
J . i ATtrege Daily Net Prew Ran PA6*TW 1?NTT /We d n e s d a y , a p r i l 4, i»s | The Weather For Dm Woek Bo8a< FareoMt ef U. 8. Weetfcer Bw m w i 0anrl;patrr l|rraU) March St. 1838 Fair, Httia ehaaga ia tempara- Members o f the CYP Club of The Rev. Daniel 'u. Alle.t, guesV' The Ladles. Aid Soebty of the 11,950 tura tonight. Law S5-4e. FrMay, center Church are reminded of the 4>eaker at the plMUng tonisht at Buckingham Congregational \ Betrothed I Tryouts Tonight AboutTown meeting Sunday at 8:30 in the 8 o’clock at the North Methodut Church la tpontoring a public Mwibor of tho Ao«it btcreaalng elotidlBeaa fanewed by Federation Room at which a aeries Church,, spent '.•veral c f his ' m lllUry whist in tha aocial rooms Doraho at OIrgolatlao rain late la day. High M-85. M anbcn o f Mtontoaomoh Tribe on “ Boy Girl Relationships” will ^ For-Coming Play Manche$ter-^A City of Village Charm No. St, lORM, 'Win meet tomor* hood yearsin the Spencer ^rso n - of the church Friday night at 8 FOR EXPERT start, ‘n e speaker. Dr. Ftank H. row at 7:30 p.m. In fron t'of the age n e ^ y . the Secondy^ngre- o'clock. Mra. D. W. Kelsey b Horton, will deal with the area of g a tlo t^ Church while bfs parents chalrman.,pf the committee. Tryoula for the 1 -act pby,. WHEEL ALIGNMENT—WUEEL BALANCING QuWi VXineral Home and then pro­ Parting at tw idorf J' which haa ceed la a bo<ty to pay reepecU to physical maturity, and nest week .the l>ev. Fri uerick C. imd Mrs. aV RADIATOR REPAIRING AND RECORING VOL. LXXV, NO. 158 ENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN.» THURSDAY,'APRIL 5, 1956 (Claaalfted Advartlalng.aa Paga 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS tha Rev. R. Russell Peery will con­ leo,^ were^for 10 ycMs, leaders in Sherwood B. House and aon, been aelected aa the CenUr trvlac Keeney, a,member of the { Theapbna* entdy in the COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE Order. tinue with the theme, ^vin g em­ the a-ork of that diiin;h. The sec­ Woodte. of Milwaukee, Wla., have annual phasis in the area of youth and ond son o f the Allens, he and his been vialting Mr. and Mra. Harold ALT festival mxt month, will be * — y i held at the Api meeting of the SFE \ M ra rrances 11. Beihra’e, 387 N. morals in this growing process. ^ family arc b o i^ o n furlough from S. House, brother and alater-ln- 11 group tonight o’clock at Cen­ New Canaan Lbts ^^lala St., and lire, babel M. Nev- The Infant Jesus of Prague mission wofkXn India. law, at thalr home. 28 Byron Rd. 8 U.S. ta ils Mothers Circle nill meet tonight I ter Congregatio tal Church. Mrs, Annis Starts t .. tia, 34 Hilltop Dr., have returned Sherwood Houae la head caahjar at \ ■« at 8 o'clock with Mra. .lainea P. A.2.C. ^m'es J. Selbie, son of • A .. William Astley, director. 400 MeasleR "Cas^ to to m after ependlnj; three the branch office In Milwaukee of urges’ all memt era of the Thes- \ monllu la New Orleane, ta. M uiread>y^ Preston D r,' Mrs. Mra. Ri m A. Selbie of 14 Oakland the Aetna U fa Inaurance Oo. They CLARKE MOTOR SALES John Moran Jr., will b^eo-hoetess. St. and4''rancia S> Selbie of Bolton, : plans to attend tonight. The cast Bohlen for New Caiuan, April 5 (49 — have also visited the headquarters for the play-im ludaa one woman 301 BROAD STREET M l 9-2012 An epidemic of German AH SainU Hother* Ofcle will left Monday by )>lane for Parka of the company in Hartford where 8-12 Year Sentence ^ m . * Members of Suns^ Council, No. I and five men, an I offers a wonder- measles described 'by Dr. ets Rome Talks K \ y Foice Base in California. ateet tonight at 8:15 wi'h Mra. J. Woodie expccU to be employed In i fill opportunity Ipr dramatic inter- CbarlotMt Brown, health of­ 45, Degree of Pocahontaa will meet tKom where he will embark to join August. The Houae brothers are F. Hammond, 83 Oakwood S t Oo- i preiation. Conference ficer, «4 one 'of "great force." /hdataMea will be Mra. George Hua- at the Ouiah Fiine'ral Home, tomor­ e P’lflh Air Force at Osoni Air sons of the late Mr. and Mra. Mrs. Irene Delores Annis isr^ynpathy'for any’ona who ia the row at 7:30 p.m. in tribute to IrV' Force Base in Pusan, Korea. On President Arnold Tttompion will haa bixiken out among the ' m !f and Mrs. Benedict Zbllo. Loren A. House, who for many I conduct a brief business meeting, in the SU te Prison for Worn- towirii approximately 1.200 ing Keeney,. Who died yesterda/ Feb. 23. he completed an eight yean lived at 154 S. Malit* St. Washington, April 5 (yP)— ) the prohaUoiT\report Ind'rated that Both Mr. ahd Mrs. Keeney were months course In radio and radar • during which production appoint- Aihbassador Charles (Chip) en at Niantic today, begin- j j,,,. hmband, a former Manchester grammar school children. members o f the Council. at Scott Air P'orce Base. Ill.> after j menta for "parting at ImsdorP’ GREEN ning an 8-to-12 year sentence ■; probationary patrolman, h a d ~ nofBciel reports set the which he spent a 38-day leave at A .Pre-Cana Conference of the will be mads. Bohlen has oeen ordered to ntimber of caiea at about 400 ' ^ OiNERAL E u i Hartford Diatrict, including STAMPS return to Washington from for the shotgun slaying of her abused her for some time, 'ithough Dr. Brown said a Daul^ters of Uberty, No. 17, home. husband. Roy. ■ BUI himeelf, during a previous r will hold its annual rummage sale Manchester, is sch.eduled for St. WITH ALL SHELL FUEtOlL DELIVERIES /coi'correct eitlmate wae hard to Issues Mary’s School hall, East Hartford. his Moscow post for consulta­ ' The Mntence wae imposed on court hearing, had ferm ented pn TV SERVICE April 13 in the basement of Roger Oarlock, son of airs. Jo- tion. reach because some cases are Sunday aftsmoon, beginning at 2 34 Ho u r d e l i v e r v a n d b u r n e r s e r v ic e the 30-year-old Manchester Annie’ treatment of \/Ue. but not reported and others have DiVa C f IS A CaU jGrange Hall. The committee will Patricia Oarlock, 24, Deerfield Dr., the prosecutor bed nek^r atreeaed o'clock. All coiiplea engaged or ex­ Mlaa Isabel Worth TleuT beverHSI EXPERT BURNER STOVICE Tha Btata Department an­ housewife by Judge L m iIb Shapiro *•** proeecutor had net^i recovered so quickly a report Mights N m 9 3 Pina Parts be at the hMl the night before, la spending his spring vacation In ^ / AT LOW PRICES ^ nounced that Bohlen, now on va­ this behavior aa-a motfVe ,'or the from 7 to^9 o’clock, to receive do­ Bermiids. He is a junior at Colgate pecting to marry within a year are In ' Hartford County Superior waa nqt made. TBU Ml S-SIM . / invited to attend. Miss Isabel Worth, 241 Henry cation In Auatria, la expected in Court yesterday afternoon. shooting. Notes were dent to all ■■■■■■ i.i.. I )/ nations from members and friends. University, Hamilton, N. Y. I W M FUEL OIL .^■ ■ 1 St., was guest of honor at an Waehington eometlme thii week-^ Mrs. Anfits waa brought from ' In recommending that Mrs. An­ parents by the. Board of ▼V JWlBflUW 9 SERVICE end. nie's plea to manslaughtsr qS. ac- Will Visit Lebanon, Easter (ek Saturday afternoon at jkAt^ur OrurStorMj the Hartford County Jail, where Health today asking them "to the home of Mrs. Joseph Skinner. ; jjj/H fW M 8^A A ^^ ^ 34 SIAIN ST. TEL. .MI 8-8810—MI 8-1838 . 7-18-Day VUIt Hlalrd •he has spent most of her time cepted two wcek^ ago. Blit-told the look the children over care-, 110 Tanner St., at which time her The announcement lald Bohlen aince the fatal shooting on Dec. evurt that thq” Annieea had i)Ot fully" for teltale red bibtehee Girl Scout Notes engagement to James Duffy Sr., will remain a 'week or 10 ^ y a and 13, to court about 2:30 yesterday been l\apvy in' their 10 years qf before sending them to school 232 Henry St., was announced. , then return to Moacow. afternoon. About an hour later marr.'ed life. / each morning. Israel, Egypt, Syria Out of towm guests included Mish Department press officer Lin- ■he wae driven to Niantic by Dep­ "Tlieie is ionu evidence that on' At a recent meeting of Troop 75 Worth's sister, Miss Florence DON'T eoln White said he expects bohlin uty Sheriff Patrick OTooie and occasion hy used physical vio'encr at the Verptanck School, the Worth of WatertowTj, Mass., qihd will talk over with ^f'clals here Special Deputy Sheriff Harriet on her and that she was apparent­ United Nations, N.Y., April B —U-Nj Secretary General scouts enjoyed a talk by Miss Lou­ Mrs. Beinard Campagna of StCat- Still plenty of wear Ic’ft In/ Juliano.' , ly in feay of him,” B'll aaid. the new Soviet line oT downgrad- Dag Hammarskjold announced today thaf he would launch ise Tracey on the towns, people ford, formerly,of Manchester,,Also shoes when brought hero for GOSS PIANO GO.
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