THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY RIXTY-FOURTH YEAR—No. 15 E"ter,8<l ;» Soconii Class Matter Pout Office. Wentlleld. N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1053 Published Bvory Thuradny local Churches Schedule Three School Fill Important March of Dimes Posts Restricting Sale Special Yuletime Services Board Positions Of Town-Owned Name Engineers Open in Boro Lots Considered onimunions By Yule Decoration For Water Study Contest Closes Today Women Members Council Committee Not Available landle Tonight The home decoration contest Announces Results National Bank sponsored by flie Junior Woman's For New Terms Declares Dividend Survey Unit Hires Club of Westfleld closes tonight Of Local Survey Traditional Music at midnight. All entries must be MOUNTAINSIDE — Three posi- postmarked by then. Councilman II. Emerson Thomas, The National Bank of West- New York Firm Marks Observances tions on the Mountainside Board chairman of the Town Property field has declared a semi-annual Entry blanks appear on page of Education will have to be filled Committee of the Town Council, dividend of $1 per share, pay- [Special services to mark the 17 of this issue of the Leader at the school election Feb. 9. Two has announced that his commit- able Dec. 31, to stockholders of Muyor Estimates jly season, have been scheduled and also may bo obtained at local more members announced last tee and the entire council has been record Dec, 23. One extra divi- f churches throughout Westfield banks and the library. Judging week they would not be available studying tho problem of the sole dend of 50 cents per share has Cost at $10,000 k today, tonight and tomorrow, will begin Sunday afternoon and for another term. from time to time of individual also been declared for tho year (iristmas Day. continue into the evening. Mrs. Wilma Lake, who is com- parcels of town-owned land on 1953, payable Dec. 31, to stock- Malcolm Pirnlo Engineers, * pleting her second three-year term, holdors of record Doc. 23. firm of Now York water consult- tin Holy Trinity Church and which the purchaser would build. ants, has been retained to itudy ji a p e 1 this evening, the Rt. told the board she would not be Mr. Thomas stated that tha Tho bank held its annual Christ- the water requirements of tho mu- [v. Msgr. H. J. Watterson will Brotherhood Week a candidate for reelection in Feb- study includes nn analysis of the mas party at the Park Hotel in nicipalities served by the Plain- lebrate two solemn high masses ruary. Mrs. Joanne Feeley, elected increased assesaed valuations, tho PIttinlleld, Dec, 18, at which the Md-Unlon Water Co. and tho abil- midnight. The Holy Trin- to tho board in February, tendered announcement was made that tho CHARLES H. CASSELL MRS. WALTER E. STURMER returning of the property to the ity of the company to meet r«- .. f choir will sing "Missa De Speaker Named her resignation last Thursday tax rolls nnd tho overall tax rove- employees would receive a bonus quirements, it has been announced ' Itivatate Domine" by Koonan, night, citing personal reasons for nue from such property commen- of 10 per cent of a year's salary. by Mayor Charles P. Bailey, chair- rected by N. Heagney. Before Norman V. Peale the resignation. surate with tho cost of services man of tho executive committee of e midnight mass, the boys chan- Robert nose, president of thi Women's Group Head Lists rendered. the inter-municipal water supply t choir will sing the traditional Here March 2 board, who is also completing hi In addition, Mr. Thomas snid, GOP Group Files group. Tho study will tie in with Ithems, "0 Sing A Joyous second three-year term, had an- the results of the survey and an- the requested rate increase now irol," ^Angels We Have Heard Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, nounced earlier this year that he Dimes Drive Evening Parties alysis show that for the future under consideration by the Public • i High," "Sleep Holy Babe," minister of the Marble Collegiate would not run again. Petitions foi of Westfleld there would be many For Incorporation Utility Commission, Mayor Bailey [ark the Herald Angels Sing" Church, New York, nationally the Feb. 9 election must be filed Mrs. Walter E. Sturmer ia act-1 Parkinson Heads values in the withholding of addi- said, 4 "Come Dear Little Children" famed as a radio speaker, author by Jan. 20. ing as director of women's activi- tional sales for building purposes Agreement to retain the Arm ider the direction of Mrs. John Trustees Named of books and magazine articles, Wallace A. Depp, chairman of tics in tho 1954 March of Dimes | MaSOIllC Lodge Here until such time as there was a was reached at a meeting of the ichmann. and a religious counsellor, will tho building committee reported completion of tax foreclosure pro- In Certificate executive committee of the inter- Mrs. John Matteo, soprano, will be the Westfleld Brotherhood that work on tho Central Avenu* campaign. Mn. Sturmer, a real Kenneth M. Parkinson of 255 ceedings. Such foreclosures, ho municipal group, consiBtinit of lg "0 Holy Night," and Mrs. Week speaker Tuesday, March 2 School addition is progressing sat- dent of Westfield for three years, stated, would undoubtedly result The certificate of incorporation Mayors Carlylo W. Crane of Plain- (ward Walsh, "Silent Night, at 8 p.m. in tho senior high school isfactorily. He said concrete foot- comes from Philadelphia. Sho has Hazel avenue, Monday night in of tho new county-wide organiza- the Masonio Temple was elected in several blocks of property being field, Fred P. Anderson of Cr»n- |ly Nig-ht." The choir will sing auditorium it was announced to- ings are in place and concrete been active in the local Brownies, available which would allow the tion, known as Good Government ford and Bailey, in the municipal [ anthems "Birthday of a King" day by Charles A. Philhower, ex- blocks are being laid. The addition Cub Scouts and is serving her and installed as worshipful mas- Republicans of Union County, was ter of Atlas Lodge, 125, F. & A.M. Town Council in conjunction with building here Saturday, and fol- el "Gesu Bambino" by Yon as ecutive secretary of the commit- will house nine classrooms, a largi second year as a March of Dimes tho Planning Board to plan and filed with Henry G. Nulton, county lowod the recommendation of the tee. activities room and a number of aide. He succeeds O. Raymond Daniel- clerk last week, The group, which ( recessional. son, Watchung. properly plot this area for the best engineers' committee which bad f Masses on Christmas Day will auxiliary rooms. The board hope Mrs. Sturmer has announced long range value for Westfleld. He was formed recently, began organ- interviewed a number of engineer- Coming to Westfield as part of Also elected nnd installed were: I at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 a.m. the 26th annual observance of the school will be ready for use by that the evening party scheduled further stated that continued sale izing shortly after the Nov. 8 gen- Ing concerns. fall of next year. for Jan. 22 has been changed to Senior Warden, Percy B. Woolfe, of individual lots would preclude eral election in an effort to d noon. The 9 o'clock mass is National Brotherhood Week spon- The committee also announced *. children only. They will sing the evening of Jan. 29. She is Linden; junior warden, Richard this overall planning in those areas "strengthen and restore confidence sored by the National Conference K. Gustafson, Westfleld; treasur- the appointment of TowniMp ' lent Night, Holy Night," "An- of Christians and Jews, Dr. Peale being assisted by Westfleld hos- where the property, as a block of in" the GOP in tho county. tesses whose parties are sched- er, Everett E. Thomas, Westfield, lots, might be available. Treasurer Dudley J, Croft of Cr»n- . We Hav« Heard, oji High." l.iaitiate the first .majoi- com- Eleven trustees were named in ford as custodian of the ffoup. ]Z eep Holy Babe" and "Adeseti Judges to Select uled as follows: Jan. 13, Mrs. El- nnd secretary, J. Edward Atkins, trie certificate and thlsr gtoup will munity-wide Brotherhood empha- mer Beers and Mrs. G. Samuelson Westfield. It is impossible to forecast an Mayor Bailey said the committee eles." sis in the town. The National exact time in the future, he said, be enlarged after the January estimates the total'coat for engi- 'his evening at 7:30 the young Jr.; Jan. 14, Mrs. J. Arthur Me A feature of the ceremony was meeting at which time the election Conference of Christians and Jews Best Decoration Kalg and Mrs. Albert J. Black- when the sales of lots for building neering services will not be orer * pie of tho First Baptist Church was organized in 1928 by Newton presentation to Mr. Parkinson of of the officers and the executive 110,000 and the studies and re- wood; Jan. 19, Mrs. Thomas Gan- n gavel engraved and given by hiH might be resumed, because of the board a Bpecial bus to visit D. Baker, Charles Evans Hughes, impossibility of estimating the committee will take place. Pres- ports should bo completed in three homes of sick and shut-in Most Beautiful Homes, ner and Mrs. Lynn C. Barrett; father, a Philadelphia department ently a nominating committee is and the Rev. Dr. S. Parkes Cad- Jan, 20, Mrs. Norval R, Loftus timing on the foreclosures for or four months. It is possible that iple in the parish where they man.
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