-DQXDU\ Northern FREE Edition )RU.LGV7R(QMR\ Happy New Year! We Welcome You To Check Out Our Website www.kidsworldnews.org $3XEOLFDWLRQ7KDW·V Just For Kids! Kids’ World News www.kidsworldnews.org Volume 9, Issue 5, January 2016 Dr. Sandra L. Hanson Dr. C. Patrick Gray We Love Kids! • Dine In • Carry Out To All Of Our Sponsors Who Are • Deliver Thanks! Helping Us To Provide Great 989-539-5600 Information To Kids And Parents 642 N. First Street, Harrison Last Life Games, LLC 1399 N. McEwan Hi Kids! Clare It’s A Great Day At 989-424-5340 Kids’ World News! +DSS\1HZ<HDU-DQXDU\LVWKH¿UVWPRQWKRIWKH\HDUZKHQZHVD\JRRGE\HWR Cottage Decor, Gifts & Candles Have you noticed the leaves changing colors? It’s a beautiful time in Michigan when this happens. The DQGKHOORWRWKHQHZ\HDURI$QHZ\HDUDOZD\VKROGVWKHSURPLVHRIJRRG 989-539-3551 • 234 E. Pine, Harrison weather is getting colder and soon winter will be upon us. Fall brings about some great moments. Events www.hearthofthehome.com like football, Trick or Treating,things to bonfires come. and Plus, marshmallows it gives us a are chance favorites. to do new things. October kicks off Kids’ World News 9th Annual Coloring Contest! The official coloring page entry is on page 3 of this paper. All YOU have to do is color the picture and send it directly to us or our delivery drivers will pick Furniture 'RQ¶WIRUJHWWREXQGOHXSZDUPDQGSOD\LQWKHVQRZWKLVPRQWK+DYH\RXHYHU Appliances them up at your school office when they deliver the November edition! See the official rules below. Be sure Carpet to enter yourPDGHVQRZDQJHOV"<RXVWDUWE\O\LQJGRZQRQ\RXUEDFNLQVRPH picture! IUHVKVQRZZLWK TV’s \RXUDUPVE\\RXUVLGHDQGOHJVVWUDLJKWWRJHWKHU:LWK\RXUDThe Staff of Kids’ World News UPVDQGOHJVÀDWWRWKH 1401 N.N McEwanME SStreet, ClareCl Michigan (989) 386-2351 • www.woodshousehold.com JURXQGPRYHWKHPXSDQGGRZQDIHZWLPHVOLNH\RX¶UHWU\LQJWRKids’ World News 9th Annual Coloring Contest PDNHDQ³;´Rules The coloring contest rules are as follows: Enter the contest by coloring the picture provided on page 3. Concrete to Your 7KHQJHWXSVORZO\WRVHHWKHVKDSH\RXOHIWLQWKHVQRZ GAMBLE’S REDI-MIX Job In A Hurry There will be a first place winner from each grade - kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, Screened Top Soil 5th grade and 6th grade. The winnerIt should will receive look like prizes an includingangel with a Kids’wings. World News T-shirt and certificate. Brick Textured Poured Walls Concrete Floors The entries must be received by Kids’ World News by November 13, 2015. They can be mailed in to Kids’ BRICK TEXTURED WALLS... Sand & Gravel 1415 N. Clare • Harrison World News, 5747 North Otto Road, Charlotte, Michigan 48813 or taken to your school office by November 539-6460 or 800-539-6460 9th for our delivery drivers to pick up. The winners will be announced in the December edition of Kids’ World News. :HKRSH\RXHQMR\GRLQJORWVRIQHZWKLQJVWKLV\HDU if you would like to see Kids’ World News att your school or if you would like to be one of our proud sponsors, please call 517-517-202-2365202-2365 (e-mail: [email protected]). If you would like to submit an article from your schoolol (limit 150 words), e-mail: [email protected] Kids’ World News is designeddesigned to give exposure to all area schools, recognitionrecognition of students and staff members. We welcome imput from all our area schools. We do however, reserve the right to edit. Kids’ World News • 1-877-570-3340 • www.kidsworldnews.org January 2016, Page 2 Badminton Badminton is a game where the Duke of Beaufort introduced players use paddles to keep a this game to guests at his home shuttlecock in the air. Games called Badminton. like this have been played for centuries! “Battledore and Shuttlecock” probably originated in Europe or Asia more than 2000 years ago, and today the game of badminton is played all over the world - as a casual pastime, all the way up to Olympic level! The name “badminton” came about in the mid 1800’s when You can play badminton, too! All you need is a paper plate, a craft stick, some tape and a balloon (crayons or markers are optional, if \RXZDQWWRGHFRUDWHWKHSODWH¿UVW All you have to do is tape the craft stick to the back of the plate WR PDNH D SDGGOH WKH EDWWOHGRUH WKHQ LQÀDWH WKH EDOORRQ WKH shuttlecock)! You can play by yourself or with friends! Try to keep the shuttlecock in the air for as long as you can! Kids’ World News • 1-877-570-3340 • www.kidsworldnews.org January 2016, Page 3 Mellow Mushrooms Mushroom corals are very unique creatures. Most of these animals are smaller than a CD, and some are as small as a quarter. They come in many colors: orange, purple, blue, pink, red, green and all the combinations in Try This! Make Yummy Coral between. Mushrooms also can be bumpy, smooth, striped or frilly. Mushrooms at Home! Related to anemones, most mushrooms have symbiotic What you will need: algae that live inside them and provide them some pancake mix food. They will also collect tiny bits of food in the chocolate chips mucus that covers their bodies and will eat that for powdered sugar blueberry jam dinner. Unlike anemones, they do not have long your parent's help tentacles, but some have tentacles that they will use to keep other corals from getting too close. A Mushroom for You When they are scared, or not eating, the Mushrooms can be a very cool mushrooms will close up into small little bubbles. and colorful addition to a reef This protects them from predators. Although tank. They are not as picky they are sometimes the prey, they can also be about light, and they will grow on just about anything. These the predators. The biggest mushrooms can be 1 cool little animals can give your foot across and can eat small fish! tank a little character and lots of color. Mushrooms are Mix up pancake mix and have your parents cook as normal. For colorful very important for "mushrooms" add food coloring to coral reefs. They are tougher than hard corals the mix. To make a bumpy and are not hurt by pollution as easily. They will "mushroom" add chocolate chips to cover dead coral and one side. To make a striped "mushroom" add stripes of jam to the recolonize areas that top. When your pancakes are done, have been damaged. pile them creatively to make a colony These little animals can of "mushroom corals". can be very important and pretty darn cool. This page proudly sponsored by: Coupon FREE Preuss Pets Live animal Feed the fish 1127 N. Cedar Old Town Lansing presentation for in our indoor river! an in-store Get up close and 517-339-1762 Birthday Party personal with our www.preusspets.com M-F parties, a $25 value cool koi. Limit one per customer. Limit one per customer. Limited amount of food per day. **Teachers - we do fieldtrips!** Book before February 15, 2016 Use by February 15, 2016 Kids’ World News • 1-877-570-3340 • www.kidsworldnews.org January 2016, Page 4 Insert The “Down” Words To Come Up With The Solution! See How Many Words Can You Make From H A P P Y N E W Y E A R __________________ _________________ __________________ _________________ __________________ _________________ Protect your child’s future with an Auto-Owners Life Insurance Policy Save for your child’s future with an Auto-Owners Annuity 517-321-4600 Protect your family with Home, Auto, www.davidchapmanagency.com Farm and Business Insurance Kids’ World News • 1-877-570-3340 • www.kidsworldnews.org January 2016, Page 5 +LOOFUHVW (OHPHQWDU\1HZV Students at Hillcrest Elementary are a di- side, inside we are all the same! YHUVHJURXS:HDOOKDYHGLIIHUHQWVNLOOVDELO- 7KLVH[SHULHQFHZDVDJUHDWRSSRUWXQLW\IRU LWLHV DQG LQWHUHVWV ,Q RXU VFKRRO EXLOGLQJ ZH RXUVWXGHQWVWREXLOGUHODWLRQVKLSVZLWKRWKHUV have seven 2nd grade classes, seven 3rd LQ RXU GLYHUVH FRPPXQLW\ 0DQ\ RI RXU VWX- grade classes, and two resource rooms. Hill- GHQWVHQMR\YLVLWLQJWKH6;,FODVVURRPGXULQJ crest is also home to additional classrooms their recess just to spend time with our new ZLWKLQWKH*UDWLRW,VDEHOOD5HJLRQDO(GXFDWLRQ IULHQGV2QHRIRXUQGJUDGHVWXGHQWVLQ0UV 6HUYLFH'LVWULFW *,5(6' 2QHRIWKHVHFODVV- URRPVLVIRUVWXGHQWVZLWK0RGHUDWH&RJQLWLYH &UDQQD¶VFODVVURRPKDGDVSHFLDORSSRUWXQLW\ ,PSDLUPHQWV 02&, DQG WKH RWKHU LV IRU VWX- LQZKLFKVKHLQWURGXFHGKHUEURWKHUWRWKHNLGV GHQWVZKRKDYH0XOWLSOH6HYHUH,PSDLUPHQWV LQKHUFODVV+HUEURWKHULVDVWXGHQWLQWKH6;, 6;, classroom. Getting to know him and the other VWXGHQWV ZDV D JUHDW ZD\ IRU RXU FKLOGUHQ WR ,Q1RYHPEHURXUQGDQGUGJUDGHFODVV- PDNH FRQQHFWLRQV DQG QHZ IULHQGVKLSV ZLWK URRPVYLVLWHGWKH6;,FODVVURRPRUDVZHFDOO DQRWKHUEUDQFKRIRXU+LOOFUHVW)DPLO\ WKHP³7KH.LGVRQWKH0RYH´:KLOHYLVLWLQJ RXU VWXGHQWV ZHUH LQWURGXFHG WR HDFK RI WKH +LOOFUHVWLVWKDQNIXOWRWKH³.LGVRQWKH0RYH´ .LGV RQ WKH 0RYH 7KH FKLOGUHQ ZHUH WDXJKW IRULQYLWLQJXVLQWRWKHLUFODVVURRPDQGWHDFK- DERXW WKH GLIIHUHQW ZD\V OHDUQLQJ WDNHV SODFH LQJXVDERXWIULHQGVKLSDQGXQGHUVWDQGLQJRXU ZLWKLQ WKH 6;, URRP :H OHDUQHG DERXW WKH IULHQGVDOLWWOHELWEHWWHU+LOOFUHVWVWXGHQWVDUH VLPLODULWLHVDQGGLIIHUHQFHVEHWZHHQRXUFODVV- JUDWHIXO IRU RSSRUWXQLWLHV OLNH WKLV ZKHUH ZH rooms. The most important lesson we learned DUHDEOHWRUHFRJQL]HRXUGLIIHUHQFHVDUHSDUW LVWKDWDOWKRXJKZHPD\EHGLIIHUHQWRQWKHRXW- RIZKDWPDNHVDOORIXVVSHFLDO &RORULQJ&RQWHVW:LQQHUV Great Job In our rush to SXEOLVK WKH &RORULQJ To All Who &RQWHVW :LQQHUV ZH inadvertently got some RI WKH VWXGHQWV QDPHV Entered incorrect in our Northern edition. We apologize The Contest WR%ULDQDQG(OODIRURXU mistake. &RQJUDWXODWLRQV RQFH This Year! DJDLQDQGJRRGMRE Brian Henry Ella Reid 2nd Grade - Farwell Elementary 2nd Grade - Sacred Heart KP Auto Body & Towing THE NEW WOOD STORE 12900 S. US 27, #7, DeWitt (989) 224-7066 Mitchell R. Dobrzelewski, O.D. Your Automotive Specialist! 4961 E. Colonville Rd. Clare 5301 N. US 27, 517-669-4411 4129 S. US 27, St. Johns 989-224-8874 www.visionsource-dewittoptometrypc.com www.kpautotowingllc.com 989-386-2951 St. Johns us27motorsports.com Locally Owned & Operated For 10 Years N ext Become a Kids’ World News Level Patron Sponsor www.bigjoesales.com Graphic & Design by calling Chris today New Owner 717 N.
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