
JI-I[ · CI--11 I or ALplJA rna ern ft Official National Publication of the Fraternity Volume IX, Number 7 Published July 31, 1928 April 30, 1928 ELY REPRESENTS ALPHA NEW GRAND LECTURER RHO CHI AT CONFERENCE AN ANTHEMIOS BROTHER 'In Steps Taken For Prop,osed Instrumental In New York Professional Interfraternity Alumni Chapter. Accepting the invitation of the Con­ At the 13th annual convention of the ference of Layv Fraternities, Alpha Rho Fraternity at Austin, 'Tex., Bro. ]. ]. Chi was one of the tw'enty-seven na­ Patterson resigned as Grand Lecturer, tional professional fraternities which participated in a "Preparatory Confer­ and his successor was nall1,ed by the ence" at the Hamilton Hotel, Washing­ W. G. A., Bro. D. P. Ely, as Bro. An­ ton, D. C'., on March 2 and 3. drew Sheldon Phillips of Anthemios The purpose of the Conference, as Chapter. a'nnounced, was to consider the desira­ Brother Phillips was born at Sullivan, bility of forming a Professional Inter­ fraternity Conference and to inagurate Illinois, March 13, 1896, to Sarah and such an association if found desirable A. J. Ph~llips. His preparatory \¥ork and feasible. was done at Eastern Illinois State AP X was represented by Bro. D. P. T'eachers' C'ollege before entering the Ely, W. G. A. The fraternities partici­ pating included: Accounting, Beta Alpha University of Illinois in September, 1919, Psi; Advertising, Alpha Delta Sigma; from which he graduated in June, 1923. Architecture, Alpha Rho Chi, Scarab; Phil as he is better kt;1own was pledged Chemistry, Alpha Chi Sigma; Commerce, A. S. Phillips, New York in Alpha Rho Chi in October after en~ Alpha K,appa Psi, Delta Sigma Pi ; tering school and was initiated March Dent1:stry, Alpha Omega, Psi Omega; 20, 1920. Education, Kappa Phi Kappa; E'ectrical fulness of the professional frater­ The single life is still the lot of Bro.· Eng'ineering, Kappa Eta Kappa; Engineer­ nities. Phillips, and he occupi~s his working Theta Tau; Phi Delta Gam­ ing, Forensic, Here is a meetin'g, I can well be­ hours as a draftsman. He spent a year rna; General, Omicron Delta Kappa; Law, lieve, which is an earnest of the and a half in Denver following his Delta Theta Phi, Gamma Eta Gamma, Phi a\¥akened consciences of modern graduation and then moved to New Alpha Delta, Phi Beta Gamma, Sigma N u times. It is not a convention of York, where he was with the B. G. Phi ; Om,ega Upsilon Phi, Phi Medicine, remorse nor a session of sorrow, Goodhue Associates for ,two years. Beta Pi, Phi Rho Sigma, Theta Kappa Psi; nor is it a council- seeking to re­ Mititary, Scabbard and Blade; Pharn1acy, make the fraternity system. It is, A New York Alumni Chapter Kappa Psi, Phi Delta Chi; Science, Chi rather, a coming together of the Fraternally at the present time Broth­ Beta Phi. fraternities representative of all er Phil is at the head of the New York Butler OutEnes Objective spheres of professional activity to APX men who are preparing a petition apply the better attributes of 'each to the Grand Council for a charter to The Conferenc'e was opened by the and to minimize the faults of all. ,establish an Alumni Chapter. The ac­ President of the Conference of Law tual pr'esen.tatton to the Grand Council F'raternities, Major Jarvis Butler, Sigma Organization Plus Sentiment Speaking on behalf of the law frater­ has been delayed a little to enable all Nu Phi, who welcomed the delegates on nities as official sponsors for the invita­ men of all chapters to be petition sign­ behalf of the law fraternities and out­ tion, I think I may say that the call is ers. At the last report there were over lined the thought underlying the pro­ not of the law fraternities alone, but rather the desire of each organization forty m'en from six of the ten chapters posal. Major Butler said, in part: here represented thirsting for better re­ on the roll. It is not only a satisfaction to lationship, the advancement of a new As his first job as Grand Lecturer, spirit of comity, and seeking a medium greet you because we are all en-, for helpful co-operation. Brother Phillips will take hold of the gaged in forwarding like hi gh ain1s We contemplate or apprehend no in­ song book proposition. He writes: "My in -\- he field ('If professioilal educa­ vasion of the respective rights of each. present intention is to get out a blue ~l vVe ask nothing which belongs to an­ tic out gratifying to addr'ess you other, and we wish only to do with you lined print of the songs iR the present for the moment as the spokesn1an that finer, nobler thing which no fra­ book and then to add to and alter until for the la\v fraternities. Many of ternity can do alone. vVe wish to sit we have something to print. This will with you at the table of fraternal under­ you have come long distances to at­ standjng and good will. In 'good con­ probably take a number of years to ac­ tend these sessions and all are im­ science we are eager to meet you frank­ complish, but it seems the sure way to bued with the intangible spirit of ly and invite and offer co-operation. get a tried and tested group of songs. We know that our several fraternities devotion to high ideals that binds have common origins and common I am anxious to receive any new orig­ all fraternity men to each other. ideals. Structurally, we follow organ­ inal nlusic or lyrics." I t is not possible to over-appraise iaztions of men in business pursuits Delegates to the Charlottesville con­ the importance of this conference from 'which we get our ritualistic forms and to some extent our nomenclature vention "vill remember "Phil" as the whose conclusions may have a far­ and machinery of administration and Anthemios Alumni -delegate at that reaching effect in increasing the use- (Continued on Page Two) gathering. - 2 THE ARCI-II Vol. IX, No.7 April 30, 1928 THE· ACITIVE MEMBERS, Published July 31st, 1928 Anthemios Chapter House, 401 E'. Green St., Champaign, Ill.; Glen Yockey, W. A.; Wm. P. Crane, W. S. Iktinos Chapter House, G08 E. Madison Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich.; Harold \tV. Philpott, W. A.; E. C. Cummings, W. S. JI-I[ u AQCl---I ] Demetrios Chapter House, 1919 Indianola Ave., COIUITlbus, Ohio; \Vm. R. King, W. A.; Chas. R. Keller, W. S. l\rInesicles Chapter House, 315 19th Ave. S. E., Minneapolis, Minn.; fj or ALPl-IA rna ern it Bruce R. Church, W. A.; Wm. Doneghy, W. S. 600 Chamber of Commerce Building, Kallikrates Chapter (no house), Dept. of Archt.; University, Va.; Ralph Little, W. A.; L. L. Scribner, W. S. Saint PauI, l\'1innesota Anc1ronicus Chapter House, 902 W. 30th St., Los Angeles, Calif.; Leland ,Thorne, W. A.; Tom Shive, W. S. Published Monthly During the Collegiate Year Paeonios Chapter House, 1020 Houston St., Manhattan, Kan.; By The Minnesota Alumni Chapter of Walter M. Crossen, W. A.; Leo W. Reid, "V. S. THE ALPHA RHO CHI ARCI-IITECTURAL FRAT'ERNITY Dinocrates Chapter House, 705W. 24th St., Austin, Texas; Clin­ ton Dunagan, \tV. A.; C. A. Millhouse, "V. S. Entered as second class mail matter October 23, 1923, at the Polyklitos Chapter (no house), Roderick Jones, \tV. A.; Robert post office at St. Paul,. Minnesota, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Batch, W. S., 1091 Morevvood Ave., PITtsburgh, Pa. Theron Chapter House, 524 Hester St., Stilhvater, Okla.; Carl SUBSCRIPTIONS Vota"\\T, Vi. A.; Louis Willianis, W. S. Life subscription ten dollars. Annual subscriptions two dollars per year in advance. THE ALU1!INI C'HAPTERS THE ARCHI BOARD Detroit, Samuel L. Holnies, A. A., 1137 Putnam Ave.; J. J. F. S. Moorman, Geo. F. Poulsen, Harold R. Peterson, W. G. S. Zimmerman, A. S., 61 Blaine Ave. THE ARCHI STAFF hicago, :Oirectory ,vith Geo. L. Lindeberg, 30 No. La Salle St.; Horace "V. Tousley Managing Editor Ralph W. Hamn1ett, A. A., 238 E. Huron St.; S. L. Tesone" 2627 Hillcrest Avenue, Alton, Illinois A. S., 7433 N. Seeley Ave,., Chicago. Paul E. Nystrom Business Manager ~33G Norris Court, Madison, Wisconsin Minnesota, functions with the Mnesicles Alumni Association and Frank S. Moorman Circulation has the same Oifficers. See belo,v. 600 Chamber of Commerce, St. Paul, Minnesota Columbus, functions with the Deemtrios Alumni Association and has the same oifficers. See below. Los Angeles, Ro'wland Crawford, A. A., 2371 Portland St., Los THE FR~t\TERNITY DIRECTORY Angeles; Lionel Banks, A. S., Box 152, Hollywood, Cal. Chapters and Associations Listed in Order of Charter Grants Indianapolis, Lot H. Green, A. A., 641 W. 31st St.; Ho'ward S. THE GRAND COUNCIL Garns, A. S., 106 De Quincy St. Worthy Grand Architect --- Dwight Pah'ller Ely 804 Buckeye Bldg., Columbus, Ohio THE AL1JMNI ASSOCIATIONS Worthy Grand Scribe Harold R. Peterson Asst. Eng., N. P. R. R., Yakima, Wash. Mnesicles, George Freeberg, Pres., 1843 IE. 28th St., Minneapolis; Worthy Grand Scribe-elect Verne L. Annis Chester J. Dock, Treas., Maryland Hotel, Minneapolis, :rvIinn. Dept. of Arch't, StiU-water, Okla. Worthy Grand Estimator Harold L. Parr Anthemios, Arthur E. Benson, Pres., 5153 N. Clark St.; Bert 1V1. 602 Cronk St., Saginavv, Mich. Thorud, Treas., 612 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago. Grand Lecturer Andrew S. Phillips Demetrios, John F. l~ennedy, Pres., 190 14th Ave., Columbus; 63 W. 88th St., New York City Efflo E. Eggert, Secy., 198 Pacement Road W., Columbus.
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