Barker/Karpis Gang

Barker/Karpis Gang

F OIPA COVER SHEET FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT: BARKER/KARPIS GANG BREMER KIDNAPPING FILE NUMBER: 7-576 SECTION : 163 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION THE BEST COPY OBTAINABLE IS INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF THESE DOCUMENTS. PAGES INCLUDED THAT ARE BLURRED, LIGHT, OR OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO READ ARE THE RESULT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. NO BETTER COPY CAN BE REPRODUCED. subJK@ F115 HUm5¬R S¬Ci5iOD UUmB¬R 5¬RiAL5 <50 EALDA§¬:'S ____J§.2>______. pxggs a<§1<-¥A5¬<>_l.@_________._ pA§e5 w1Z1>DDe1_o;___9_____________ exemp@ion s! useo;_b1@_Q1.E_____ . ~ < - ~ '"~ "- ~ -~~-- ----~ _4_ A -7. .__>_»;___ . »_ ' ' 2 ' nu. ' .-,.2 V I C ¢ Q n.» " _ . PO12? OFFICE BLX 818 L " CHIC: G0, ILLINOIS B . _ _ Q.! I 1| ~ 1" . 5_- ' . - - $985 £3 Jun'oai.r<y 1m."__ Bpaeial Agent in Charge, - ' D Kansas City, itiaqourit ' V - -.1 Dear.-Sir: RR! BRKEID v ' - §" Reference is ado ta your lotto! of yuan 13, 1936, an ' ._ trw ponniblo societion of Qauped oonvict O. R -1202., and toms! - _ 1';-V}..'-- 1 convict !L{'.%.xM;'.I1§:, both having carvad time in the Kano Stats '- ' 1 I*¢r.1teutiaI'y, Lansing, Knnsal, » ' * A " {I v 1 In thin connection it in lsuggeato-1 that any and all pooaiblo Snfnrmation available be uaaaublea on to Elm: I1-uier, pcrtioularly in onfar that it night be detemined Ihother or not his an-ociatueizd ,, E?.. , 'r?§£3"z"-It is not bslievod that re ahculd ooncom ourselves particularly -with I 0 ti-e £08I'O.'92 LU! the location of 0, R. Isan, with not;_ing morn to been .'_~;§: . such march on otner than the idea that In might be with linrpiu Y- iii; e:-x..¢.czn hava been such as uould aaaiat in the non:-uh ' for - 'Alvin 92 .7 ' . ~-1-pin. , A "; -~ ~ ' . I . _ 3,5 -v- ,_ V 92 8% . i" ' j j _____ Very truly yours, ~ /1 . __ _ 3. I. Otmm-L1.!!, , V . 1. an c11.L A.'.':!IGN!.-E121-' Special Agent in Chm;-go. ~ - TIC J!.i5r , , . . ff -¥"$,._1"~ -£7 $3 . , » _ i , 1 r_ L L._ , _' ,'._.£ _ 3 .' ' -;_ i .. J .,.2 cc :?;o1:u'i'¢.1;£_.', - - - i I " }§§- _ ' _' -:;._'_ T I7"-T_"»""»_"""""""'~""""""°*"--9* , ==-P-*1 ' '"°§° .7 17-£24 -if Q-7; .V; °*1="'°l'=51s'= /*.~;~ mm! §lI - --92. A V I ' - .- L~- L- .-1 u w 7-32 M v 1 t all! kc -~ _ p£C,_::;L.; ~ ' E .,. I 1 ' "A" 3 Q35 I i__ ??92».;M;j:1 45 92-Q 1*'92 92» 92 1 .4 . I 5. " :iq;= vi»;-4-~"¢ >1. ..--: . ;~*.=.,.;-»:-.111 a». cuss or uznvlcc ocsmzo -'1 ,3 .? . ¥92~,!-, lltcuvurn uunun ..v. I- uouzlnc ronnou *" w "Y " 92 . "I» " § if .1 "F,- , f"*'92~ _ /;_ .r'-~. ; .;~ I __,3_rH. ; ;.__. .'.. _ ~ .7; A: M:I W»-J}, - rnzgum i "~*=~'I-> '~A1nQ~~ '~'~ r"':'m;'?<§~' -7"-' V .._ ' "I ;_ muz- .2.,;,'._|. I-H| ml" '-'__ 1'1"! ;.r 1:_.' _ ~'- ..Q i -.. -L . ~. nu:___._ . nunV I H J . * mmmmlmll 1.-V<.¢;K_,%-,=;j.§f2v_1@1»un.1 92.92'aP' ,,_.%7'5r1c '-g ¢_g?,,:,,»---7* "5 him: n-anan clanu -ma uuuu, nlhnh ..*%,x M- ,5.3 ,-»t{!QK.,',i:;§_» .,_w .; w I-.¢ 0 '-=6 -tpnllllllilllllb-I-ublnhdlir~?_ ',__, -_92 9' :".. ,vZ; _'_J4_';a192Yt Q . _ Q? ~ .f§lpQ.Qy|-Q ~ " '-nzm 53/ V ..-~¢Q_.}{~'» J 5 Radwo ¢* i_ GUCCI . .'92"- -. ~ y,_192.-.v1-92 . -._;;g_n1 .~92_'.v£ ~. >..':,- -.~»¬'~.»_. 04.! I qult jollown'ngn|nnqc,aulu'oc¢bU|0l¢rmJonbackll¢nq{,whicI|¢rc_I|¢nbya|_|r¢¢dto NJ ONHA NEBH. IANULH 28.1936. .,,_ §!x 9;~, I comma!.. V - 58996 Form » IIDIRAL BUREAU GI IIIHHGWIU U. S. IIEPARWIENI GI J@'IOI 1900 BAHKEIB BUZDIE * Q EIGMD ILLINOIS 1 _s_.. 92 mm mm conmmmn mronumol nmmnnrmn Lxrmazmmxr roman '.. I namnnncammfnnnmunam mnxnzouuzs-mum: III/BI ' P7..5_7A ._ - orr101a}_"B7maInto REom-wan Govt. :2 ""*"~~~=~1/xi. 92I92 60 Bureau . _ ;é::9.;;._7_/ I 1 00 Cincinnati mnhkw JA. 31ass 1,".,92 .. 74 ' ' IJQLI § ---__ ____ ~ .__,-@~___-_- I! -4§$_7 5: ms 1 a M _...._.-<<..¢.~~q, '-+-».-. - _ . y -T.: 1 . .rff!?,-_~.;;-fg.-i2't1"92'." I !. 4' .. ..-x 1 m . Z I. |vl1~'_92.;' U Y-v_~~,,:-;.. g 92_ uh -Ii £"*.Hg"' Q, _ %_..¢.<92; _. N .* 1 . -- _ ~ - ' ~'.3 .',_. 2;? " :_§l!.~'1'. =.'-'§._. <;-"-.'_.;:,' . _ - , ' .'-.' .F9 -"~'.L"7-;tyd J '" »- * F _ , -, 'I .u . .1 4 »"L'7.-921'-,¢'~'T"-F,:-_».._~=,<;-»_, . j; 3 7,.'~>H K? w ' .;'".'=-. /. -=.'; 1:1 .' " A i".T l 1.: ¥..,! 5 53* ~.7'H~92J4*n.F §'£:...__3,;-;-:;~;'-1* .1i~<;r P." . - '~+-H ". " ! ">'~--1?...T*'-..-:"-.','-~' 4'1, !92v ,1!" I . :§'.i _. __ __. _ .....,._. _.-- .._.' .. ;-__» .-. , _.. ..._..,._.-_..... .- _ -Q. ' 7 H < -s - _ _ . ,92 W," . _ ,,,tf"'r ~6;_;!-i ' g. , .. _ _ __ .._ q U: . J __________,_7_,_._ Y ' »_ 92 Q I "5 . O .["-.51-rv-~n.K JOHN socan Omicron HOOVER . & /O C' I - " k --1'! ~ - 5. : " = -3 iE ,1-1-V-.-1.1.»-1, __________ : .1, F-v. B»!!"~..~n'.92 _..... 5 »- t _ _ ggebaral giureau of grresgamt h_:_mu Q "":~'C'le.'k __________ ........ H.. -V» , ,s *0-1' it 5. §*PH1'1m=111 sf 3!-1-== i *1-* i |. ~y T4.1 _ y Fir. Filwardl ..--.. E amcsa 3sael1a.g1=n, §. GI. i gs-u___.__-__.. ' F 7'575 I-Qzwrm 4' January 27; 1936 nu. » ab. ,_ . P ----."'.'.Y* Er. Joseph _..--. _. ¢ .._ Yr. Knit? ...--. .._.-- Fir. I.oev:r...._..-..- L I. $5-I51.-_; 2-:1». 1 .. ~ _ .... !.!E.-FOFLANDUM I-OP. was DIRECTOR V 1.1.. sen-1'1: ....... v 1-_~= 1 I F ; ea. ._ gt:-.""._ 7 7H ..._ .;, ah M1. Tu-nzn ........ .. -_,.;-1'. »_-3 ..~-N .1 RE: ALVIN KARPIS, with aliases, x1'.192l¢Y-»--~----' Fugitive, I. O. 1213, et al, MhsGuM! ........ at EDZARD GEORGE BREAER, Victim, .i_"._~"~~ ~22- KIDNAPING. 4' ,._".. we;-' On January 24, 1936 a jury at St. Paul, Hinnesota ;<_ , _.-» A-1.. ~ returned a verdict of guilty as to the three defendants who were 1.": » 3 on trial at that point. Harry Sawyer and William Weayer were imme- diately sentenced to life imprisonment. Judge Nordbye of the 5'-. ~ United States District Court deferred sentence as to Cassius McDonald w _, ,..»{':; -.1 » .. us ,. ';. _.-1, until February l, 1936. A stay of execution was granted as to all >41'-:3:~.;. 2: 1. of the defendants until January 31, 1936, and it is the desire of ,1-,Z_f'..-<9 the Judge and the United States Attorney to have certain inquiries made at Detroit, Michigan as to the mental capacity of McDonald, :;~..,_,ta . -s -.: .71- prior to his being sentenced. This request has been made of the Detroit Office and the investigation is proceeding at that point. "~.">. 4» lfzép ; -E:-T-'.-'_! r .92'J.' '. > In compliance with your pen consents appearing on a aft: u. 92 - --. 5'1, . teletype from the St. Paul Office dated January 22nd to the effect ~;.' that~the B eau be furnished information given by Dolores£Delaney "* awé and ynonagurdette as to the facts which will assist in further search for the remaining subjects in this case, I have been informed by Special Agent K. R. Mclntire, who recently returned from St. Paul, gala_' S that this information is being forwarded as quickly as possible. :2*>"~.. You will be advised of the complete statements of the aforementioned BIn persons immediately upon receipt thereof in the Bureau. 92. Respectfully, - . 1 -L _ ._ _ 92-..,_ A. R-05611. _ ECG] & ED ._ ,_.._-_.___-.. - F" ' if"__,..,_ ._.. .-_ . _._. ._ .. DEXEDt Q- _7Z-ZcZc- _ -J/-92@~' 3] 1935 ru92 c;J __f .; _.'.>._-.. __-.._. .. .. ._.- -...__.. _ ._- _- _ '92 v§§ -$6§ l 92 <<':_ L I i_'.. v I - 1 s.-; ..- 92 " """'""" '"" """'""""'"' ""'""""" "'""""' W ,",',,{/ . - ! > - . Pu Q < " -ii . 1 _SELMA, ALA. 192 es ~,-w -n_~'-rwuv-'..-- '9 .54 1'ln!E.N I. "" 3, }!_P.B&L§!!. .. .. '2! 0 V ».|.. Q __, .~ ..-- -_~.. ..,~---.-.--...¢-1 ..,-', I M u= " Hr. T¢~*~!~ 4 I h ef cieri ,-_ _.:. .- W!s'.rMr. Cieggt, F Cuff:-y__ _______ Q January 29, 1936 > Edwards .__....

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