District of Columbia Radio WJBR(AM) -April 21, 1947: 1290 Khz; 1 Kw -D

District of Columbia Radio WJBR(AM) -April 21, 1947: 1290 Khz; 1 Kw -D

Delaware, District of Columbia Radio WJBR(AM) -April 21, 1947: 1290 khz; 1 kw -D. 2617 1800. TWX 701 -828 -0528. RKO General Inc. (group Ebright Rd. (19810). (302) 475-4000. Radio Stn WJBR. owner). Dups AM 100 %. Stereo. Net: MBS. Rep: RKO (acq 6- 1 -76). Format: Nostalgia. John B. Reynolds Radio. Format: Class. Spec prog: Jazz. Jerry R. Jr., pres & mgr; James R. Reynolds Jr., off mgr; C.W. Lyman, pres RKO: Mike Ferrel, gen mgr; Paul Teare, Tomlinson Jr., coml mgr; Howard Gasner, prom mgr; prog dir; Calvin LeCompte, mus dir: H.K. Leyh, chief David McKenzie, chief engr. Rates: $10.30; 10.30; engr. Rates: $150; 125; 150; 125. Jay Young, mus dir; Hal Laster, news dir; Steve Wal- 10.30; lace, chief engr. Rates: $14; 12; 14; 12. WGTS -FM -See Takoma Park, Md. WJBR -FM- January 1957: 99.5 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 500 WSEA(FM)-Co-owned with WJWL(AM). July 4, 1969: ft. Stereo. Format: Btfl mus. Charles W. Tomlinson WHUR -FM -Dec 10, 1971: 96.3 mhz; 24 kw. Ant 669 93.5 mhz; 2.10 kw. Ant 350 ft. (CP: 2.63 kw). Prog sep Jr., coml mgr. Rates: $24.25; 24.25; 24.25; 19.40. ft. Stereo. 529 Bryant St., N.W. (20059). (202) 232-6000. from AM. (302) 856 -7355. Format: Top -40. Rates: Howard University Bd. of Trustees. Format; Prog. $17; 12; 17; 12. *WMPH(FM) -Oct 1969: 91.7 mhz; 28.2 kw. Ant 74 ft. James E. Cheek, pres: Robert N. Taylor, gen mgr; (CP: 100 w. Ant 143 ft.). 5201 Washington St. Ext. Diane Johnson, sls dir; Clint Walker opns mgr & data Milford (19809). (302) 764 -7600. Brandywine School District. processing; Jesse Fax, prog dir; Belinda Rollins, mktg Net: ABC /FM. Format: AOR. Sharon Rosevich, stn dir; Libby Lawson, dir syndication; Sheila Pitts, traf WYUS(AM)-1953: 930 khz; 500 w -D, DA. Box 324 mgr; Joseph Augenbraun, gen mgr; Bruce Mathews, mgr; Michael Archie, mus dir; Tom Cope, news dir; Ted (19963). (302) 422-7575. WAFL Radio Inc. Net: APR. prog dir. Sims, chief engr. Format: MOR, nostalgia. Charles Timmons, gen mgr; Rockville, Dennis Hazzard, prog dir; Chuck Marcus, news dir; WSTW(FM) -Listing follows WDEL(AM). WINX(AM) -See Md. Ernie McGhee, chief engr. WKYS(FM)Aug 1, 1947; 93.9 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 480 ft. (CP: 23.9 kw. Ant 429 ft.) 4001 Nebraska Ave. N.W. WAFL-FM- Co-owned with WYUS(AM). May 19, 1973. District of Columbia (20016). (202) 885 -4330. Net: NBC. Format: Urban con - 97.7 mhz: 3 kw. Ant 240 ft. Format: C &W. temp. Bartley Walsh, VP & gen mgr; Frank brio, dir sls; Donna Ragland, gen sls mgr; Donny Simpson, prog WABS(AM) -See Arlington, Va. Newark & mus dir; Joe Alfenito, opns & prom mgr; John Irving, *WAMU(FM) 23, 1961; 88.5 mhz: 50 kw. Ant 500 news dir; Scott Sanford, chief engr. WRC-TV affil. WNRK(AM) -Aug 17, 1964: 1260 khz; 1 kw-D, DA. -Oct ft. Stereo. 4400 Massachusetts Ave. N.W. (20016). Box 8152 (19714). (302) 737 -5200. ARC Bcstg. Net: WLTT(FM) -See Bethesda, Md. ABC /C. Format: Adult contemp. Alfred R. (202) 885 -1030. American U. Stereo. Net: NPR, Am Campagnone, pres & gen mgr; Martha Burns, toc sls Pub, APR. Format: Div. Spec progs: C &W 3 hrs wkly. WMAL(AM) -Oct. 12, 1925: 630 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. mgr; Fran Kulas, mus & prog dir; David Schmidt, chief Nina Kern, gen mgr; Diane Nowak -Waring, dev dir; Stereo. 4400 Jenifer St. N.W. (20015). (202) 686 -3100. engr. Rates: $11.75; 8.50; 9.75; Julie King, community support dir; Craig Oliver, prog WMAL Inc. (acq 3- 5-77). Group owner: ABC. Net: ABC/ dir; Lee Michael Demsey, mus dir; Diona DeShields, I. Rep: McGavren -Guild. Format: Personality MOR. WXDR(FM) -Oct 4, 1976: 91.3 mhz; 1 kw. Ant 200 ft. prom mgr; Anne Boozell, news dir; Mike Byrnes, chief Andrew M. Ockershausen, exec VP; Tony Renaud, (CP: 1 kw. Ant 137 ft.). Student Center, Univ of Dela- engrs. gen sls mgr; James H. Gallant, opns mgr; Eileen Griffin, ware (19716). (302) 451 -2703. University of Delaware. prog dir; Pat Ryan, prom mgr; Len Deibert, news dir; WANN(AM) -See Annapolis, Md. Format: Div. Spec progs: Class 12 firs, Sp 2 hrs, Black J.B. McPherson, chief engr. Rates: $505; 185; 300; 1 hr wkly. Steven Morris, gen mgr; Bill Gaal, prog dir; WASH(FM) -1948: 97.1 mhz; 22.5 kw. Ant 690 ft. Ster- 160. Suzi Wollenberg, mus dir; Rob Eppes, news dir; Doug- eo. 5151 Wisconsin Ave., N.W. (20016). (202) 244-9700. las Fearn, chief engr. WROX(FM)-Co -owned with WMAL(AM). May 15, Metromedia (acq 7- 19 -68). Group owner: Metromedia. 1948: 107.3 mhz; Ant 590 ft. Stereo. Net: ABC /C. Rep: Rep: Katz. Format: Top-40. Jim Smith, gen mgr; Blair. Format: Top -40, rock. Ernest D. Fears, VP gen Rehoboth Beach Renie Freedman, gen sls mgr; William Tanner, prog dir; mgr; Mary Groark, gen sls mgr; Alan Burns, prog dir; Colleen Cassidy, mus dir; Kathy Kolodin, prom mgr; WGMD(FM) -Sep 21, 1975: 92.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Steve Palmer, news dir; Jackie Ashton, sls svc mgr; Shannon LeHere, news dir; Greg Strickland, chief engr. Stereo. Box 530 (19979). (302) 856-9027. Resort Bcstg Mary Taten, mus dir; Marty Wall, prom mgr; Don Dulp, WTTG(TV) affil. Rates: $155; 120; 135; 90. Co. (acq 7- 25-80). Rep: Gene Keenan, Keystone. For- chief engr. mat: MOR. Spec prog: Big band 8 hrs wkly. Christo- WAVA(FM) -(Arlington, Va.) August 1, 1948: 105.1 WMDO(AM) -See Wheaton, Md. pher Gullet, gen mgr; Marilyn Farrow, prog dir; Ernest mhz; to kw. Ant 500 ft. Stereo. 5232 Lee Hwy, Arling- McGhee Jr., chief engr. Rates: $10.80: 10.80; 10.80; ton, Va. (22207). (703) 534-0320. Doubleday Bcstg Co. WMZQ(AM)-See Arlington, Va. 10.80. Inc. (group owner; acq 2- 1.82). Rep; CBS /FM. Format: Top -40. Gary Stevens, pres; Allan Goodman, exec WMZO -FM- September 1968: 98.7 mhz; 50 kw. Ant Seaford VP & gen mgr; Dan Wachs, gen sis mgr; Randy 490 ft. Stereo. 5513 Connecticut Ave. N.W. (20015). Kabrich, prog dir; Tom Kent, mus dir; Denise Benoit, (202) 362 -8330 Viacom Bcstg Inc. Rep: Christal. For- WSUX(AM) -1955: 1280 khz; 1 kw -D. 1039 S. Dual prom mgr; David Haines, news dir; Bill Ashley, chief mat: C &W. Brian Bieber, VP & gen mgr; Frank Byrne, Highway (19973). (302) 629 -5581. Beach Broadcasting engr. gen sls mgr; Cliff Blake, prog dir; Ginny Welsch, mus Inc. dir; Janice Dougherty, prom mgr; Evan Carl, news dir; WCTN(AM) -See Potomac -Cabin John, Md. Jon Banks, chief engr. WSUX -FM -Feb 1972: 98.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 230 ft. Net: WDCU(FM) -May 8, 1982; 90.1 mhz; 6.8 kw. Ant. 450 Stereo. ABC /C. WOL(AM) -1924: 1450 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. 1680 ft. Stereo. Bldg 38, Room A-03, 4200 Connecticut Ave., Wisconsin Ave. N.W. (20007). (202) 338 -5600. Almic Wilmington N.W. (20008). (202) 282 -7588. Univ of District of Colum- Bcstg Inc (acq 10-3 -80). Net: APR, Sheridan. Rep: bia. Format: Ed, jazz, gospel. Spec progs: Sp 6 hrs. Unirep. Format: Black soul. Catherine Liggins rhythm & blues 12 hrs, African & 8 hrs wkly. WAMS(AM) -1947: 1380 khz; 5 kw -D. 1 kw-N, DA -3. Caribbean Hughes, pres & gen mgr; Vida Smith, mus dir; Noble Box 3677 (19807). (302) 654 -8881. Rollins Bcstg of Del- Dr. G. Godwin Oyewole, gen mgr & prog dir; John Davis, news dir; John Hofstetter, chief engr. aware Inc. (acq 1956). Group owner: Rollins Net: ABC/ Hoffstetter, chief engr. D. Rep: Selcom. Format: Modern country. R. Randall WNTR(AM) -See Silver Spring, Md. WDJY(FM) -1948: 100.3 mhz; 40 kw horiz, 38 kw vert. Rollins, pres; William Jaeger, VP; Steve Courtin, gen Ant ft. First Place, N.E. (202) 722- mgr; Hyman Farbman, sls mgr; Chris Michaels, prog 330 5321 (20011). WPFW(FM)-Fed 28, 1977: 89.3 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 410 1000. United Bcstg Co. (group owner). Net: Sheridan, ft. 700 H. St., N.W. (20001 -3794). (202) 783 -3100. Pacifi- dir; Inge Mullins, off & opns mgr; Todd Doren, prom Rep: Masla. Format: pres; Foundation Inc. mgr; Matt Likovich, news dir; Bob Lenio, chief engr. Black. Gerald J. Hroblak, ca (group owner). Format: Jazz, into. E. Carlton Myers, VP & gen mgr; Jack Simpson, asst prog: Pub affrs 28 hrs wkly. Marita Rivero, gen Rates: $26; 22.50; 26; 19. Spec gen mgr; Jack Wamsley, sls mgr; John Turk, opns mgr; mgr; Carl Jones, prog dir; Bob Tyner, mus dir; Lenore WDEL(AM) -1922: 1150 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. 2727 Dan O'Neil, prog & mus dir; R.G. Wills, news dir; Euclid Gardner, prom mgr; Robert Frazier, exec prod, news & Shipley Road (19803). (302) 478. 2700. Delmarva Bcstg Coukouma, chief engr. pub affrs. Co. (acq 1931). Net. NBC Rep: Eastman. Format: MOR. WEEL(AM )-See Fairfax, Va. WPGC -AM -FM -See Morningside, Mf. Spec prog: Farm 1 hr wkly. C. Robert Taylor, pres & gen mgr; Charles Ward, gen sls mgr; Morgan, Cynthia WETA -FM -April 19, 1970: 90.9 mhz; 75 kw. Ant 448 WPKX(AM) -(Alexandria, Va.) Dec 10, 1945: 730 khz; sls mgr; Bob Mercer, news dir; Richard V. Aydelotte, ft. Stereo. 3700 Four Mile Run, Arlington, Va. (22206). 5 kw -D, DA. 510 King St., Alexandria, Va.

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