PAPAL PROGRAM BEST DEFENSE AGAINST REDS The Regiiter H«§ the Internetionil News Service (W ire SDd M ail), the N. C. W. C. News Service (Including Radios and Cables), NAZI POLICY Its Own Special Service, Lumen Service ol China, International Illustrated News, and N . C. W . C. Picture Service. PRINCIPLES IN, Local Local Thomas J. Reed, writing Edition Edition in Extension magazine for IS ATTACKED ENCYCLICALSi May on “Prophecies About the Popes,” tells us that the THE next Pope will be named Gregory XVII and will be the BY CARDINAL ARE OUTLINED Angelic Pastor, foretold wist* fully by many prophets for Vatican-German Tension Increased; Show­ Msgr. John A. Ryan’s Talk Is Highlight of long centuries. Reed bases Catholic Conference on Industrial his prediction on a prophecy down in Persecution of Church “ REGISTER(Name Registered iU the U. S. Patent Office) I of the Mpnk of Padua Problems at Denver (whose identity is unknown In Reich Nears VOL. XIII No. 22 DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, MAY 30, 1937 TWO CENTS t beyond this meager descrip­ Chicago.— (INS)— Cardinal Mui|delein, Archbishop As the highlight of a two-(iay session of the Catholic tion). The monk wrote 300 Conference on Industrial Problems at Denver, Colo., the years ago and correctly fore­ of Chicago, called on fellow Churchmen to retaliate against the German Nazi government and its highest officials, On Street Campaign for Christ New Lisle Abbot Rt. Rev. Msgr. John A. Ryan of the Catholic university, di­ told the very names of 19 of rector of the N.C.W.C. Social Action department, gave a the last 20 Supreme Pontiffs. whom he bitterly charged with “ malicious propaganda” against the Catholic Church. W ill Be Blessed talk on “ Two Ways of Fighting Communism.” Monsignor “ Were the Popes influenced Ryan scored the use of violent language and of false ac­ by this prophecy when se­ American Catholics, the Cardinal told more than 500 In Chicago July 5 prelates and priests at the quarterly diocesan conference, cusations against Communists, and showed the fallacy of lecting their names? We attacking their program without offering any constructive don’t know. Moreover, we should be ready to fight back, inasmuch as the various Chicago.— The Rt. Rev. Pro­ orders under attack in Germany copius Neuzil, O.S.B., will be system in its place and of making wild statements as to might as well admit here have communities in this area. blessed July 5 as third Abbot of their numbers in the United States. that we don’t know much Cardinal Mundelein was urged to St. Procopius’ abbey. Lisle, 111. The conference, held in a dis­ about the Paduan Monk, ex­ set aside a day for all churches to Archbishop Amleto Giovanni Ci- trict in which agricultural labor B9I, Substitute hear of persecution under the cognani, Apdstolic Delegate to the problems are severe, drew a large cept that he lived in Padua [Italy] in the middle of the Nazi regime; United Statses, will perform the attendance. At each session, some ceremony in St. Procopius’ church, phase of the economic program Catholic Schools eighteenth century,” says Nazi persecution of Catholics, Cardinal Mundelein charged, has Chicago, where the new prelate given in encyclicals of Popes Leo Reed. For NRA, Would been concentrated at publicized worked for many years. XIII and Pius XI was presented. trials of monks and lay'brothers The blessing of the new Abbot Speakers included prominent cleri­ The Paduan improved op on charges of immorality. An­ will be the first ecclesiastical func­ cal and lay leaders,, both Catholic Growth in U.S. Is and nori-Catholic, from Colorado, the famous prophecies of St. other salient point of attack on tion at which the Papal Delegate the Church, he said, has been will officiate within the Archdio­ Nebraska, Missouri, and \Vashing- Malachy, who was born in Stop Labor Evils ton, D. C. directed at the Church schools cese of Chicago. A host of prel­ Armagh, Ireland, in 1094 and Catholic youth organizations. ates, priests, and distinguished Monsignor Ryan, who based his Declared Marvel and who left a curious list Washington.— The purpose of “ The fight is to take the chil­ laymen is expected to attend the talk on the recent encyclical, Atheistic Communism, showed how of brief Latin descriptions of President Roosevelt to prevent the dren away from us,” Cardinal ceremony. Among these will be the Most Rev. William D. O’Brien, the program of the Pope is the New York.— A new textbook on the future Popes. This list exploitation and regulate the con­ Mundelein declared. “ If we show only charitable and effective meth­ ditions of labor has taken form no interest in this matter now, if Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago, who Catholic education in the United •was not discovered at Rome, in a bill that congress was asked will deliver the English, sermon, od of dealing with the menace of States has just been published by we shrug our shoulders and mut­ Communism. The two ways of where he had his “ vision,” to consider. It is regarded as a ter, “ Well, maybe there is some and the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Oldrich Benziger Bros. It is entitled] A His­ opposing and preventing Com­ until 400 years later. It is major item in the program of so­ truth in it,’ or ‘It is not our fight;’ Zlamal, pastor of Our Lady of tory of Catholic Education in the munism, he said, are the right hotly debated by historical cial • legislation that has always if we don’t back, up the Holy Fa­ Lourdes parish, Cleveland, who United States. The book is the work will preach in Czech. way and the wrong way, which of the Very Rev. J. A. Burns, writers and is accused of be­ been before him. ther when we have a chance, well, comprises several different meth­ This measure is aimed at the Abbot Neuzil was elected last C.S.C., of Notre Dame university when our turn comes we, too, will ods. ing— like the Greek oracle at establishment of a standard mini­ be fighting alone.” March 31 to succeed the Rt. Rev. and Bernard J. Kohlbrenner of David Goldstein of Boston, director of the Catholic Campaigners Valentine Kohlbeck, O.S.B., who The first wrong method he cited St. Louis university. The authors Delphi — given to expres­ mum wage, the regulation of Address Sharpens Division sions that can be so widely hours, and the limitation of child for Christ, is shown with the new motor bus with which he will enter was Abbot of the Lisle community was the use of violent language have drawn heavily from Father At Vatican City, Cardinal upon the fourth lap of a nation-wide tour of open-air .meetings. He of Benedictines from 1919 until and the expression of hatred in Burns’ previous standard work, interpreted as to be fitted labor. To that extent it is a sub­ stitute for the invalidated NRA. Mundelein’s challenge to the Nazi will be assisted by Marius Risley. his death last Feb. 17. the denunciation of Communism. entitled Growth and Development to almost any Pope who may The President has expressed the regime was regarded as the fore­ As illustrations he told of a meet­ of the Catholic School System in runner of a showdown in the ing in New York in which a the United States. be chosen. Some of the belief that 90 per cent of the busi­ Canon’s Own Chapter Repudiates Him ness enterprises of the country are smoldering crisis between the prominent priest declared in ef­ In an introduction to the vol­ prophecies, however, a r e fect that, if the Communists want ume, the l[.ost Rev. John B. Peter­ particularly apt and all can disposed to maintain decent stand­ Church and Chancellor Hitler. ards of employment and that only The highest sources said the Car­ us to use force against them, “ We son, Bishop of Manchester and be worked out in a satisfac­ will rive it to them.” A borough president general of the National the 10 per cent need regulating. dinal’s address has served to VICIOUS STORY BY ^ D E A N ’ tory manner. For instanice, sharpen the cleavage in the dis­ president at the same meeting said Catholic Educational association, If this is true, 90 per cent of the if he were mayor of New York Pius VI/ was foretold as business concerns will probably pute over religious liberty in Ger­ writes that the growth of Catholic Peregrinus Apostolicus. He subscribe to the purposes of the many and to stiffen the Vatican’s he would instruct the police thus: schools since the Third Plenary proposed legislation/ although they (Turn to Page 2 — Column 3) IN SPAIN PROVED FALSE “ Boys, get about three feet of Baltimore council ‘‘has been the nilade a long journey into may take exception to the methods rubber hose and don’t bring any dutstanding marvel in the religious Communists back to the station Germany, had a lengthy by which it is administered. history of America.” \ house.” reign as Pope (24 years), The basic standard for a mini­ Another Letter The great lie about Guernica, columnists as the greatest crimi­ ladolid, and visitors to Guernica “ The history of this movement mum wage is 40 cents an hour with distributed by Soviet propaganda nal act of modern warfai-e, is be­ have discovered conclusive evi­ Contrasted with this, Monsignor is enlightening and encouraging,’] and was an expatriate from agents in Spain, riven ci-edence by ing proved false by reliable testi­ dence that the Holy City was de^ Ryan quoted from Atheistic Com­ ho continues.
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