V 12 Paget 12 Pages INGHAM TY NEWS LXVII INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1926 NO. 31 TEACHERS' RETIREMENT SPOKE IN MASON. iRIEF SE LISTLESS PLAYING .SENATOR FRANK L. YOUNG WAR VET AID, ROADS, FUND NJARi CRISIS sums MEETING US ERRORS LOSE BUILDINGSGREAT NEED ANNUITIES PAID ARK NEARLY SALE OF ROAD COMMISSION CHAMPS TAKE FRIDAY'S GAME CONGRESSMAN HUDSON.. SAYS EQUAL TO RECEIPTS, SHOWN. PROPERTY CONFIRMED. SEVEN TO TWO. IN SPEECH HERE. Change In Law Imporfiint Matter Traveling County OfTicials Told To Fair Sized Crowd Sees Uninteresting Reviews Business of Last Congreasi Facing Next Legislature, Stnt- Cling To Simple Meals On Gatne. Standish Shows Old Lauds C<M>lidge Cabinet, Ex­ >• ed By Educators. Expense Vouchers. Time Skill On Mound. plains Budget System. \ According to statements issued by Under the terms of a resolution Friday's game between the ..locals Comparing the government of tha- OfTicials of the Michigan Education adopted at Monday's session of the and the Stockbridge champs was a United States with the board of direct­ Association, the amounts paid out board of supervisors, county ofTicials simple case of too many errors, too ors of a great corporation and the through the teachers' retirement fund traveling about on county business listless playing—and too much Stand- electors of the country with its stock­ as noyv maintained will soon equal will be cotiipelled to take ati' extra ish. While Trowbridge and tiie Stock- holders. Congressman Grant M. Hud­ thc income and eat into the perma­ hitch in their belts or begin wearing bridge flinger each yielded an equal son speaking before the Kiwanis Club nent investments, necessitating a suspendors. Forty-five cents was fix­ number of safeties, seven to be ex­ Cong. Grant M. Hudson Monday evening urged a more general change in the law and constituting ed as the niaximum amount which act, those of the latter were well Withdraws from Senatorial race. response to election duty, stating that one of the important issues which will Addres.secl Kiwanis Club Monday. will be allowed in the future for scattered attd backed by almost error­ Pressure of business reason given. all too small a number of voters turn confront the ttext session of the legis­ meals shown on traveling expense less fielding. On the contrary the out on election day. Employees num­ lature. claims. By just what means the exact hits of the opposition came when hits AT'rORNEY SEYMOUR H. PERSON bering 555,000 are on the government amount of forty-five cents was com­ were needed and a bobble here and "The time will soon come when pay rolls which total two and one- ALAIEDON FARMERS puted to be the proper sum to assure there in the Mason infield let them annuities being paid to retired teach­ half billion dollars annually according 1 a county official a square meal was go for extra bases making the couttt ers in Michigan under the state re­ to Congressman Hudson. tirement-school fund law will exceed not disclosed but such was the man­ at the finish 7 and 2 and still further UB HOLDS MEE date and hereafter county officers cinching the champs' hold at the top Considerable of his allotted time the income from all sources which yvas taken up with a discussion of the noyv tnake up this fund,'' declare the niust forego the second p ece of pie and more definitely determining the STILLMAN HOME PLAYS HO.ST revenue bill pas.sed by the last con­ custodians of the fund. What changes or pay out their own good money to position of the lowly county seaters. TO MEMBERS. gress,, it being as.serted that it was shall be made in the law so that the .secure it. To start it off Trowbridge was wild the most scientific bill of its' kind fund may be maintained in adequate Inferesfing Di.scussions Mark Pro­ Sale of the county road commission and passed R. Dancer who was safe ever adopted. Speaking of the im­ amount is a question under advise­ gram. Alaskan Trip Reviewed garage property on Jefferson and at second when Mizer dropped Hollis' portance of revenue legislation to a ment by officials of the Michigan Ed­ by Mrs. .1. A. Kieppe. Maple streets to Nathan S. Davis of ofTering. He was out at the plate on district ,such as the sixth district of ucation Association and the Teachers' this city for six thousand dollars was Miller's sharp return from the field Michigan, the congressman stated Retirement Fund Boaril. The .\laiedon Farmers Club met confirmed and Chairman William H. but his brother Paul scored a, moment that the automobile industry had mov­ Starting with nothing, yvhen .the at tlie pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Lovejoy and County Clerk C. Ross later when ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ed Wall street from Gotham to the law yvent into effect Jan. I, I917, all Robert Stillman, Saturday, July 2L Hilliard were authorized to execute Mason had a chance in their half midle west, asserting that the former annuities have been paid to retired A delightful dinner was served at deeds for the transfer of the prop­ when Helmer hit over short, Hallie great centers of capital antl industry' teachers and a permanent investment noon by the hostess and committee erty. When acquired, the title of the was safe and Miller walked. IBuster in the east are jealous of the-pros­ fund of $7.17,1.50 hns l)cen establish­ to about forty niembers and friends. property was taken in the name of the had fanned, F. Harkness yvas out at perity and industrial expansion of ed. On this investment fund, which Thc meeting was tiian called to order lenple of the county and it could not first so three were on and two were Michigan. consists of bonds legal for savings by Pres. E. M. Moore, roll call being )e sold without the sanction of the down. Tt whs over when Jess lifted ."•Vnnouuces candidacy for state sen­ lIoovor and Mellon yvere lauded as bank deposits, an average of about 5 responded to by "Naming Your l<'avo- county solons. Mr. Davis yvill tear a sky ball to short. ator, new lngham-Uving.ston district. outstanding e.\-aniples of the disting­ per cent is received, 'l'his revenue, rite Magazine." 'I'he Aincrican re- away tho old frame structures on No scores yvere made in the second uished men serving their government logcther with the annual assessments ceived tile most mention, 'l'en min-Maple street and rcplacc'tliem with frame. Mason going out in succession in Washington. Secretary Hooy'cr, it Paul in by teachers out of their cur­ ute reviews of favorite magazines a brick building to be used as an on tliree caught files. To begin the was stated, is paying out of his own rent salaries, makes up the fund from wore then given by Jas. Hulett, Mrs. Jiuloniobile salesroom, the old skating third, P. Dancer polecj' one throngh iirivate means from IOO to 300 thou­ yvhich all annuities at'e i)aid. rink property fronting on Jefferson the box. Kuhn sacrificed and Stand­ SENATOR FRi . , , Fred Brenner and iMrs. E.-M. Moore. sand dollars annually to keep the to be used for service and repair ish was out on ;\ caught foul. Field Thc first complete fiscal year for Jf,.. H„ictt cltose The Anicrican. He right kind of men in his department. work. The properties in question yvere hit through short and Dancer yvas operation of this retirement fund spoke of it is clean, fit for any home, Mellon was declared to be among the purchased somc time ago by the road safe across on Helmer's high throw WITHDRAWS NCED plan was from Oct. l, 10l7, to Sept. liked the articlcs about great men, conimission with the idea of con­ greatest financiers of the world. •M, litis, and for that year the total to the plate. Buster fumbled Farm- tinning a late article on Dr. Kellogg structing oifices and warerooms but SEYMOUR H. PERSON TOSSES income was !i;li'2,.l7ll. The income er's grounder and Field scored when Turuing to the appropriation bills of Battle Creek. Me also spoke of later it was decided to build a larger HAT IN VACANT RING. incrcaseil each year since then, until Ostrander hit to short. Two scores passed the congressman stated that the great writers yvho contribute to iiuilding on lands owned in the yvest for the last fiscal year, which ended were rung up yvheu the itest cleared. COS millions had been cut from the the magazine. part of^ the city. The sale price just Arthur H. Phillips, Former Alaicdon Sept. 30, in2,'5, it was $240,309. budget as presented to congress but Mrs. Brenner had chosen the Nat- about covers the original cost plus Mason niade a score in the fourth Man, .Also Enters Rucc that 5S8 millions had been added to On the other hand the expendi­ ional Geographic as a magazine yvhich certain improvcments made. Mr. Dav- when Miller poled a hot drive to far For Toga. it by that body. Three principal fact­ tures for the first complete year yvere liictures so vividly by photographs is will begin building operations soon right just a hair inside the foul line ors which made up this increase yvere- scoring yvhen all hands lost the ball small, amounting to only ii;8,n'l8, as alld writings of the different countries it is announced. Senator Prank L. Young yvho has shown to be the aid for disabled vet­ the retirement plan was just start­ within two yards of first on J.
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