European Geoparks Week 2008 BEIGUA GEOPARK 17th May – 8th June Contact Person: Maurizio Burlando Focal point Activities / events 1. Geo & Geo - Sat 17 th May 10am – 12am : guided visit at Beuca Botanical Garden (Cogoleto) - Sun 18 th May 9am – 4pm: guided walk discovering the geomorphological features of Beigua Geopark at Prariondo, with the collaboration of the Italian Alpine Club (C.A.I. – Club Alpino Italiano) - Thurs 22 nd May 9pm – 10.30pm: Presentation to the Public of the new guidebook “Nature Trails in Beigua Geopark” at Sestri Ponente, Genoa - Sat 24 th May 9am – 19pm: Promotional open-air stand of Beigua Park – Beigua Geopark within the annual event “Parks for the Public” in Genoa (Sestri Ponente), organized with the collaboration of the Regional Network of Protected Areas of Liguria - Sun 25 th May 9.30am – 4pm: Bird-watching activity at the Ornithological Center - Vaccà area, Arenzano - Sat 31 st May 9am – 4pm: Guided walk to the geoarchaeological sites at Alpicella (Varazze); dinner in typical restaurant at 8pm - Mon 2 nd June 10am – 4pm: Guided walk at “Prariondo-Tobiera Laione Nature Trail” - Mon 2 nd June 10am – 4pm: Free entrance in all Beigua Geopark Visitor Centres and Infopoints - Sat 7 th June 10.30am – 12.30am: Opening of the new Visitor Centre at Palazzo Gervino, Sassello, mainly dedicated to the Oligocene Epoch in Beigua Geopark - Sun 8 th June 10am – 4pm: Guided walk in “Gargassa Valley Geological Trail” 2. Geo & - Sun 1 st June 12am – 3pm: Open doors to Holidays Farmhouse in Beigua Geopark (guided Relish visits and lunch) 3. Geo & Arts 4. Geo & Culture/Music /Literature 5. Geo & - Sat 17 th – Sun 18 th May: 10am – 4pm: Canyoning activities in Beigua Geopark streams, Action/Sports organized with the collaboration of the Italian Canyoning Association (A.I.C. – Associazione Italiana Canyoning) 6. Geo & Kids - 19 th / 20 th / 21 st / 22 nd / 23 rd May ; 26 th / 27 th / 28 th / 29 th / 30 th May ; 2 nd / 3 rd / 4 th June ; educational activities for Geopark’s schools about the following themes : 1. “Discovering Beigua Geopark” 2. “Water paths” 3. “Discovering our streams” 4. “Wetlands in Beigua Geopark” 5. “Forests in Beigua Geopark” 6. “Farms for kids” 7. “Birds life” 7. Geo & EGN - Discovering the European Geoparks Network and the UNESCO Global Geoparks Network (video-presentations at the Geopark Corner in Beigua Park headquarters in Arenzano on 19th / 21 st / 23 rd May and 3 rd / 5 th June 2.30pm – 4pm GEOPARK BERGSTRASSE-ODENWALD 25th May – 07th June Contact Person: Dr. Jutta Weber Focal Point Action Information (For further Information click on http://www.geo- naturpark.net/daten/sonderveranstaltungen/egn- woche2008/geopark-woche.php?navid=141 ) 25.05.08 (Su) 10.00 AG Altbergbau Odenwald/ 1200 years historical mining Reichelsheim Regional museum Reichelsheim: – historical mining tour by bike. Meeting point: Geo & Geology Reichelsheim parking ares „Vierstöck“ 26.05.08 (Mo) 27.05.08 (Tue) 27. May -6. June: AG Altbergbau Odenwald/ Exhibition “Die Grube Marie in der Regional museum Reichelsheim: Kohlbach”- Geo & Geology Weinheim-Hohensachsen Opening times: Mo-Fr 7.30-12.00, Do 15.00- 18.00; from 2.6. - 4.6. additionally 14.00- 18.00. Contact: 06201-592823. 18.00 AG Altbergbau Odenwald/ Opening of the Exhibition “Die Grube Marie Regional museum Reichelsheim: in der Kohlbach” Geo & Geology Weinheim-Hohensachsen, Verwaltungsstelle 18.30 Geopark Information Center „Um-Wege“ - artwork forest. Hardheim, Walldürn forest parking area, Wolferstetter Hölzl. Fee: Geo & Nature 2 € Contact: 06261/84 1090 oder 06282/67107 or infozentrum.wallduern@neckar-odenwald- kreis.de 28.05.08 (We) 20.00 AG Altbergbau Odenwald/ From idea to reality: Development of the Regional museum Reichelsheim: visitor gallery “Marie” im Kohlbachtal. Geo & Geology Weinheim-Hohensachsen Slight show Meeting point: Feuerwehrgerätehaus Lützelsachsen- Hohensachsen 14:30 Geopark Entrance Gate Roman walk at the UNESCO Geopark Obernburg/Wörth Culture trail Geo & Culture Meeting point: Roman museum Obernburg, Untere Wallstr. Fee: Adults 5 €, Kids 2 €, incl. entrance Museum. Contact: 06022 710 377, Mail info@gug- odw.de 18.00 Geopark Information Center Orchids in flower - Orchid hiking tour in the Walldürn Muschelkalk area. Waldstetten, Geo & Natur e direction Bretzingen. Fee: 2,50 €. Contact: 06261/84 1090 or 06282/67107 or infozentrum.wallduern@neckar-odenwald- kreis.de 19:00 Bergsträßer Winzer e.G. and Geo- Between granite and sandstone – birth of Naturpark Bergstraße-Odenwald the wine – sunset performance – Geo & Culture & presentation of an ongoing sculpture art work Music process with intuitive music. Poetic evening inside the wineyards of Heppenheim. Location: Erlebnispfad Wein und Stein, Heppenheim, Station „Lebensraum Weinberg“. Meeting point: 18:30 Uhr, Bergsträßer Winzer e.G. (Parking space, half hour hiking tour to the event) or individual arrival to the event, which will start at 19:00. 29.05.08 (Thu) 13:30 Geo-Naturpark Bergstraße-Odenwald 29.05.2008 – Sandstone – fascinating rock Geo & Geology made of sand. Fieldtrip to the Geotope of the year 2003 as special window into the Triassic (abandoned quarry olfen, near Beerfelden). 13:30 – 15:30. Meeting point: Naturpark- parking area Olfen, (near quarry). Information: [email protected] 18.30 Geopark Information Center „Waldesrauschen“ - Forest field trip with Walldürn focus on literature. Meeting point: Höpfingen, Geo & Nature & Waldhütte. Fee: 2 € Cultue Contact: 06261/84 1090 or 06282/67107 or infozentrum.wallduern@neckar-odenwald- kreis.de 30.05.08 (Fr) 14.00 Geopark Information Center „Who lives in the stream?“ . Geopark for Walldürn Kids. Walldürn, parking area „Zuckerhut / Geo & Kids & Nature Auerberg“. Fee: 3 € Contact: 06261/84 1090 or 06282/67107 or infozentrum.wallduern@neckar-odenwald- kreis.de 30. May - 1. June Geopark Discovery Area Geopark in Action - A rich three-day- „Hoher Odenwald“ programme with a fascination range of actions Geo & Geology & will present the Geopark discovery area “High Culture Odenwald” for visitors and residents. The treasures of area – the red sandstone, the remains of the Roman period and the most interesting facets of local history will be in the focus of various events all of them presented by the local population. For further information www.geo-naturpark.de 31.05.08 (Sa) 18:00 Bergsträßer Winzer e.G. and Bergsträßer game and Bergsträßer wine – hunters of the Bergstraße guided hiking tour, wine and rocks adventure Geo & Nature & trail with meal and wine. Meeting point: Enjoyment Bergsträßer Winzer e.G. Contact: 06252- 79940. Fee: 25 Euro. 10.00 AG Altbergbau Odenwald/ Geology for Kids - Regional museum Reichelsheim: Meeting point:: Dorfgemeinschaftshaus Ober- Geo & Kids & Reichelsheim Ober-Ostern Ostern. Duration: 3 hours. flashlight, bike Geology helmet. 14.00 AG Altbergbau Odenwald/ Opening of the visitor gallery “Marie” Regional museum Reichelsheim: From 15.30: guided tours. Meeting point Geo & Geology Weinheim-Hohensachsen “Grube Marie”. Contact: 06201-592823 11.00 bis 17.00 Felsenmeer Information Center (FIZ), Action day – discover the Earth history, Lautertal culture and fairy tales of the Felsenmeer with Geo & Geology & Culture the Felsenmeer guides and the Geopark rangers 14.00 BUND-Ortsgruppe Weinheim and Fieldtrip to nature - wineyards and forests. Geo-Naturpark Bergstraße-Odenwald: Meeting point: Weinheim-Lützelsachsen, Geo & Nature parking area Sommergasse. Duration: 3,5 hours. 18.00 Geopark Information Center Orchids in flower - Orchid hiking tour in the Walldürn Muschelkalk area. Waldstetten, Geo & Nature direction Bretzingen. Fee: 2,50 €. Contact: 06261/84 1090 or 06282/67107 or infozentrum.wallduern@neckar-odenwald- kreis.de 01.06.08(So) 10:00 County Darmstadt-Dieburg, County hiking day – Meeting point: Modautal-Lützelbach Modautal-Lützelbach, entrance parking area Geo & Nature 14.00 AG Altbergbau Odenwald/ Historical mining – Baryte - Mining and Regional museum Reichelsheim: mineralogy field trip. Meeting point: Geo & Geology Reichelsheim Dorfgemeinschaftshaus Ober-Ostern, 3 hours. 10.00 AG Altbergbau Odenwald/ “Wild ore” – stories of poachers and Regional museum Reichelsheim: mining people“ Hiking tour with „wild“ lunch Geo & Geology Reichelsheim in the restaurant Vierstoeck. Meeting point: restaurant Vierstöck, Fee: lunch 18,00 €/Person. Contact: 06164-1371, rservation required. 11:00 Geopark Entrance Gate From witches and towers – a medeival Obernburg/Wörth town trip - Meeting point: church place in Geo & Culture Obernburg, fee: adults 4 €, kids 1€ 13.00 Geopark Information Center Biking through Buntsandstein and Walldürn Muschelkalk landscapes - Biking tour to the Geo & Geology show cave Buchen-Eberstadt . Start:, railway station Walldürn, fee: 5 €. Contact: 06261/84 1090 or 06282/67107 or infozentrum.wallduern@neckar-odenwald- kreis.de 14:00 Geopark Information Center The land of Romans and dolines - Walldürn Meeting point:: Forsthaus Hettingen, Geo & Geology & Kleinkastell Heunehaus Culture 18.00 Geopark Information Center Orchids in flower - Orchid hiking tour in the Walldürn Muschelkalk area. Waldstetten, Geo & Nature direction Bretzingen. Fee: 2,50 €. Contact: 06261/84 1090 or 06282/67107 or infozentrum.wallduern@neckar-odenwald- kreis.de from 10:00 UNESCO World Heritage World Heritage Day – „School kids Grube Messel gGmbH discover their UNESCO World Heritage Geo & Kids & (Geopark Entrance Gate) Tours - 1 hour (12:00, 13:30, 16:30) Geology & Nature Family tours – 2 hours (10:00. 14:30) 04.06.08 (Wed) 20.00 AG Altbergbau
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