Mishawaka move planned Searsannounces downtown store closing construct the new two-story building. cing for the $50-$60 million downtown future operation of the store there since the by Patrick Cole “ After the most thorough consideration enclosed mall.” Sears store would be closing in South Senior Staff Reporter and review of the proposal for the “ From that unity will come strength; it Bend. The Tribune reported there had downtown structure and location, we have has the resources,” said George A. Wing, been rumors that the Niles store would be concluded that the interests of our cus­ chairman of Nemeth’s Downtown Devel­ affected. The Sears Roebuck and Co. has decided tomers, as well as our employers and opment Committee. Also there has been speculation that the to close its store in South Bend at 411 S. stockholders, will be best served by downtown store in Niles might be used as a Lafayette because of “poor experiences” building a new store at University Park Side effects catalogue outlet while the new store in the and to open a new one at University Park Mall,” Wade said in a story by James University Park Mall would serve this Mall in Mishawaka, according to the South Wensits of the Tribune. According to the Tribune, the employees entire Michiana region. Bend Tribune yesterday. of the present store will be transferred to The Marchmont Kovas story in yester­ Nemeth expresses disappointment the new one, and additional jobs will result J. C. Penny’s affected day’s edition of the Tribune reported that from the increased facilities. South Bend Mayor Peter J. Nemeth had Nemeth expressed disappointment Wade said the local residents have South Bend Mayor Nemeth observed been called by Arthur M. Wood, Sears about the Sears Roebuck and Co. decision. shown interest which “has been gratify­ that the Sears decision will mean that J. C. chairman of the board, late Monday. “We gave it our best shot, and lost,” the ing” to Sears, although he realized the Penny’s will also move out of the Nemeth quoted Wood as saying that Sears Tribune reported him saying at a news disappointment of the advocates of the downtown South Bend area. However, has had poor experiences in downtown conference. Downtown Shopping Mall supported by Jack Buffington, manager of the local locations in other cities and does not want Nemeth will now put “ heavy em phasis” Nemeth. Penney's, said, “Only our real estate to take that risk with a new store in South on attracting employers and developers Mishawaka Mayor Margaret H. Prickett departm ent knows.” Local store dceisions Bend. that are service-oriented instead of retail expressed pleasure about the Sears move. for Pcnney’s are made bv the Central B. L. Wade, manager of the South Bend businesses. He added that it is unfor­ She indicated that one of the side effects Region Office in Chicago. Store, announced in a press conference on tunate that “a decision of this magnitude will be the action by South Bend residents The Tribune reported that Penney's may Monday afternoon that the company will affecting our downtown was made by a to keep sears in the downtown area. She not be in a hurry to leave since the open the new store in 1979 at the mall corporation outside our own state.” also maintained that the side effects of company has a lease on its present building located at Grape and Ind. 23. The area was Nemeth's plan is called “City in a Box," business benefit the entire Michiana area, for the next five years, expiring on Dec. 31. recently annexed by Mishawaka. which will aim at luring new businesses not just the local a 1981. Wade also indicated that the present here in South Bend. Hope for its success Prickett added that the major benefit to Concerning the Penney's store in Niles, store building, which is owned by Sears, lies in the close relationship between the Mishawaka will be the eventual effect on the Tribune has learned that plans are will eventually be sold, and ground will be Downtown Development Committee and the tax rate. "moving ahead” in Niles for a move of broken for the new store in about six South Bend 2000, Inc., 13 local businesses Furthermore, there was no comment Penney's from its downtown location to the months. It will take about a year to that had “proposed to provide the finan­ from a Sears official in Niles about the East Gate Shopping Center. $The Observer an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and si. mary's Vol XI, No. 50. Wednesday, November 17, 1976 Poor communication cited Mix-up causes Form 50's delays by Don H. Reimer time. received several calls from sopho- Copy Editor Sullivan said the Pangborn mail mores worried about the forms. clerk called him on Friday morning After calling the registrar and Sophomores in several halls did and asked to pick-up the forms discovering that the forms were in not receive their Form 50s until late then. The forms were given to him the mail room. Sullivan informed Sunday night or Monday morning on the condition that he not Walsh Rector Sr. Kathleen Ross- because of poor communication distribute them before the after­ man of the problem. Rossman Darby O'Gill chases leaves while waiting for donations. See p. 6 for between the University Registrar's noon. made several phone calls in an details. [Photo by Leo Hansen] Office and hall mail clerks. “ I went there (mail room) Friday attempt to get into the Administra­ According to University Regis­ morning at the usual time," said tion Building and the mailroom. At trar Richard Sullivan, the forms another clerk, “and they (forms( 9 p.m.. Sr. John Miriam Jones Separatists gainwere available to the mailmen at weren’t there. There was never opened the building and a student mid-afternoon on Tjriday, but sev­ any word about picking up the mailroom employee opened the eral of the hall mail-clerks said sophomore forms.” room. in Quebec elections yesterday that they were unaware Teresa Sullivan, a Walsh junior Rossman said fifteen volunteers MONTREAL [AP] — Speculation Liberals had 27 seats and were they were to pick up the forms on and Ombudsman staff member, from Walsh and Farley then deli­ and concern about the future of leading for one more. In the last Friday afternoon. Although ap­ said she was informed about 4 p.m. vered the forms at 10 p.m. Sunday Canada swept the country yester­ assembly there were 102 Liberals proximately ten clerks did get the , Sunday that the Ombudsman had l [continued on page 2 day after the election victory of the and six Pequistes. sophomore forms on Friday, many pro-separatist Parti Quebecois in The Union Nationale party, of the forms were delivered Sunday Quebec provincial elections. which ruled Quebec from 1944 to night under the direction of the A number of politicians and 1970, staged a resurgence and won Ombudsman. business leaders called for a quick 11 seats. The Creditiste and Sullivan said his staff had in­ referendum on independence for Popular National parties won one formed the clerks that the sopho­ the French-speaking province to seat each. more forms should be picked up get the question settled. Others The Parti Quebecois received Friday, but all of the clerks said the Quebec electorate had about 41 per cent of the popular contacted denied this. merely been turning out a govern­ vote; the Liberals got 34 per cent; The clerks picked up the senior ment they didn’t like rather than Union Nationale took 18 per cent; Form 50s on Friday, Nov. 5 and the voting for independence. and minor parties got the rest. junior forms on the following Prime Minister Pierre Elliott This meant 59 per cent of the Monday. One clerk said he was Trudeau told the Parliament in popular vote went to antiseparatist told to “come back Monday for the Ottawa that the federal govern­ parties, and opinion polls before rest of the forms” when he got the ment will not negotiate any form of the election indicated only about 20 senior forms. When he stopped separation with Quebec or any per cent of the voters were diehard Monday for the junior Form 50s, he other province but offered to have separatists. asked if that was all of the forms an early meeting with Rene Lev­ Many observers interpreted this and was told “yes.” He said he esque, the 54-year-old Parti Que­ to mean that secession will be was not informed that the sopho­ becois leader and future premier. voted down whenever a referen­ more forms were separated from “We have only one mandate,” dum is held. the others. Trudeau declared. “That is to But to the crowds of Pequistes “I know for a fact that no one govern the whole country.” who celebrated in the Montreal ever told me to come back on Levesque has promised a referen­ streets and mobbed Levesque at Friday,” he said. dum on secession within two years. party headquarters early Tuesday, A south quad clerk, who normal­ Though once considered a radical, their victory seemed complete. ly makes his pick-up on Friday Levesque assured Canadians that “We shall have the Quebec of afternoon, did get his hall’s sopho­ there will be “ no Berlin Wall on the which our ancestors dreamed,” more forms. He said, however, he Ottawa River” and generally cam­ declared one jubilant rally speaker, never received any special message paigned on the alleged economic referrring to New France’s defeat to pick-up the forms.
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