: Wednesday – Saturday 11 – 5 and by appointment FROELICK GALLERY KENDRA LARSON paintings JANUARY 5–28, 2017 , 2016, acrylic on canvas, 12 x 9 inches OPENING RECEPTION First Thursday January 5, 5–8 p.m. The Old Mountain Kendra Larson, Kendra GROUP EXHIBITION gallery artists Arless Day Marcel Dzama Kris Hargis Bernhard Epple The less I speak, Pamela Green the more I learn Jef Gunn and Yoko Hara Chris Kelly Winter Group George Johanson Exhibition Kris Hargis, Short Handed Shovel, 2016, pastel on paper, 30 x 22” Royal Nebeker , 2016, acrylic ink and collage transfer on paper, 7 x 5 inches , 2016, acrylic ink and collage transfer on paper, Leonard Ruder Continuing to January 28 First Thursday, January 5, 2017, 5 to 8 pm Untitled #10 Sara Siestreem Thomas Wood Pamela Green, Pamela February: Kevin Kadar and Dorset Fine Arts prints 714 NW Davis Street AUGEN GALLERY March: Ronna Neuenschwander, Whitney Lowe and Joe Feddersen Portland, OR 97209 DeSoto location: 716 NW Davis, Portland, OR 97209 • 503-546-5056 April: Stephen O’Donnell and Susan Seubert 503 222 1142 FroelickGallery.com Tues–Fri 11–5:30, Sat 11–5, Mon by appointment | www.augengallery.com | Established 1979 May: Gwen Davidson Tues to Sat 10:30 am to 5:30 pm JANUARY 5 -28, 2017 GALLERY NOTES: Victoria Adams MK Guth Fathom Isaac Layman Recent Paintings Photography and Contemporary Experience Portland Art Museum Portland, Oregon Libby Wadsworth Through January 15, 2017 iterations Pat Boas New Paintings and Drawings Cipher Office of the Governor First Thursday Reception: Oregon State Capitol January 5, 6 - 8 pm Salem, Oregon Through January 12, 2017 417 NW 9th Ave Nicola López Portland, Oregon 97209 A Gentle Defiance of Gravity and Form 503.224.0521 Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville www.elizabethleach.com Jacksonville, Florida Through February 26, 2017 Libby Wadsworth, iterations 1, 2016 charcoal on paper, 15 x 22.5” Ronna and Eric Hoffman Gallery of Contemporary Art Lewis & Clark College PORTLAND FINE January 17 - March 5, 2017 PRINT FAIR 2017 The Northwest’s Only Fine Print Fair You are invited to attend the Portland Fine Print Fair, now in its fourth year in Portland Art Museum’s historic Fields Ballroom. Peruse and purchase prints from 20 top dealers from North America and Ireland. European, American, and Japanese prints, ranging from the Old Masters to contemporary and emerging artists. Important works can be found in all price ranges. BENEFIT PREVIEW Friday, January 27, 6–9 pm $30 Museum members/$40 general public. $50 at the door. Advance tickets and info at: portlandartmuseum.org/printfair FREE ADMISSION HOURS Saturday, January 28, 10 am – 6 pm Sunday, January 29, 11 am – 5 pm This exhibition is generously funded by the Jordan Schnitzer Family Foundation, the Oregon Arts Commission and The Ford Family Foundation. The book Pictures that Talk is published on the occasion of the exhibition and was generously funded by The Ford Family Foundation. PARTICIPATING GALLERIES: The Annex Galleries • The Art of Japan • Augen Gallery • Armstrong Fine Art • Azuma Gallery • Conrad R. Graeber Fine Art • Crow’s Shadow Institute Of The Arts • Davidson Galleries • Edward T. Pollack Fine Arts • Egenolf Gallery • Joel R. Berquist Fine Arts • kleinprint • M. Lee Stone Fine Prints • R. E. Lewis & Daughter Original Prints • Stevens Fine Art • Stoney Road Press • Susan Teller Gallery • The Tolman Opening Reception, Sunday, January 22, 3:00 - 5:00 pm. Collection • Warnock Fine Arts • William P. Carl Fine Prints www.lclark.edu/hoffman_gallery FINE ART SINCE 1973 Artist Residency Program | Fine Print Studio & Gallery | Non-Profit | Pendleton, Oregon | 541-276-3954 421 NE CEDAR ST, CAMAS WA 98607 TUES-SAT 11-5 + by appointment 503.228.7830 / 360.833.9747 ATTICGALLERY.COM Samantha Wall Ryan Pierce Brenda Mallory “The Turning” acrylic painting, 30” x 30”, by Jean Schwalbe First Anniversary in Camas, WA Celebrating with a Party and Sale Visit Crow’s Shadow Press at the PFPF, hosted at the Portland Art Museum, January 27-29, 2017. NEW PAINTINGS BY JEAN SCHWALBE Our booth will feature new prints by our 2016 Artists-in-Residence along with additional highlights from FIRST FRIDAY OPENING RECEPTION, JAN 6, 5-8PM our catalog of limited edition publications. View our full inventory online at www.crowsshadow.org. IN OUR NEW LOCATION: 421 NE CEDAR ST, CAMAS WA NOVEMBER 13, 2016 — JANUARY 14, 2017 www.lumberroom.com karin clarke GALLERY For advertising information, email [email protected] in alliance with 15 Center for Contemporary 20 Portland Institute for portland art focus: Art & Culture Contemporary Art (PICA) Pacific NW College of Art 415 SW 10th Avenue, 97205 museums, academic 511 NW Broadway, 97209 503-242-1419, pica.org + nonprofit galleries 503-226-4391, ccac.pnca.edu 21 Portland Art Museum 16 Disjecta Contemporary 1219 SW Park, 97205 4 Butters Gallery Ltd 8 PDX Contemporary Art Art Center 503-226-2811 12 The Art Gym 157 NE Grand, 97232 925 NW Flanders, 97209 T 8371 N Interstate, 97217 portlandartmuseum.org 503-248-9378 503-222-0063 Marylhurst University 1 Ampersand Gallery 503-286-9449, disjecta.org buttersgallery.com pdxcontemporaryart.com 17600 Pacific Hwy, 97036 22 Ronna and Eric Hoffman 2916 NE Alberta, 97211 503-699-6243 17 Douglas F. Cooley Gallery of Contemporary Art 503-805-5458 5 Charles A. Hartman Fine Art 9 Russo Lee Gallery marylhurst.edu/theartgym Memorial Art Gallery Lewis & Clark College ampersandgallerypdx.com 134 NW 8th, 97209 805 NW 21st, 97209 Reed College 0615 SW Palatine Hill, 97219 13 Blue Sky 503-287-3886 503-226-2754 3203 SE Woodstock, 97202 503-768-7687 2 Augen Gallery Oregon Center for the hartmanfineart.net laurarusso.com 503-517-7851, reed.edu/gallery lclark.edu/hoffman_gallery 716 NW Davis, 97209 Photographic Arts 503-546-5056 6 Elizabeth Leach Gallery 10 Upfor Gallery 122 NW 8th, 97209 18 The Hoffman Gallery at OCAC 23 White Box 817 SW 2nd, 97204 417 NW 9th, 97209 929 NW Flanders, 97209 503-225-0210 Oregon College of Art and Craft University of Oregon in Portland 503-224-8182 503-224-0521 503-227-5111 blueskygallery.org 8245 SW Barnes, 97225 24 NW 1st, 97209 augengallery.com elizabethleach.com upforgallery.com 503-297-5544, ocac.edu 503-412-3689 14 Broadway Gallery whitebox.uoregon.edu 3 Blackfish Gallery 7 Froelick Gallery 11 Waterstone Gallery Portland State University 19 Newspace Center 420 NW 9th, 97209 714 NW Davis, 97209 124 NW 9th, 97209 1620 SW Park, 97201 for Photography 24 Yale Union 503-224-2634 503-222-1142 503-226-6196 503-725-3515 1632 SE 10th, 97214 800 SE 10th, 97214 blackfish.com froelickgallery.com waterstonegallery.com pdx.edu/art-design/exhibitions 503-963-1935, newspacephoto.org 503-236-7996, yaleunion.org LloydLloyd CeCenternter NW NORTHR UP Moda NW MARSHALL CeCenternter NW LOLOVEJO Y AY AY NW KEARNEY DW DW N OA 9 NW JOHNSO N OA CoConvnventionention CeCenternter h h BR BR h NW IIRVIN G h th th ARKARK th th th th th th 16 1t 1t NW NW 10 10 1 1 12 12 13 13 14 14 YT 84 NW 9t NW HO NW 9t SteelSteel BridgeBridge NW P NW P 15 NWNW 8th 8th NWNW NW NW NWNW NWNW NW NW GLISA N NW 6 d d 3 r r 405 10 8 55 23 23 NW FLANDERLANDER S 9999EE 1 h h NW NW NW EVERET T th th th th 0t 0t h h 12 12 1 1 11 11 h h VIS 2 7 t t NW DADA 1st1st 9t 9t 20 20 NE NE Y NENE NENE 7th 7th NENE 6th 6th NENE 9th 9th NENE NENE 8th 8th 1 1 5 4 DY COUCH 11 NW SSA NW 2 NW 2 8484 NW NW 13 23 NEN SANDSAN NW NW E Bur nsidenside BridgeBridge E BURNSIDE W BURNSID 404055 enlargedenlarged areaarea SE ANKENYANKENY 55 hh 18 d d d SWSW STST d h 2626 h n ProvProvidenceidence ARK n 0th PaParkrk 20 SE ASHASH 0th 2 2 22 SWSW 22 dd WA SWSW 6t6t SHINGTSHINGT 2626 SESE 20th 20th SE SWSW 5th5th SE SESE 22nd 22nd SE ndnd SE hh SE PINEPINE 8th8th SWSW ALDERALDER 22 ON SWSW 4th4th stst 7t7t SWSW 3r3r 11 GREATER 11 6th6th SWSW MORRISOMORRISO SWSW SE OA K SWSW 11 11 5th5th thth SWSW PORTLAND SWSW 17 UTHER KING 5 UTHER KING SWSW 1414 SWSW N SE STSTARK AREA SWSW 11 YAMHIL D SWSW SWSW LL D SE WWASHINGT ON TATA d YL Morris RIVERRIVER d d OR d 55 SWSW SALMONSALMON onon BridgBridg 9999EE AYAY SE ALDERALDER SWSW ee SE 3r YY SE 3r SESE GRAN GRAN SESE 2n 2n SE MARTIN L JEFFERSJEFFERS SWSW MAINMAIN DWDW SE MARTIN L SE MORRISONMORRISON 22 SWSW ON OAOA WAWA CO 2 LLUMBIA RKRK TT E E SE BEBE LMONLMON T 24 SWSW CLCL PAPA AY 21 SWSW BRBR OO SE YAMHIL LL 212177 AMETAMET 99E SE TAYL OR 26 NAITNAIT 4343 SWSW SE SALMONSALMON SWSW MARKETMARKET TER WILLWILL TER Hawthorne Brid SE MAINMAIN WA Streetcar WA 12 SE 14 ggee SE SE MADISONMADISON MAX SE HAHA WTHORNE PoPorrtlandtland StatStatee SE CLCL AY University SE MARKEMARKE T 19 CONSTRUCTING IDENTITY PETRUCCI FAMILY FOUNDATION COLLECTION OF AFRICAN AMERICAN ART January 28 – June 18, 2017 Nelson Stevens (American, born 1938), Spirit Sister, 2013, serigraph, © Nelson Stevens.
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