• • i\IIIA'r8. Ji' T • bouk 'ollr red .tampo VZ thro.,l1 Z2 I.od lI"O.,h Srpl. l1li. AI U"o"l. £1 valid Ihroulh Cooler Uet. 31 i Ft t.hrou,b KI ,oDd Uirouib Nuy. 30 1 and Ll Ihroulb QI valid Ihr,urh D ••• 81. SUGAR. Illmp 81 lood Ihrourh D ••. 81 for IIv. pond• . 8HOll8, b ••k IOWA: Fair and eooler. three .Irplane , tamp. J, !I, 1) and 41 are ,00' Indeflnltet,. THE DAILY IOWAN Iowa City's Morning Newspaper c=================~========~======================~====~============================================~~========~==;=======~============~~ ;'JVE CENTS THB AS80CIATED PllE88 IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. 1945 TBI A8S0CIA'I'U rUII VOLUME XXI NUMBER 297 • Pear ar or P,. or eVlew o MacArthur Hero's Honors for Wainwright ISenateOkays Orders Arrest WASHINGTON (AP)-The na- I pleasant," Wa inwright said grimly. whirled through a breathless hower, the Victor of Europe, not In,vestigation tion's capital heaped a conqueror's "Even the highest ranking otti­ schedule that included: so long ago. honors yesterday on a gaunt, iray cers were forced to pertorm man- A tender welcome from the wife • • • general who lost a battle. uallabor like any Chinese coolie. There wu tile VIlA crowd .t OfHideki Tojo he bad not seen in four years. • • • • • • tbe atrpor1, the tlu'oDIs IiDID&' 01 Catastrophe The tribute-which tneJuded "And other I n d l~ IUes were A triumphal parade to the capi­ the motorcade rou.te to Ute War Former Jap Premier the nation's hl,hest for valor­ heaped upon us. Dut I prefer tollo the tumultuous cheers or half deparUnent'l Pea_oa lJuUd­ was paid Jonathan M. WNn­ 1IOt &0 1'0 Into that any more at a million. lac, the even bluer thnnIp Ballot for Final Refuses to Admit . wrl&'ht for the brilliant deanse Ute present time." • An appearance before e a c h alolll' M~ bJchwa,., his­ toric ConatltuUon avenae, Ute Approval of Inquiry of doomed Correl1dor tortre. in Waln~b.t made • statement house of congress, as a specially Responsibility for War. I WHhtnrton Merportal ........... Manila bay. It was that rallant revlewln&' his callan' detense 01 invited and honored guest. Before House Today stand which held back the Bataan, his ImprlJonmeni later • • • the rObte to Ute caPitol, tile re­ TOK Y 0 (AP)-The United tllrD to the White HoWIe. States, as victor, c;]n name the Ja- I enemy while the nation rot Its and hi. recent return to Ute A visit to the White flou ByDOUGLASB. COKNELL panese responsible for the war, hands UP to fll'ht ....In after United States. where President Truman, In a • • • WASHINGTON (AP)- The first the knockdown of Pearl Harbor. • • • ceremony of which the general The general may have been ti red • • • had no warnllll', placed aI'OlUld from his long ordeal, he leaned on reconverslon bill, to let a single Reporters were not allowed to a cane. But he couldn't stop the -BULLETIN- Gen. Jonathan M. Wainwright ask questions. his neck the ribbon of Ute Con­ boss eet rid of leftover war sup­ said he and other high ranking l'I'esslonal Medal of Honor, re­ grin that transformed his wrinkled plies, sailed unoPP08ed through the SAN FRANCISCO (AP)- Mu­ In Introducing General Wain­ stern visage and he refused to stop Illal broadcasting system said its I American officers suffered "in­ wright, Secretary of War Stimson served for the truly l'I'ell t amolll' house yesterday. dignities" at the hands of Japa­ waving. He saw 150,000 people on Tokyo correspondent, Jack Mahon, said, "he symbolizes the loftiest America's heroe . Blit. a final push tor an In­ nese guards while held prisoner in the Washington M 0 n u men t reported last night that General spirit of Bataan and Corregidor. In • • • grounds, alone. The nearest the quJry Into Pearl Harbor wa. put. Manchuria. him we are honoring the everlast- No defeated general ever come MacArlhur hud ol'dered the arrest I police could get to guessing at the ott 24 bours. Tbe hoWle votes Wainwright spoke 01 his treat­ ing glory of tbat last battle." back to such a dem~mstration; few tor ot former Japanese premier Hideki number along the route was (I half oa .hal TuetdaT. Tojo in a roundup of war crimin- ment at the hands of the Japanese Arriving by air from the Pa- winners ever have. million or more. The senate already has ap­ al suspects. 1 at a war department news confer­ cilic where his sacrifice left him It was llke a repetition of the The general made three speeches, ence late yesterday. a Japanese prisoner for more than Iwild celebration that greeted Gen- proved an Investliatlon ot the "The conditiO'l1s were far from three years, General Wainwright eral of the Army Dwight D. Eisen- (See WAINWRIGHT, pa,e 5) Pearl Harbor catastrophe. It still Gen. Hideki Tojo said in an Inter­ has to act on the measure to re­ view yesterday in which he. ------.------------------------------------------------------------------ place the pre ent thr e-man SUr­ dodged a direct question as to his F · MI. tWill 0 plus property board with a .i.nllie ~::rJl:~~ponSibllily for the Pacific I IFood Dealers Predict administrator. orelgn, InlS ers 1 pen Quisling to Die The senate hauled oul today leg­ • • • Meat Rationing End Islation to ladle oul $500.000,000 to Tojo, the war-making premier MARll..YN DUFFY (lett) of Omah: and Capl Flynn of Wellman who I D' I I L d T d clUes and slates In the next five whose government en&,lneered are participating in rushing activUles at the university, study a Pan- Iscusslons In on on 0 ay years to build and repair airports. the Pearl Harbor at' a c k, hellenic handbook to find the next sorority they are to visit. The rush- In,Very Near Future For Betrayal ClUes and state would foot holt switched quickly to other sub­ Ing pro&,ram began resterday morning with an assembly In Macbride I the bill. No vote yesterday-maybe Jects alter giving this brief reply auditorium. Alter the meeting they visited different sororities on the Traitor Will Request today. to the question of who was re­ calT-pus and today they will receive their bids at Iowa Union. (See Italian Situation Heads Spokesman Declares Bero Interveaes sponsible for the war: story and pictures page 3. ) List of Major Problems 'We've Been Dead' Present Meat Supply Reduction of Sentence The day's bi, moment at the "You are the victors and you From Higher Court Capitol was reserved not for leg­ o. are able t name him now. But Facing Allied Diplomats Allied POW's Disclose Greater Than Demand Islation but tor a hero. historians 500 or 1,000 years 'Open British, French OS L 0, Norway (AP)-Maj. Senate and house interrupted LQNDON (AP)-The foreign Jap Atrocities WASHINGTON (AP)-Some of­ sessions to take a hand in Wash­ from now may judge different­ Allied Offic;ers Vidkun Abraham Laurltz Quls- ington's welcome to Corregldor's ly." ministers of the world's greatest ficials reported yesterday than an ling was conv1cted yesterday of defender, Gen. Jonathan M. Wnln­ • • • Financ,eDiscussions powers found new demands cla­ 8 y THE AS oelATED PIlESS end of meat rationing is 'pos Ible" Thus did the shaven-headed betraying his country to the Ger- wriehl. Each heard a brief, raspy­ moring for their consideration last Allied prisoners of war yester­ by Octoper 1, but OPA and the Ag­ mans and was sentenced to die throated addre s. Each shrieked its former premier, who ruled with an (lear (harges Conference Delegates day documented more individual riculture department said no defi­ iron, almost dictotorial hand from night as they prepared to open a nite date could be predicted. before a firing squad. acclaim. Prepare for Initial accounts of their hardships and The 59-year-old former puppet Otherwl con_res bad Its Pearl Horbor until the fall of historic session today aimed at de­ sufferings at the whims of Japa­ In New York, however, a food Signing a lasting peace. dealers' spokesman declared the ruler, whose name has become a coUective mind mo tty on mUl­ Saipan, dismiss any discussion of Session This Morning . nese overlords of the hellish com­ synonym for tl'llttor the world tary mdtel'S. his own war guilt 01' that of othrrs. For Schmeling Last to arrlve for the conference pounds that had been their homes meat supply had improved so much over, stood impassive in the court- Chalnnen of the Benate and He would brook no more talk of WASHINGTON (AP) - Both was United States Secretary of for years. in recent weeks that the commod­ State James Byrnes, who appeared room as Presiding Judge Erik So- hoWle naval committees plunked war responsibllility in our confer­ HAM' BUR G (AP) _ M 3 X Britain and France will have to "We have been dead-aU of us Ity "could be taken off rationing in high spirits as he prepared to entirely.' lem read the verdict, which was down bill. for a peacet\Jne fleet ence at his country home. He dig deeper in iheir own pockets -for over three years, but now broadcast to the people 01 Norway. of 1,019 .bl", Tbe navy now has changed the subject to a narrow Schmeling, onetime world's heavy- to help finance their reconversion meet with Soviet Foreign Commis­ we live arain and It's rood to be E. F. Guckenberger, secretory of sar V. M. Molotov, British Foreign the New York Retail Food Mer­ Quisling's jaw muscles tightened I,SOI.
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