SAVINGS SALUTE THE HOLTON When you subscribe , MAYETTA, KANSAS you save nearly 50% Hometown of off the newsstand price! Rosalie Walrod Holton Recorder subscriber for 30 years. RECORDERSerin te acson ounty ounity for years Volume 150, Issue 49 HOLTON, KANSAS • Wednesday, June 21, 2017 14 Pages $1.00 July Budget Jubilee time planned nears By Brian Sanders By Ali Holcomb Budget proposals for fiscal July Jubilee is planned for year 2018 in the City of Holton’s Saturday, July 1, at Banner water and wastewater, electrical Creek Reservoir, and the annual produc tion and electrical distri­ event will feature music, ven- bution de partments were heard dors, activities for children and on Monday by the Holton City a large fireworks display by 2 Commission, which noted that Kirks Fireworks. those three de partments were Sponsored by the Holton/ “holding the line” on their bud­ Jackson County Chamber of th get requests. Commerce, the 11 -annual event During the commission’s reg­ kicks off at 5 p.m. that day with ular meeting on Monday, Water craft and product vendors on the and Wastewater Superintendent north side of the reservoir, ac- Dennis Ashcraft, Electrical Dis­ cording to Lori Banks, Chamber tribution Superintendent Scott director. Frederick and Electrical Pro­ A free will donation dinner duction Superinten dent Ira Har­ of hamburgers, hot dogs, chips rison met with com missioners and a drink will be served by the to discuss their departments’ Chamber with the meat donated budget requests for FY 2018, by Holton Meat Processing. compared with their budgets for Several bounce houses will be 2016 and 2017. set up for children on the north All three department heads side of the lake, as well as a free noted that even though there craft area. were some capital outlay pur­ The Topeka-based band chase requests for the coming Knucklehead Jones will be play- year, their respective budget ing throughout the evening from proposals for 2018 did not mark 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., as well as the much of a change from their Jackson County Community 2017 budgets. Holton City Man­ Band at the chapel at 8 p.m. ager Kerwin McKee said those Banks said organizers are also budgets could be fine-tuned in looking into setting up a beer the weeks to come, noting the garden during the event. numbers in each proposal were The fireworks show will begin “not set in stone.” between 9:30 p.m. and 10 p.m., Frederick opened the budget Banks said. presentations with a FY 2018 Free will donations for the re quest for $1,056,500 for the fireworks display will be col- electri cal distribution depart­ lected at both the north and south ment, up slightly from the 2017 entrances of the reservoir for the budget of $1,048,093. The bud­ event. get request included $145,000 Commemorative t-shirts are in capital outlay funds, which also being sold to cover event Frederick said could be used to expenses. T-shirts are $12 for purchase a new bucket truck for sizes XS-L and $15 for sizes XL- his department. 3XL and are being sold through At present, McKee noted, the week. the distribution department had The t-shirts can be purchased about $160,000 in capital outlay online at the Chamber’s website funds that could be used to pur­ or by calling the Chamber office chase a bucket truck to replace at 785-364-3963. Banks said that what he called a “tico truck” volunteers are also needed to that he and Frederickson said help with the Chamber events. did not have enough of a reach. Regular reservoir activities, That reach, they said, is such as swimming, boating, disc insuffi cient to maintain distribu­ golf, fishing and kayak and pad- tion lines and circuits that were dleboat rentals will also be avail- installed by an outside contrac­ able that day. tor in the wake of the city’s De­ Banks said that the Lifecare cember 2007 ice storm. McKee Fitness Center is also hosting a also noted that new storm sirens Fire In The Sky 5K run and two- In the top photo, Holton Municipal Pool lifeguard Michaela Adcock (right) held Karis Owens, a student in the “Tadpoles” class for three- and four-year-olds at swimming lessons this week, afloat in the wading pool to teach recently installed in the city are mile walk that morning at 8 a.m. also beyond the bucket truck’s at the north entrance at the res- Owens how to float on her back in the water during Tuesday morning’s swim class. Above, lifeguard Hayley Thompson (right) caught Ramsey Mick as she pushed off from the pool wall during Tuesday morning’s swim- reach, which Frederickson said ervoir. was 40 feet. Registration is $25 per per- ming lessons at the pool. Mick is a student in the Level 1 “water exploration” class for students ages 4 and up. Addie Larson of Holton’s Parks and Recreation Department said a total of 68 youngsters had signed up for the A new bucket truck would son for the run and walk, and likely have a $200,000 price proceeds will be donated to the first session of swim lessons at the pool, which continues through Friday. This summer’s second session of swim lessons is scheduled for a week beginning Monday, July 10; the registration deadline for the second ses- tag, but Frederickson said a Banner Creek Science Center good used truck from 2010 to and Observatory. For more infor- sion is Wednesday, July 5. Photos by Brian Sanders mation, call 785-364-5775. Continued to Page 10 Best use of special .4 percent Vets to be Fair schedule set By Brian Sanders “We weren’t getting as many honored For many, the focus of the an- rides as we had gotten in the sales tax discussed by county nual Jackson County Fair is what past,” she said. “Clint told us that By Ali Holcomb ey to clean ditches, build better nearest highway, then start new with quilts the county’s 4-H kids have been he’s taken on several of Toby’s Are chip-and-seal projects bases and shape roads properly. roads, like 166th Road east of Fifty area veterans will up to with their animals and vari­ vendors after the split, because the best use of funds generated Commissioner Janet Mayetta. She said she would be honored for their ser- ous projects. their busi ness wasn’t as great by the special .4 percent sales Zwonitzer discussed creating a rather see projects finished like vice Saturday during the For others, the fair means as they’d hoped it would be, so tax? five-year plan regarding chip- E Road to 158th Road and 254th third annual Quilts of carni val time — and this year’s we’re looking for many more The Jackson County com- and-seal and drainage work Road either east or west. Valor event in Holton. fair will have more to offer those rides, and they have so many to missioners and Dan Barnett, that needs to be completed on This summer, special .4 per- The event will be held at who come for the rides and offer.” road and bridge administra- county roads. cent funds are set to be used to the First United Methodist games than in previous years, The carnival also will feature tor, discussed several future Zwonitzer said she is not in chip-and-seal a mile of E Road Church in Holton, 1401 W. according to Carmen Cattrell, a a “huge” selection of games and road projects at a recent county favor of chip-and-seal and that from 134th to 142nd Roads and Fourth St. The community member of the Jackson County food vendors, along with an on­ meeting. she prefers solid, crowned and one mile on 254th Road west band will perform from 4 Fair Board. site ATM, Cattrell said. Barnett discussed that the rocked roads. of Circleville toward Kansas p.m. to 5 p.m. Cattrell said the 92nd­annual At the present time, Cattrell damages to the county’s roads Commissioner Bill Elmer Highway 62. In addition, drain- Immediately following a Jackson County Fair — starting noted that the carnival will not are so widespread that they are stated that he wants the county age, ditch, crown and base free-will donation dinner, Monday, July 31, and continuing be available on Monday, July 31, in need of serious maintenance to finish chip-and-sealing E structure issues are expected to 50 Quilts of Valor quilts through the week — will feature but will be available through the and improvements. He suggest- Road to 158th Road while he is be worked on this summer. sewn by many local vol- a midway provided by Fun Time rest of the week, although that ed using the funds from the spe- in office. In other business, according unteers will be presented Shows of Doniphan, Mo., for the may change. Instead, Monday cial .4 percent sales tax for road Commission Chairman Rob to the approved minutes from to area veterans. A list of first time in the fair’s history. Fun night will feature “Kiddie Night and drainage structure improve- Ladner said he is in favor of June 5, the commission: those being honored will Time Shows is a third­generation at the Fair,” which Meadowlark ments because those two issues chip-and-seal roads, especially * Met with Nancy Mercer be published in an upcom- carnival company, owned and Extension 4-H Program Manag­ are in more dire need than new in the first district, because who discussed her concern with ing edition of The Holton op erated by Clint Payne since er Cara Robinson said will fea­ chip-and-seal, he said.
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