WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSllY Volume 22, Number 31 May 30,1996 Action recognizes WMU's doctoral status 3,100 freshmen expected for Legislature approves 6.3percent appropriations increase orientation June 9-July 19 President Haenicke says that the state Legislature has Some 3, I00 freshmen will begin a new he is "delighted" with the 1996-97 Appropriations for recognized our ranking as journey when they attend 10 three-day University's 6.3 percent in- Michigan's only public Doc- orientation sessions between June 9 and crease in state appropriations State Universities as Approved toral I university by estab- July 19 at the University. for 1996-97 that was ap- by the Legislature lishing a middle level of The orientation program is designed to proved last week by the Leg- higher education funding," prepare students for their transition from islature as well as with the Haenicke said. high school to college. This year's theme, Legislature's recognition of This level puts WMU, as "Your Journey Begins," focuses on pre- WMU's doctoral designa- a doctoral university, be- paring freshmen for the many journeys tion. Central Michigan $67.8 million 5.9% tween research universities they may choose to take during their col- The measure, which es- like the University ofMichi- lege adventure at WMU. Eastern Michigan $73.2 million 4.6% tablishes a separate funding gan and master's level insti- During each of the sessions, students floor for doctoral institutions, Ferris State $46.7 million 5.4% tutions like Grand Valley are divided into small groups led by cur- now goes to Gov. Engler for State University and Eastern rent WMU students who serve as orienta- his signature. The increase Grand Valley $42.8 million 15.0% Michigan University. tion leaders and mentors. The participants will help the University to The appropriations bill es- Lake Superior $12.0 million 6.5% tour and live on campus, take placement keep tuition increases low and tablished a funding floor for tests, meet with academic advisers, regis- strengthen academic pro- Michigan State $267.7 million 4.7% doctoral universities at ter for fall semester classes, finalize hous- grams. $5,875 in state funds per stu- ing and financial aid arrangements and get 6.3% The $6.2 miIlion increase, Michigan Tech $45.8 million dent as a target. WMU' s per- involved in student development and so- if signed by the governor, Northern Michigan $44.2 million 4.9% student state appropriation cial activities. would bring WMU's stateap- becomes $5, 125for next year, The freshmen also attend small group propriation to $103.8 million Oakland $40.2 million 5.0% excluding funds for the re- sessions to discuss concerns about such - the first time it has ex- mission of tuition for Native issues as diversity, sexual assault preven- Saginaw Valley $21.4 million 15.6% ceeded $100 million and the American students. The fig- tion, campus safety and becoming ac- fourth largest appropriation U-M/Ann Arbor $301.9 million 4.6% ure is $4,827 for this year. quainted on campus. among the state's 15 public "Freshmen who are involved in and out uni versities. U-M/Dearborn $22.2 million 11.9% Tuition hike will be low of the classroom are more likely to be This year's increase for The increase will help U-M/Flint $18.9 million 5.5% successful at the University," said Donna WMU is the largest percent- WMU keep the University's L. StJohn, admissions and orientation. age increase of any of the Wayne State $214.4 million 4.5% expected tuition increase for "Therefore, we concentrate on all aspects state's doctoral or research this fall low . "We do not have of college life in orientation to help them universities and 2.3 percent- Western Michigan $103.8 million 6.3% the exact figure, but it will be feel comfortable here." age points above the low," Haenicke said. The Source: House Fiscal Agency More than 2,000 parents also are ex- governor's original recom- president is expected to make pected to attend throughout the summer. mendation of a 4 percent or a recommendation on tuition Theirorientation sessions, which take place $3.9 million increase over last at the next meeting of the on the first or second day of each freshman year's appropriation of $97.6 million. $718,000 over the governor's figure. WMU Board of Trustees June 21. session, include campus tours and meet- "We are delighted with this increase," Haenicke also credited WMU's Leg- He added that the additional funds also ings with various University officials on Haenicke said, "and we are especially grate- islative Advocacy Program, in which will help the University strengthen its aca- such topics as career planning, financial ful to State Rep. Don Gilmer for his sup- alumni and other friends of the University, demic programs. aid, housing and academics. port and for his understanding of our unique including faculty members, staff members "We will once again focus on un- In addition, 600 transfer students are position in the state's system of higher and students, contact elected officials on dergraduate teaching and on strengthening expected to attend one-day orientation ses- education. " behalf of the University. It is coordinated our graduate programs," he said. "We will sions, called the "Transfer Transition Pro- Gilmer, who chairs the House Ap- by Keith A. Pretty, vice president for exter- be in no hurry to start new programs but gram," in late July and late August. propriations Committee, helped secure a nal affairs and general counsel. rather we will add depth and strength to $1.5 million increase for WMU in the This marks the third year that WMU's existing programs." House over the governor's recommended state appropriation has recognized its status WMU's appropriation includes Appel named to board level. The Senate previously had increased as Michigan's only public Doctoral I univer- $111,851 for the remission of tuition for William C. Appel, music, has been WMU's recommended appropriation by sity, as designated by the Camegie Founda- Native American students as well as a elected to the honorary board of directors tion for the Advancement of Teaching. technology adjustment of$606, 780. WMU of Opera Grand Rapids. was one of six institutions to receive a He was selected based on his past par- Middle funding floor established technology adjustment. ticipation in the organization. From 1967 Did you know? The Legislature this year established a The state's 1996-97 higher education to 1977, Appel served in various roles with • TheUniversitylibrariesarethe per-student funding floor that recognizes budget, including financial aid and grants, the group, including stage director, artistic fourth in size and diversity in the University's special status among the totals $1.5 billion, an increase of 5 percent. director and general manager. Michigan. They hold 3,205,619 state's 15 public universities and provides titles. a mechanism for possible future funding increases. • The library system at WMU receives a higher percentage of Haenicke has sought over the last few general fund dollars than any other years to have the Legislature establish such state university in Michigan. Cur- a floor for doctoral institutions, most re- rently, more than 4.5 percent is cently in appearances earlier this spring allocated to the University librar- before both the Senate and House appro- ies. The average in Michigan is priations subcommittees on higher educa- 3.64 percent. tion. "It is particularly important to WMU • The University libraries fac- ulty and staff provide hundreds of Public safety units move informational/instructional pre- to other campus locations sentations to students and other The Parking Services Division of the constituents each year. Recentdata Department of Public Safety has moved indicates that only the University from the Public Safety Annex to the Park- of Michigan at Ann Arbor pro- ing Services Building, the renovated First vides more opportunities to of America branch on the corner of West achieve information literacy. Michigan and Knollwood avenues. Nearly 8,000 users attended ses- The Key and Core Maintenance Shop sions and workshops in any recent also formerly located in the Public Safety year. Thousands more have re- Annex has moved to the Public Safety ceived individualized instruction Building at 511 Monroe St. or learned research techniques Main telephone numbers are: parking CA ULKING IT UP - Spring is a time for sprucing up the campus and performing through a hypermedia tutorial in services telephone, 7-460Q; parking ser- routine maintenance on University buildings. Here, Kevin L. Villadsen, mainte- Waldo Library. vices fax, 7-4020; key and core mainte- nance services, caulks the windows on the cupola atop the Oaklands. The house, nance telephone, 7-4603. which was built in 1869, has been owned by the University since 1944. Two May 30, 1996 Western News WMU faculty member chosen to work with Spraying safeguards trees against gypsy moths World Bank officials on staff development The campus and the WMU-owned "I've seen a gypsy moth infestation World Bank officials have turned to a the World Bank's own training organiza- Kleinstuck Nature Preserve were wipe out a whole forest," MacNellis WMU training specialist to help revamp the tion, the Learning Center, to provide busi- sprayed with a bacteria not harmful to says. While they do eat other tree spe- agency's approach to staff development. ness-focused needs analysis and training humans or the environment during the cies, oak vegetation is their preferred Robert O. Brinkerhoff, education and services that will have greater impact on Memorial Day weekend to destroy the food.
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