Eastern Illinois University The Keep April 1995 4-7-1995 Daily Eastern News: April 07, 1995 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1995_apr Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: April 07, 1995" (1995). April. 6. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1995_apr/6 This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1995 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in April by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. aln On the road again There'll be horns aplentyin Baseball team travels to Partly cloudy and cool ­ the Doudna Fine er with a high of60. Arts Center Western for conference games. Friday, April 7, 1995 F..a tem Illinois UnJvers tyi Cha leston. 111. 61920 Vol. 80. a. 134 16 page , two sections Group calls for increase in Coke, Pepsi boycott By KATIE VANA blanketing the area with let­ vice unions. Staffwrtter ters and fliers. "It is a huge task that will The Haiti Connection take a lot of time," Hoster The Ha iti Connection called for a boycott last week said. "We don't have that decided Thursday that to support locked-out work­ time right now. We hope to increasing awareness and ers at AE. Staley in Decatur. approach some organizations gaining local support will be The plant locked out 763 of that members are involved in the next steps in their boy­ its workers on June 27, 1993. now, but the full-fledged tar­ co tt against A.E. St aley A.E. Staley produces a geting of (recognized student Manufacturing Co. com swee tener used by Coca­ organizations) and unions "We want people who real­ Cola and Pe psico Inc. for will be in the fall." ly know the issue and want their beverages, thus the The Haiti Connection also to be involved to sign the rationale for boycotting the hopes to meet next week postcards," Chairman Chris two companies. with Jody Horn, director of Hoster said at the group's Members said their next dining services, to try and meeting Thursday night. "We step will be to involve recog­ get food services to join the don't just want people for nized student organizations boycott. The juice machines their signatures." and campus labor unions. in Taylor and Thomas resi­ Members have decided on They hope to get the groups dence halls are owned by a mixture of protesting and involved by this fall. Coca-Cola. taJking to different organiza­ Among the groups target­ Juice at Pemberton, tions that will include a ed for support will be the Stev enson and the Gregg phone demonstration, setting University Professionals of t SeeBO YCOTTPage lA up informational tables and Illinois and other civil ser- Just the tax, ma'am On April 1 7, Uncle Sam gets his ByAMY DAVIS AT A GLANCE Staffwriter April 17. Tax deadline: April 17 One day, one goal: finish your taxes before midnight. Basic form: 1040 EZ. Available at the Charteston Carnegie Fo r many Eastern stu­ Library, 712 Sixth St. Xerox copies are available at Booth dent.a, the tax procrastination Library. LASHINDA CLARK/Staffphotographer has taken a turn for the worse. Booth Library - the Where to get help: Volunteer Income Tax Assistance group, Hotstepper main resource for tax forms which wiU meet 6to 8 p.m. Tuesday in 310 Coleman Hall. Andrea 1iLmer, senior human resource management mqjor. on campus - ran out of the strikes a pose at the Black Student Union's Fashion Show basic 1040 form weeks ago. When to expect returns: Four to six weeks. "Fever 95" Thursday tn the Martin Luther King Junior King "We gave out thousands of Junior Grand Ballroom tax return forms since we put Helpful hints: File as ear1y as possible, and ask for help if them out in Januar y," said you don't know the answer. Filing for an extension will only Lois Dickenson, a Booth allow someone to put off filing, but you'll still have to pay operations assistant. "There taxes on time. There are financial penalties for fifing late. Rec center fee hike was a rush of people picking up forms two weeks ago. Toll-free number for the IRS: 1-800-829-44n enough for 5 years "We're completely out of ByCHRIS SEPER per semester increase in stu­ tax forms and won't get any maze of 1040s, w2s and tax bon is part of a nationwide, Campus editor dent fees that included hi1ring extension requests before the IRS-sponsored group more this year, " Dickenson the Rec Center fee from $55 t.o deadline passes them by. designed to help people with said. "At this po int, we're The recent $5 increase in the $60. The fee cannot be "I think the major thing is their taxes free of charge. copying forms for students." Student Recreation Center fee increased again unless to have the information "If you worked at two or But there's still hope for should be the last one students approved by a vote of the stu­ together," said Bill Wootton, three places, worked part students looking for help see for at least five years, the dent body, according to stipula­ an acco unting professor who time or in a summer job, with their tax forms. Campus vice president for student tions spe lled out when the fee works at the campus make sure you have all your gro ups and other agencies affairs said. was first approved by the cam­ Volunteer Income Tax ssis­ W2s," Wootton said. The W2 are willing to help students The Board of Governors pus in 1989. find their way through the tance group. The organiza- approved on March9 a $13.35 • See TAX Page lA • See REC CENTER Page lA First candidate for VP academic affairs to visit ByCHAD GALIAGBER Ellensburg, will be on campus Monday interviewing session for faculty and assist me in interviewing," Moore said. Adm1n1stration editor and Tuesday to meet with various uni­ students at 3:30 p.m. on Monday in the Moore said he will be obtaining versityofficials and students. 1895 Room of the Martin Luther King information on various areas of the The first of five candidates applying The vice president for academic Jr. University Union. university to help familiarize himself for provost and vice president for affairs position, currently held by Moore said he has been involved in with the school. Academic Affairs will be on campus Barbara Hill, is the second most power­ administrative duties since he began as "I'm coming here to study and work Monday to meet with students, faculty ful position at the university. Hill will assistant provost at Kent State with the institution to get a better and administrators. be taking administrative leave begin­ University in Kent, Ohio, in 1975. sense of key issues and concerns," Thomas D. Moore, pr ovost and vice ning June 1 and retiring Dec. 1. "I hope that my relatively long and Moore sa id. president for Ac ademic Affairs at Moore will attend various meetings vast experience at different institutions Moore said he is interested in areas Central Washington University in during his visit along with an open is what I will bring with me to most " SeeCANDIDATE Page lA Friday,April7, 1995 The Daily Eastern New• FROM PAGE 1 Boycott t From Page lA alumni and friends of the uni­ Center has already joined the Connection hopes participants aware of the situation," Hoster Triad food service are not dis­ versity at the end of May. boycott of Coca-Cola and will pick a time everyday of said. the week to call in and voice •Amass-posting of fliers on tributed by Coca-Cola. Lanham, who is also lay Pepsico. minister at Eastern's Newman "If it can begin to expand their opinion on the situation vending machines, bulletin Members have already sent Catholic Center, said he will from a center point, that is at A.E. Staley. They hope other boards and anywhere visible letters to communities and col­ also speak to all statewide where it will take off from," schools that have received to students. Each member of leges in central and southern campus ministers and ask for Lanham said. their fliers andletters will join the group is supposed to have Illinois asking for organiza­ all Newman Centers to join Other plans for the boycott in on the call-in. the fliers with them at all tions to join in the boycott. Roy the boycott. He will also send include: "We're trying to get a small times. Lanham, adviser to the Haiti letters to 169 Catholic church­ •A mass call-in protest to group from every university •A table in Coleman Hall to Connection, said he is plan­ es in Central IDinois. Coca-Cola and Pepsico for the and college to call-in to show allow students to ask ques­ ning to send notices to 6,000 Eastern's Newman Catholic week of April 17. The Haiti these companies people are tions and help in the boycott. • FromPage lA and board, it would be taxable." people do not know what tax forms to vary depending on the amount of tax Eastern's chapter of the Volunteer use or what information is required paid. form tabulates the amount of money Income Tax Assistance group will on the forms, said Judy Wallace of Taxpayers can get an extension, you made at a certain job as well as meet from to p.m. Tuesday in Larson, Woodyard Henson CPA in but that will not put off paying any the taxes you paid while you were 6 8 310 & Coleman Hall.
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