6th IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control 6th IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control June6th IFAC 22-24, Symposium 2016. Istanbul, on System Turkey StructureAvailable and Controlonline at www.sciencedirect.com June6th IFAC 22-24, Symposium 2016. Istanbul, on System Turkey Structure and Control June 22-24, 2016. Istanbul, Turkey ScienceDirect IFAC-PapersOnLine 49-9 (2016) 099–104 H active anti-roll bar control to prevent rollover H∞ active anti-roll bar control to prevent rollover ∞ of heavy vehicles: a robustness analysis ∞ of heavy vehicles: a robustness analysis Van-Tan Vu ∗ Olivier Sename ∗ Luc Dugard ∗ Peter Gaspar ∗∗ Van-Tan Vu ∗ Olivier Sename ∗ Luc Dugard ∗ Peter Gaspar ∗∗ Van-Tan Vu ∗ Olivier Sename ∗ Luc Dugard ∗ Peter Gaspar ∗∗ Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GIPSA-lab, F-38402 Grenoble Cedex, France ∗ Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GIPSA-lab, F-38402 Grenoble Cedex, France CNRS,∗ Univ. GIPSA-lab, Grenoble F-38402 Alpes, GIPSA-lab, Grenoble Cedex, F-38402 France. Grenoble E-mail: Cedex,Van-Tan.Vu, France CNRS,∗ Univ. GIPSA-lab, Grenoble F-38402 Alpes, GIPSA-lab, Grenoble Cedex, F-38402 France. Grenoble E-mail: Cedex,{Van-Tan.Vu, France CNRS, GIPSA-lab,olivier.sename, F-38402 luc.dugard [email protected] Cedex, France. E-mail: {Van-Tan.Vu, olivier.sename, luc.dugard}@gipsa-lab.grenoble-inp.fr{ ∗∗ Systemsolivier.sename, and Control luc.dugardLaboratory,}@gipsa-lab.grenoble-inp.fr Institute for Computer Science and ∗∗ Systems and Control Laboratory,} Institute for Computer Science and Control,∗∗ Systems Hungarian and Control Academy Laboratory, of Sciences, Institute Kende for u. Computer 13-17, H-1111 Science Budapest, and Control, HungarianHungary. Academy E-mail: of Sciences, [email protected] Kende u. 13-17, H-1111 Budapest, Control, HungarianHungary. Academy E-mail: of Sciences, [email protected] Kende u. 13-17, H-1111 Budapest, Hungary. E-mail: [email protected] Abstract: Rollover of heavy vehicle is an important road safety problem world-wide. Although rollovers Abstract: Rollover of heavy vehicle is an important road safety problem world-wide. Although rollovers Abstract:are relativelyRollover rare events, of heavy they vehicle are usually is an important deadly accidents road safety when problem theyworld-wide. occur. In order Although to improve rollovers roll stability,are relatively most rare of modern events, heavy they are vehicles usually are deadly equipped accidents with passive when they anti-roll occur. bars In orderto reduce to improve roll motion roll stability,are relatively most rare of modern events, heavy they are vehicles usually are deadly equipped accidents with passive when they anti-roll occur. bars In orderto reduce to improve roll motion roll duringstability, cornering most ofor modern riding heavy on uneven vehicles roads. are This equipped paper with proposes passive an anti-rollH approach bars to to reduce design rollactive motion anti- rollduring bars cornering using the or yaw-roll riding on model uneven of roads. a single This unit paper heavy proposes vehicle. an TheH∞ controlapproach signals to design are theactive torques anti- rollduring bars cornering using the or yaw-roll riding on model uneven of roads. a single This unit paper heavy proposes vehicle. an TheH∞ controlapproach signals to design are theactive torques anti- generatedroll bars using by the the actuators yaw-roll at model the front of a and single rear unit axles. heavy Simulation vehicle. The results∞ control in both signals frequency are the and torques time generatedroll bars using by the the actuators yaw-roll at model the front of a and single rear unit axles. heavy Simulation vehicle. The results control in both signals frequency are the and torques time domainsgenerated are by provided the actuators to compare at the two front diff anderent rear cases: axles. passive Simulation anti-roll results bars and in bothH active frequency anti-roll and bars. time domains are provided to compare two different cases: passive anti-roll bars and H∞ active anti-roll bars. Itdomains is shown are that provided the use to compare of two H twoactive different (front cases: and passive rear) anti-roll anti-roll bars bars drastically and H∞ active improves anti-roll the bars. roll It is shown that the use of two H∞ active (front and rear) anti-roll bars drastically∞ improves the roll Itstability is shown of the that single the use unit of heavy two vehicleH∞ active to prevent (front and rollover. rear) anti-roll bars drastically improves the roll stability of the single unit heavy vehicle∞ to prevent rollover. stability of the single unit heavy vehicle∞ to prevent rollover. © 2016, IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Vehicle dynamics, Active anti-roll bar control, Rollover, Roll stability, H control, Keywords: Vehicle dynamics, Active anti-roll bar control, Rollover, Roll stability, H∞ control, Keywords:µ-analysis. Vehicle dynamics, Active anti-roll bar control, Rollover, Roll stability, H∞ control, µ-analysis. ∞ µ-analysis. ∞ 1. INTRODUCTION 1.2 Related works 1. INTRODUCTION 1.2 Related works 1. INTRODUCTION 1.2 Related works Some of the control methods applied for active anti-roll bar controlSome of on the heavy control vehicle methods are briefly applied presented for active below: anti-roll bar 1.1 Context controlSome of on the heavy control vehicle methods are briefly applied presented for active below: anti-roll bar 1.1 Context controla- Optimal on heavy control: vehicleSampson are brieflyet al presented(see Sampson below: and Cebon 1.1 Context a- Optimal control: Sampson et al (see Sampson and Cebon (1998),a- Optimal Sampson control: andSampson Cebon (2002))et al (see have Sampson proposed and a Cebon state The rollover is a very serious problem for heavy vehicle safety, feedback(1998), Sampson controller and which Cebon was (2002)) designed have by finding proposed an optimal a state The rollover is a very serious problem for heavy vehicle safety, feedback(1998), Sampson controller and which Cebon was (2002)) designed have by finding proposed an optimal a state whichThe rollover can result is a very in large serious financial problem and for environmental heavy vehicle conse-safety, controllerfeedback controller based on a which linear was quadratic designed regulator by finding(LQR) anfor optimal single whichquences. can In result order in to large improve financial roll stability,and environmental most of modern conse- controllerunit and articulated based on a heavy linear vehicles. quadratic regulator (LQR) for single quences.which can In result order in to large improve financial roll stability,and environmental most of modern conse- controllerunit and articulated based on a heavy linear vehicles. quadratic regulator (LQR) for single heavyquences. vehicles In order are to equipped improve with roll stability,passive anti-roll most of barsmodernto Theunit andLQR articulatedwas also applied heavy vehicles. to the integrated model including an heavyreducevehicles roll motion. are The equipped passive with anti-rollpassive bar has anti-roll the advantages bars to TheelectronicLQR was servo-valve also applied hydraulic to the damperintegrated model model and including a yaw-roll an reduceheavyvehicles roll motion. are The equipped passive with anti-rollpassive bar has anti-roll the advantages bars to TheelectronicLQR was servo-valve also applied hydraulic to the damperintegrated model model and including a yaw-roll an toreduce reduce roll the motion. body roll The acceleration passive anti-roll and roll bar angle has the during advantages single modelelectronic of a servo-valve single unit heavy hydraulic vehicle. damper The modelinput control and a yaw-rollsignal is towheel reduce lifting the body and cornering roll acceleration maneuvers. and roll However, angle during the passive single themodel input of currenta single of unit the heavy electronic vehicle. servo-valve The input (Vu control et al., signal 2016). is wheelto reduce lifting the body and cornering roll acceleration maneuvers. and roll However, angle during the passive single themodel input of currenta single of unit the heavy electronic vehicle. servo-valve The input (Vu control et al., signal 2016). is wheelanti-roll lifting bar also and has cornering drawbacks. maneuvers. During corneringHowever, maneuvers,the passive theb-Neural input current network of the control: electronicBoada servo-valve et al.(2007) (Vu et al., proposed 2016). anti-rollwheel lifting bar also and has cornering drawbacks. maneuvers. During corneringHowever, maneuvers,the passive b- Neural network control: Boada et al. (2007) proposed itanti-roll transfers bar the also vertical has drawbacks. forces of oneDuring side cornering of suspension maneuvers, to the b-a reinforcement Neural network learning control: algorithmBoada using et al. neural (2007) networks proposed to itother transfers one, creating the vertical therefore forces a ofmoment one side against of suspension lateral force. to the improvea reinforcement the roll stability learning for algorithm a single usingunit heavy neural vehicle. networks to otherit transfers one, creating the vertical therefore forces a ofmoment one side against of suspension lateral force. to the improvea reinforcement the roll stability learning for algorithm a single usingunit heavy neural vehicle. networks to otherIn order one, to creating overcome therefore the drawbacks a moment of theagainst passive lateral anti-roll force. bar improvec- Robust the control roll stability(LPV) for: aGaspar single unitet al heavy(see vehicle. Gaspar et al. Inother order one, to creating overcome therefore the drawbacks a moment of theagainst passive lateral anti-roll force. bar c- Robust control (LPV): Gaspar et al (see Gaspar et al. systems,In order to several overcome schemes the drawbacks with possible of the active passive intervention anti-roll into bar c-(2005a), Robust Gaspar control et al.(LPV) (2004): Gaspar and Gasparet al et(see al. (2005b)) Gaspar et have al. systems,the vehicle several dynamics schemes have with been possible proposed. active One intervention of them intoem- applied(2005a), Linear Gaspar Parameter et al.
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