1879. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 271 Mr. HAYES. I will hear it. Also, papers relating to the claim of S. C. Moffett-to the Commit­ Mr. KEIFER. I think there will be no objection to it. ·1 send it tee of Claims, when appointed. to the Clerk's desk. By Mr. WILSON: The petition of M. Reilly ~nd others, of West Virginia, for the repeal of section 7 of the revenue law relating to STATIONERY FOR MEMBERS, ETC. wine and distilled and fermented liquors-to the Committee of Ways. The Clerk read as follows: and Means, when appointed. Resolved, That the Clerk of this House issue to membets and officers of the By Mr. WRIGHT: The petition of Mary Byrd Dallas, that her pen­ House such necessary stationery as may be required; and he shall have authority sion be increased to itR original amount-to the Committee on Invalid to use any unoxpend,ed moneys belonging to the stationery fund to supply neces­ Pensions, when appointed. sary articles which are not now on hand; that issued to members to be charged against them and accounted for when appropriation is hereafter made. Mr. SPARKS. I object. LEA VE OF ABSENCE. By unanimous consent, leaive of absence was granted, as follows: IN SENATE. To Mr. BUTIERWORTH, until Wednesday next; MONDAY, April 1, To Mr. DICK, indefinitely, on account of sickness; 1879. To Mr. WELLS, for one week ; Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. J. BULLOCK, D. D. To Mr. O'CONNOR, until the 14th instant; The Journal of the proceedings of Thursday last wa-s read and ap­ To Mr. CANNON, of Utah, for five days ; and proved. To Mr. HUBBELL, for ten days, on account of sickness. · ARMY APPROPRIATION BILL. Mr. HAYES. I now renew the motion that the House adjourn. A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. GEORGE M The motion was agreed to; and accordingly (at four o'clock and ADAMS, its Clerk, announced that the House had passed a bill (H. R: twenty minutes p. m.) the House adjourned until Tuesday next. No. 1) makin~ appropriations for the support of the Army for the­ .fiscal year ending June 30, 1880, and for other purposes, in which' the­ PETITIONS, ETC. concurrence of the Senate was asked. Mr. DAVIS, of West Virginia. I ask that the bill be referred to The following petitions, &c., were presented at the Clerk's desk, the Committee on Appropriations. under the rule, and referred as stated : The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Chair will lay the bill before the· By the SPEAKER : The petition of citizens of Ohio, for the pas­ Senate. sage of th~ Reagan interstate-commerce bill-to the Committee on The bill was read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee Commerce, when appointed. on Appropriations. By Mr. ATKINS: The petition of R. K. Baird, fir an increase of EXECUTIVE COMMuNICATIONS. pension-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, when appointed. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication By Mr. BRIGHT: Papers relating to the war claims of J. W. Bur­ from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in compliance withi bridge & Co., and Robert H. Montgomery, W. R. Butler, Ruth A. a resolution of the Senate of the 31st of March, 1879, information in Fleming, Mrs. Ann P. James, Fanny Priscilla Murfree,Martha A. Ste­ relation to the manner in which cars and bonded warehouses con- · vens, Robertson Topp, and Wm. L Vance-to the Committee on War taining appraised and unappraised goods are secured to pre ent frauds Claims, when appt•inted. on the revenue; which was referred to the Committee on Finance, and,. By Mr. COX: The petition of A. L. Rawson and others, relating on motion of Mr. EDMUNDS, ordered to be printed. to the amendment of the postal laws regarding the transmission of He also laid before the Senate a fotter from the Secratary of War, obscene literature-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Posit transmitting a report of the acting Chief of Engineers upon a provis­ Roads, when appointed. ion in the sundry civil bill approved March 3, 1879, discontinuing the By Mr. DIBRELL: Papers relating to the war claims of Joseph geographical surveys west of the one hundredth meridian under the­ Anderson, and St. Peter's and St. Paul's church, Chattanooga, Ten­ War Department after June 30, 1879, as well as other surveys under· nessee-to the Committee on War Claims, when appointed. the direction of the Interior Department; which was referred to the Also, papers relating to the claims of William G. Ford, Thomas Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. Cottman, Albert Grant, :m.d Sarah Wilson-to the Committee of Claims, when appointed. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Also, a paper relating to the pension claim of Margaret A. Webb­ Mr. COCKRELL presented concurrent resolutions of the Legisla­ to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, when appointed. ture of Missouri, in reference to the copyright of the decisions of the­ Also, papers relating to the claim of William West-to the Com­ Supreme Court of the United States, and in favor of such legislation mittee on Military Affairs, when appointed. aB will vest the same in the Secretary of State; which were referred By Mr. FORSYTHE. The petition of Elizabeth J. Colbert, for a to the Committee on the Judiciary. pension-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, when appointed. t Mr. DAVIS, of West Virginia, presented the petition of David H. By Mr. HASKELL: The petition of Saint Louis hat finishers, rela­ Myers, late private Company A, Second Regiment New Jersey Cav­ tive to the duty on hatters' silk plush-to the Committee of Ways alry, praying to be allowed a pension ; which was referred to the and Means, when appointed. Commit tee on Pensions. Also, the petition of the citizens of KanSJ,s, for the pa-ssage of a Mr. HILL, of Georgia, presented the petition of Robert Erwin, a. law providing for opening the Indian Territory to settlement-to the citizen of Savannah, Georgia, praying compensation for property Committee on Indian A..ffuirs, when appointed. taken from him by the military authorities of the United States dur­ By Mr. HENKLE: Papers relating to the war claim of J. H. Mad­ ing the late war; which was referred to the Committee on the Judi­ dox-to the Committee on War Claims, when appointed. ciary, and ordered to be printed. By Mr. HOUSE : Papers relating to the war claim of Mount Olivet l'Yir. CONKLING. I present a petition accompanied by various. Cemetery Company, Nashville, Tennessee-to the same committee, papers, one of which is a bill which passed the Senate at the last ses­ when appointed. sion, for the relief of Ann M. Paulding, widow of Hiram Paulding,. By Mr. KLOTZ: Papers relating to the claim of Charles Edwards late senior rear-admiral of the United States Navy. I move its·ref­ for additional compensation as an officer in the United States Army­ erence to the Committee on Pensions. to the Committee on Military Affairs; when appointed. The motion was agreed to. By Mr. MANNING: The petition of Gray W. Smith, for compensa­ Mr. CONKLING. I present also the petition of John Beeson, who· tion :for property taken by the United States Army-to the Commit­ seems to be a citizen of Oregon, who speaks in his petition of serv­ tee on War Claims, when appointed. ices which he has rendered the Government, and for which he asks. By Mr. McGOWAN : The petition of G. A. Cameron nnd 18 others, compensation. I move the reference of the petition to the Commit-. of Calhoun County, Michigan, for the passage of the Reagan inter­ tee on Claims. state-commerce bill-to the Committee on Commerce, when appointed. The motion was agreed to. • Also, the petition of G. A. Cameron and 11 others, of Calhoun Mr. THURMAN presented a memorial of Miller Brothers and oth-· County, Michigan, for the reduction of the tax on tobacco-to the ers, manufacturers of cigars in Dayton, Ohio, remonstrating against: Committee on Agriculture, when appointed. the passage of any act by Congress making a change in the present By Mr. MORSE: Papers relating to the petition of Robert P. Wil­ method of stamping cigars by attaching a so-called coupon stamp ;. son for appointment as a captain in the United States Army-to the which was referred to the Committee on Finance. Committee on Military Affairs, when appointed. He also presented the petition of Solomon S. Robinson, late cap­ By Mr. STEPHENS: Papers relating to the war claim of Matilda tain and brevet major, Sixteenth United States Infantry, praying to. Shields-to the Committee on War Claims, when appointed. be allowed a pension; which was referred to the Committee on Pen­ By Mr. WADDILL: Petition of Saint Clair Grange, Saint Clair sions. County, Missouri, for the p3SSage of the Reagan interstate-commerce · Mr. INGALLS presented the petition of H. A. McCarthy, of Saint bill-to the Committee on Commerce, when appointed. Mary's, Kansas, praying compensation for services rendered the Gov­ By Mr. WHITTHORNE : Papers relating to the war claim of the ernment as scout during the late war; which was referred to the­ heirs of Matthew Allison-to the Committee on War Claims, when Committee on Military Affairs. appointed. · . He also presented the petition of C. C. Phillips, of Iowa, praying; • ,.. 272 CONGRESSIO AL RECORD-SENATE. APRIL .' for additional compensation for services rendered the Government obtained, leave to introduce a bill (S. No. 338) granting a pensiOn to during the late war as assistant surgeon of the United States Army ; Nelson Roosevelt; which was read twice by its title, and, with the which was referred to the Committee on Military .Affairs.
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