S?TdrJ:-r- fPSS?&W.- WsT'PIPiSPSIP & l pff --r i. THE NATIONAL TRIBUNE': WASHINGTON, D. 0., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1883. the speakers' stand and made a speech, which wo steam up the old river and pass Savannah, having been made in the work of preparing the ncaly, Lcwiston, Mo. It was decided to hold "WANTED ADDRESSES. Telegraph was truly eloquent. By 2 o'clock over 2,000 wo will miss the magnificent fleet of vessels regimental history, announcing a bookof some the next Beunion at Colebrook, N. H. At the Instruments. SOUND THE ASSEMBLY anchored near shore, but instead 500 pages, which it is hoped to have ready for close of tho business meeting Secretary Men-neal- y ANTED. The address of any member of Co. E, persons were present. There wero comrades once proudly W 2d iu. cavalry, by jlrs. Alice niatchiey, Fox $3.50. twenty years. wo will be greeted by a gallant band of old distribution early in the coming year. This was presented with a handsome gold pen Lake, Wis. present who had not met for a present heroes now formed into a G. A. B. Post at that announcement was received with much enthu- and holder, and a beautiful inkstand, -- One old veteran was overheard to say: "I TANTED. The addresses of Robert E. place. And then,- - as wo steam up tho river and siasm, and tho boys, conscious of having made from tho boys. In the evening Custer Belief Slnclalrrtst would give five years of my life rather than v, Vy Lieut.; Wra. IL Snow, 1st LlcuL.and Johnttirr, The Veterans Are Gailioring Prom Beunion." There was a sham battle pass the island above Crump's, wo will behold an uublcinished record in the war, are naturally Corps gave a firstrclass banquet, after hich a of Co. G, 2d Mass. heavy art, by Joseph Piper, Shirley miss this 107-S- Camp-fir- e was Village, Moss. t. in afternoon, which was very exciting and thestars and stripes floating from the bluff, once auxious to see the recoid of it in print. rousing held. the reported past a and Prom Par. interesting. After tho battle a short speech alive with Union soldiers and now the resting Somo deaths wero during the T ANTED. Tho addresses or Robert Conly. of Co. Near Lieuteuaut-Colone- Soldiers' Reunion at Mcl'Iicrson, Kan. V V was made by General C. W. Pavey on tho sub- place of so many gallant dead. A comrade year, and notably that of l B, lath Indiana; Kill Edwards and Reess Stevens, G. Colt, was first of Indiana regiments; Sergeant Smith ami Henry Vf. ject of organizing an association to perpetuato from Waterloo, Iowa, thus beautifully writes Thomas of Pittsfield, who the Tho Beunion of old veterans at McPhcrson, Wheeler, of Co. I, and IL Hill, of Co. H.lOth Massachu- Eounious. The following persons wero to Comrade Kuhl, and I can do no better than adjutant of tho regiment, and warmly beloved Kan., on tho 4th inst., presented the pleasing setts, who knew me in Andersonville and Florence Pris- or Trrontj-thlr- d Slasraelinsctts. theso re- ons, by Howard Carr, Tacoma, Wa3h. Ter. Reunion tlio elected officers of tho now association: Presi- repeat his words: " What a terrible host of re- by every member. Appropriate resolutions spectaclo of four hundred old veterans in line, 10M6t D. Tetonms of tlio Twenty-thir- d ICcgiiaont C. Childs, of Coultcrvillo; vice-preside- nt, flections and memories tho sight of tho old specting his loss were adopted, and at 5 o'clock keeping time to martial music. Tho Beunion The. addresses of Dr. A. Sidney Stevens, The dent, Dr. J. surgeon charge Awociatiou, lurid, tlioir ; battlefield call up in our tho veterans were escorted to the depot by Lyon was held under the auspices of B.McPherson t acting assistant in of 7th division. 3Iuh3acfeusetts Veteran Captain S. B. Hood treasurer, Jas. camps and will J. Dennisoa General Hospital, in lSfio; also. Dr. Lunjr, as- thirteenth aunwd Itounlun at Beverly, Maw., Bottom; secretary, B. J. Harmer; correspond- niinds. Oh ! how tho heart will swell, how Post, G. A. B., well satisfied with tho occasion. Post of that city, and Silas Miller Post, of Can sistant surgeon, 43 tli Ohio infantry, at Murfrecsboro, oh the aSUi ult. ThJ6 tvas tho largest gathcr-iu- g ing secretary, M. E. Foster. Bcsolutions of tho throat will feel filled, tho breast heave, and Tho committee on tho brigado Beunion would ton, and nothing was left undone that tended Tenn.. in May and June, 1SS3, by J. A. Leonard, Shan- Thirty-sixt- h non. 111. 111-- St over hold by tLo association, xaoro than 150 thanks were fendcrcd to Mr. Matthews Mc-Cluik- on tho whole being quiver with tho burden of like to hear from any members of tho to make the affair tho success which it was. veterans using present. The rogiruont was od and the citizens of Sparta for their overpowering emotfon that the sight and tho New York. There wero seven companies, organized as fol- The addresses of any officers or men who -- WANTED. varionsportioiis of the State oom-panitK vet- occasion will give rise to. want to wander lows: Company A, G. W. Freelove, captain; on U. S. gunboat "Nipsic" in 1S&J, by Outfit,! Remit S3.50 from gouerons hospitality, after which the old I 111-- Complete Dennis Hoban, Plains, Pa. lt I A, B, MarWebead; C, Glou-ceefte- r; old place onco more and ponder over Soldiers' Reunion at Rising Sun, Ind. company B, Fred Jackson, captain ; company With Instruction Boolr. J Forwarded by Express. at Salem; erans struck tent and departed for their homes over the -- D, Xiky Bedford; E, Plymouth; P, of Beunion. past." 1 am glad theso Eeunions and ex- On the morning of October 3d the streets of C, J.W. Hill, captain ; company DjBenj. Evans, TTrANTED.-The addre?3of H. 31. Hunter, of Co.D, Instruments only, by S3.00. with happy memories this the V 30th 3Ias3. V0I3., by W. H. Kenney, Hoillster, Cal. mail, Ipswich; - becoming wero gay flags and tho W. O. Gray, S2-S- Salem; G, Beverly; H, Harvard; I, a cursions to old battlefields are tho Bising Sun, Ind., with captain; company E, captain; lli-2- t Instruments only, by express, 0. K, Fs1i-- and all wore lately reprosontod. Beunion or the Tenth 'eit Hampshire ' rage all over tho country. The occasions are sound of music, tho occasion being a soldiers' company F, A. Bunyan, captain; company G, For Look only remit stamp, 03. G, of town, when it was mustered to imbed within our memory the Beunion. Although tho affair was gotten by up A. S. Eastlick, captain. Tho companies wero 'X ANTED. The addresses of Snr"eon Tarbox, Cor- - Compfiny this Tho Beunion of the old Tenth New Hamp- calculated Vf Taylor, and the men of Co. B, 12th V. R. C., THE ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO., Ch-ti:- i, our Second battery, of every into the service, was officered as follows: shire at Nashua, that State, on tho 20th ult., most beautiful and pleasant recollections of the Indiana members divided into two divisions with M. P. Simpson, with me at Goshen, N. Y., In January, '&!, when I broke 17 Dey Street, New TotIc. old service wero cordially invited to commander-in-chie- f; Hughes, my leg, by John Welsh, Tunnel St., Pittsburg, Pa. .lulm W. Sayraond; first lieutenant, iL was the occasion of true enjoyment. After pa- lives. If, as will be tho case at Shiloh, the branch of the J. F. adjutant of 2i Sfention The National 1 n'oun?. commander-in-chie- f; 112 V. Woodbury; second lieutenant, D. W. Ham- rading through the principal streets tho veter- Confederate veterans will meet us and shako attend. The veterans were welcomed by Mayor the First division, and M. L. Drake, Raymond came homo as eol-ou- el graves of both our dead, tho D. S. Miller a short address, which was re- John O. Hall, adjutant of the Second ANTED. The address of any members of the 15th Thr World ryatcli Stationer mond. Captain hands over tho in r..-- . wero 9 ....-- . lu KMfcll. .. ans marched to Union Hall, where they Mass. were prisorieraat -- n.tr ika (V1V3 V14tjU ..;,.. B. S., to by Capt. J. S. Wheeler, of Jefforson-vill- o. inf. who taken the battle xm j tlUHtlnU liWIL of the regiment, and Lieutenant II. P. handsomely and bountifully banqueted. After occasions will bo doubly precious. E. sponded division. Tho boys were a little rusty, and at of Reams' Station, August 23, '&, by Geo. Fish. Co. E, v4KA ra "" contains MH seeew not Woodbury captain of company A, of Salem. 46th Illinois Inf. Diimcr was spread on a long table in first made some laughable mistakes, but was I'oresi, untano, can. irz-- n btUUILLZI IaDr lrl Envelopes, i'enctl. Pen HcMer. m ample discussion of the viands, cigars were light- it l'on, and a. candsomd pieco of Jewelry. Retail price by Colonel court-hous- o and was followed by an to onco 25 The meeting was called to order ed, and tho band rendered a medly of old war EvAKSviLiiE, Inc., Sept. 26. , tho yard easy tell they had all been thcro. After cents. FonrdoionforSG.OO, A watch guaranteed W. ltavmond. president of tho association, & hour of social intercourse, renewing acquaint- marching aud drilling for awhile, they partook with) every fourilozen you order. For 3.: Cents Jnhn songs. General Donohoc then rapped to order, two-cen- t presence Beunion of tho 130th Pennsylvania.
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