SECTION BANK REGISTER ONE RED BANK, N. J., THUIISDAY, JULY 7, 1938. PAGES 1 TO 12. Rhesus, The Rhesus Campaign On To County Clerk Opens Saturday Stop Speeding Geo. H. Roberts Boat Club Fair ToM^t joebitfk On The Streetses At Colt's Neck To Be Honored Foarteen Attractions This Yea* A temperamental monkey, which from the car and Mr. Brown, drove Twenty-Two Arrest* Made Over Testimonial Dinner to be Held To Open July 16; at one moment could be right affec- to JSatontown where he told his story •—Nfw Dance Floor wri tionate and -then In a twinkling prove to Chief Harry N. Kirkegard: The the Week-End and Holiday by Saturday Night, July 23, at :-ffiMaiate.I^Wpnfc fromlc& gandttond — Ground Prises quite cantankeious, broke away latter notified Policeman Otto Her- Township Constable and Four Red Bank Elks Home—Tick- from the Broderson estate at Shrews- den, and a posso to search for the Fr*ej,Ev«ry Night. , bury Sunday and decided! to take a monk was started. Recorder Elmer State Troopers. ets Limited to 400. One Week of Fun walk down .Broad street in the bor- C. Walnright, Constable Leon A. Ben- _*Joe Burlc, who won the Afttl* of The Little Sllver^nremen'a ' fair ough, nett and a trooper from the Keyport Constable Frank Demarest, four County Clerk George H. Roberts the. Diamond BoulU ID the* Royal opens Saturday night of this week. Harry. Brown of Branch avenue, barracks of the state police formed state troopers and Recorder George of New Monmouth will be the guss: Playground Is Preparations Being Made Henley Regatta. In England last With aew attrawtlfas for the enjoy- who happened to .be driving along the party. > V. nimensee carried on a campaign of honor at a testimonial dinner to Saturday jthereby booomlnrtheworM ment of the patrons. The fair, which Broad street at the time, slowed bis . The monkey Was located on the Saturday, Sunday and Monday to be held In the large auditorium of to Hold Fair on Mon- champion sculler; uliad. immediately will be held on the plot adjoining car down as he drew close to the highway but he proved to be an stop speeding and reckless driving the Red Bank Elks home Saturday Re-opened With oh the 8. 9. Normendle, and will ar- the' flre house, will continue nightly simian' to get a closer look. After elusive animal. A game of tag fol- at Colt's Neck and In other parts of night, July 23, mouth Boat Club Prop- rive In New.York Monday, July 41, all- next, week, dosing Saturday all, it iaVt everyday that, one sees lowed as traffic began to pile up. Atlantic township. Twenty-two au- This is not a political affair, ac- A Field Day to <?rd«r to compete In'tba Nationanight,Jull y 16. monkeys walking along the highway. While the beast proved more agile tolsts were arrested and fines'rang- cording to the committee In charge, erty on Riverfront. Mowing Championships being, held 'Altogether there are 14 attractions ' The primate, probably believing than his human cousins, it was man's ing from 16 to $25 were Imposed. In as there will be speakers from both : Qb the North Shrewsbury river Here this year. Encouraged by the' suc- that he was being offered a ride, superior mental faculties that won a number of instances hearings were of the major parties as well as rep- More Than 100 Persons Parti- Saturday and Sunday, July 2J and cess of last year's fair the firemen hopped Into the car and made him- the game. • postponed for a week. resentatives of theae parties from all self right at home. The monkey, even It was Chief Klrkegard's idea and parts of the county and state. cipate in Opening Day Activ- ; Sunday was-the biggest day of the •«•:--.-.' ', •-•••• ••' •:• "•.•'•, -K*-\:' have added several new,/booths and •Arrangements are' underway' to features. An added Improvement Is sought to express his. appreciation It proved to be a good one. A chain three-day campaign. The little town- ities—Horseshoe Tournamest Dancing and Games have a number of committee -mem- a new outdoor dance floor and band- by attempting to embrace the driv- about five feet long dangled from ship hall at Colt's Neck was crowded bers of the National -8wee.pstktai Ke- stand. : Fete Galatro'a 11-plece or- er, who, not having consulted Emily the monkey's neck, and an automo- most of the day with arrested auto- Won by Fred L. Jones. gitta association, which • Js- running chestra will play nightly for dancing Post .lately, was at a loss as Just how bile . was' rolled across the end of it mobile drlversi and officers. It was Among Many Features the Red Bank races) to meet th«-,ln- and the bandstand will be decorated to meet such an exigency. before the monk could say "Jack the largest experience of the sort that Colt's Neck has ever had. Those A horseshoe tournament, softball cominjr'Normandle w(th *•, fleet of In orange and black to harmonize One thing the driver did. know, Robinson," provided monks could game and sothcr outdoor activities cruisers to greet Burlc, who has been with the snappy color combination however,; and that ta that one cant say "Jack Robinson" and 'further who are carrying on the campaign say this Is not the end of the drive. were held Fourth of July in cele- The Mcnmouth Boat club fair, to Bailed as one of tsekreatalt rowers of the musicians' jackets and trous- drive a motor vehicle efficiently with provided monks would care to say bration of the second opening of the te the history loTttfe-sport ers. - '.-••• a monkey hanging around one's "Jack Robinson" even if they could. They state that the officers will be be held from Saturday, July 18, un- on the job again soon to make more Red Bank Playground at the local til Saturday, July 23,' on the grounds . Although oritlei differ over the i 'Randolph.Weld, who was general neck. So the only thing for him to The- result, without further ver- athletic field. Richard P. Guest, f,ectlvenesi of Joe Burk's'freak hifh- do was to repulie the simian's ad biage, was.to pin the animal to the arrests and. that this will be con- of the organization. Is expected to chairman of last year's fair, is again : tinued from time to time until auto- playground director, was In charge .b»at style, it Is not dlfBcult to Ib- head of the committee this year. El- vances. But the said'almlan, posses- spot, as it were. Until the owner, Eu- eclipse any of the previous falr»ever Ists profit frpm experience and learn of the activities, and mere than, 100 held ,by< the. club. No pains, axe bar- cafe the aburce of hit powerful liott Borden Is secretary, John P, sing the aforementioned tempera- gene Walsh of the Broderson estate, persons took part. sti-oking and' ability to maintain his ment, didn't take to the Idea, and that they cannot speed ' and drive ing spared by the committee in paep* Kemp treasurer and O. Douglas arrived to-take him home. recklessly through the township with The playground, being operated on murderous pace. • • " :•••••'.•: Parker assistant treasurer. , - his embraces turned Into an attack, The same animal a short time ago, aratlon for this, event and there Is • Impunity. a co-operatlvo plan by the Red Bank little doubt but that, weather permit- Both Harvey H&rman,, nil football The grand prise this year will be during which the mammal tore Mr. according to police, broke loose and ooaoh; and"Rusty*' Callow, his row- Brown's collar and bit him In the For a number of months past the borough council, board of education ting, all who attend will be assured $100. Six additional prlxes of 15 will called at Brookslde Inn, where be and Y. M. C. A., officially opened ing coach at Pennsylvania,', rated Wm neck. ' A made himself known' to the cus- township commltteemen have been of an evening or more of joyful en- be" awarded. Particular care has deluged with complaints about speed- Tuesday morning for children be- tertalnment. the "moat ' powerful man I • ever been taken in the selection of ground The monkey was finally extricated tomers. coached." •. • - • Ing, and they state that they are de- tween 7 and 18 while another play- George W. Bray Is chairman of the 1 prizes,: which will be awarded free termined to end the menace, Driving ground officially opened the same general committee In charge which He Was a tackle in football; report- nightly during the fair. These prises Ing as a freshman- When only IT. B> faster than the law allows, riding on morning In the rear of the Shrews- consists of Theodore D. Moore, Stu- 1 Include a cocktail shaker set, electric had, never rowed until he Joined Cal- Surprise Party Auxiliary Plans the dirt shoulders of the road and bury avenue school. Leo LaBlonda art Cook, Jr., Edwin Davis, Ensley low1 s squad in ,1930, But from the food mixer,'chocolate set, coffee urn passing on the wrong side of the Is In charge of the Shrewsbury ave- White and Andrew 8. White. flint Callow was .Impressed, first set* bridge table and chairs, cocktail Dessert-Bridge road were the principal complaints. nue playground, which is for chil- A number of booths will be in- Placing Joe in the No. 1 freshman cart. and. M-pleee dinner set For Publisher In a number of lnstanoes the auto- dren under seven years of age.
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