Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 1984 UA19/17/1 Hilltopper Football 1984 WKU Athletic Media Relations Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Recommended Citation WKU Athletic Media Relations, "UA19/17/1 Hilltopper Football 1984" (1984). WKU Archives Records. Paper 269. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/269 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • ., Index 1984 Hilltopper Schedule • Western 08111 ~ SiI.(Tme.~ ..... Sept. 8 AppalllChian Slale ................. SmithStldium(I:OOp.m.j Kentucky ~., 15 al Akron . ........... ....... .. ...... AkIon.()Jio(6:30 p.m.) 1. ,. 0 22 Central Florida _.• _M. __.. Smith Stadium (1:00 p.m.) AIlS- 3- 2 >~O -- Hilltoppers 29 al Southeastern l.o\.lsIana .......... Hammond, La.(7:OOp.m.) "­'"., ~ ~. Oct. 6 all.ouiM1e ............................... L.ouisviDe, Ky.(6:OOp.m.) . 51.1· 0- 0 locallOrt' 9:Iege HeiIjlIs >" 12·12· 0 ~Green,K P IOI 13 Southwest Missouri ............ M SmllhStadium(I:OOp.m.) ~>. Fourldtd' 1906 .. 20 Eastern Kentucky ...........••..••. SmUhStadlu m(I :00 p.m.) ~~. 7· 3- 1 Wk34-2I). 3 Ermrrnent: 12,666 27 al Morehead Slate ................... Morehead, Ky.(12:30p.m.) 2· 9- 0 WK33- 7. 2 Pfeso.r.; Or. Donald W Zarhlnas Nov. 3 Middle Tenne.we .••.•~.M .... M. SmithStadium(I:00p.m., 8- 2· 0 Wk 25-24- , 55 Held Coactr: Dave Roberts (Homec;omlng) 25 .cfna 'rIater: Western Carolfla 'fie 10 .1 Eastern IIioots _.......... _.......... OIarIeslon," (1:00 p.m.) 9- 2· 0 Ell· 0- 0 . 23 ~ Record: IisI year 17 al Mun.y State ......... ........ Mooay, Ky.( I:30p.m.) 7· 4- 0 W!(24.2I). 6 ~.:aI W){U: Ii.,.r ... I•S- orr.ce etow (502) 745-2984 ...... 3t Best Trme to CaD; Morrungs --_T' ........... ~101 a es. 88 """,.. Don Powers (WeSlem Carolrna 67 103·t07 Butdl Gllbi!l'1 rWKU 52) 1983 Results 17 David CuIey (VNderbiIt 71) 2 Record: 2-8-1 (home 2·3-0; away 0.5-1) Sieve Shanlo. .... ~ rOaVKlson 74) . 3 W!e CISSIlY ( ~ 76) 'P .. 47 Tm Moore (V&~ 8Z) Dale Opponent (Crowd) Results 1983 Anendance: ._ .. 43 Bob Hams (~'64) Sept. 10 a1 LouiSville (3 1.279) .............. L 22·41 Home; AlI\IeIIc; Dlfeclor. John OkJlam 17 at Akron (8,845) L 13-1 4 45,900 (9, 1801garne) 6.2-72 CoordInator 01 /J.elt's A:/W:ICS: " Jrn}fiCh,:w:ds 24 at Austin Peay (7,500) L 3·13 Away: 24·25 CoonfinalOr 01 WOfne(I's,Alnleb: Oct. , SE louisIana (10,500) ............. L 7-27 67.958 (11 ,3261game) Pam Hend6«i B at Youngstown State (6,134) .... L 13·24 Total; TraJflIII': Bit Ect.wards 113.858 (I O,35t/game) 15 Tennessee Tech (9,000) .......... W 17- 0 AsSOClale. Rand>' Deere 22 at Eastern Kentucky (B.700) ........ T 10-10 AssIsIIIntlenlt Castle 29 Morehead Slale (14,500) ......... W 3B· 7 Team F'ttyslCians' Or Boil ~ (HomecomIng) ~ Jerry Mal'1lf1 No,. 5 at Middle Tennessee (5.500) ........ L 7· 26 SID : PMlI Just 12 Eastern IIUn ois (5,000) ............ L 14-34 Office: (502) 745-4295 Home (502);'81-4852 19 Murray State (6,900) ................ L 3- 7 .... , ...... ....... ~ .. " .............. 16 ..... Stadir.rm: Smrth StacfllJfll (f9.25D) .. .. InSIde Fmnt Cover Pres Bo:c Phone tso2f 745-4298 Rosters. •.. _ ................ 52,54 Sur1ace: NatlJ'ai Schedules - '84 WKU . Inside Flonl Covet Colors Red and WMe '84 Composite Back Cover Conrerence rdependent About the Cover: Future ...... _.... 35 '83 Record 2·8-1 Series Records - All-TJIOO 60 Tme FIecoij. 355-201-29 r, 625) '84fOpponents ~ 73 Qrense: MIo New Hintopper Head Coach Dave Roberts poses Srgnee. ., .. 49·51, 56· 9 BaSIC Defense Mtr 50 with the seniors on his lirst Western football squad. SmIth Sta m. ..." .... 6-7 le'ilerlTlen 17 36 Kneeling (left·right); Mike Hamilton, Coach Roberts lostReluirw-og' StafistlCS ( 83 Fmaij , 76.77 ~t()16 and Charlie Houser. Standing: Mickey l ewis, Ty SuperlatIVes ("83) ....... ............ 78 De 718 Campbell, Tim Mooney, David Hall. Paul Majors. Tho last t_ .... "............ 37 Kicker$; 0 2 Dante Carpenter and Randy Grimes. (Danny Em­ Training Statl 21.23 Slarters Los; Re\uI'rWIg 9 15 _~_., bree and Randy Welch were out of town when the Travel Plans 22 photO was made.) This year'S Hilltopper Football Waste", KenlUCky 1. 4 Uni~ersrty Defense 4 7 cover was designed by Ted Wilson and the photo­ """'"Kickers' 0-2" graphy was done by Gary Hair1son. For the lares! on all Western Athlelics call: Hilltoppel' Hotline (502) 745-4620 , The University They call ~ Red Towel Territory, the agriculture and in other fields. Special pro­ Home 01 the Hilltoppers. a place to come fessiooal and pre·professional curricula lor 10 for nearly 37,000 alumni and some technical careers are also available in vari· 12.500 students ... Western Kentucky UnI­ ous fields of study. versity. Among students in Kentucky. Western Situated on a hilltop in picturesque graduates annually have one of the highest President Donald W. Zacharias Bowling Green, Ky., overlooking miles of rates 0 1 success in gaining admission to southcenlral Kentucky's beauty, Western medical, dental, veterinary and pharmacy Dr, Donald W. Zacharias received the sities (M5CU) and his name has been in­ Kentucky University is one 01 the most schools. calh of office as the sixth president of West­ cluded in the 41s1 edition of ·Who·s Who beautilul campuses in the nation. with 200 The University is a state leader in syn­ ern Kentucky University August I , 1979. in America: acres 01 the main campus sprawling over fu els research, and a one-of·its·kind mas­ The 48-year-old native of Salem, In· Prior 10 his appointment at Western, the land made famous by Coach EA Did­ ter's option in coal chemistry enhances diana. holds the Ph.D. degree (1963) in Dr. Zacharias had served since 1978 as dle and his 42·year coaching legend. WKU's academic and public service offer­ speech communications and the MA de­ executive assistant to the chancellor of the Coach Diddle clutched a red towel in ings in coal technology. gree (1959) 'rom Indiana UniverSity. He UniverSIty of Texas System. his hand throughout his coaching career, Other research prOjects in the areas holds a BA degree (19S7) from He rs the recipteot of two teaching establishing WKU's red towel tradition. And of resource management and enviroomen­ Georgetown College in Kentucky, where he awards, the Indiana UniverSity Teaching whether irs an intercollegiate athletic event tal engineering have focused on state and graduated magna cum laude, Award in 1963 and the Cactus Teaching Of a continuing education meeting for cam· regional needs; and, in the ar ea of public His academic specialties are com· Award at UT Austin in 1971. pus visitors, one's likely \0 see red towels service, Western's Conlinuing Education muniCation and conflict management. com­ He has authored and contributed 10 waving or hanging out of hip pockets and Center hosts hundreds of oonferences an­ munication and social change and organi­ numerous publications In Ihe area 01 residence hall windows. nually. zational communicalion. and in addition to speech communICation. II's a sign of something Western is The Agriculture Exposition Center on serving in the top administrative post at He likes spor1s of all kinds, plays hand­ proud of ... the Western Spirit . .. and it the University's 78S-acre farm helps serve Western, Dr. Zacharias is a tenured profes­ ball and basketball, and enjoys camping shows in all areas of this comprehensive the state's agricultural community and the' sor in the University's Department of Com· and fiShing as vacation activities. public university's mission. Kentucky Library and Museum Is another munication and Theatre. He is married 10 the former Tommie For nearly 80 years. WKU has pro­ valuable state resource. Dr. Zacharias is a member of a com­ Dekle, and lhey have two sons, Alan (lg) vided high quality instruclioo, encouraged Graduates of the University's technol­ miltee on pub~c relatioos lor U'16 Amencan and Eric (17). and one daughter, Leslie scholarly research and creative activity by ogy programs are in great demand, and Association of State Colleges and Univer- (13). its facully and students and served as a WKU-s teacher educalion program has public service resource center. maintained ils position as the most out­ As the familiar colors of red and white standing in Kentucky. symbotize Western's strength and pride, A faculty and sWdent body who have Bo.rd of Regent.: Joseph Iracane, Chairman, ONensboro: Danny Butler, Greensburg : they are also reflected in a strong academic been recipients of such prestigious fellow­ Ronald W. Clark, Franklin: Joseph A. Cook II. Bowling Green: Patsy Judd. Burkesville; Mary structure and tradition of athletic excel· ships for advanced study as the Oanf041h. Etlen Miller, Bowling Green: J. Anthony Page, Paducah; John S. Palmore, Frankf041: Jack lence. Woodrow Wilson, Fulbright·Hays and D. Smith, Prospect: Hughlyne P. Wilson, Prospect. Western provides educational oppor­ Root-TIlden Awards, is supplemented at tunities for undergraduate and graduate Western by one of the nation's most suc­ University Athletic Commin.. : Or . John D. Min ton. Chairman: Or. Livingston Alexander: students that will prepare them for careers cessfu l athletic programs. Dr. Oon Bailev: William Bivin; Daniel Broderick: Dr. Elsie Dotson: Dr. Thomas Dunn: Janice in the arts and sciences, education, govern­ Red Towel Terrilory . irs a place Gibson; Dr. Peggy Keck; Dr. W.M, "BifI" Kummer: Harry Largen : Owen Lawson; Julie Uppert; ment, service, business, industry, health, alive with Western Spirit! John Oldham; Dr_ Faye Robinson.
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