TODAY’S WEATHER Thursday, Aug. 24, 2017 Today: Partly sunny. Tonight: Mostly clear. Sheridan, Noblesville, Cicero, Arcadia, NEWS GATHERING LIKE & Atlanta, Carmel, Fishers, Westfield PARTNER FOllOW US! HIGH: 75 LOW: 53 Dr. Dillon, Sagamore of the Wabash Memory, part 2 I know that Courtney’s Journey I have talked Photo provided about memory in a previous Dr. James Dillon, article, but it community activist for continues to be many years in Hamilton a central issue. County, is shown with his The drugs that Sagamore of the Wabash cure me are certificate presented the same drugs that sometimes Tuesday at the Clay leave me clue- Township Board meeting less. It is very COURTNEY COX COLE by Indiana House Speaker frustrating but Brian Bosma. Dr. Dillon after awhile, I has served in many public have just learned to accept it. Today was a service roles including perfect example. head of the State EMS I looked at my calendar last night and noticed that it said that I was supposed to Commission, service as be at the Colts facility for a luncheon. The a volunteer firefighter names on the calendar are prominent peo- medical officer, 17 years ple who work at IU Health which is where on the township board I receive all my treatments. Unfortunately, where he spearheaded I had no recollection of putting the info on acquisition of land for See Memory . Page 5 Central Park and as a member of the County Council. A Noblesville native, he and wife, Sue, reside in Carmel. Janus begins planning new facility By FRED SWIFT Janus Developmental Services has begun initial planning for a new facility on the grounds of their present location in Noblesville. Christina Sorensen, pres- Carmel buys shopping strip, more redevelopment likely ident and CEO, said Monday that Amer- ican Structurepoint is providing the plan- The aggressive Carmel The County Line the owners are going to do released. Technically, ownership of Mo- Redevelopment Commis- all right financially. The as- hawk Landing remains in the city's name, ning service for a building that will handle sion no sooner broke ground sessed value of the property and interested developers, if known, have needs of the organization for 25 years. No Wednesday for a major new is $1.13 million. not been identified. But the city will not timetable has yet been established for fi- development than it was A city spokesman main- have a hard time finding a developer in- nancing and construction. learned the commission will tained the Carmel adminis- terested as the area is considered a "hot Last year Janus purchased 19 acres likely be replacing a shop- tration found it more prac- spot" for new commercial construction. immediately west of their facilities at ping area a few block away tical to buy out the entire Just five blocks south on Range Line, 1555 Westfield Road for eventual expan- with yet another city-pro- property than to pay only ground was broken Wednesday morning sion. The acreage is occupied by Nobles- moted project. for the loss of the parking for a $60 million mixed-use complex to ville Golf and Batting Center, a recre- The Mohawk Landing spots. The strip mall con- be named The Proscenium. It will go up at ational complex which includes a driving strip center at 126th Street tains a dozen businesses the northwest intersection of Range Line range, batting cages, miniature golf and and Range Line Road has FRED SWIFT and offices. Tenants who and Carmel Drive, formerly the site of an sandlot volleyball. The center includes a been purchased by the city say the parking seems ad- Arby's restaurant and Partytime Rentals. concession stand updated for use by Janus for $2.8 million. The owners equate, have not been noti- The four-story facility will house of the center, Mohawk Investments LLC, fied when they might be vacating. apartments, offices and retail stores. See Janus . Page 4 lost eight to 10 of their 55 parking spac- Carmel officials have not officially an- It was a Redevelopment Commission es when Carmel built a roundabout at the nounced the purchase which was made on property. The sale price has not been an- 126th and Range Line intersection. But, June 8, nor have development plans been nounced. Fishers seeks Noblesville High School receives sports safety award Youth Council The REPORTER tor, Noblesville Millers. • Promote safe and appropriate prac- Noblesville High School is the re- “We remain committed to the health tice and competition facilities cipient of the National Athletic Trainers’ and welfare of young athletes in compet- • Plan for selection, fit function and members Association (NATA) Safe Sports School itive sports,” says NATA President Scott proper maintenance of athletic equipment By LARRY LANNAN award for its Millers athletic program. The Sailor, EdD, ATC. “This award recogniz- • Provide a permanent, appropriately www.LarryInFishers.com award champions safety and recognizes es the contributions and commitment of equipped area to evaluate and treat injured secondary schools that provide safe envi- schools across the country that are imple- athletes The City of Fishers is once again of- ronments for student athletes. The award menting safe sports policies and best prac- • Develop injury and illness prevention fering local students a chance to get some reinforces the importance of providing the tices to ensure athletes can do what they strategies, including protocols for envi- hands-on experience in connecting with best level of care, injury prevention and love best and have the appropriate care in ronmental conditions the community where they live. The May- treatment. place to prevent, manage and treat injuries • Provide or facilitate injury interven- or’s Youth Council is offering this oppor- “Noblesville High School is honored should they occur.” tion tunity to students in the Hamilton South- to receive this 1st Team recognition from Funding for this award was provided • Create and rehearse a venue-specific eastern School corporation. NATA, and we remain committed to keep- by the Great Lakes Athletic Trainers' As- Emergency Action Plan Beginning on Thursday, Sept. 21 from ing our student athletes safe during phys- sociation. • Provide or facilitate psychosocial 9 to 11 a.m., the program rotates at lo- ical education classes, team practices and In order to achieve Safe Sport School consultation and nutritional counseling/ cations throughout Fishers and into sur- games so they can accomplish their own status, as Noblesville High School did, education rounding communities. This year, Mayor goals of great competition, winning re- athletic programs must do the following: • Be sure athletes and parents are edu- Fadness has challenged participating stu- cords, fair sportsmanship and good health. • Create a positive athletic health care cated of the potential benefits and risks in dents to build a policy position that de- Our goal is to lead our athletics program to administrative system sports as well as their responsibilities tails how Fishers Parks & Recreation can the highest safety standards for our play- • Provide or coordinate pre-participa- For more information please visit ers,” said Leah Wooldrige, Athletic Direc- tion physical examinations www.athletictrainers.org. See Youth . Page 6 2 News Safety Day draws community to St. Vincent Fishers for awareness and activities The REPORTER • The Department of Natural Re- Safety practices relate to a variety sources of topics and this September, Fish- • The United States Army, Marine ers Fire & Emergency Services and Corp. and National Guard, Navy and St. Vincent Fishers will unite to help Air Force families of all ages improve their safe- • Representatives from the World ty practices. Safety Day 2017 returns Drone Organization, Hamilton Coun- to the St. Vincent Fishers’ parking lot ty Sheriff’s Office, local mental health from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, organizations and various hospital Sept. 9 and is free for the communi- units from within St. Vincent Fishers. ty to attend. This year, the event will While Safety Day is meant to be focus on injury prevention through a engaging and entertaining for guests, variety of informational booths and it also serves an important function in live demonstrations. educating residents of all ages on how “Here at St. Vincent Fishers we to stay safe within Fishers. Vendors are honored to be hosting Safety Day will have information available for for our wonderful Fishers commu- residents to take during the event that nity,” explained Gary Fammartino, can be used to improve safety practic- President of St. Vincent Fishers and es around the house, during extracur- Southern Region. “We have hosted ricular activities and beyond. this community event in collabora- “For over 20 years, the annual tion with Fishers Fire and Emergency Fishers’ Safety Day has served the Services for several years. Our rela- community by providing free, rele- tionships with this organization and vant messaging and experiences in our community members are import- an effort to keep families and visi- ant for our continued growth and suc- tors protected,” stated Fishers Fire cess. We hope that this year’s event & Emergency’s Chief, Steve Orusa. will be the largest one yet.” “Our partnership with St. Vincent Along with safety tips, the event Fishers has resulted in a safer and includes samples from many restau- healthier Fishers.” rants located near Exit 210, during Details about Safety Day are the Taste of 210. Various community available online, and include de- organizations will also set up booths tails about participating vendors, throughout the event with activities, live demonstrations and more. Visit information, and tips on staying safe www.Fishers.in.us/SafetyDay to in the community. Community part- learn more or follow Fishers, Indiana ners include: Government on Facebook where in- • Fishers, state and county police formation will be shared leading up to agencies the event.
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