Chorologic Contributions to the Toledo Mountains flora NIEVES MARCOS SAMANIEGO & PATRICIA NAVARRO GARCÍA Departamento de Biología Vegetal 1. Facultad de Biología Universidad Complutense Abstract MARCOs SAMANIEGO. N. & NAVARRO GAíwíA, P. 1993. Chorologic contributions to the Toledo Mounlains flora. Bat. Complutensis 18: 25 1-253 Seven <axa of chorological interesÉ for Toledo province are commented. We point op Rosa arven,s¡s Hudson and Festu<.a durancloi Clauson subsp. Mida (Hack) Rivas Ponce & Cebolla. Key words: Vascular plants, Toledo, Spain. Resumen MARCOS SAMANIEGO, N. & NAVARRO GARCíA, P. 1993. Contribuciones corológicas a la flora de los Montes de Toledo. Bat. Conmplutensis 18: 251-253 Se comentan siete taxones de interés corológico para la provincia de Toledo. Destacamos: Rosa armensis Hudson y Festuca du,-andoi Clauson subsp. liv’ida (Hack) Rivas Ponce & Cebo- lía. Palabras clave: Plantas vasculares, Toledo, España. Botánica cOnmplute/msis 18:251-253. Edit. Universidad Complutense 1993 252 N. Ma/cos Samaniego & P. Navarro García INTRODUCTION The present study is the resul! of several herborizations made in the Toledo Mountains (Toledo). Of every taxon we indicate the number of the herbarium, of the Department of Biolo- gía Vegetal 1, Facultad de Biología, Madrid (MACH) and the UTM coordinates, on squares of ten km per side. Alliaria petiolata (MB.) Cavara & Grande. Tot.eoo: San Pablo de los Montes, 30SUi8577. 24-IV-1991, 980 m, P. Nava//o & N. Mar- ‘-os, MACH 41922. In spite of being a frequent species in the province, at present we have only the next refe- rences: VELASCO-NEGUERUELA (1978: 224) names it for the Toledo mountains, and Castillo (1991: 57). Sax¡fraga dichotoma Sternb. subsp. albarracinensis (Pau) DA. Webb. ToLEDO: San Pablo de los Montes, 305Ui8476, 24-IV-91, 1020 m, P. Nava//o & N. Mar- <os. MACH 41923. Ii is comparatively abundant in the perennial pastures of the rnountain areas. There are few testimonies in Toledo province. This is probably due to its confusion with the typical subspe- cíes. At the MAF herbarium there are two reeords for the locations of Nambroca and Almona- cid (110610 and 11(1611). Potentilla erecta (L.) Ráuschel. ToLEDo: Los Navalucillos, 305UJ5880, 850 m, 8-VIII-1987, N. Ma,cos & J. Matute, MACH 41924. SANCHEZ MATA, CAvIlAN & ECHEVARRíA (1990: 46) point out the searce of this taxon in the Luso-Extremadurense province. and establishing upon the base of their herborizations and on the relerences of other botanists, they mention its presence in Ciudad Real, Cáceres and iaén provinees. The speeimens herborized in the quagmire of the Chorro strcam attest tlie brief description for Toledo provinee, of VELASCO-NEGUERUELA, MARCOS SAMANIEGO & CEREZO (1989: 49). Rosa arvensis Hudson. ToLvoo: San Pablo de los Montes, 305UJ8476, 1080 m, 24-VI-1991. P. Navarro & N. Ma,cos, MACH 41257. It is a creeping and decumbent shrub that appears dispersed in the north and centre of the Iberian Peninsula. According to the bibliography and herbariums consulted, the location appor- ted repíesenis an important chorologie innovation for the CS peninsular. At the MAF herba- ríum wiIh number 87408. there is an exemplar herborized by Rivas Goday, Rivas-Martínez & Ladero at Montemayor del Río (Salamanca) and it is classified as Roscz ar’-e/’sis Hudson var. arIensls. GUILLÉN & RICO (1986: 161)) consider itas an innovation forthe western Central System at Montemayor del Río distuict (Salamanca). This is Ihe nearest location to ours. Vicioso (1964: 27) distinguishes among others the var. a/me/Isis in both Castiles. It corres- ponds to the taxon we have herborized at San Pablo de los Montes. Vieja hirsuta (L.) S.F. Cray. Tot.Eoo: San Pablo de los Montes, 305UJ8476, 1080 m, 24-VI-1991. E. Navarro & N. Ma,cos, MACH 41367. Cñorologíc Ccmnníhurions tú rIce Tc,ledo Mountaíns flora 253 It appears in Ihe bushes of the supramediterranean Quercus pyrenaiea forest [So/hotormi- nalis.Quercetum py/e/maic.-ae, (Rivas Goday, 1954) Rivas-Martínez 1987]. Though we do not know any referenee for tbis taxon in the Toledo province; there is a record at the MAF herba- rium from San Román de los Montes (112940). Pinguicula lusitanica L. TOLEDO: Los Navalucillos, 30SUi5880, 850 m, 2-VII-1990. C Mateas & N. Marcos, MACI3 41365. It is very abundaní in the hygrophyllous heaths (Ge,iisto anglicae-Eric.etum tetralicis Rivas Martínez 1979). which gíow op al the Chorro stream. It is a novelíy to Ihe Toledo flora. Festuca dtírando¡ Clauson subsp. livida (Hack.) Rivas Ponce & Cebolla. ToLEOO: San Pablo de los Montes, 30SUi8476, 4080 m, 24-Vl-1991, P Navarro & N. Marcos, MACH 41366. According tú the intraspecific discernments of Cebolla & Rivas Ponce (1990: 19) for Fes- tuca dura/,doi, Ihe exemplar herborized at San Pablo de los Montes corresponds lo the subsp. Inicia var. livida. We do no! know any previous reference for the south-centre of Ihe Iberian Peninsula, though Muñoz & al. (1991: 36) mention Ihe presence of Festuca durandoi in Villuercas-Ibor, withotít an specific taxonomic category. Tbe mentioned point must be added to CEBollA & RIVAS PONCE (1991: 256) map. REFERENCES CASlíLLo GoRRoÑo, iL. 1991. Cant/ibución al estudio de la flora vascular de la cuenca del río Sangreca (Toledo, España). Memoria de Licenciatura inédita. Facultad de Biología. Universidad Complutense. Madrid. CEBoLlA LO-LANO, C. & RIVAS PONCE, M~ A. 1990. Observaciones sobre Festuca durandol Clauson en la Península Ibérica. Fanrqucria 28: 15-20. CEI3OLLA LoZANo, C., RivAs PONCE, M~ A. & Cuuspo, MB. 1991. Notas sobre nomenclatura y corologia de Festuca L.. sed. Subbulbosae Nyman (Poaceae) en la Región Ibero-Levanti- na. Eontqueria 31: 255-258. GUILLÉN OTERINo, A. & Rico HERNÁNDEZ, E. 1986. Algunas planlas del valle de Montemayor (Salamanca). Studia Ratania 5:159-164. MtJÑOZ, A. 1991. Festuca L. in JA. Devesa (cd.) Las Gramíneas deExt/enladura. Universidad de Extremadura. Badajoz. 358 Pp. SANCHE-Z MATA, D.. GAVILAN, R. & ECHEVARRíA, i.E. 1990. Miscellanea chorologica occiden- talia, II. Fontque,-ia 28: 43-52. VElAsco NEGLERUEIA, A. 1978. Coniribución al estudio de la/lora y vegetación de la comar- ca granítica toledana y Montes de Toledo (Tramc, o/iental). Tesis Doctoral inédita. Facul- tad de Farmacia. Universidad Complutense. Madrid. VELASCO NEGUERUELA, A., MARCOS SÁMANIIiGo. N. & CEREZO, J. 1989. Ensayo fitotopográfi- co sobre la vegetación de los Montes de Toledo. Boi.Soc-. B/ot. Sérv. 2, 62: 31-54. Vicioso, C. 948. Estudio sobre el género Rosa en España. Bol. Insí. Foresí.: 40. Madrid. Recibido 3 de ab,il de 1992 Aceptado 25 de novieníbre de /992.
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