DOCUMENT RESUME ED 075 523 UD 013 457 TITLE Bibliography on Racism._ INSTITUTION National Inst. of Mental Health, Rockville, Md. Center for Minority Group Mental Health Programs. REPORT NO DHEW-HSM-73-9012 PUB CATE 72 NOTE. 199p. AVAILABLE FROMSuperintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 ($2.75) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$6.58 DESCRIPTORS *Annotated Bibliographies; Information Dissemination; Literature Reviews; *Mental Health; Political Issues; Psychiatry; Psychology; Racial Attitudes; *Racism; Research Methodology; *Research Needs; Research Utilization; Social Attitudes; *Social Sciences; Sociology ABSTRACT Racism in this country is a product of more than 300 years of systematic subordination of Indians and blacks by the white majority, plus later subordination of still other groups. Research dealing with the manifold role of racism in mental health has been sadly underrepresented as a proportion of the total work in the mental health field. Frequently, social aspects of mental tealth have been overlooked. This publication is an initial effort by the Center for Minority Group Mental Health Programs of the National Institute of Mental Health toward generating the necessary machinery for compiling and abstracting the results of research and experience in the field. The Center.hopes that this annotated bibliography will encourage the growth of scholarly works on the relationship betwee,_ racism and mental health to develop as a legitimate and honorable effort for doctoral and postdoctoral training. This bibliography was developed from the scientific information files of the National Clearinghouse for Mental Health Information of the National Institute of Mental. Health, and contains a comprehensive listing of all abstracts relating to racism available from the computerized information files of the Clearinghouse at the time of publication. The indexes were generated from the Clearinghouse files utilizing the IBM KWOC System.(AuthortjM) FILMED FROM BEST AVAILABLECOPY r*t. (""\.1 1.rN U.S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OFEDUCATION N- THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG- INATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN- IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY .1.4? REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU CATION POSITION OR POLICY The Bibliography on Racism was developed from the scientificinformation files of the National Clearinghouse for Mental Health Informationof the National Institute of Mental Health. This publication contains a compre- hensive listing of all abstracts relating to racism availablefrom the computerized information files of the Clearinghouseat the time of pub- lication. The indexes were generated from the Clearinghouse files utilizing the IBM KWOC System., DHEW Publication No.(HSM) 73-9012 Printed 1972 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. U.S. Government Printing Mice. Washington. D.C. 20402- Price $2.75 Foreword Racism in this country is a product of morethan 300 years of systematic subordination of Indians and blacks by thewhite majority, plus later subordination of still other groups. It pervasively influences every single institution in our society. What is the impact of racism on the mind ofman? Needless to say, that research dealing withthe manifold role of racism in mental health has been sadly underrepresented as aproportion of the total work in the mental health field. Frequently, racial aspects of mental health have been either ignored orunderplayed to the point of abandonment. This publication is an initial effort by the Centerfor Minority Group Mental Health Programs of the National Instituteof Mental Health towar0 generating the necessary machinery for compilingand abstracting the results of research and experience in thefield. it is hoped this bibliography will encourage the growth ofscholarly works on the rela- tionship between racism and mental health todevelop it as a legitimate and honorable effort for doctoral andpostdoctoral training. For, if racism is a mental disease--as is believed bymany--then the task of mental health disciplines is to discern its causesand direct its cure. Increasing understanding in order to root outand eliminate racism is indeed a worthy objective for all Americans. No other single issue in domestic affairs has more profound implicationsregarding America's success in achieving its own ideals, orthe kinds of social changes that must be carried out to attain them. Bertram S. Brown, M.D. Director National Institute of Mental Health iii CONTENTS Page ABSTRACTS 1 AUTHOR INDEX A-1 SUBJECT INDEX S -1 ABSTRACTS 964 'AUTHORS: ROYER, L.B. ADDRESS: DEPT. OF ANTHROPOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF NEW "EXTrn, ALBUQUERQUE, N. MEX. MINORITIES. TITLE: PSYCHOANALYTIC INSFIBTS IN WoR'XING WITH ETHNIC SOURCE: SOCIAL CASEWORK. SOURCEID: 45(9):519-S26, 1964.. PSYCHOANALYTICALLY-ORIENTED INTERVIEWS WERE CONDUCTEDAMONG THE APACHE INDIANS OF THE MESCALERO INDIANRESERVATTON IN NEW MEXICO: THESE FURNISHED INFORmATIIiN ABOUT THEAPACHE'S CHILD-REARING PATTERNS, RELIGION, SOCIAL STRUCTUREAND PERSONALITY OFGNI7ATION. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE APACHE INDIANSWAS GIVEN, INCLUDING THEIR THE CONTEMPORARY STATUS. THE INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS DETwEEN APACHES AND THE SCIENTISTS CONDUCTINGTHE STUDY WERE DESCRIBED. 5 MOST IMPORTANT FACTORS FOR SUCCESSIN SOCIAL WORK, AS DELINEATED RY THIS STUDY, WERE DEDICATION OF ONESELFTO INDIVIDUAL GOALS, OVERCOMING AND UNDERSTANDING PREJUDICE,LEARNING ABOUT ETHNIC GROUPS, REMEMBERING THE INDIVIDUALITY OF EACHCLIENT, AND CONFINING ONESELF TO THE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF SPECIFICGOALS. (11 REFERENCES)- 5594 AUTHORS: VOL'PERT, I. YE. AUTHOR ADDRESS NOT GIVEN ADDRESS: PROPAGANDA. TRTITLE: OBJECTIVES AND METHODS OF MASS MENTAL HYGIENE TITLE: /K VOPROSU 0 ZADACHAKH I METODIKE EASSOVOY PSIKHOGIGIYENICHESKOY PROPAGANDY./ SOURCE: VOPROST PSIKHIATRII I NFEROPATOLOGII (LENIRGRAD). 'OURCEID: 7:440-446, 1961. THE RAPID INDUSTRIALIZATION OF THESOVIET UNION AND BUILDING OF A COMMUNIST SOCIETY PRESENT A GREATCHALLENGE TO MEDICAL SCIENCE, PSYCHIATRY IN PARTICULAR. THE RADICAL REORGANIZATION OF THE WAYOR LIFE OF THE MASSES AND THE ENSUINGSTRESSES CREATE MANY OPPORTUNITIES AND PROBLEMS FOR MENTAL HYGIENE. EFFORTS MUST BE DIRECTED TOWARD (1) FRINGING ABOUT IMPROVEMENTS IN THE CONDITIONSOF BOTH PHYSICAL AND INTELLECTUAL WORK, (2) ENCOURAGING PARTICIPATION IN SPORTS AND PHYSICAL CULTURE, AND (3) DEVELOPINGEFFECTIVE INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS IN THE FAMILY AND IN SOCIETY AS AWHOLE. MENTAL HYGIENE ALSO HAS AN IMPORTANT ROLE IN THE COMMUNISTSTRUGGLE AGAINST RELIGION. EXPANDING KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THESTRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND BRAIN AND THEMATERIAL BASIS OF PSYCHIC ACTIVITY CAN DO MUCH TO OVERCOME THEHARM DONE TO THE HEALTH OF PEOPLE BY RELIGIOUS PREJUDICES, BELIEFS,AND CEREMONIES. MASS PROPAGANDA IS AN IMPORTANT MEANS OF PREVENTINGNEUROSTS, MANY OF WHICH ARISE PROM VESTIGES OF THE PASTSURVIVING IN THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE PEOPLE AND FROM THE TENSIONS ANDDIFFICULTIES CAUSED BY THIS TRANSITIONAL PHASE OF RUSSIAN HISTORY. THE METHODS AVAILABLE FOR PROMOTING MENTAL HYGIENE ARE MANY ANDVARIED -- LECTURES, RADIO-TELEVISION PROGRAMS, PAMPHLETS, ETC. 6034 AUTHOR51 DE LEON, CHARLES A. CLEVELAND, OHIO ADDRESS: STUDENT AND TITLE: THE SELF ESTEEM OF THE AMERICAN NEGRO COLLEGE THE WHITE "LIBERAL." SOURCE: JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. SOURCEID: 59(5):359-368, 1967. THIS IS AN EXTENDED REVIEW AND ATTACKON AN ARTICLE ON THE AMERICAN NEGRO COLLEGE WHICH APPEAREDIN THE HARVARD EDUCATION REVIEW, WINTER, 1966. CHRISTOPHER JENCKS AND DAVID RIESMAN, AUTHORS OF THE PIECE, ARE ACCUSED OF A VARIETYOF ABERRATIONS BANGING FROM DOUBLY BIGOTRY TO SADISM. NEGRO ADOLESCENTS ARE SAID TO BE AT LEAST VULNERABLE TO THE ADOLESCENT CRISES SEENAS UNIVERSAL. THE JENCKS-REISMAN ARTICLE IS SEEN AS AN ATTACKON THE SELF- ESTEEM AND CONFIDENCE OF NEGROES, ESPECIALLY YOUNGNEGROES WITH HIGH EDUCATIONAL 1 RACISM - 1967 AND EARLIER ASPIRATIONS. (12 EEFERENCES.) 8832 AUTHORS: MEIER, AUGUST; RODWICE, ELLIOTT M. ADDRESS: ROOSEVELT UNIVERSITY, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS TITLE: EARLY BOYCOTTS OF SEGREGATED SCHOOLS: THE. FAST ORANGE, NEW JERSEY, EXPERIENCE, 1899 - 19013. SOURCE: HISTORY OF EDUCATION QUARTERLY. SOURCEID: 7(1) :22-35, 1967. 1699 AND AGAIN IN 1905 AND 1906, NEGRO CITIZENS PROTESTER RATHER EFFECTIVELY THE INTRODUCTION OF SEGREGATION In SCHOOLS OF FAST ORANGE, NEW JERSEY. IN 1899, AN "EXPERIMENTAL" "UNGRADED" CLASS OF 25 TO 35 PUPILS WAS ESTABLISHED AT A SCHOOL ATTENDED BY NEGRO AND WHITE CHILDREN. A NEGRO TEACHER WAS HIRED TO TEACH THE CLASS, WHICH CONSISTED ONLY OF NEGROES. HOWEVER, A THREAT OF BOYCOTT BY THE NEGROES LED TO THE DECISION THAT NEGRO PARENTS COULD REQUEST THAT THEIR CHILDREN BE RETURNED TO GRADED CLASSES. IN 1905, 2 T'F, JIM CROW CLASSES WERE CREATED. AN IMMEDIATE BOYCOTT PY THE NEGROES RESULTED. THE SCHOOL BOARD DECLARED THAT WHEN A SUErICTE'T NUMBER OF AFRO-AMERICAN PUPILS ATTENDED A SCHOOL, SUCH PUPILS COULD BE TAVGH- SEPARATELY. THIS ANGERED THE NEGROES AS WELL AS WHITE SYmPATHIZEPc, INCLUDING A SUPREME COURT JUSTICE. NEGROES OPENED CLASSES FOP THEIR CHILDREN AT 2 CHURCHES. IT WAS SUGGESTED THAT THE ISSUE HE BROUGHT TO COURT BUT, DUE TO THE AMBIGUITY OF THE LAW, A LEGISLATIVE EFFORT REPLACED THIS ATTEMPT. THE BOYCOTT CONTINUED, BUT THE PROTEST MOVEMENT FAILED DUE TO FACTIONALISM AMONG THE NEGROES, ESPECIALLY BETWEEN OLD AND NEW RESIDENTS OF THE COMMUNITY, AND TO THE DECLINE or WHITE SUPPORT. A COMPROMISE WAS TEMPORARILY WORKED OUT WHICF. INVOLVED PUPIL EXAMINATIONS, BUT AGAIN TEE NEGROES ROYCOTTFD WHEN CHILDREN WERE
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