University of Dayton eCommons Undergraduate Bulletins Office of the Registrar 3-1-1954 1954-1955 Bulletin Follow this and additional works at: http://ecommons.udayton.edu/bulletin Recommended Citation "1954-1955 Bulletin" (1954). Undergraduate Bulletins. Book 23. http://ecommons.udayton.edu/bulletin/23 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Office of the Registrar at eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Undergraduate Bulletins by an authorized administrator of eCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. se gse The University of Dqyton I '.C 140 l. Field House I l. Alumni Hcrll ffitr6 sS 2. Alberl Emonuel librory 12. Meyer-Zehler Holl ## 3. Business Annex 13. ROTC Building 4. Old Gymnosium 14. Mechonicol Engineering 5. St. Mory's Holl #{ 6. Chominode Holl c'A 7. Chopel ffiF- 8. St. Joseph's Holl 9. Stodium 10. Music Building 00000 nu00b 000000 oiob0 000000 n00fl0 000000 qn0o00 II I I I I I I II It I I UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON I BULLETIN I ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH YEAR I I I I I I I CATALOGUE tg54- 1955 I COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING I TECHNICAL INSTITUTE I VOLUME LXV MARCH, T9'4 NUMBER 2 I Entered as second-class matter J.rly 1t, 1918, at the post office at Dayton, Ohio, under Act of August 24, L912. I t I I I UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON I College of Arts and Sciencer I DIVISION OF ARTS DIVISION OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION OF EDUCATION I DIVISION OF SCIENCE I C olle ge of En gineerin g t CHEMICAL ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERING I ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING MECHANICAL ENGINEERING I I T ecbnical Institute ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY I IND{.TSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY I The provisions of this catalogue are to be considered directive in character, and not I as an irrevocable contract between the student and the University. The University reserves the right to change any provision or requirement of this catalogue. I For catalogue and inlormarion, addretr: The DlnrcroR oF AotttlsstoNs I UNtvrnstrY or DnvroN DnvroN 9, Ortto I I I I I CONTENTS T Puge I CaIENDAR 5 I ENnoTLMENT 8 GovEnNrNG Boanns 9 I AnurNrsrRATroN 10 I SraNorNG CouurrrEE I3 FacurrY I' I GTNTRAL INEonMATToN - 43 I Aotr,lssloN 48 I CunnrcuLUM 50 I AcnorMrc REquTREMENTs t1 ExpTNSES t, t CorrEcE oF Anrs AND ScITNCES 57 I CorrEcE oF ENcINEERTNG r07 I TrcuNrcAL INsuruTE TT9 .CounsES oF INsrnucrroN r24 DEcnErs AND Awanos 229 INorx 239 UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON rgr4 rg55 SEPTEMBER IANUARY MAY S M T \TT F S S M T \TT F S SMT\TTFS 1234 1 1234567 5 6 7 8 910 11 2345678 8 9 1011 1213L4 1213141516L718 9101112L314L5 1.'L6171819202r L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 rc17 rcL9202L22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 26 27 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 29 30 3L 30 3r OCTOBER FEBRUARY IUNE S M T \7T F S S M T \TT F S SMT\UTTFS 12 12345 1234 3456789 6 7 8 9 1011 12 5 6 7 8 910 11 1011 L21314Lr16 13 14 L5 L6 17 18 rg 12 L3 14 15 16 L7 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 27 28 z6 z7 28 2g 30 3r NOVEMBER MARCH IULY SMT\vTFS S M T STIT F S SMT\U7TFS r 23456 12345 12 7 8 9 1011L2L3 6 7 8 9 1011 L2 3456789 14 L, L6 17 18 rg 20 L314T5rcL7L8L9 1011 121314rjL6 2L 22 23 24 2' 26 27 20 21 22 23 24 2j 26 L7 18 19 20 21 22 23 28 2g 30 27 28 29 30 3L 24 2, 26 27 28 29 30 3L DECEMBER APRIL AUGUST SMT\TTFS S M T \TT F S S M TS7 T F S 1234 12 123456 5 6 7 8 910 11 3456789 7 8 9 1011 12L3 L2L3L4151617rc 1011 L2L3L415rc L4rtrcL718Lg20 rg 20 21 22 23 24 2t 17 18 19 20 2L 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 27 28 29 )O 3r 24 25 26 27 28 2g 30 28 29 30 3L I I CAL E N DAR I CALENDAR I D"y Classes, I9t4-19>t FIRST SEMESTER Sept. 7,8, Tuesday, Placement tests for all new students, including trans- t Wednesd"y, 8:20 a.m. fer students, who have not already taken these tests at the University of Dayton Guidance Center. Sept. 7, Tuesd"y Registration for upperclassmen of Dayton arca. I Sept. 8, \Wednesday Registration for all transfer students, including U. D. students changing to a different division. Sept. 9, Thursday Registration for all beginning freshmen, A to L. I Sept. 10, Friday Registration for all beginning freshmen, M to Z. Sept. 11, Saturday Registration for boarding students and those whose permanent residence is not in Dayton. I Sept. 13, Monday Classes begin at 8:00 a.m. Evening classes begin on Sept. 20. Sept. 16, Thursday Mass in honor of the Holy Ghost. I Sept. 18, Saturday Last dry for late registration or change in schedules. Sept. 20, Monday Evening classes begin. Oct. 4, Mon d^y As of this date, all withdrawals are recorded as $7P I or tilZF. Sept. 27 -Oct. 1 Annual Retreat. Monday-Friday I Nov. 1, Mondty Feast of All Saints. No day classes. Nov. 6, Saturday Mid-term progress reports I Nov. 24, Wednesday Thanksgiving recess begins at 1 :00 p.m. Nov. 28, Sund"y Campus students return before 1l:50 P.m. Nov. 29, Monday Classes resume at 8:00 a.m. I Dec. 8, Sfednesday Feast of the Immaculate Conception. No d"y classes. Dec. 18, Saturday Christmas recess begins at 1:00 p.m. I rg55 Jan. 3, Monday Campus students return before 11:50 P.m. (First meal served on following d^y in campus dining room. ) I Jan. 4, Tuesd"y Classes resume at 8:00 a.m. Jan. 22, Saturday Chaminade Day. Jan.24-28 Semeister examinations. T Monday-Friday I I I I UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON I SECOND SEMESTER Jan.31, Feb. 1 Placement tests for all new students, including trans- Mon., Tues., 8:20 a.m. fer students, who have not already taken these tests I at the University of Dayton Guidance C.enter. Feb. 2, \Wednesday Registration for students of Dayton atea. Feb. 3, Thursday Consultation and registration for all new students, I and for U. D. students transferring to L different division. Feb. 4, Friday Registration for boarding students and those whose I permanent residence is not in Dayton. Feb. 7, Mond"y Classes begin at 8:00 a.m. Feb. 12, Saturday Last dry for late registration or change in schedules. I Feb. 23, \D(rednesday Ash \Tednesdry. Feb. 28, Monday As of this date, all withdrawals are recorded as WP I or S7F. April 2, Saturday Mid-term progress reports. April 6, $?'ednesday Easter recess begins at 1 :00 p.m. I April 11, Monday Campus students return before I 1: J0 p.m. April 12, Tuesday Classes resume at 8:00 a.m. Mty 19, Thursday Feast of the Ascension. No day classes. I May 27, Friday Honors Convocation. May 2p, Sunday Baccalaureate service. I May 30, Monday Memorial Day. No dry classes. May 3l-June 3 Semester examinations. Tuesday-Friday I June 4, Satu rday Commencement, 2:30 p.m. I I I I I I I I CALENDAR I Evening Classes, r954-19t5 I FIRST SEMESTER Sept. 15-18 Registration. I Vednesday-SaturdaY \Tednesdty, Thursday, Friday, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p'm' Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to I2:OO noon. Sept. 20, Monday Evening classes begin on camPus and at \Tright-Pat- I terson Air Force Base. Sept. 2J, SaturdaY Last dty for late registration or change of classes. I Nov. 8, Monday Mid-term Progress rePorts- Nov. 24, \(rednesdty No evening classes; beginning of Thanksgiving re- cess. I Nov. 29, Monday Evening classes resume. Dec. 8, \Tednesday Feast of the Immaculate Conception . No evening classes. t Dec. 20, Monday No evening classes; beginning of Christmas recess. I Lg'5 Jan. 4, Tuesday Evening classes resume. I are to be given on Jan.24-29 Final examinations. (Examinations Monday-Saturd"y the evening of the last scheduled class meeting of I this week. ) t SECOND SEMESTER Feb. 2-5 Registration. \Tednesday-SaturdaY \Tednesdty, Thursday, Friday,6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p'm' I Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 12:OO noon. Feb. 7, Monday Evening classes begin on camPus and at $Tright-Pat- I terson Air Force Base. classes. Feb. 1 2, Satu rday Last dty f or late registration of change of April 4, Mondty Mid-term progress rePorts. I April 6, \Wednesday No evening classes; beginning of Easter recess. I I I I UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON April 12, Tuesday Evening classes resume. I May 19, Thursday Feast of the Ascension; no evening classes. May 30, Monday Memorial D"y. No evening classes. I May )L-June 4 Final examinations. (Examinations are to be given Tuesday-Saturdty on the evening of the last scheduled class meeting of this week. ) I SUMMER SCHOOL June 2O-July )I, I9r, I ENROLLMENT I DAY CLASSES September, Lgri t Men Vomen Total Seniors . 249 64 313 I Juniors . 2'T 73 324 Sophomores 380 97 477 Freshmen 670 rr3 823 I Unclassified 37 33 70 Religious .
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